@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# pragma once
# include <boost/integer/static_log2.hpp>
# include <libdevcrypto/Common.h>
# include <libp2p/UDP.h>
@ -42,51 +43,58 @@ namespace p2p
* a given bucket which is full , the least - responsive node is pinged .
* If the pinged node doesn ' t respond then it is removed and the new
* node is inserted .
* @ todo uint128_t for ip address ( < - > integer ipv4 / 6 , asio - address , asio - endpoint )
struct PingNode : RLPDatagram
struct PingNode : RLPX Datagram
bytes ipAddress ;
using RLPXDatagram : : RLPXDatagram ;
PingNode ( bi : : udp : : endpoint _to , std : : string _src , uint16_t _srcPort , std : : chrono : : seconds _expiration = std : : chrono : : seconds ( 60 ) ) : RLPXDatagram ( _to ) , ipAddress ( _src ) , port ( _srcPort ) , expiration ( fromNow ( _expiration ) ) { }
std : : string ipAddress ;
uint16_t port ;
uint64_t expiration ;
Signature signature ;
void streamRLP ( RLPStream & _s ) const { _s . appendList ( 3 ) ; _s < < ipAddress < < port < < expiration ; }
} ;
struct Pong : RLPDatagram
struct Pong : RLPX Datagram
// todo: weak-signed pong
Address from ;
uint64_t replyTo ; /// expiration from PingNode
using RLPXDatagram : : RLPXDatagram ;
void streamRLP ( RLPStream & _s ) const { _s . appendList ( 2 ) ; _s < < from < < replyTo ; }
h256 replyTo ; /// TBD
void streamRLP ( RLPStream & _s ) const { _s . appendList ( 1 ) ; _s < < replyTo ; }
} ;
* FindNeighbors Packet : Request k - nodes , closest to the target .
* FindNeighbors is cached and regenerated after expiration - t , where t is timeout .
* FindNode Packet : Request k - nodes , closest to the target .
* FindNode is cached and regenerated after expiration - t , where t is timeout .
* FindNode implicitly results in finding neighbors of a given node .
* signature : Signature of message .
* target : Address of NodeId . The responding node will send back nodes closest to the target .
* expiration : Triggers regeneration of packet . May also provide control over synchronization .
struct FindNeighbors : RLPDatagram
struct FindNod e : RLPX Datagram
using RLPXDatagram : : RLPXDatagram ;
FindNode ( bi : : udp : : endpoint _to , Address _target , std : : chrono : : seconds _expiration = std : : chrono : : seconds ( 30 ) ) : RLPXDatagram ( _to ) , target ( _target ) , expiration ( fromNow ( _expiration ) ) { }
h160 target ;
uint64_t expiration ;
Signature signature ;
void streamRLP ( RLPStream & _s ) const { _s . appendList ( 2 ) ; _s < < target < < expiration ; }
} ;
* Node Packet : Multiple node packets are sent in response to FindNeighbors .
* Node Packet : Multiple node packets are sent in response to FindNod e .
struct Neighbors : RLPDatagram
struct Neighbors : RLPX Datagram
using RLPXDatagram : : RLPXDatagram ;
struct Node
bytes ipAddress ;
@ -110,31 +118,32 @@ struct Neighbors: RLPDatagram
* Thread - safety is ensured by modifying NodeEntry details via
* shared_ptr replacement instead of mutating values .
* @ todo don ' t try to evict node if node isRequired . ( support for makeRequired )
* @ todo optimize ( use tree for state ( or set w / custom compare for cache ) )
* [ Interface ]
* @ todo constructor support for m_node , m_secret
* @ todo use s_bitsPerStep for find and refresh / ping
* @ todo exclude bucket from refresh if we have node as peer
* @ todo don ' t try to evict node if node isRequired . ( support for makeRequired )
* @ todo exclude bucket from refresh if we have node as peer ( support for makeRequired )
* @ todo restore nodes
* @ todo std : : shared_ptr < PingNode > m_cachedPingPacket ;
* @ todo std : : shared_ptr < FindNeighbors > m_cachedFindSelfPacket ;
* [ Networking ]
* @ todo use eth / stun / ice / whatever for public - discovery
* [ Protocol ]
* @ todo optimize knowledge at opposite edges ; eg , s_bitsPerStep lookups . ( Can be done via pointers to NodeBucket )
* @ todo ^ s_bitsPerStep = 5 ; // Denoted by b in [Kademlia]. Bits by which address space is divided.
