You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
802 B

ok: Ok
yes: true
no: false
apply: Apply
confirm: Confirmer
cancel: Annuler
delete: Delete
continue: Continue
skipThisStep: Skip This Step
chooseWalletPlaceholder: Choisir un portefeuille...
currency: Monnaie
selectAccount: Sélectionner un compte
selectCurrency: Select a currency
sortBy: Trier par
search: Rechercher
save: Sauvegarder
password: Mot de passe
editProfile: Éditer le profil
lockApplication: Verrouiller l'application
max: Max
next: Suivant
back: Retour
retry: Réessayer
close: Fermer
eastern: Orientale
western: Occidentale
title: Welcome Back
subTitle: Your application is locked
description: Please enter your password to continue
inputPlaceholder: Type your password
syncing: Syncing...
upToDate: Up to date
error: Sync error.
refresh: Refresh