<<" connect <addr> <port> Connects to a specific peer."<<endl
<<" verbosity (<level>) Gets or sets verbosity level."<<endl
<<" setetherprice <p> Resets the ether price."<<endl
<<" setpriority <p> Resets the transaction priority."<<endl
<<" minestart Starts mining."<<endl
<<" minestart Starts mining."<<endl
<<" minestop Stops mining."<<endl
<<" mineforce <enable> Forces mining, even when there are no transactions."<<endl
@ -85,12 +88,12 @@ void interactiveHelp()
<<" send Execute a given transaction with current secret."<<endl
<<" contract Create a new contract with current secret."<<endl
<<" peers List the peers that are connected"<<endl
<<" listAccounts List the accounts on the network."<<endl
<<" listContracts List the contracts on the network."<<endl
<<" setSecret <secret> Set the secret to the hex secret key."<<endl
<<" setAddress <addr> Set the coinbase (mining payout) address."<<endl
<<" exportConfig <path> Export the config (.RLP) to the path provided."<<endl
<<" importConfig <path> Import the config (.RLP) from the path provided."<<endl
<<" listaccounts List the accounts on the network."<<endl
<<" listcontracts List the contracts on the network."<<endl
<<" setsecret <secret> Set the secret to the hex secret key."<<endl
<<" setaddress <addr> Set the coinbase (mining payout) address."<<endl
<<" exportconfig <path> Export the config (.RLP) to the path provided."<<endl
<<" importconfig <path> Import the config (.RLP) from the path provided."<<endl
<<" inspect <contract> Dumps a contract to <APPDATA>/<contract>.evm."<<endl
<<" dumptrace <block> <index> <filename> <format> Dumps a transaction trace"<<endl<<"to <filename>. <format> should be one of pretty, standard, standard+."<<endl
<<" dumpreceipt <block> <index> Dumps a transation receipt."<<endl
@ -104,9 +107,11 @@ void help()
<<" -a,--address <addr> Set the coinbase (mining payout) address to addr (default: auto)."<<endl
<<" -b,--bootstrap Connect to the default Ethereum peerserver."<<endl
<<" -B,--block-fees <n> Set the block fee profit in the reference unit e.g. ¢ (Default: 15)."<<endl
<<" -c,--client-name <name> Add a name to your client's version string (default: blank)."<<endl
<<" -d,--db-path <path> Load database from path (default: ~/.ethereum "<<endl
<<" <APPDATA>/Etherum or Library/Application Support/Ethereum)."<<endl
<<" -e,--ether-price <n> Set the ether price in the reference unit e.g. ¢ (Default: 30.679)."<<endl
<<" -f,--force-mining Mine even when there are no transaction to mine (Default: off)"<<endl
<<" -h,--help Show this help message and exit."<<endl
<<" -i,--interactive Enter interactive mode (default: non-interactive)."<<endl
@ -115,11 +120,12 @@ void help()
<<" --json-rpc-port Specify JSON-RPC server port (implies '-j', default: 8080)."<<endl
<<" -l,--listen <port> Listen on the given port for incoming connected (default: 30303)."<<endl
<<" -L,--local-networking Use peers whose addresses are local."<<endl
<<" -m,--mining <on/off/number> Enable mining, optionally for a specified number of blocks (Default: off)"<<endl
<<" -n,--upnp <on/off> Use upnp for NAT (default: on)."<<endl
<<" -L,--local-networking Use peers whose addresses are local."<<endl
<<" -o,--mode <full/peer> Start a full node or a peer node (Default: full)."<<endl
<<" -p,--port <port> Connect to remote port (default: 30303)."<<endl
<<" -P,--priority <0 - 100> Default % priority of a transaction (default: 50)."<<endl
<<" -r,--remote <host> Connect to remote host (default: none)."<<endl
<<" -s,--secret <secretkeyhex> Set the secret key for use with send command (default: auto)."<<endl
<<" -t,--miners <number> Number of mining threads to start (Default: "<<thread::hardware_concurrency()<<")"<<endl
@ -212,6 +218,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)