@ -41,21 +41,16 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block);
# include "komodo_globals.h"
# include "komodo_utils.h"
void komodo_setkmdheight ( int32_t kmdheight )
if ( kmdheight > KMDHEIGHT )
KMDHEIGHT = kmdheight ;
# include "cJSON.c"
# include "komodo_bitcoind.h"
# include "komodo_interest.h"
# include "komodo_pax.h"
# include "komodo_notary.h"
int32_t komodo_parsestatefile ( struct komodo_state * sp , FILE * fp , char * symbol , char * dest ) ;
# include "komodo_gateway.h"
# include "komodo_events.h"
void komodo_currentheight_set ( int32_t height )
char symbol [ 16 ] , dest [ 16 ] ; struct komodo_state * sp ;
@ -177,25 +172,7 @@ void komodo_stateupdate(int32_t height,uint8_t notarypubs[][33],uint8_t numnotar
return ;
if ( fp = = 0 )
# ifdef WIN32
sprintf ( fname , " %s \\ %s " , GetDataDir ( false ) . string ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( char * ) " komodostate " ) ;
//sprintf(fname2,"%s\\%s",GetDataDir(false).string().c_str(),(char *)"minerids");
# else
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s " , GetDataDir ( false ) . string ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( char * ) " komodostate " ) ;
//sprintf(fname2,"%s/%s",GetDataDir(false).string().c_str(),(char *)"minerids");
# endif
if ( ( Minerfp = fopen ( fname2 , " rb+ " ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( Minerfp = fopen ( fname2 , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
fwrite ( Minerids , 1 , sizeof ( Minerids ) , Minerfp ) ;
fclose ( Minerfp ) ;
Minerfp = fopen ( fname2 , " rb+ " ) ;
if ( Minerfp ! = 0 & & fread ( Minerids , 1 , sizeof ( Minerids ) , Minerfp ) ! = sizeof ( Minerids ) )
printf ( " read error Minerids \n " ) ; */
komodo_statefname ( fname , ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " rb+ " ) ) ! = 0 )
while ( komodo_parsestatefile ( sp , fp , symbol , dest ) > = 0 )
@ -212,7 +189,7 @@ void komodo_stateupdate(int32_t height,uint8_t notarypubs[][33],uint8_t numnotar
if ( fp ! = 0 ) // write out funcid, height, other fields, call side effect function
//printf("fpos.%ld ",ftell(fp));
if ( KMDheight > 0 )
if ( KMDheight ! = 0 )
fputc ( ' K ' , fp ) ;
if ( fwrite ( & height , 1 , sizeof ( height ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( height ) )
@ -368,6 +345,7 @@ int32_t komodo_voutupdate(int32_t *isratificationp,int32_t notaryid,uint8_t *scr
sp - > NOTARIZED_HASH = kmdtxid ;
sp - > NOTARIZED_DESTTXID = desttxid ;
komodo_stateupdate ( height , 0 , 0 , 0 , zero , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// extract X opreturns here
} else printf ( " reject ht.%d NOTARIZED.%d %s.%s DESTTXID.%s (%s) \n " , height , * notarizedheightp , ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL [ 0 ] = = 0 ? " KMD " : ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL , kmdtxid . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) , desttxid . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) , ( char * ) & scriptbuf [ len ] ) ;
else if ( i = = 0 & & j = = 1 & & opretlen = = 149 )
@ -407,7 +385,7 @@ int32_t komodo_isratify(int32_t isspecial,int32_t numvalid)
// if all outputs to notary -> notary utxo
// if txi == 0 && 2 outputs and 2nd OP_RETURN, len == 32*2+4 -> notarized, 1st byte 'P' -> pricefeed
// OP_RETURN: 'D' -> deposit, 'W' -> withdraw
void komodo_currentheight_set ( int32_t height ) ;
int32_t gettxout_scriptPubKey ( uint8_t * scriptPubKey , int32_t maxsize , uint256 txid , int32_t n ) ;
int32_t komodo_notarycmp ( uint8_t * scriptPubKey , int32_t scriptlen , uint8_t pubkeys [ 64 ] [ 33 ] , int32_t numnotaries , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] )
