33 changed files with 2584 additions and 844 deletions
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"presets": [ |
[ |
"env", |
{ |
"loose": true, |
"modules": false, |
"targets": { |
"electron": "1.8", |
"node": "current" |
} |
} |
], |
"flow", |
"react", |
"stage-0" |
], |
"plugins": [["module-resolver", { "root": ["src"] }], "styled-components"], |
"env": { |
"test": { |
"presets": [ |
"env", |
"stage-0", |
"react", |
], |
"plugins": [["module-resolver", { "root": ["src"] }], "styled-components"], |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
const presets = [ |
[ |
'@babel/preset-env', |
{ |
loose: true, |
modules: false, |
targets: { |
electron: '1.8', |
node: 'current', |
}, |
}, |
], |
'@babel/preset-flow', |
'@babel/preset-react', |
'@babel/preset-stage-0', |
] |
const plugins = [ |
['babel-plugin-module-resolver', { root: ['src'] }], |
[ |
'babel-plugin-styled-components', |
{ |
displayName: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production', |
}, |
], |
] |
module.exports = { |
presets, |
plugins, |
env: { |
test: { |
presets, |
plugins, |
}, |
}, |
} |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
#/bin/bash |
rm -rf dist && |
NODE_ENV=production webpack --config webpack/internals.config.js && |
NODE_ENV=production webpack-cli --config webpack/internals.config.js && |
electron-webpack |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
#/bin/bash |
concurrently --raw \ |
"cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack --watch --config webpack/internals.config.js" \ |
"cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack-cli --watch --config webpack/internals.config.js" \ |
"cross-env NODE_ENV=development electron-webpack dev" |
@ -1,371 +1,187 @@ |
// @flow
/* eslint-disable react/no-multi-comp */ |
import React, { Fragment, Component, PureComponent } from 'react' |
import VictoryChart from 'victory-chart/lib/components/victory-chart/victory-chart' |
import VictoryArea from 'victory-chart/lib/components/victory-area/victory-area' |
import VictoryAxis from 'victory-chart/lib/components/victory-axis/victory-axis' |
import VictoryTooltip from 'victory-core/lib/victory-tooltip/victory-tooltip' |
import VictoryVoronoiContainer from 'victory-chart/lib/components/containers/victory-voronoi-container' |
import { space, colors, fontSizes } from 'styles/theme' |
import Box from 'components/base/Box' |
import Text from 'components/base/Text' |
import { TooltipContainer } from 'components/base/Tooltip' |
const DEFAULT_PROPS = { |
color: 'blue', |
padding: 0, |
} |
type Props = { |
height: number, |
render: Function, |
/** |
* Chart |
* ----- |
* |
* XX |
* XXXX |
* X XX X |
* XX X XX X |
* XX |
* XX |
* Usage: |
* |
* <Chart |
* data={data} |
* interactive // Handle mouse events, display tooltip etc.
* color="#5f8ced" // Main color for line, gradient, etc.
* height={300} // Fix height. Width is responsive to container.
* /> |
* |
* `data` looks like: |
* |
* [ |
* { date: '2018-01-01', value: 10 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-02', value: 25 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-03', value: 50 }, |
* ] |
* |
*/ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import noop from 'lodash/noop' |
import type { Unit } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import refreshNodes from './refreshNodes' |
import refreshDraw from './refreshDraw' |
import handleMouseEvents from './handleMouseEvents' |
import { enrichData, generateColors, generateMargins, observeResize } from './helpers' |
import type { Data } from './types' |
export type Props = { |
data: Data, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
unit?: Unit, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
id?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
height?: number, |
tickXScale: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
color?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
hideAxis?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
dateFormat?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
interactive?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
renderTooltip?: Function, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
} |
type State = { |
isAnimationActive: boolean, |
width: number, |
} |
export class WrapperChart extends PureComponent<Props, State> { |
state = { |
isAnimationActive: true, |
