@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ using namespace dev; |
using namespace dev::p2p; |
using namespace CryptoPP; |
RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake& _init): m_macEnc() |
RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake const& _init): m_socket(_init.socket) |
{ |
// we need:
// originated?
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake& _init): m_macEnc() |
// authCipher
// ackCipher
bytes keyMaterialBytes(512); |
bytes keyMaterialBytes(64); |
bytesRef keyMaterial(&keyMaterialBytes); |
// shared-secret = sha3(ecdhe-shared-secret || sha3(nonce || initiator-nonce))
@ -44,23 +44,24 @@ RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake& _init): m_macEnc() |
_init.ecdhe.agree(_init.remoteEphemeral, ephemeralShared); |
ephemeralShared.ref().copyTo(keyMaterial.cropped(0, h256::size)); |
h512 nonceMaterial; |
h256& leftNonce = _init.originated ? _init.remoteNonce : _init.nonce; |
h256& rightNonce = _init.originated ? _init.nonce : _init.remoteNonce; |
h256 const& leftNonce = _init.originated ? _init.remoteNonce : _init.nonce; |
h256 const& rightNonce = _init.originated ? _init.nonce : _init.remoteNonce; |
leftNonce.ref().copyTo(nonceMaterial.ref().cropped(0, h256::size)); |
rightNonce.ref().copyTo(nonceMaterial.ref().cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); |
auto outRef(keyMaterial.cropped(h256::size, h256::size)); |
sha3(nonceMaterial.ref(), outRef); // output h(nonces)
sha3(keyMaterial, outRef); // output shared-secret
// token: sha3(outRef)
// token: sha3(outRef, bytesRef(&token)); -> Host (to be saved to disk)
// aes-secret = sha3(ecdhe-shared-secret || shared-secret)
sha3(keyMaterial, outRef); // output aes-secret
m_frameEnc.SetKey(outRef.data(), h256::size); |
m_frameEnc.SetKeyWithIV(outRef.data(), h128::size, h128().data()); |
m_frameDec.SetKeyWithIV(outRef.data(), h128::size, h128().data()); |
// mac-secret = sha3(ecdhe-shared-secret || aes-secret)
sha3(keyMaterial, outRef); // output mac-secret
m_macEnc.SetKey(outRef.data(), h256::size); |
m_macEnc.SetKey(outRef.data(), h128::size); |
// Initiator egress-mac: sha3(mac-secret^recipient-nonce || auth-sent-init)
// ingress-mac: sha3(mac-secret^initiator-nonce || auth-recvd-ack)
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake& _init): m_macEnc() |
m_egressMac.Update(keyMaterial.data(), keyMaterial.size()); |
// recover mac-secret by re-xoring remoteNonce
(*(h256*)outRef.data() ^ _init.remoteNonce ^ _init.nonce).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
(*(h256*)keyMaterial.data() ^ _init.remoteNonce ^ _init.nonce).ref().copyTo(keyMaterial); |
bytes const& ingressCipher = _init.originated ? _init.ackCipher : _init.authCipher; |
keyMaterialBytes.resize(h256::size + ingressCipher.size()); |
keyMaterial.retarget(keyMaterialBytes.data(), keyMaterialBytes.size()); |
@ -83,25 +84,60 @@ RLPXFrameIO::RLPXFrameIO(RLPXHandshake& _init): m_macEnc() |
m_ingressMac.Update(keyMaterial.data(), keyMaterial.size()); |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::writeFullPacketFrame(bytesConstRef _packet) |
{ |
RLPStream header; |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::writeHeader(bi::tcp::socket* _socket, h128 const& _header) |
void RLPXFrameIO::writeSingleFramePacket(bytesConstRef _packet, bytes& o_bytes) |
{ |
// _packet = type || rlpList()
// current/old packet format: prep(_s).appendList(_args + 1).append((unsigned)_id);
RLPStream header; |
header.appendRaw(bytes({byte(_packet.size() >> 16), byte(_packet.size() >> 8), byte(_packet.size())})); |
// zeroHeader: []byte{0xC2, 0x80, 0x80}. Should be rlpList(protocolType,seqId,totalPacketSize).