@ -428,9 +406,12 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block)
static int32_t hwmheight ;
uint64_t signedmask , voutmask ; char symbol [ 16 ] , dest [ 16 ] ; struct komodo_state * sp ;
uint8_t scriptbuf [ 4096 ] , pubkeys [ 64 ] [ 33 ] , rmd160 [ 20 ] , scriptPubKey [ 35 ] ; uint256 kmdtxid , btctxid , txhash ;
uint8_t scriptbuf [ 4096 ] , pubkeys [ 64 ] [ 33 ] , rmd160 [ 20 ] , scriptPubKey [ 35 ] ; uint256 kmdtxid , zero , btctxid , txhash ;
int32_t i , j , k , numnotaries , scriptlen , isratification , nid , numvalid , specialtx , notarizedheight , notaryid , len , numvouts , numvins , height , txn_count ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
komodo_init ( pindex - > nHeight ) ;
if ( ( sp = komodo_stateptr ( symbol , dest ) ) = = 0 )
return ;
numnotaries = komodo_notaries ( pubkeys , pindex - > nHeight ) ;
calc_rmd160_sha256 ( rmd160 , pubkeys [ 0 ] , 33 ) ;
if ( pindex - > nHeight > hwmheight )
@ -438,20 +419,19 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block)
printf ( " hwmheight.%d vs pindex->nHeight.%d reorg.%d \n " , hwmheight , pindex - > nHeight , hwmheight - pindex - > nHeight ) ;
if ( ( sp = komodo_stateptr ( symbol , dest ) ) ! = 0 )
komodo_event_rewind ( sp , symbol , pindex - > nHeight ) ;
// komodo_stateupdate();
komodo_stateupdate ( pindex - > nHeight , 0 , 0 , 0 , zero , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , - pindex - > nHeight , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
komodo_currentheight_set ( chainActive . Tip ( ) - > nHeight ) ;
if ( komodo_is_issuer ( ) ! = 0 )
/*if ( komodo_is_issuer() != 0 )
while ( KOMODO_REALTIME = = 0 | | time ( NULL ) < = KOMODO_REALTIME )
fprintf ( stderr , " komodo_connect.(%s) waiting for realtime RT.%u now.%u \n " , ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL , KOMODO_REALTIME , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
sleep ( 30 ) ;
KOMODO_REALTIME = KOMODO_INITDONE = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
} */
sp - > KOMODO_REALTIME = KOMODO_INITDONE = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( pindex ! = 0 )
height = pindex - > nHeight ;
@ -481,10 +461,6 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block)
if ( i ! = 0 & & notaryid > = 0 & & notaryid < 64 & & voutmask ! = 0 )
signedmask = 0 ;
numvins = block . vtx [ i ] . vin . size ( ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numvins ; j + + )
@ -494,10 +470,6 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block)
if ( ( k = komodo_notarycmp ( scriptPubKey , scriptlen , pubkeys , numnotaries , rmd160 ) ) > = 0 )
signedmask | = ( 1LL < < k ) ;
/*if ( (k= komodo_nutxofind(height,block.vtx[i].vin[j].prevout.hash,block.vtx[i].vin[j].prevout.n)) >= 0 )
signedmask | = ( 1LL < < k ) ;
else if ( signedmask ! = 0 )
printf ( " signedmask.%llx but ht.%d i.%d j.%d not found (%s %d) \n " , ( long long ) signedmask , height , i , j , block . vtx [ i ] . vin [ j ] . prevout . hash . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) , block . vtx [ i ] . vin [ j ] . prevout . n ) ; */
if ( signedmask ! = 0 )
printf ( " ht.%d signedmask.%llx numvins.%d numvouts.%d \n " , height , ( long long ) signedmask , numvins , numvouts ) ;
@ -537,6 +509,8 @@ void komodo_connectblock(CBlockIndex *pindex,CBlock& block)
if ( pindex - > nHeight = = hwmheight & & ( hwmheight % 100 ) = = 0 )
komodo_stateupdate ( height , 0 , 0 , 0 , zero , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , height , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " komodo_connectblock: unexpected null pindex \n " ) ;
KOMODO_INITDONE = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;