3 changed files with 358 additions and 366 deletions
@ -1,357 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
import logger from 'logger' |
import invariant from 'invariant' |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import { translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import { compose } from 'redux' |
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' |
import type { Account, Operation } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import type { T, Device } from 'types/common' |
import type { WalletBridge } from 'bridge/types' |
import { getBridgeForCurrency } from 'bridge' |
import { accountsSelector } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import { updateAccountWithUpdater } from 'actions/accounts' |
import PollCounterValuesOnMount from 'components/PollCounterValuesOnMount' |
import Breadcrumb from 'components/Breadcrumb' |
import { ModalBody, ModalTitle, ModalContent } from 'components/base/Modal' |
import StepConnectDevice from 'components/modals/StepConnectDevice' |
import ChildSwitch from 'components/base/ChildSwitch' |
import SyncSkipUnderPriority from 'components/SyncSkipUnderPriority' |
import SyncOneAccountOnMount from 'components/SyncOneAccountOnMount' |
import Footer from './Footer' |
import ConfirmationFooter from './ConfirmationFooter' |
import StepAmount from './01-step-amount' |
import StepVerification from './03-step-verification' |
import StepConfirmation from './04-step-confirmation' |
const noop = () => {} |
type Props = { |
initialAccount: ?Account, |
onClose: () => void, |
updateAccountWithUpdater: (string, (Account) => Account) => void, |
accounts: Account[], |
t: T, |
} |
type State<T> = { |
account: Account, |
transaction: ?T, |
bridge: ?WalletBridge<T>, |
stepIndex: number, |
appStatus: ?string, |
deviceSelected: ?Device, |
optimisticOperation: ?Operation, |
error: ?Error, |
} |
type Step = { |
label: string, |
canNext: (State<*>) => boolean, |
canPrev: (State<*>) => boolean, |
canClose: (State<*>) => boolean, |
prevStep?: number, |
} |
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({ |
accounts: accountsSelector, |
}) |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
updateAccountWithUpdater, |
} |
class SendModalBody extends PureComponent<Props, State<*>> { |
constructor({ t, initialAccount, accounts }: Props) { |
super() |
const account = initialAccount || accounts[0] |
const bridge = account ? getBridgeForCurrency(account.currency) : null |
const transaction = bridge ? bridge.createTransaction(account) : null |
this.state = { |
stepIndex: 0, |
txOperation: null, |
appStatus: null, |
deviceSelected: null, |
optimisticOperation: null, |
account, |
bridge, |
transaction, |
error: null, |
} |
this.steps = [ |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.amount.title'), |
canClose: () => true, |
canPrev: () => false, |
canNext: ({ bridge, account, transaction }) => |
bridge && account && transaction |
? bridge.isValidTransaction(account, transaction) |
: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.connectDevice.title'), |
canClose: () => true, |
canNext: ({ deviceSelected, appStatus }) => |
deviceSelected !== null && appStatus === 'success', |
prevStep: 0, |
canPrev: () => true, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.verification.title'), |
canClose: ({ error }) => !!error, |
canNext: () => true, |
canPrev: ({ error }) => !!error, |
prevStep: 0, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.confirmation.title'), |
prevStep: 0, |
canClose: () => true, |
canPrev: () => true, |
canNext: () => false, |
}, |
] |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
const { signTransactionSub } = this |
if (signTransactionSub) { |
signTransactionSub.unsubscribe() |
} |
} |
signTransactionSub: * |
signTransaction = async () => { |
const { deviceSelected, account, transaction, bridge } = this.state |
invariant( |
deviceSelected && account && transaction && bridge, |
'signTransaction invalid conditions', |
) |
this.signTransactionSub = bridge |
.signAndBroadcast(account, transaction, deviceSelected.path) |
.subscribe({ |
next: e => { |
switch (e.type) { |
case 'signed': { |
this.onSigned() |
break |
} |
case 'broadcasted': { |
this.onOperationBroadcasted(e.operation) |
break |
} |
default: |
} |
}, |
error: error => { |