width: 0, |
class Chart extends PureComponent<Props> { |
static defaultProps = { |
color: '#000', |
dateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', |
height: 400, |
hideAxis: false, |
id: 'chart', |
interactive: true, |
tickXScale: 'month', |
unit: undefined, |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
this._timeout = setTimeout( |
() => |
this.setState({ |
isAnimationActive: false, |
}), |
) |
if (this._node) { |
this._ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => { |
const entry = entries.find(entry => this._node === entry.target) |
if (entry) { |
this.setState({ |
width: entry.contentRect.width, |
}) |
const { width } = this._ruler.getBoundingClientRect() |
this._width = width |
this.createChart() |
observeResize(this._ruler, width => { |
if (width !== this._width) { |
this._width = width |
this.refreshChart(this.props) |
} |
}) |
this._ro.observe(this._node) |
} |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
clearTimeout(this._timeout) |
if (this._ro) { |
this._ro.disconnect() |
} |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { |
this.refreshChart(prevProps) |
} |
_ro = undefined |
_node = undefined |
_timeout = undefined |
_ruler: any |
_node: any |
_width: number |
refreshChart: Function |
render() { |
const { render, height } = this.props |
const { isAnimationActive, width } = this.state |
return ( |
<Box ff="Open Sans" innerRef={n => (this._node = n)} style={{ height }}> |
{render({ isAnimationActive, height, width })} |
</Box> |
) |
createChart() { |
const ctx = { |
NODES: {}, |
MARGINS: {}, |
COLORS: {}, |
DATA: [], |
WIDTH: 0, |
HEIGHT: 0, |
x: noop, |
y: noop, |
} |
} |
function getLinearGradient({ |
linearGradient, |
id, |
color, |
}: { |
linearGradient: LinearGradient, |
id: string, |
color: string, |
}) { |
return linearGradient.length > 0 ? ( |
<svg style={{ height: 0 }}> |
<defs> |
<linearGradient id={id} x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="100%"> |
{linearGradient.map((g, i) => ( |
<stop |
key={i} // eslint-disable-line react/no-array-index-key
offset={`${g[0]}%`} |
stopColor={color} |
stopOpacity={g[1]} |
/> |
))} |
</linearGradient> |
</defs> |
</svg> |
) : null |
} |
class CustomTooltip extends Component<any, any> { |
static defaultEvents = VictoryTooltip.defaultEvents |
state = this.props |
componentWillMount() { |
this._mounted = true |
} |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { |
this._shouldRender = false |
this.updateState(nextProps) |
} |
let firstRender = true |
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { |
const isActive = nextProps.active === true |
const wasActive = this.props.active === true && !nextProps.active |
// Keep reference to mouse handler to allow destroy when refresh
let mouseHandler = null |
return (isActive && this._shouldRender) || wasActive |
} |
this.refreshChart = prevProps => { |
const { _node: node, props } = this |
const { data: raw, color, dateFormat, height, hideAxis, interactive, renderTooltip } = props |
componentWillUnmount() { |
this._mounted = false |
} |
ctx.DATA = enrichData(raw, d3.timeParse(dateFormat)) |
updateState = props => |
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
this._shouldRender = true |
if (this._mounted) { |
this.setState(props) |
// Detect what needs to be updated
color: firstRender || (prevProps && color !== prevProps.color), |
margin: firstRender || (prevProps && hideAxis !== prevProps.hideAxis), |
} |
}) |
_shouldRender = false |
_mounted = false |
firstRender = false |
render() { |
const { strokeWidth, dotColor, x, y, active, text, datum, renderer } = this.props |
if (!active) { |
return null |
// Reset color if needed
if (ctx.INVALIDATED.color) { |
ctx.COLORS = generateColors(color) |
} |
return ( |
<g> |
<circle |
cx={x} |
cy={y + space[2]} |
r={strokeWidth} |
stroke={dotColor} |
strokeWidth={strokeWidth} |
fill={colors.white} |
/> |
<foreignObject> |
<TooltipContainer |
style={{ |
position: 'absolute', |
top: y - space[4], |
left: x, |
transform: `translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)`, |
}} |
> |
<Text style={{ lineHeight: 1 }}>{renderer(text(datum))}</Text> |
</TooltipContainer> |
</foreignObject> |
</g> |
) |
// Reset margins if needed
if (ctx.INVALIDATED.margin) { |
ctx.MARGINS = generateMargins(hideAxis) |
} |
} |
type LinearGradient = Array<Array<*>> |
// Derived draw variables