header.appendRaw(bytes({0xc2,0x80,0x80})); |
// TODO: SECURITY check that header is <= 16 bytes
bytes headerWithMac; |
header.swapOut(headerWithMac); |
headerWithMac.resize(32); |
m_frameEnc.ProcessData(headerWithMac.data(), headerWithMac.data(), 16); |
updateEgressMACWithHeader(bytesConstRef(&headerWithMac).cropped(0, 16)); |
egressDigest().ref().copyTo(bytesRef(&headerWithMac).cropped(h128::size,h128::size)); |
auto padding = (16 - (_packet.size() % 16)) % 16; |
o_bytes.swap(headerWithMac); |
o_bytes.resize(32 + _packet.size() + padding + h128::size); |
bytesRef packetRef(o_bytes.data() + 32, _packet.size()); |
m_frameEnc.ProcessData(packetRef.data(), _packet.data(), _packet.size()); |
bytesRef paddingRef(o_bytes.data() + 32 + _packet.size(), padding); |
if (padding) |
m_frameEnc.ProcessData(paddingRef.data(), paddingRef.data(), padding); |
bytesRef packetWithPaddingRef(o_bytes.data() + 32, _packet.size() + padding); |
updateEgressMACWithEndOfFrame(packetWithPaddingRef); |
bytesRef macRef(o_bytes.data() + 32 + _packet.size() + padding, h128::size); |
egressDigest().ref().copyTo(macRef); |
clog(NetConnect) << "SENT FRAME " << _packet.size() << *(h128*)macRef.data(); |
clog(NetConnect) << "FRAME TAIL " << *(h128*)(o_bytes.data() + 32 + _packet.size() + padding); |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::write(bi::tcp::socket* _socket, bytesConstRef _in, bool _eof) |
bool RLPXFrameIO::authAndDecryptHeader(h256& io) |
{ |
updateIngressMACWithHeader(io.ref()); |
bytesConstRef macRef = io.ref().cropped(h128::size, h128::size); |
if (*(h128*)macRef.data() != ingressDigest()) |
return false; |
m_frameDec.ProcessData(io.data(), io.data(), 16); |
return true; |
} |
bool RLPXFrameIO::read(bytesConstRef _in, bytes& o_out) |
bool RLPXFrameIO::authAndDecryptFrame(bytesRef io) |
{ |
bytesRef cipherText(io.cropped(0, io.size() - h128::size)); |
updateIngressMACWithEndOfFrame(cipherText); |
bytesConstRef frameMac(io.data() + io.size() - h128::size, h128::size); |
if (*(h128*)frameMac.data() != ingressDigest()) |
return false; |
m_frameDec.ProcessData(io.data(), io.data(), io.size() - h128::size); |
return true; |
} |
h128 RLPXFrameIO::egressDigest() |
@ -120,9 +156,8 @@ h128 RLPXFrameIO::ingressDigest() |
return move(digest); |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::updateEgressMACWithHeader(h128 const& _headerCipher) |
void RLPXFrameIO::updateEgressMACWithHeader(bytesConstRef _headerCipher) |
{ |
m_egressMac.Update(_headerCipher.data(), h128::size); |
updateMAC(m_egressMac, *(h128*)_headerCipher.data()); |
} |
@ -130,11 +165,16 @@ void RLPXFrameIO::updateEgressMACWithEndOfFrame(bytesConstRef _cipher) |
{ |
m_egressMac.Update(_cipher.data(), _cipher.size()); |
updateMAC(m_egressMac); |
{ |
SHA3_256 prev(m_egressMac); |
h128 digest; |
prev.TruncatedFinal(digest.data(), h128::size); |
clog(NetConnect) << "EGRESS FRAMEMAC " << _cipher.size() << digest; |
} |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::updateIngressMACWithHeader(bytesConstRef _headerCipher) |
{ |
m_ingressMac.Update(_headerCipher.data(), h128::size); |
updateMAC(m_ingressMac, *(h128*)_headerCipher.data()); |
} |
@ -142,6 +182,12 @@ void RLPXFrameIO::updateIngressMACWithEndOfFrame(bytesConstRef _cipher) |
{ |
m_ingressMac.Update(_cipher.data(), _cipher.size()); |
updateMAC(m_ingressMac); |
{ |
SHA3_256 prev(m_ingressMac); |
h128 digest; |
prev.TruncatedFinal(digest.data(), h128::size); |
clog(NetConnect) << "INGRESS FRAMEMAC " << _cipher.size() << digest; |
} |
} |
void RLPXFrameIO::updateMAC(SHA3_256& _mac, h128 const& _seed) |
@ -155,12 +201,13 @@ void RLPXFrameIO::updateMAC(SHA3_256& _mac, h128 const& _seed) |
encDigest ^= (!!_seed ? _seed : prevDigestOut); |
// update mac for final digest
_mac.Update(encDigest.data(), h256::size); |
_mac.Update(encDigest.data(), h128::size); |
} |
void RLPXHandshake::generateAuth() |
void RLPXHandshake::writeAuth() |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress sending auth to " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
auth.resize(Signature::size + h256::size + Public::size + h256::size + 1); |
bytesRef sig(&auth[0], Signature::size); |
bytesRef hepubk(&auth[Signature::size], h256::size); |