this.onOperationError(error) |
}, |
}) |
} |
onNextStep = () => |
this.setState(state => { |
let { stepIndex, error } = state |
if (stepIndex >= this.steps.length - 1) { |
return null |
} |
if (!this.steps[stepIndex].canNext(state)) { |
logger.warn('tried to next step without a valid state!', state, stepIndex) |
return null |
} |
stepIndex++ |
if (stepIndex < 2) { |
error = null |
} else if (stepIndex === 2) { |
this.signTransaction() |
} |
return { stepIndex, error } |
}) |
onChangeDevice = (deviceSelected: ?Device) => { |
this.setState({ deviceSelected }) |
} |
onChangeStatus = (deviceStatus: ?string, appStatus: ?string) => { |
this.setState({ appStatus }) |
} |
onPrevStep = () => { |
const { stepIndex } = this.state |
const step = this.steps[stepIndex] |
if (step && 'prevStep' in step) { |
this.setState({ |
appStatus: null, |
deviceSelected: null, |
error: null, |
stepIndex: step.prevStep, |
}) |
} |
} |
onSigned = () => { |
this.setState({ |
stepIndex: 3, |
}) |
} |
onOperationBroadcasted = (optimisticOperation: Operation) => { |
const { account, bridge } = this.state |
if (!account || !bridge) return |
const { addPendingOperation } = bridge |
if (addPendingOperation) { |
this.props.updateAccountWithUpdater(account.id, account => |
addPendingOperation(account, optimisticOperation), |
) |
} |
this.setState({ |
optimisticOperation, |
stepIndex: 3, |
error: null, |
}) |
} |
onOperationError = (error: Error) => { |
// $FlowFixMe
if (error.statusCode === 0x6985) { |
// User denied on device
this.setState({ error }) |
} else { |
this.setState({ error, stepIndex: 3 }) |
} |
} |
onChangeAccount = account => { |
const bridge = getBridgeForCurrency(account.currency) |
this.setState({ |
account, |
bridge, |
transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account), |
}) |
} |
onChangeTransaction = transaction => { |
this.setState({ transaction }) |
} |
onGoToFirstStep = () => { |
this.setState({ stepIndex: 0, error: null }) |
} |
steps: Step[] |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { |
stepIndex, |
account, |
transaction, |
bridge, |
optimisticOperation, |
deviceSelected, |
error, |
} = this.state |
const step = this.steps[stepIndex] |
if (!step) return null |
const canClose = step.canClose(this.state) |
const canNext = step.canNext(this.state) |
const canPrev = step.canPrev(this.state) |
let { onClose } = this.props |
if (!canClose) { |
onClose = noop |
} |
return ( |
<ModalBody onClose={onClose}> |
<PollCounterValuesOnMount /> |
<SyncSkipUnderPriority priority={80} /> |
{account && <SyncOneAccountOnMount priority={81} accountId={account.id} />} |
<ModalTitle onBack={canPrev ? this.onPrevStep : undefined}> |
{t('app:send.title')} |
</ModalTitle> |
<ModalContent> |
<Breadcrumb t={t} mb={6} currentStep={stepIndex} items={this.steps} /> |
<ChildSwitch index={stepIndex}> |
<StepAmount |
t={t} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
onChangeAccount={this.onChangeAccount} |
onChangeTransaction={this.onChangeTransaction} |
/> |
<StepConnectDevice |
t={t} |
account={account} |
deviceSelected={deviceSelected} |
onChangeDevice={this.onChangeDevice} |
onStatusChange={this.onChangeStatus} |
/> |
<StepVerification |
t={t} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
device={deviceSelected} |
onOperationBroadcasted={this.onOperationBroadcasted} |
onError={this.onOperationError} |
hasError={!!error} |
/> |
<StepConfirmation t={t} optimisticOperation={optimisticOperation} error={error} /> |
</ChildSwitch> |
</ModalContent> |
{stepIndex === 3 ? ( |
<ConfirmationFooter |
t={t} |
error={error} |
account={account} |
optimisticOperation={optimisticOperation} |
onClose={onClose} |
onGoToFirstStep={this.onGoToFirstStep} |
/> |
) : ( |
account && |
bridge && |
transaction && |
stepIndex < 2 && ( |
<Footer |
canNext={canNext} |
onNext={this.onNextStep} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
showTotal={stepIndex === 0} |
t={t} |
/> |
) |
)} |
</ModalBody> |
) |
} |
} |
export default compose( |
connect( |
mapStateToProps, |
mapDispatchToProps, |
), |
translate(), |
)(SendModalBody) |
@ -1,21 +1,370 @@ |
// @flow
import logger from 'logger' |
import invariant from 'invariant' |
import React, { Component } from 'react' |
import { translate } from 'react-i18next' |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import { compose } from 'redux' |