* @ todo optimize ( use tree for state and / or custom compare for cache )
* @ todo reputation ( aka universal siblings lists )
* @ todo dht ( aka siblings )
* [ Maintenance ]
* @ todo pretty logs
class NodeTable : UDPSocketEvents , public std : : enable_shared_from_this < NodeTable >
using nodeSocket = UDPSocket < NodeTable , 1024 > ;
using nodeSocket = UDPSocket < NodeTable , 1280 > ;
using timePoint = std : : chrono : : steady_clock : : time_point ;
static unsigned const s_bucketSize = 16 ; // Denoted by k in [Kademlia]. Number of nodes stored in each bucket.
// const unsigned s_bitsPerStep = 5; // @todo Denoted by b in [Kademlia]. Bits by which address space will be divided for find responses.
static unsigned const s_alpha = 3 ; // Denoted by \alpha in [Kademlia]. Number of concurrent FindNeighbors requests.
const unsigned s_findTimout = 300 ; // How long to wait between find queries.
// const unsigned s_siblings = 5; // @todo Denoted by s in [S/Kademlia]. User-defined by sub-protocols.
const unsigned s_bucketRefresh = 3600 ; // Refresh interval prevents bucket from becoming stale. [Kademlia]
static unsigned const s_bits = 8 * Address : : size ; // Denoted by n.
static unsigned const s_bins = s_bits - 1 ; //
const unsigned s_evictionCheckInterval = 75 ; // Interval by which eviction timeouts are checked.
const unsigned s_pingTimeout = 500 ;
public :
static unsigned dist ( Address const & _a , Address const & _b ) { u160 d = _a ^ _b ; unsigned ret ; for ( ret = 0 ; d > > = 1 ; + + ret ) { } ; return ret ; }
using EvictionTimeout = std : : pair < std : : pair < Address , timePoint > , Address > ;
struct NodeDefaultEndpoint
@ -142,16 +151,29 @@ public:
bi : : udp : : endpoint udp ;
} ;
struct NodeEntry
struct Node
NodeEntry ( Address _id , Public _pubk , bi : : udp : : endpoint _udp ) : id ( _id ) , pubk ( _pubk ) , endpoint ( NodeDefaultEndpoint ( _udp ) ) , distance ( 0 ) { }
NodeEntry ( NodeEntry _src , Address _id , Public _pubk , bi : : udp : : endpoint _udp ) : id ( _id ) , pubk ( _pubk ) , endpoint ( NodeDefaultEndpoint ( _udp ) ) , distance ( dist ( _src . id , _id ) ) { }
NodeEntry ( NodeEntry _src , Address _id , Public _pubk , NodeDefaultEndpoint _gw ) : id ( _id ) , pubk ( _pubk ) , endpoint ( _gw ) , distance ( dist ( _src . id , _id ) ) { }
Node ( Address _id , Public _pubk , NodeDefaultEndpoint _udp ) : id ( _id ) , pubk ( _pubk ) , endpoint ( _udp ) { }
Node ( Address _id , Public _pubk , bi : : udp : : endpoint _udp ) : Node ( _id , _pubk , NodeDefaultEndpoint ( _udp ) ) { }
virtual Address const & address ( ) const { return id ; }
virtual Public const & publicKey ( ) const { return pubk ; }
Address id ;
Public pubk ;
NodeDefaultEndpoint endpoint ; ///< How we've previously connected to this node. (must match node's reported endpoint)
const unsigned distance ;
timePoint activePing ;
NodeDefaultEndpoint endpoint ;
} ;
* NodeEntry
* @ todo Type of id will become template parameter .
struct NodeEntry : public Node
NodeEntry ( Node _src , Address _id , Public _pubk , NodeDefaultEndpoint _gw ) : Node ( _id , _pubk , _gw ) , distance ( dist ( _src . id , _id ) ) { }
NodeEntry ( Node _src , Address _id , Public _pubk , bi : : udp : : endpoint _udp ) : Node ( _id , _pubk , NodeDefaultEndpoint ( _udp ) ) , distance ( dist ( _src . id , _id ) ) { }
const unsigned distance ; ///< Node's distance from _src (see constructor).
