The choice of using a 256 bit string is temporary. This will be replaced
in favour of a 24 word seed phrase which will be used to create the
seed (BIP39).
In general, we would like to let the sender of an `xtra::Message` to
be able to handle all the possible errors. The `log_error` macro
catered to the complete opposite use case, so we remove it.
In order to make error handling at the sending site more ergonomic, we
introduce a `LogFailure` trait designed for fallible `xtra::Messages`.
With this patch we've tried to change _where_ we handle errors, but
not _what_ we do with them.
Add a macro to simplify assertions on Cfd state in both maker and taker, which
significantly reduces boilerplate in tests.
Macro was used for brevity (we can hide `.await.unwrap()`), when a function was
used it would take 4 lines after formatting.
Putting each import statement on a dedicated line makes it a lot less
likely to create merge conflicts when items are removed / added because
Git resolves conflicts on a line-by-line basis.
We need this on the maker side to be able to get stats on what takers do.
For the taker it will also become relevant in the future so it is not wrong to add it.
- Remove dummy transaction and txid (use the transactions received in the
messages instead
- extract helpers for quote and price to prevent misalignments in tests
- extend contract setup to finish at Open state of the cfd
Contract setup test keeps failing when bors runs it.
Note: contract setup got recently refactored into a dedicated actor, this might
have increased the time it takes to finish the process.
By default tests use the same heartbeat interval as production code.
Allow adjusting the value using builder pattern is tests that otherwise take too
long to complete (as they wait for timeout to trigger).
Disable long-running test to speed up build/test cycle for devs.
This means it is not run by default, in order to run it you have to specify the
test name or run `cargo test -- --ignored`
Originally we thought we need this enum because we would need to use
`MessageChannel`s from the rocket layer. But we can actually fully
qualify the address without issues.
We also introduce `xtra_productivity` to remove some of the indirection
that is happening in this file.
Note: Projection actor is used across both taker and maker, so it really should
publish information about connected counterparty.
Taker should use that channel for deriving maker online status.
Instead of blocking and awaiting for connection to maker before the start, spawn
the connection attempt in a separate task that will also attempt to reconnect if
the maker goes offline.
Extend the unit test to cover the new behaviour.
Do not shutdown the taker upon connection loss anymore.
Co-authored-by: rishflab <>
A configurable settlement interval for the maker causes friction when implementing auto-rollover, because the settlement interval is not known to the taker.
The settlement interval should not be configurable, thus the configurable settlement interval is removed on the maker side.
The cfd actors and oracle actor use a global constant to decide the settlement interval and oracle even lookahead.
Not pulling the constant into the actors is a conscious decision, it allows us to set this to a different value in the actor tests.
The fact that we use the same constant for cfd actor and oracle actor is an implementation detail.
The projection actor is responsible in preparing data for the HTTP API and consequently for the UI.
While this is commit provides only the foundation, in the long run we can:
- Reduce the logic happening in the rocket layer. `ToSseEvent` can likely go away.
- Reduce the complexity for other actors in what needs to be updated when. All they should care about is sending updates to the projection actor. (mostly done)
- Improve test coverage. With a dedicated actor that does the projection, we should be able to write assertions in our integration tests that are closer to the UI.
The fact that we're storing a Vec<RemoteHandle<()>) internally is an
implementation detail.
Calling `spawn_with_handle` is done internally now, guarded by a `debug_assert!`
macro discouraging from doing it twice.
Running this test with `--nocapture` reveals that we have unmocked
handlers. Adding these mocks fixes those panics (which are being
captured by tokio and hence did not abort the test).
Additionally we specialize the `mock_common_handlers` function to just
deal with the two `Sync` messages to make it clear that no more mocks
should be added to this function.