Putting each import statement on a dedicated line makes it a lot less
likely to create merge conflicts when items are removed / added because
Git resolves conflicts on a line-by-line basis.
- Remove dummy transaction and txid (use the transactions received in the
messages instead
- extract helpers for quote and price to prevent misalignments in tests
- extend contract setup to finish at Open state of the cfd
Originally we thought we need this enum because we would need to use
`MessageChannel`s from the rocket layer. But we can actually fully
qualify the address without issues.
We also introduce `xtra_productivity` to remove some of the indirection
that is happening in this file.
Running this test with `--nocapture` reveals that we have unmocked
handlers. Adding these mocks fixes those panics (which are being
captured by tokio and hence did not abort the test).
Additionally we specialize the `mock_common_handlers` function to just
deal with the two `Sync` messages to make it clear that no more mocks
should be added to this function.
`do_send` did not inspect any errors, while Cfd actors support returning errors
if an action performed on them failed.
This matches the code used in production in HTTP requests.
Slight changes in the test were required as the test failed
otherwise (particularly, on unhandled monitoring of oracle attestation).
Cfd protocol got moved into a separate repository.
All references of `cfd_protocol` were renamed to `maia`.
Patch cargo.toml with a fixed git revision until it gets a public release.
Mockall is a mocking framework that removes the need for writing more actors,
making tests easier to write.
- add one more layer of indirection (a trait per actor type: Wallet, Oracle, Monitor)
- Mocks implementing the actor traits (with default stubbed implementations if no extra
behaviour needed)
- references to the mocks are being passed into the tests (via Arc<Mutex>>), allowing
for dynamically changing the behaviour and adding assertions. This also
aids readability, as the mock setup can be collocated with a particular
test, if the test needs something extra