@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ public: |
/// Similar to @a knownToBeDifferent but require that abs(_a - b) >= 32.
bool knownToBeDifferentBy32(Id _a, Id _b); |
/// @returns true if the value of the given class is known to be zero.
/// @note that this is not the negariot of knownNonZero
/// @note that this is not the negation of knownNonZero
bool knownZero(Id _c); |
/// @returns true if the value of the given class is known to be nonzero.
/// @note that this is not the negariot of knownZero
/// @note that this is not the negation of knownZero
bool knownNonZero(Id _c); |
/// @returns a pointer to the value if the given class is known to be a constant,
/// and a nullptr otherwise.