7 years ago
9 changed files with 306 additions and 47 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default () => ( |
<svg width="41" height="56"> |
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rx="2.4" |
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</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default () => ( |
<svg width="112" height="20"> |
<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd" transform="rotate(-90 10 10)"> |
<rect width="1.6" height="6.4" x="18.4" y="6.4" fill="#1D2028" rx=".8" /> |
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<path |
fill="#6490F1" |
fillOpacity=".1" |
stroke="#1D2028" |
strokeWidth="1.5" |
d="M1.6.75a.85.85 0 0 0-.85.85v108.8c0 . 0 .85-.38.85-.85V1.6a.85.85 0 0 0-.85-.85h-16z" |
/> |
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width="9.1" |
height="31.5" |
x="5.081" |
y="8.275" |
fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#6490F1" |
strokeWidth=".5" |
rx=".8" |
/> |
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fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#1D2028" |
strokeWidth="1.5" |
d="M9.6 48.75A8.85 8.85 0 0 0 .75 57.6v52.8c0 . 0 .85-.38.85-.85V57.6a8.85 8.85 0 0 0-8.85-8.85z" |
/> |
<circle cx="9.6" cy="57.6" r="4.55" fill="#FFF" stroke="#6490F1" strokeWidth=".5" /> |
</g> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
// @flow
import React from 'react' |
export default () => ( |
<svg width="260" height="129"> |
<defs> |
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<stop offset="1.367%" stopColor="#FFF" /> |
<stop offset="100%" stopColor="#1D2027" /> |
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id="b" |
d="M91 0h33.711a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v108.144c0 11.519-9.337 20.856-20.855 20.856C96.337 133 87 123.663 87 112.144V4a4 4 0 0 1 4-4z" |
/> |
</defs> |
<g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> |
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stroke="#1D2027" |
strokeWidth="2" |
d="M126.962 31.06a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H99.737a5 5 0 0 1-5-5v-8.485a5 5 0 0 1 5-5h26.225a1 1 0 0 1 1 1V31.06zm-32.608-5.208h-10.93v-6.435h10.93v6.435z" |
/> |
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stroke="#1D2027" |
d="M127.53 28.836V16.58h11.076a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 1.5v9.256a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5H127.53z" |
/> |
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d="M138.202 19.495h-6.794m6.794 6.208h-6.794" |
stroke="#1D2027" |
strokeLinecap="round" |
strokeLinejoin="round" |
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stroke="url(#a)" |
strokeWidth="2.772" |
d="M8.222 59.31h.23l-.23-.23v-1.155l-.578.577-.578-.577v1.155l-.23.23h.23v79.88h-.23l.23.23v1.156l.578-.578.578.578v-1.156l.23-.23h-.23V59.31zm5.657 0h.23l-.23-.23v-1.155l-.578.577-.578-.577v1.155l-.23.23h.23v79.88h-.23l.23.23v1.156l.578-.578.578.578v-1.156l.23-.23h-.23V59.31z" |
transform="matrix(0 -1 -1 0 140.606 33.06)" |
/> |
<g transform="rotate(-90 128.59 1.975)"> |
<rect width="4.492" height="17.12" x="125.336" y="15.505" fill="#142533" rx="2" /> |
<rect width="4.492" height="17.12" x="125.336" y="70.094" fill="#142533" rx="2" /> |
<use fill="#FFF" xlinkHref="#b" /> |
<path |
fill="#6490F1" |
fillOpacity=".15" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeLinejoin="square" |
strokeWidth="2" |
d="M91 1a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v108.144C88 123.11 96.89 132 107.856 132c10.966 0 19.855-8.89 19.855-19.856V4a3 3 0 0 0-3-3H91z" |
/> |
<rect |
width="20.176" |
height="61.019" |
x="97.5" |
y="21.5" |
fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#6490F1" |
rx="1.6" |
/> |
<path |
fill="#6490F1" |
fillRule="nonzero" |
d="M103.735 40.983v21.563c0 .397.225.719.502.719h6.526c.277 0 .502-.322.502-.719V40.983c0-.396-.225-.718-.502-.718h-6.526c-.277 0-.502.322-.502.718zm3.976 16.332c.04 0 . . 0 0 0 .082-.016l.517-.515a.073.073 0 0 1 .105 0l.299.295a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.517.515a.075.075 0 0 0 .052.127h.73c.042 0 . 0 0 1-.075.075h-.73a.075.075 0 1 0-.053.127l.517.515a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.299.295a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.517-.515a.076.076 0 0 0-.128.053v.727a.072.072 0 0 1-.073.075h-.422a.073.073 0 0 1-.073-.075v-.727a.076.076 0 0 0-.128-.052l-.517.514a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.299-.292a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.517-.515a.075.075 0 0 0-.052-.128h-.73a.075.075 0 0 1-.076-.075v-.427c0-.042.034-.075.075-.075h.73c.03 0 .058-.019.07-.047a.075.075 0 0 0-.017-.08l-.517-.516a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.299-.295a.073.073 0 0 1 .105 0l.517.515a.076.076 0 0 0 .128-.052v-.73c0-.04.033-.073.073-.073l.422.008zm0-4.718c. . 