@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate ::model ::{ Leverage , Position , TradingPair , Usd } ;
use anyhow ::{ Context , Result } ;
use anyhow ::Result ;
use bdk ::bitcoin ::secp256k1 ::{ SecretKey , Signature } ;
use bdk ::bitcoin ::util ::psbt ::PartiallySignedTransaction ;
use bdk ::bitcoin ::{ Amount , Transaction } ;
@ -88,46 +88,18 @@ fn calculate_liquidation_price(
price : & Usd ,
maintenance_margin_rate : & Decimal ,
) -> Result < Usd > {
let leverage = Decimal ::from ( leverage . 0 ) ;
let price = price . 0 ;
let leverage = Decimal ::from ( leverage . 0 ) . into ( ) ;
let maintenance_margin_rate : Usd = ( * maintenance_margin_rate ) . into ( ) ;
// liquidation price calc in isolated margin mode
// currently based on: https://help.bybit.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039261334-How-to-calculate-Liquidation-Price-Inverse-Contract-
let liquidation_price = price
. checked_mul ( leverage )
. context ( "multiplication error" ) ?
. checked_div (
let liquidation_price = price . checked_mul ( leverage ) ? . checked_div (
. checked_add ( Decimal ::ONE )
. context ( "addition error" ) ?
. checked_sub (
. checked_mul ( leverage )
. context ( "multiplication error" ) ? ,
. context ( "subtraction error" ) ? ,
. context ( "division error" ) ? ;
. checked_add ( Decimal ::ONE . into ( ) ) ?
. checked_sub ( maintenance_margin_rate . checked_mul ( leverage ) ? ) ? ,
) ? ;
Ok ( Usd ( liquidation_price ) )
/// The taker POSTs this to create a Cfd
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize) ]
pub struct CfdTakeRequest {
pub offer_id : CfdOfferId ,
pub quantity : Usd ,
/// The maker POSTs this to create a new CfdOffer
// TODO: Use Rocket form?
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize) ]
pub struct CfdNewOfferRequest {
pub price : Usd ,
// TODO: [post-MVP] Representation of the contract size; at the moment the contract size is
// always 1 USD
pub min_quantity : Usd ,
pub max_quantity : Usd ,
Ok ( liquidation_price )
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize) ]
@ -182,6 +154,8 @@ pub enum CfdState {
Open {
common : CfdStateCommon ,
settlement_timestamp : SystemTime ,
#[ serde(with = " ::bdk::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat " ) ]
margin : Amount ,
} ,
/// Requested close the position, but we have not passed that on to the blockchain yet.
@ -204,26 +178,26 @@ pub enum CfdState {
impl CfdState {
// fn get_common(&self) -> CfdStateCommon {
// let common = match self {
// CfdState::TakeRequested { common } => common,
// CfdState::PendingTakeRequest { common } => common,
// CfdState::Accepted { common } => common,
// CfdState::Rejected { common } => common,
// CfdState::ContractSetup { common } => common,
// CfdState::Open { common, .. } => common,
// CfdState::CloseRequested { common } => common,
// CfdState::PendingClose { common } => common,
// CfdState::Closed { common } => common,
// CfdState::Error { common } => common,
// };
// *common
// }
// pub fn get_transition_timestamp(&self) -> SystemTime {
// self.get_common().transition_timestamp
// }
fn get_common ( & self ) -> CfdStateCommon {
let common = match self {
CfdState ::TakeRequested { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::PendingTakeRequest { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::Accepted { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::Rejected { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::ContractSetup { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::Open { common , . . } = > common ,
CfdState ::CloseRequested { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::PendingClose { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::Closed { common } = > common ,
CfdState ::Error { common } = > common ,
} ;
* common
pub fn get_transition_timestamp ( & self ) -> SystemTime {
self . get_common ( ) . transition_timestamp
impl Display for CfdState {
@ -276,36 +250,42 @@ pub struct Cfd {
pub quantity_usd : Usd ,
#[ serde(with = " ::bdk::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_btc " ) ]
pub profit_btc : Amount ,
pub profit_usd : Usd ,
pub state : CfdState ,
impl Cfd {
pub fn new (
cfd_offer : CfdOffer ,
quantity : Usd ,
state : CfdState ,
current_price : Usd ,
) -> Result < Self > {
let ( profit_btc , profit_usd ) =
calculate_profit ( cfd_offer . price , current_price , dec ! ( 0.005 ) , Usd ( dec ! ( 0.1 ) ) ) ? ;
Ok ( Cfd {
pub fn new ( cfd_offer : CfdOffer , quantity : Usd , state : CfdState , position : Position ) -> Self {
Cfd {
offer_id : cfd_offer . id ,
initial_price : cfd_offer . price ,
leverage : cfd_offer . leverage ,
trading_pair : cfd_offer . trading_pair ,
position : cfd_offer . position ,
position ,
liquidation_price : cfd_offer . liquidation_price ,
quantity_usd : quantity ,
// initially the profit is zero
profit_btc ,
profit_usd ,
state ,
} )
pub fn calc_margin ( & self ) -> Result < Amount > {
let margin = match self . position {
Position ::Buy = > {
calculate_buy_margin ( self . initial_price , self . quantity_usd , self . leverage ) ?