ctx.HEIGHT = Math.max(0, (height || 0) - ctx.MARGINS.top - ctx.MARGINS.bottom) |
ctx.WIDTH = Math.max(0, this._width - ctx.MARGINS.left - ctx.MARGINS.right) |
type GenericChart = { |
id: string, |
linearGradient: LinearGradient, |
strokeWidth: number, |
height: number, |
padding: Object | number, |
color: string, |
data: Array<Object>, |
} |
// Scales and areas
const x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, ctx.WIDTH]) |
const y = d3.scaleLinear().range([ctx.HEIGHT, 0]) |
x.domain(d3.extent(ctx.DATA, d => d.parsedDate)) |
y.domain([0, d3.max(ctx.DATA, d => d.value)]) |
ctx.x = x |
ctx.y = y |
export const SimpleAreaChart = ({ |
linearGradient, |
height, |
data, |
strokeWidth, |
id, |
padding, |
color, |
}: GenericChart) => ( |
<WrapperChart |
height={height} |
render={({ width }) => ( |
<Fragment> |
{getLinearGradient({ |
linearGradient, |
id, |
color, |
})} |
<VictoryArea |
domainPadding={{ |
y: [0, space[1]], |
}} |
data={data} |
x="name" |
y="value" |
style={{ |
data: { |
stroke: color, |
fill: `url(#${id})`, |
strokeWidth, |
}, |
}} |
padding={padding} |
height={height} |
width={width} |
/> |
</Fragment> |
)} |
/> |
) |
SimpleAreaChart.defaultProps = { |
height: 50, |
id: 'simple-chart', |
linearGradient: [], |
strokeWidth: 1, |
} |
// Reference to last tooltip, to prevent un-necessary re-render
let lastDisplayedTooltip = null |
type Chart = GenericChart & { |
renderLabels: Function, |
renderTickX: Function, |
renderTickY: Function, |
renderTooltip: Function, |
tickCountX: number, |
tickCountY: number, |
} |
// Add/remove nodes depending on props
refreshNodes({ ctx, node, props }) |
const AreaChartContainer = <VictoryVoronoiContainer voronoiDimension="x" /> |
// Redraw
refreshDraw({ ctx, props }) |
export class AreaChart extends PureComponent<Chart> { |
static defaultProps = { |
height: 100, |
id: 'chart', |
linearGradient: [[5, 0.2], [100, 0]], |
strokeWidth: 2, |
renderLabels: (d: Object) => d.y, |
renderTickX: (t: any) => t, |
renderTickY: (t: any) => t, |
// Mouse handler
mouseHandler && mouseHandler.remove() // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
if (interactive) { |
mouseHandler = handleMouseEvents({ |
ctx, |
props, |
shouldTooltipUpdate: d => d !== lastDisplayedTooltip, |
onTooltipUpdate: d => (lastDisplayedTooltip = d), |
renderTooltip, |
}) |
} |
} |
_tooltip = ( |
<CustomTooltip |
strokeWidth={this.props.strokeWidth} |
dotColor={this.props.color} |
renderer={this.props.renderTooltip} |
/> |
) |
render() { |
const { |
color, |
data, |
height, |
id, |
linearGradient, |
padding, |
renderLabels, |
renderTickX, |
renderTickY, |
strokeWidth, |
tickCountX, |
tickCountY, |
} = this.props |
const tickLabelsStyle = { |
fill: colors.grey, |
fontSize: fontSizes[4], |
fontFamily: 'inherit', |
fontWeight: 'inherit', |
this.refreshChart() |
} |
render() { |
const { height } = this.props |
return ( |
<WrapperChart |
height={height} |
render={({ width }) => ( |
<Fragment> |
{getLinearGradient({ |
linearGradient, |
id, |
color, |
})} |
<VictoryChart |
height={height} |
width={width} |
padding={padding} |
domainPadding={{ |
y: [0, space[1]], |
}} |
containerComponent={AreaChartContainer} |
> |
<VictoryAxis |
animate={false} |
tickCount={tickCountX} |
tickFormat={renderTickX} |
style={{ |
axis: { |
stroke: colors.fog, |
}, |
tickLabels: { |
...tickLabelsStyle, |
padding: space[2], |
}, |
}} |
/> |
<VictoryAxis |
dependentAxis |
tickCount={tickCountY} |
tickFormat={renderTickY} |
style={{ |
grid: { |
stroke: colors.fog, |
strokeDasharray: 5, |
}, |
axis: { |
stroke: null, |
}, |
tickLabels: { |
...tickLabelsStyle, |
padding: space[4], |
}, |
}} |
/> |
<VictoryArea |
data={data} |
x="name" |
y="value" |
labelComponent={this._tooltip} |
labels={renderLabels} |
style={{ |
data: { |
stroke: color, |
fill: `url(#${id})`, |
strokeWidth, |
}, |
}} |
width={width} |
/> |
</VictoryChart> |
</Fragment> |
)} |
<div style={{ position: 'relative', height }} ref={n => (this._ruler = n)}> |
<div |
style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} |
ref={n => (this._node = n)} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default Chart |
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ |
// @flow
/** |
* Chart |
* ----- |
* |
* XX |
* XXXX |
* X XX X |
* XX X XX X |
* XX |
* XX |
* Usage: |
* |
* <Chart |
* data={data} |
* interactive // Handle mouse events, display tooltip etc.