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect' |
import type { Account, Operation } from '@ledgerhq/live-common/lib/types' |
import type { T, Device } from 'types/common' |
import type { WalletBridge } from 'bridge/types' |
import { getBridgeForCurrency } from 'bridge' |
import { accountsSelector } from 'reducers/accounts' |
import { updateAccountWithUpdater } from 'actions/accounts' |
import { MODAL_SEND } from 'config/constants' |
import Modal from 'components/base/Modal' |
import SendModalBody from './SendModalBody' |
import Modal, { ModalBody, ModalContent, ModalTitle } from 'components/base/Modal' |
import PollCounterValuesOnMount from 'components/PollCounterValuesOnMount' |
import Breadcrumb from 'components/Breadcrumb' |
import StepConnectDevice from 'components/modals/StepConnectDevice' |
import ChildSwitch from 'components/base/ChildSwitch' |
import SyncSkipUnderPriority from 'components/SyncSkipUnderPriority' |
import SyncOneAccountOnMount from 'components/SyncOneAccountOnMount' |
import Footer from './Footer' |
import ConfirmationFooter from './ConfirmationFooter' |
import StepAmount from './01-step-amount' |
import StepVerification from './03-step-verification' |
import StepConfirmation from './04-step-confirmation' |
type Props = { |
updateAccountWithUpdater: (string, (Account) => Account) => void, |
accounts: Account[], |
t: T, |
} |
type State<T> = { |
account: ?Account, |
transaction: ?T, |
bridge: ?WalletBridge<T>, |
stepIndex: number, |
appStatus: ?string, |
deviceSelected: ?Device, |
optimisticOperation: ?Operation, |
error: ?Error, |
} |
type Step = { |
label: string, |
canNext: (State<*>) => boolean, |
canPrev: (State<*>) => boolean, |
canClose: (State<*>) => boolean, |
prevStep?: number, |
} |
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({ |
accounts: accountsSelector, |
}) |
const mapDispatchToProps = { |
updateAccountWithUpdater, |
} |
const INITIAL_STATE = { |
stepIndex: 0, |
appStatus: null, |
deviceSelected: null, |
optimisticOperation: null, |
account: null, |
bridge: null, |
transaction: null, |
error: null, |
} |
class SendModal extends Component<Props, State<*>> { |
constructor({ t }: Props) { |
super() |
this.steps = [ |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.amount.title'), |
canClose: () => true, |
canPrev: () => false, |
canNext: ({ bridge, account, transaction }) => |
bridge && account && transaction |
? bridge.isValidTransaction(account, transaction) |
: false, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.connectDevice.title'), |
canClose: () => true, |
canNext: ({ deviceSelected, appStatus }) => |
deviceSelected !== null && appStatus === 'success', |
prevStep: 0, |
canPrev: () => true, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.verification.title'), |
canClose: ({ error }) => !!error, |
canNext: () => true, |
canPrev: ({ error }) => !!error, |
prevStep: 0, |
}, |
{ |
label: t('app:send.steps.confirmation.title'), |
prevStep: 0, |
canClose: () => true, |
canPrev: () => true, |
canNext: () => false, |
}, |
] |
} |
signTransactionSub: * |
handleBeforeOpenModal = ({ data }) => { |
const { account } = this.state |
const { accounts } = this.props |
if (!account) { |
const account = (data && data.account) || accounts[0] |
const bridge = account ? getBridgeForCurrency(account.currency) : null |
const transaction = bridge ? bridge.createTransaction(account) : null |
this.setState({ account, bridge, transaction }) |
} |
} |
handleReset = () => { |
const { signTransactionSub } = this |
if (signTransactionSub) { |
signTransactionSub.unsubscribe() |
} |
this.setState(INITIAL_STATE) |
} |
signTransaction = async () => { |
const { deviceSelected, account, transaction, bridge } = this.state |
invariant( |
deviceSelected && account && transaction && bridge, |
'signTransaction invalid conditions', |
) |
this.signTransactionSub = bridge |
.signAndBroadcast(account, transaction, deviceSelected.path) |
.subscribe({ |
next: e => { |
switch (e.type) { |
case 'signed': { |
this.onSigned() |
break |
} |
case 'broadcasted': { |
this.onOperationBroadcasted(e.operation) |
break |
} |
default: |
} |
}, |
error: error => { |
this.onOperationError(error) |
}, |
}) |
} |
onNextStep = () => |
this.setState(state => { |
let { stepIndex, error } = state |