@ -168,211 +215,227 @@ void RLPXHandshake::generateAuth() |
bytesRef nonce(&auth[Signature::size + h256::size + Public::size], h256::size); |
// E(remote-pubk, S(ecdhe-random, ecdh-shared-secret^nonce) || H(ecdhe-random-pubk) || pubk || nonce || 0x0)
//crypto::ecdh::agree(host->m_alias.sec(), remote, ss);
//sign(ecdhe.seckey(), ss ^ this->nonce).ref().copyTo(sig);
Secret staticShared; |
crypto::ecdh::agree(host->m_alias.sec(), remote, staticShared); |
sign(ecdhe.seckey(), staticShared ^ this->nonce).ref().copyTo(sig); |
sha3(ecdhe.pubkey().ref(), hepubk); |
host->m_alias.pub().ref().copyTo(pubk); |
this->nonce.ref().copyTo(nonce); |
auth[auth.size() - 1] = 0x0; |
encryptECIES(remote, &auth, authCipher); |
auto self(shared_from_this()); |
ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(authCipher), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
transition(ec); |
}); |
} |
void RLPXHandshake::generateAck() |
void RLPXHandshake::writeAck() |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress sending ack to " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
ack.resize(Public::size + h256::size + 1); |
bytesRef epubk(&ack[0], Public::size); |
bytesRef nonce(&ack[Public::size], h256::size); |
ecdhe.pubkey().ref().copyTo(epubk); |
this->nonce.ref().copyTo(nonce); |
ack[ack.size() - 1] = 0x0; |
encryptECIES(remote, &ack, ackCipher); |
auto self(shared_from_this()); |
ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(ackCipher), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
transition(ec); |
}); |
} |
bool RLPXHandshake::decodeAuth() |
void RLPXHandshake::readAuth() |
{ |
if (!decryptECIES(host->m_alias.sec(), bytesConstRef(&authCipher), auth)) |
return false; |
bytesConstRef sig(&auth[0], Signature::size); |
bytesConstRef hepubk(&auth[Signature::size], h256::size); |
bytesConstRef pubk(&auth[Signature::size + h256::size], Public::size); |
bytesConstRef nonce(&auth[Signature::size + h256::size + Public::size], h256::size); |
pubk.copyTo(remote.ref()); |
nonce.copyTo(remoteNonce.ref()); |
//crypto::ecdh::agree(host->m_alias.sec(), remote, ss);
//remoteEphemeral = recover(*(Signature*)sig.data(), ss ^ remoteNonce);
assert(sha3(remoteEphemeral) == *(h256*)hepubk.data()); |
return true; |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress recving auth from " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
authCipher.resize(307); |
auto self(shared_from_this()); |
ba::async_read(*socket, ba::buffer(authCipher, 307), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else if (decryptECIES(host->m_alias.sec(), bytesConstRef(&authCipher), auth)) |
{ |
bytesConstRef sig(&auth[0], Signature::size); |
bytesConstRef hepubk(&auth[Signature::size], h256::size); |
bytesConstRef pubk(&auth[Signature::size + h256::size], Public::size); |
bytesConstRef nonce(&auth[Signature::size + h256::size + Public::size], h256::size); |
pubk.copyTo(remote.ref()); |
nonce.copyTo(remoteNonce.ref()); |
Secret sharedSecret; |
crypto::ecdh::agree(host->m_alias.sec(), remote, sharedSecret); |
remoteEphemeral = recover(*(Signature*)sig.data(), sharedSecret ^ remoteNonce); |
assert(sha3(remoteEphemeral) == *(h256*)hepubk.data()); |
transition(); |
} |
else |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "p2p.connect.egress recving auth decrypt failed for" << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
} |
}); |
} |
bool RLPXHandshake::decodeAck() |
void RLPXHandshake::readAck() |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress recving ack from " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
ackCipher.resize(210); |
auto self(shared_from_this()); |
ba::async_read(*socket, ba::buffer(ackCipher, 210), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else if (decryptECIES(host->m_alias.sec(), bytesConstRef(&ackCipher), ack)) |
{ |
bytesConstRef(&ack).cropped(0, Public::size).copyTo(remoteEphemeral.ref()); |
bytesConstRef(&ack).cropped(Public::size, h256::size).copyTo(remoteNonce.ref()); |
transition(); |
} |
else |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "p2p.connect.egress recving ack decrypt failed for " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
} |
}); |
} |
/// used for protocol handshake