Position ::Sell = > calculate_sell_margin ( self . initial_price , self . quantity_usd ) ? ,
} ;
Ok ( margin )
pub fn calc_profit ( & self , current_price : Usd ) -> Result < ( Amount , Usd ) > {
let profit = calculate_profit (
self . initial_price ,
current_price ,
dec ! ( 0.005 ) ,
Usd ( dec ! ( 0.1 ) ) ,
) ? ;
Ok ( profit )
@ -319,6 +299,38 @@ fn calculate_profit(
Ok ( ( Amount ::ZERO , Usd ::ZERO ) )
/// Calculates the buyer's margin in BTC
/// The margin is the initial margin and represents the collateral the buyer has to come up with to
/// satisfy the contract. Here we calculate the initial buy margin as: quantity / (initial_price *
/// leverage)
pub fn calculate_buy_margin ( price : Usd , quantity : Usd , leverage : Leverage ) -> Result < Amount > {
let leverage = Decimal ::from ( leverage . 0 ) . into ( ) ;
let margin = quantity . checked_div ( price . checked_mul ( leverage ) ? ) ? ;
let sat_adjust = Decimal ::from ( Amount ::ONE_BTC . as_sat ( ) ) . into ( ) ;
let margin = margin . checked_mul ( sat_adjust ) ? ;
let margin = Amount ::from_sat ( margin . try_into_u64 ( ) ? ) ;
Ok ( margin )
/// Calculates the seller's margin in BTC
/// The seller margin is represented as the quantity of the contract given the initial price.
/// The seller can currently not leverage the position but always has to cover the complete
/// quantity.
fn calculate_sell_margin ( price : Usd , quantity : Usd ) -> Result < Amount > {
let margin = quantity . checked_div ( price ) ? ;
let sat_adjust = Decimal ::from ( Amount ::ONE_BTC . as_sat ( ) ) . into ( ) ;
let margin = margin . checked_mul ( sat_adjust ) ? ;
let margin = Amount ::from_sat ( margin . try_into_u64 ( ) ? ) ;
Ok ( margin )
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
use super ::* ;
@ -337,9 +349,61 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq ! ( liquidation_price , Usd ( dec ! ( 41004.184100418410041841004184 ) ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn given_leverage_of_one_and_equal_price_and_quantity_then_buy_margin_is_one_btc ( ) {
let price = Usd ( dec ! ( 40000 ) ) ;
let quantity = Usd ( dec ! [ 40000 ] ) ;
let leverage = Leverage ( 1 ) ;
let buy_margin = calculate_buy_margin ( price , quantity , leverage ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( buy_margin , Amount ::ONE_BTC ) ;
#[ test ]
fn given_leverage_of_one_and_leverage_of_ten_then_buy_margin_is_lower_factor_ten ( ) {
let price = Usd ( dec ! ( 40000 ) ) ;
let quantity = Usd ( dec ! [ 40000 ] ) ;
let leverage = Leverage ( 10 ) ;
let buy_margin = calculate_buy_margin ( price , quantity , leverage ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( buy_margin , Amount ::from_btc ( 0.1 ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn given_quantity_equals_price_then_sell_margin_is_one_btc ( ) {
let price = Usd ( dec ! ( 40000 ) ) ;
let quantity = Usd ( dec ! [ 40000 ] ) ;
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin ( price , quantity ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( sell_margin , Amount ::ONE_BTC ) ;
#[ test ]
fn given_quantity_half_of_price_then_sell_margin_is_half_btc ( ) {
let price = Usd ( dec ! ( 40000 ) ) ;
let quantity = Usd ( dec ! [ 20000 ] ) ;
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin ( price , quantity ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( sell_margin , Amount ::from_btc ( 0.5 ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn given_quantity_double_of_price_then_sell_margin_is_two_btc ( ) {
let price = Usd ( dec ! ( 40000 ) ) ;
let quantity = Usd ( dec ! [ 80000 ] ) ;
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin ( price , quantity ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! ( sell_margin , Amount ::from_btc ( 2.0 ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
fn serialize_cfd_state_snapshot ( ) {
// This test is to prevent us from breaking the cfd_state API used by the UI and database!
// This test is to prevent us from breaking the CfdState API against the database.
// We serialize the state into the database, so changes to the enum result in breaking
// program version changes.
@ -394,11 +458,12 @@ mod tests {
transition_timestamp : fixed_timestamp ,
} ,
settlement_timestamp : fixed_timestamp ,
margin : Amount ::from_btc ( 0.5 ) . unwrap ( ) ,
} ;
let json = serde_json ::to_string ( & cfd_state ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq ! (
json ,
r#"{"type":"Open","payload":{"common":{"transition_timestamp":{"secs_since_epoch":0,"nanos_since_epoch":0}},"settlement_timestamp":{"secs_since_epoch":0,"nanos_since_epoch":0},"margin":50000000 }}"#
) ;
let cfd_state = CfdState ::CloseRequested {