if (stepIndex >= this.steps.length - 1) { |
return null |
} |
if (!this.steps[stepIndex].canNext(state)) { |
logger.warn('tried to next step without a valid state!', state, stepIndex) |
return null |
} |
stepIndex++ |
if (stepIndex < 2) { |
error = null |
} else if (stepIndex === 2) { |
this.signTransaction() |
} |
return { stepIndex, error } |
}) |
onChangeDevice = (deviceSelected: ?Device) => { |
this.setState({ deviceSelected }) |
} |
class SendModal extends Component<void> { |
onChangeStatus = (deviceStatus: ?string, appStatus: ?string) => { |
this.setState({ appStatus }) |
} |
onPrevStep = () => { |
const { stepIndex } = this.state |
const step = this.steps[stepIndex] |
if (step && 'prevStep' in step) { |
this.setState({ |
appStatus: null, |
deviceSelected: null, |
error: null, |
stepIndex: step.prevStep, |
}) |
} |
} |
onSigned = () => { |
this.setState({ |
stepIndex: 3, |
}) |
} |
onOperationBroadcasted = (optimisticOperation: Operation) => { |
const { account, bridge } = this.state |
if (!account || !bridge) return |
const { addPendingOperation } = bridge |
if (addPendingOperation) { |
this.props.updateAccountWithUpdater(account.id, account => |
addPendingOperation(account, optimisticOperation), |
) |
} |
this.setState({ |
optimisticOperation, |
stepIndex: 3, |
error: null, |
}) |
} |
onOperationError = (error: Error) => { |
// $FlowFixMe
if (error.statusCode === 0x6985) { |
// User denied on device
this.setState({ error }) |
} else { |
this.setState({ error, stepIndex: 3 }) |
} |
} |
onChangeAccount = account => { |
const bridge = getBridgeForCurrency(account.currency) |
this.setState({ |
account, |
bridge, |
transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account), |
}) |
} |
onChangeTransaction = transaction => { |
this.setState({ transaction }) |
} |
onGoToFirstStep = () => { |
this.setState({ stepIndex: 0, error: null }) |
} |
steps: Step[] |
render() { |
const { t } = this.props |
const { |
stepIndex, |
account, |
transaction, |
bridge, |
optimisticOperation, |
deviceSelected, |
error, |
} = this.state |
const step = this.steps[stepIndex] |
if (!step) return null |
const canClose = step.canClose(this.state) |
const canNext = step.canNext(this.state) |
const canPrev = step.canPrev(this.state) |
return ( |
<Modal |
name={MODAL_SEND} |
preventBackdropClick |
render={({ data, onClose }) => ( |
<SendModalBody {...this.props} initialAccount={data && data.account} onClose={onClose} /> |
onBeforeOpen={this.handleBeforeOpenModal} |
preventBackdropClick={!canClose} |
render={({ onClose }) => ( |
<ModalBody |
onClose={() => { |
this.handleReset() |
onClose() |
}} |
> |
<PollCounterValuesOnMount /> |
<SyncSkipUnderPriority priority={80} /> |
{account && <SyncOneAccountOnMount priority={81} accountId={account.id} />} |
<ModalTitle onBack={canPrev ? this.onPrevStep : undefined}> |
{t('app:send.title')} |
</ModalTitle> |
<ModalContent> |
<Breadcrumb t={t} mb={6} currentStep={stepIndex} items={this.steps} /> |
<ChildSwitch index={stepIndex}> |
<StepAmount |
t={t} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
onChangeAccount={this.onChangeAccount} |
onChangeTransaction={this.onChangeTransaction} |
/> |
<StepConnectDevice |
t={t} |
account={account} |
deviceSelected={deviceSelected} |
onChangeDevice={this.onChangeDevice} |
onStatusChange={this.onChangeStatus} |
/> |
<StepVerification |
t={t} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
device={deviceSelected} |
onOperationBroadcasted={this.onOperationBroadcasted} |
onError={this.onOperationError} |
hasError={!!error} |
/> |
<StepConfirmation t={t} optimisticOperation={optimisticOperation} error={error} /> |
</ChildSwitch> |
</ModalContent> |
{stepIndex === 3 ? ( |
<ConfirmationFooter |
t={t} |
error={error} |
account={account} |
optimisticOperation={optimisticOperation} |
onClose={onClose} |
onGoToFirstStep={this.onGoToFirstStep} |
/> |
) : ( |
account && |
bridge && |
transaction && |
stepIndex < 2 && ( |
<Footer |
canNext={canNext} |
onNext={this.onNextStep} |
account={account} |
bridge={bridge} |
transaction={transaction} |
showTotal={stepIndex === 0} |
t={t} |
/> |
) |
)} |
</ModalBody> |
)} |
/> |
) |
} |
} |
export default SendModal |
export default compose( |
connect( |
mapStateToProps, |
mapDispatchToProps, |
), |
translate(), |
)(SendModal) |
Reference in new issue