* color="#5f8ced" // Main color for line, gradient, etc.
* height={300} // Fix height. Width is responsive to container.
* /> |
* |
* `data` looks like: |
* |
* [ |
* { date: '2018-01-01', value: 10 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-02', value: 25 }, |
* { date: '2018-01-03', value: 50 }, |
* ] |
* |
*/ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import * as d3 from 'd3' |
import noop from 'lodash/noop' |
import type { Unit } from '@ledgerhq/currencies' |
import refreshNodes from './refreshNodes' |
import refreshDraw from './refreshDraw' |
import handleMouseEvents from './handleMouseEvents' |
import { enrichData, generateColors, generateMargins, observeResize } from './helpers' |
import type { Data } from './types' |
export type Props = { |
data: Data, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
unit: Unit, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
id?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
height?: number, |
tickXScale: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
color?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
hideAxis?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
dateFormat?: string, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
interactive?: boolean, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
renderTooltip?: Function, // eslint-disable-line react/no-unused-prop-types
} |
class Chart extends PureComponent<Props> { |
static defaultProps = { |
id: 'chart', |
color: '#000', |
hideAxis: false, |
interactive: true, |
height: 400, |
dateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', |
tickXScale: 'month', |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
const { width } = this._ruler.getBoundingClientRect() |
this._width = width |
this.createChart() |
observeResize(this._ruler, width => { |
if (width !== this._width) { |
this._width = width |
this.refreshChart(this.props) |
} |
}) |
} |
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { |
this.refreshChart(prevProps) |
} |
_ruler: any |
_node: any |
_width: number |
refreshChart: Function |
createChart() { |
const ctx = { |
NODES: {}, |
MARGINS: {}, |
COLORS: {}, |
DATA: [], |
WIDTH: 0, |
HEIGHT: 0, |
x: noop, |
y: noop, |
} |
let firstRender = true |
// Keep reference to mouse handler to allow destroy when refresh
let mouseHandler = null |
this.refreshChart = prevProps => { |
const { _node: node, props } = this |
const { data: raw, color, dateFormat, height, hideAxis, interactive, renderTooltip } = props |
ctx.DATA = enrichData(raw, d3.timeParse(dateFormat)) |
// Detect what needs to be updated
color: firstRender || (prevProps && color !== prevProps.color), |
margin: firstRender || (prevProps && hideAxis !== prevProps.hideAxis), |
} |
firstRender = false |
// Reset color if needed
if (ctx.INVALIDATED.color) { |
ctx.COLORS = generateColors(color) |
} |
// Reset margins if needed
if (ctx.INVALIDATED.margin) { |
ctx.MARGINS = generateMargins(hideAxis) |
} |
// Derived draw variables
ctx.HEIGHT = Math.max(0, (height || 0) - ctx.MARGINS.top - ctx.MARGINS.bottom) |
ctx.WIDTH = Math.max(0, this._width - ctx.MARGINS.left - ctx.MARGINS.right) |
// Scales and areas
const x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, ctx.WIDTH]) |
const y = d3.scaleLinear().range([ctx.HEIGHT, 0]) |
x.domain(d3.extent(ctx.DATA, d => d.parsedDate)) |
y.domain([0, d3.max(ctx.DATA, d => d.value)]) |
ctx.x = x |
ctx.y = y |
// Reference to last tooltip, to prevent un-necessary re-render
let lastDisplayedTooltip = null |
// Add/remove nodes depending on props
refreshNodes({ ctx, node, props }) |
// Redraw
refreshDraw({ ctx, props }) |
// Mouse handler
mouseHandler && mouseHandler.remove() // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
if (interactive) { |
mouseHandler = handleMouseEvents({ |
ctx, |
props, |
shouldTooltipUpdate: d => d !== lastDisplayedTooltip, |
onTooltipUpdate: d => (lastDisplayedTooltip = d), |
renderTooltip, |
}) |
} |
} |
this.refreshChart() |
} |
render() { |
const { height } = this.props |
return ( |
<div style={{ position: 'relative', height }} ref={n => (this._ruler = n)}> |
<div |
style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} |
ref={n => (this._node = n)} |
/> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default Chart |
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ |
const plugins = require('./plugins') |
const resolve = require('./resolve') |
const config = { |
plugins: plugins('main'), |
resolve, |
} |
module.exports = config |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
const path = require('path') |
module.exports = { |
modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules')], |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue