@ -262,12 +262,44 @@ eth::OnOpFunc FakeExtVM::simpleTrace() |
dev::LogOutputStream<eth::VMTraceChannel, false>(true) << o.str(); |
dev::LogOutputStream<eth::VMTraceChannel, false>(false) << " | " << std::dec << ext.depth << " | " << ext.myAddress << " | #" << steps << " | " << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << vm.curPC() << " : " << instructionInfo(inst).name << " | " << std::dec << vm.gas() << " | -" << std::dec << gasCost << " | " << newMemSize << "x32" << " ]"; |
/*creates json stack trace*/ |
if (eth::VMTraceChannel::verbosity <= g_logVerbosity) |
{ |
std::ofstream f; |
f.open("./vmtrace.log", std::ofstream::app); |
f << o.str(); |
f << " | " << std::dec << ext.depth << " | " << ext.myAddress << " | #" << steps << " | " << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << vm.curPC() << " : " << instructionInfo(inst).name << " | " << std::dec << vm.gas() << " | -" << std::dec << gasCost << " | " << newMemSize << "x32"; |
Object o_step; |
/*add the stack*/ |
Array a_stack; |
for (auto i: vm.stack()) |
a_stack.push_back((string)i); |
o_step.push_back(Pair( "stack", a_stack )); |
/*add the memory*/ |
Array a_mem; |
for(auto i: vm.memory()) |
a_mem.push_back(i); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("memory", a_mem)); |
/*add the storage*/ |
Object storage; |
for (auto const& i: std::get<2>(ext.addresses.find(ext.myAddress)->second)) |
storage.push_back(Pair( (string)i.first , (string)i.second)); |
/*add all the other details*/ |
o_step.push_back(Pair("storage", storage)); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("depth", to_string(ext.depth))); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("gas", (string)vm.gas())); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("address", "0x" + toString(ext.myAddress ))); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("step", steps )); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("pc", (int)vm.curPC())); |
o_step.push_back(Pair("opcode", instructionInfo(inst).name )); |
/*append the JSON object to the log file*/ |
Value v(o_step); |
ofstream os( "./stackTrace.json", ofstream::app); |
os << write_string(v, true) << ","; |
os.close(); |
} |
}; |
} |