0 0 1 .105 0l.299.298a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.517.515a.075.075 0 0 0 .052.127h.73c.041 0 . 0 0 1-.075.072h-.73a.075.075 0 1 0-.053.127l.517.516a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.299.297a.078.078 0 0 1-.105 0l-.517-.515a.076.076 0 0 0-.128.053v.727c0 .04-.033.074-.073.075h-.422a.075.075 0 0 1-.073-.075v-.727a.076.076 0 0 0-.128-.052l-.517.514a.078.078 0 0 1-.105 0l-.299-.297a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.517-.515a.075.075 0 0 0-.052-.128h-.73a.075.075 0 0 1-.076-.072v-.42a.075.075 0 0 1 .075-.073h.73c.03 0 .058-.018.07-.046a.075.075 0 0 0-.017-.081l-.517-.515a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.299-.298a.078.078 0 0 1 .105 0l.517.515a.076.076 0 0 0 .128-.052v-.728c0-.04.033-.073.073-.075h.422zm0-4.715a.073.073 0 0 1 .073.075v.728c0 . 0 0 1 .105 0l.299.293a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.517.515a.075.075 0 0 0 .052.127h.73c.042 0 . 0 0 1-.075.075h-.73a.075.075 0 1 0-.053.127l.517.515a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.299.295a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.517-.515a.076.076 0 0 0-.128.053v.722c0 .04-.033.073-.073.073h-.422a.073.073 0 0 1-.073-.073v-.73a.076.076 0 0 0-.128-.052l-.517.515a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.299-.295a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.517-.515a.075.075 0 0 0-.052-.128h-.73a.075.075 0 0 1-.076-.075v-.417c0-.042.034-.075.075-.075h.73c.03 0 .058-.019.07-.047a.075.075 0 0 0-.017-.08l-.517-.516a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.299-.295a.073.073 0 0 1 .105 0l.517.515a.076.076 0 0 0 .128-.052v-.728a.072.072 0 0 1 .073-.075h.422zm0-5a.073.073 0 0 1 .073.075v.728c0 . 0 0 1 .105 0l.299.293a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.517.515a.075.075 0 0 0 .052.127h.73c.042 0 . 0 0 1-.075.075h-.73a.075.075 0 1 0-.053.127l.517.515a.077.077 0 0 1 0 .105l-.299.295a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.517-.515a.076.076 0 0 0-.128.053v.722c0 .04-.033.073-.073.073h-.422a.073.073 0 0 1-.073-.073v-.73a.076.076 0 0 0-.128-.052l-.517.515a.073.073 0 0 1-.105 0l-.299-.295a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.517-.515a.075.075 0 0 0-.052-.128h-.73a.075.075 0 0 1-.076-.075v-.417c0-.042.034-.075.075-.075h.73c.03 0 .058-.019.07-.047a.075.075 0 0 0-.017-.08l-.517-.516a.077.077 0 0 1 0-.105l.299-.295a.073.073 0 0 1 .105 0l.517.515a.076.076 0 0 0 .128-.052v-.728a.072.072 0 0 1 .073-.075h.422z" |
/> |
<path |
fill="#FFF" |
stroke="#142533" |
strokeWidth="2" |
d="M123.166 125.105c7.049-8.4 5.953-20.925-2.447-27.974l-90.824-76.21a3 3 0 0 0-4.227.37L4 47.115a3 3 0 0 0 .37 4.227l90.824 76.21c8.4 7.049 20.924 5.953 27.973-2.447z" |
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<ellipse cx="108.016" cy="111.123" stroke="#6490F1" rx="10.57" ry="10.644" /> |
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</g> |
</svg> |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
start: |
title: Welcome to the new Ledger Live Desktop app. |
desc: Let’s get started! |
init: |
title: Welcome to Ledger Live, the computer companion app to your Ledger device. Please select one of the options below |
newDevice: |
title: Initialize your new Ledger device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
restoreDevice: |
title: Restore a Ledger device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
initializedDevice: |
title: I have already initialized my device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
noDevice: |
title: Do not have a Ledger device yet? Buy one |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
chooseDevice: |
title: To get started, select your device |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet |
ledgerNanoCard: |
title: Ledger Nano S |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
ledgerBlueCard: |
title: Ledger Blue |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
selectPIN: |
title: Select PIN code |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet |
instructions: |
step1: Connect your Ledger Nano S to your computer using the supplied micro USB cable. |
step2: Press both buttons simultaneously as instructed on your Ledger Nano S screen. |
step3: Select Configure as new device on your Ledger Nano S by pressing the right button, located above the validation icon. |
step4: Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long. |
Reference in new issue