bytes RLPXHandshake::frame(bytesConstRef _packet) |
void RLPXHandshake::error() |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "Disconnecting " << socket->remote_endpoint() << " (Handshake Failed)"; |
boost::system::error_code ec; |
socket->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec); |
if (socket->is_open()) |
socket->close(); |
} |
void RLPXHandshake::transition(boost::system::error_code _ech) |
{ |
if (_ech || nextState == Error) |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "Disconnecting " << socket->remote_endpoint() << " (Handshake Failed)"; |
boost::system::error_code ec; |
socket->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec); |
if (socket->is_open()) |
socket->close(); |
return; |
} |
return error(); |
auto self(shared_from_this()); |
if (nextState == New) |
{ |
nextState = AckAuth; |
clog(NetConnect) << "Authenticating connection for " << socket->remote_endpoint(); |
if (originated) |
writeAuth(); |
else |
readAuth(); |
} |
else if (nextState == AckAuth) |
{ |
nextState = WriteHello; |
if (originated) |
readAck(); |
else |
writeAck(); |
} |
else if (nextState == WriteHello) |
{ |
nextState = ReadHello; |
if (originated) |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress sending auth"; |
generateAuth(); |
ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(authCipher), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
transition(ec); |
}); |
} |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress sending capabilities handshake"; |
else |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress sending capabilities handshake"; |
io = new RLPXFrameIO(*this); |
// old packet format
// 5 arguments, HelloPacket
RLPStream s; |
s.appendList(5 + 1).append((unsigned)0) |
<< host->protocolVersion() |
<< host->m_clientVersion |
<< host->caps() |
<< host->m_tcpPublic.port() |
<< host->id(); |
bytes packet; |
s.swapOut(packet); |
io->writeSingleFramePacket(&packet, handshakeOutBuffer); |
ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(handshakeOutBuffer), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
transition(ec); |
}); |
} |
else if (nextState == ReadHello) |
{ |
// Authenticate and decrypt initial hello frame with initial RLPXFrameIO
// and request host to start session.
nextState = StartSession; |
// read frame header
handshakeInBuffer.resize(h256::size); |
ba::async_read(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(handshakeInBuffer, h256::size), [this,self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress recving auth"; |
authCipher.resize(321); |
ba::async_read(*socket, ba::buffer(authCipher, 321), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else |
{ |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else if (decodeAuth()) |
transition(); |
else |
/// authenticate and decrypt header
if (!io->authAndDecryptHeader(*(h256*)handshakeInBuffer.data())) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "p2p.connect.egress recving auth decrypt failed"; |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
return; |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
else if (nextState == AckAuth) |
{ |
nextState = Authenticating; |
if (originated) |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress recving ack"; |
// egress: rx ack
ackCipher.resize(225); |
ba::async_read(*socket, ba::buffer(ackCipher, 225), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else |
{ |
if (!decryptECIES(host->m_alias.sec(), bytesConstRef(&ackCipher), ack)) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << "p2p.connect.egress recving ack decrypt failed"; |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
return; |
} |
clog(NetNote) << (originated ? "p2p.connect.egress" : "p2p.connect.ingress") << "recvd hello header"; |
bytesConstRef(&ack).cropped(0, Public::size).copyTo(remoteEphemeral.ref()); |
bytesConstRef(&ack).cropped(Public::size, h256::size).copyTo(remoteNonce.ref()); |
/// check frame size
bytes& header = handshakeInBuffer; |
uint32_t frameSize = (uint32_t)(header[2]) | (uint32_t)(header[1])<<8 | (uint32_t)(header[0])<<16; |
if (frameSize > 1024) |
{ |
// all future frames: 16777216