} ;
struct NodeBucket
@ -161,9 +183,30 @@ public:
std : : list < std : : weak_ptr < NodeEntry > > nodes ;
} ;
using EvictionTimeout = std : : pair < std : : pair < Address , timePoint > , Address > ;
public :
/// Constants for Kademlia, mostly derived from address space.
static constexpr unsigned s_addressByteSize = sizeof ( NodeEntry : : id ) ; ///< Size of address type in bytes.
static constexpr unsigned s_bits = 8 * s_addressByteSize ; ///< Denoted by n in [Kademlia].
static constexpr unsigned s_bins = s_bits - 1 ; ///< Size of m_state (excludes root, which is us).
static constexpr unsigned s_maxSteps = boost : : static_log2 < s_bits > : : value ; ///< Max iterations of discovery. (doFindNode)
/// Chosen constants
static constexpr unsigned s_bucketSize = 16 ; ///< Denoted by k in [Kademlia]. Number of nodes stored in each bucket.
static constexpr unsigned s_alpha = 3 ; ///< Denoted by \alpha in [Kademlia]. Number of concurrent FindNode requests.
static constexpr uint16_t s_defaultPort = 30300 ; ///< Default port to listen on.
NodeTable ( ba : : io_service & _io ) ;
/// Intervals
static constexpr unsigned s_evictionCheckInterval = 75 ; ///< Interval at which eviction timeouts are checked.
std : : chrono : : milliseconds const c_reqTimeout = std : : chrono : : milliseconds ( 300 ) ; ///< How long to wait for requests (evict, find iterations).
std : : chrono : : seconds const c_bucketRefresh = std : : chrono : : seconds ( 3600 ) ; ///< Refresh interval prevents bucket from becoming stale. [Kademlia]
static unsigned dist ( Address const & _a , Address const & _b ) { u160 d = _a ^ _b ; unsigned ret ; for ( ret = 0 ; d > > = 1 ; + + ret ) { } ; return ret ; }
NodeTable ( ba : : io_service & _io , uint16_t _port = s_defaultPort ) ;
~ NodeTable ( ) ;
void join ( ) ;
@ -173,14 +216,13 @@ public:
NodeEntry operator [ ] ( Address _id ) ;
protected :
void requestNeighbors ( NodeEntry const & _node , Address _target ) const ;
/// Sends requests to other nodes requesting nodes "near" to us in order to populate node table such that connected nodes form centrality.
/// Repeatedly sends s_alpha concurrent requests to nodes nearest to target, for nodes nearest to target, up to .
void doFindNode ( Address _node , unsigned _round = 0 , std : : shared_ptr < std : : set < std : : shared_ptr < NodeEntry > > > _tried = std : : shared_ptr < std : : set < std : : shared_ptr < NodeEntry > > > ( ) ) ;
/// Returns nodes nearest to target.
std : : vector < std : : shared_ptr < NodeEntry > > findNearest ( Address _target ) ;
void ping ( bi : : address _address , unsigned _port ) const ;
void ping ( bi : : udp : : endpoint _to ) const ;
void ping ( NodeEntry * _n ) const ;
@ -194,16 +236,27 @@ protected:
NodeBucket const & bucket ( NodeEntry * _n ) const ;
/// Network Events
void onReceived ( UDPSocketFace * , bi : : udp : : endpoint const & _from , bytesConstRef _packet ) ;
void onDisconnected ( UDPSocketFace * ) { } ;
/// Tasks
void doCheckEvictions ( boost : : system : : error_code const & _ec ) ;
void doRefreshBuckets ( boost : : system : : error_code const & _ec ) ;
private :
NodeEntry m_node ; ///< This node.
# else
protected :
# endif
/// Sends s_alpha concurrent FindNeighbor requests to nodes closest to target until
void requestNeighbors ( NodeEntry const & _node , Address _target ) const ;
Node m_node ; ///< This node.
Secret m_secret ; ///< This nodes secret key.
mutable Mutex x_nodes ; ///< Mutable for thread-safe copy in nodes() const.
@ -222,5 +275,8 @@ private:
boost : : asio : : deadline_timer m_evictionCheckTimer ; ///< Timer for handling node evictions.
} ;
struct NodeTableWarn : public LogChannel { static const char * name ( ) { return " !P! " ; } static const int verbosity = 0 ; } ;
struct NodeTableNote : public LogChannel { static const char * name ( ) { return " *P* " ; } static const int verbosity = 1 ; } ;