You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Paweł Bylica e997f417c3
Bump version: 0.10.0.dev1 → 0.10.0.dev2
8 years ago
cmake AppVeyor CI: Fix before_deploy script 8 years ago
doc Removed Solidity after move to its own repository. 10 years ago
ethminer Use libjson-rpc-cpp from Hunter 8 years ago
extdep Add support for EthereumStratum/1.0.0 mode (see -ES option). This adds compatibility with 9 years ago
libdevcore Fix Windows build (#24) 8 years ago
libethash CMake: Cleanup ethash library config 8 years ago
libethash-cl Fix some compilation warnings 8 years ago
libethash-cuda Fix CUDA includes 8 years ago
libethcore Fix Windows build (#24) 8 years ago
libstratum Use jsoncpp from hunter 8 years ago
scripts Travis CI: Limit CUDA packages to install 8 years ago
.bumpversion.cfg Bump version: 0.10.0.dev1 → 0.10.0.dev2 8 years ago
.gitignore Git ignore CLion default build dirs 8 years ago
.gitmodules Update evmjit submodule url 10 years ago
.travis.yml Travis CI: deploy releases 8 years ago Simplify buildinfo generation 8 years ago
CMakeLists.txt Bump version: 0.10.0.dev1 → 0.10.0.dev2 8 years ago
GPLV3_LICENSE Wording for MIT license and external contributors 10 years ago
LICENSE typo in LICENSE file name 10 years ago Update README 8 years ago
appveyor.yml AppVeyor CI: Fix before_deploy script 8 years ago


The ethminer is an Ethereum GPU mining worker. It origins in cpp-ethereum project (where GPU mining has been discontinued). Then hugely improved in Genoil's fork.


  • Nvidia CUDA mining
  • realistic benchmarking against arbitrary epoch/DAG/blocknumber
  • on-GPU DAG generation (no more DAG files on disk)
  • stratum mining without proxy
  • OpenCL devices picking
  • farm failover (getwork + stratum)



Chat in ethminer channel on Gitter.


ethminer is a command line program. This means you launch it either from a Windows command prompt or Linux console, or create shortcuts to predefined command lines using a Linux Bash script or Windows batch/cmd file. For a full list of available command, please run

ethminer --help


  1. Why is my hashrate with Nvidia cards on Windows 10 so low?

    The new WDDM 2.x driver on Windows 10 uses a different way of addressing the GPU. This is good for a lot of things, but not for ETH mining. For Kepler GPUs: I actually don't know. Please let me know what works best for good old Kepler. For Maxwell 1 GPUs: Unfortunately the issue is a bit more serious on the GTX750Ti, already causing suboptimal performance on Win7 and Linux. Apparently about 4MH/s can still be reached on Linux, which, depending on ETH price, could still be profitable, considering the relatively low power draw. For Maxwell 2 GPUs: There is a way of mining ETH at Win7/8/Linux speeds on Win10, by downgrading the GPU driver to a Win7 one (350.12 recommended) and using a build that was created using CUDA 6.5. For Pascal GPUs: You have to use the latest WDDM 2.1 compatible drivers in combination with Windows 10 Anniversary edition in order to get the full potential of your Pascval GPU.

  2. Why is a GTX1080 slower than a GTX1070?

    Because of the GDDR5X memory, which can't be fully utilized for ETH mining (yet).

  3. Are AMD cards also affected by slowdowns with increasing DAG size?

    Only GCN 1.0 GPUs (78x0, 79x0, 270, 280), but in a different way. You'll see that on each new epoch (30K blocks), the hashrate will go down a little bit.

  4. Can I still mine ETH with my 2GB GPU?


  5. What are the optimal launch parameters?

    The default parameters are fine in most scenario's (CUDA). For OpenCL it varies a bit more. Just play around with the numbers and use powers of 2. GPU's like powers of 2.

Building from source

This project uses CMake and Hunter package manager.

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

CMake build options

  • -DETHASHCL=ON - enable OpenCL mining, ON by default,
  • -DETHASHCUDA=OFF - enable CUDA mining, OFF by default,
  • -DETHSTRATUM=ON - build with Stratum protocol support, ON by default.