clog(NetWarn) << (originated ? "p2p.connect.egress" : "p2p.connect.ingress") << "hello frame is too large"; |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
return; |
} |
}); |
} |
else |
{ |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress sending ack"; |
// ingress: tx ack
ack.resize(Public::size + h256::size + 1); |
bytesRef epubk(&ack[0], Public::size); |
bytesRef nonce(&ack[Public::size], h256::size); |
ecdhe.pubkey().ref().copyTo(epubk); |
this->nonce.ref().copyTo(nonce); |
ack[ack.size() - 1] = 0x0; |
encryptECIES(remote, &ack, ackCipher); |
ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(ackCipher), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t) |
{ |
transition(ec); |
}); |
} |
} |
else if (nextState == Authenticating) |
{ |
if (originated) |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress sending magic sequence"; |
else |
clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.ingress sending magic sequence"; |
RLPXFrameIO* io = new RLPXFrameIO(*this); |
// // This test will be replaced with protocol-capabilities information (was Hello packet)
// // TESTING: send encrypt magic sequence
// bytes magic {0x22,0x40,0x08,0x91};
// // rlpx encrypt
// encryptSymNoAuth(k->encryptK, &magic, k->magicCipherAndMac, h128());
// k->magicCipherAndMac.resize(k->magicCipherAndMac.size() + 32);
// sha3mac(k->egressMac.ref(), &magic, k->egressMac.ref());
// k->egressMac.ref().copyTo(bytesRef(&k->magicCipherAndMac).cropped(k->magicCipherAndMac.size() - 32, 32));
// clog(NetConnect) << "p2p.connect.egress txrx magic sequence";
// k->recvdMagicCipherAndMac.resize(k->magicCipherAndMac.size());
// ba::async_write(*socket, ba::buffer(k->magicCipherAndMac), [this, self, k, magic](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
// {
// if (ec)
// {
// delete k;
// transition(ec);
// return;
// }
// ba::async_read(*socket, ba::buffer(k->recvdMagicCipherAndMac, k->magicCipherAndMac.size()), [this, self, k, magic](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
// {
// if (originated)
// clog(NetNote) << "p2p.connect.egress recving magic sequence";
// else
// clog(NetNote) << "p2p.connect.ingress recving magic sequence";
// if (ec)
// {
// delete k;
// transition(ec);
// return;
// }
// /// capabilities handshake (encrypted magic sequence is placeholder)
// bytes decryptedMagic;
// decryptSymNoAuth(k->encryptK, h128(), &k->recvdMagicCipherAndMac, decryptedMagic);
// if (decryptedMagic[0] == 0x22 && decryptedMagic[1] == 0x40 && decryptedMagic[2] == 0x08 && decryptedMagic[3] == 0x91)
// {
shared_ptr<Peer> p; |
p = host->m_peers[remote]; |
if (!p) |
/// rlp of header has protocol-type, sequence-id[, total-packet-size]
bytes headerRLP(header.size() - 3 - h128::size); |
bytesConstRef(&header).cropped(3).copyTo(&headerRLP); |
/// read padded frame and mac
handshakeInBuffer.resize(frameSize + ((16 - (frameSize % 16)) % 16) + h128::size); |
ba::async_read(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(handshakeInBuffer, handshakeInBuffer.size()), [this, self, headerRLP](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) |
{ |
if (ec) |
transition(ec); |
else |
{ |
p.reset(new Peer()); |
p->id = remote; |
if (!io->authAndDecryptFrame(bytesRef(&handshakeInBuffer))) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << (originated ? "p2p.connect.egress" : "p2p.connect.ingress") << "hello frame: decrypt failed"; |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
return; |
} |
RLP rlp(handshakeInBuffer); |
auto packetType = (PacketType)rlp[0].toInt<unsigned>(); |
if (packetType != 0) |
{ |
clog(NetWarn) << (originated ? "p2p.connect.egress" : "p2p.connect.ingress") << "hello frame: invalid packet type"; |
nextState = Error; |
transition(); |
return; |
} |
// todo: handover RLPFrameIO
host->startPeerSession(remote, rlp, socket); |
} |
p->endpoint.tcp.address(socket->remote_endpoint().address()); |
p->m_lastDisconnect = NoDisconnect; |
p->m_lastConnected = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); |
p->m_failedAttempts = 0; |
auto ps = std::make_shared<Session>(host, move(*socket), p); |
ps->start(); |
// }
// todo: PeerSession will take ownership of k and use it to encrypt wireline.
delete io; |
// });
// });
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |