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* New translations language.yml (French) * New translations onboarding.yml (French) * New translations app.yml (French)master
committed by
Meriadec Pillet
3 changed files with 465 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ |
--- |
common: |
ok: Okay |
yes: true |
no: false |
apply: Apply |
confirm: Confirm |
cancel: Cancel |
delete: Delete |
continue: Continue |
skipThisStep: Skip This Step |
chooseWalletPlaceholder: Choose a wallet... |
currency: Currency |
selectAccount: Select an account |
selectCurrency: Select a currency |
sortBy: Sort by |
search: Search |
save: Save |
password: Password |
editProfile: Edit profile |
lockApplication: Lock application |
showMore: Show more |
max: Max |
next: Next |
back: Back |
retry: Retry |
close: Close |
eastern: Eastern |
western: Western |
lockScreen: |
title: Welcome Back |
subTitle: Your application is locked |
description: Please enter your password to continue |
inputPlaceholder: Type your password |
sync: |
syncing: Syncing... |
upToDate: Up to date |
error: Sync error. |
refresh: Refresh |
error: |
load: Unable to load |
operation: |
type: |
IN: Receive funds |
OUT: Sent funds |
time: |
day: Day |
week: Week |
month: Month |
year: Year |
since: |
day: since a day |
week: since a week |
month: since a month |
year: since a year |
sidebar: |
menu: Menu |
accounts: Accounts ({{count}}) |
manager: Manager |
exchange: Exchange |
account: |
balance: Balance |
receive: Receive |
lastOperations: Last operations |
emptyState: |
title: This is a title, use it with caution |
desc: Please create a new account or recover an old account from your Ledger device. |
buttons: |
receiveFunds: Receive Funds |
settings: |
title: Edit Account |
accountName: |
title: Account name |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolort amet |
error: Name is required |
unit: |
title: Unit |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolort amet |
dashboard: |
title: Dashboard |
accounts: |
title: Accounts ({{count}}) |
greeting: |
morning: "Good Morning!" |
evening: "Good Evening!" |
afternoon: "Good Afternoon!" |
summary: here is the summary of your account |
summary_plural: 'here is the summary of your {{count}} accounts' |
noAccounts: no accounts |
recentActivity: Recent activity |
totalBalance: Total balance |
accountsOrder: |
name: Alphabetic |
balance: Balance |
currentAddress: |
title: Current address |
for: Address for |
message: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam blandit velit egestas leo tincidunt |
deviceConnect: |
step1: |
choose: "We detected {{count}} devices connected, please select one:" |
connect: Connect your <1>Ledger device</1> to your computer and enter your <3>PIN code</3> on your device |
emptyState: |
sidebar: |
text: You don’t have any accounts at the moment. Press the + button to create an account |
dashboard: |
title: This is a title, use it with caution |
desc: Please create a new account or recover an old account from your Ledger device. |
buttons: |
addAccount: Add Account |
installApp: Install App |
exchange: |
title: Exchange |
visitWebsite: Visit website |
coinhouse: Lorem ipsum |
shapeshift: Ipsum lorem |
genuinecheck: |
modal: |
title: Genuine check, bro |
importAccounts: |
title: Add accounts |
breadcrumb: |
informations: Informations |
connectDevice: Connect device |
import: Import |
finish: End |
accountToImportSubtitle: Account to import |
accountToImportSubtitle_plural: 'Accounts to import ({{count}})' |
selectAll: Select all |
unselectAll: Unselect all |
createNewAccount: Create new account |
retrySync: Retry sync |
cta: |
create: 'Create account' |
import: 'Import account' |
import_plural: 'Import accounts' |
operationDetails: |
title: Operation details |
account: Account |
date: Date |
status: Status |
confirmed: Confirmed |
notConfirmed: Not confirmed |
fees: Fees |
from: From |
to: To |
identifier: Identifier |
viewOperation: View operation |
operationList: |
noMoreOperations: No more operations |
manager: |
tabs: |
apps: Apps |
device: My device |
apps: |
install: Install |
all: Apps |
installing: 'Installing {{app}}...' |
uninstalling: 'Uninstalling {{app}}...' |
installSuccess: '{{app}} app successfully installed' |
uninstallSuccess: '{{app}} app successfully uninstalled' |
alreadyInstalled: '{{app}} app is already installed' |
help: To update an app, you have to uninstall the app and re install it. |
firmware: |
installed: 'Firmware {{version}}' |
update: Update firmware |
updateTitle: Firmware update |
latest: 'A new firmware {{version}} is available' |
title: Manager |
subtitle: Get all your apps here |
device: |
title: Plug your device |
desc: Please connect your Ledger device and follow the steps below to access the manager |
cta: Plug my device |
errors: |
noDevice: Please make sur your device is connected (TEMPLATE NEEDED) |
noDashboard: Please make sure your device is on the dashboard screen (TEMPLATED NEEDED) |
noGenuine: You did not approve request on your device or your device is not genuine (TEMPLATE NEEDED) |
receive: |
title: Receive funds |
steps: |
chooseAccount: |
title: Choose Account |
label: Account |
connectDevice: |
title: Connect Device |
withoutDevice: I don't have my device |
confirmAddress: |
title: Confirm Address |
action: Confirm address on device |
text: To receive funds, confirm the address on your device. |
support: Contact Support |
error: |
title: Houston, we have a problem! |
text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam. In eget ipsum arcu donec finibus |
receiveFunds: |
title: Receive Funds |
label: Amount (Optional) |
send: |
title: Send funds |
totalSpent: Total spent |
steps: |
amount: |
title: Informations |
selectAccountDebit: Select an account to debit |
recipientAddress: Recipient address |
amount: Amount |
max: Max |
fees: Fees |
advancedOptions: Advanced options |
useRBF: Use the RBF transaction |
message: Leave a message (140) |
rippleTag: Tag |
ethereumGasLimit: Gas limit |
connectDevice: |
title: Connect device |
verification: |
title: Verification |
warning: | |
You are about to validate a transaction. |
Be careful, we strongly recommand you to verify that the informations on your Ledger device are correct. |
body: Once you have checked everything is ok, you can validate securely the transaction on your device. |
confirmation: |
title: Confirmation |
success: |
title: Transaction successfully broadcasted |
text: | |
with the following transaction id: |
cta: View operation details |
error: |
title: Transaction error |
cta: Retry operation |
pending: |
title: Broadcasting transaction... |
releaseNotes: |
title: Release notes |
version: Version {{versionNb}} |
settings: |
title: Settings |
tabs: |
display: Display |
currencies: Currencies |
profile: Profile |
about: About |
display: |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
language: Interface language |
languageDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
counterValue: Countervalue |
counterValueDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
exchange: Exchange ({{ticker}}) |
exchangeDesc: The exchange to use for countervalue conversion |
region: Region |
regionDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
stock: Stock market indicators |
stockDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
currencies: |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
exchange: Exchange ({{ticker}}) |
exchangeDesc: The exchange to use for countervalue conversion |
confirmationsToSpend: Confirmations to spend |
confirmationsToSpendDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
confirmationsNb: Number of confirmations |
confirmationsNbDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
transactionsFees: Transactions fees |
transactionsFeesDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
explorer: Blockchain explorer |
explorerDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
profile: |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
password: Password |
passwordDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
changePassword: Change password |
sync: Sync accounts |
syncDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
export: Export logs |
exportDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
softResetTitle: Clean application cache |
softResetDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
softReset: Clean cache |
hardResetTitle: Reset application |
hardResetDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
hardReset: Hard reset |
developerMode: Developer Mode |
developerModeDesc: Enable visibility of developer apps & currencies like Bitcoin Testnet |
analytics: Share analytics |
analyticsDesc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data. |
reportErrors: Sentry Logs |
reportErrorsDesc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data. |
about: |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
version: Version |
releaseNotesBtn: Show release notes |
faq: FAQ |
faqDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
contactUs: Contact us |
contactUsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
terms: Terms and Privacy policy |
termsDesc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
hardResetModal: |
title: Hard reset |
subTitle: Are you sure houston? |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
softResetModal: |
title: Clean application cache |
subTitle: Are you sure houston? |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
removeAccountModal: |
title: Delete this account |
subTitle: Are you sure houston? |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
exportLogs: |
title: Export Logs |
desc: Export Logs |
btn: Export Logs |
password: |
warning_0: Warning 0 |
warning_1: Warning 1 |
warning_2: Warning 2 |
warning_3: Warning 3 |
warning_4: Warning 4 |
errorMessageIncorrectPassword: The password you entered is incorrect. |
errorMessageNotMatchingPassword: Passwords don't match. |
inputFields: |
newPassword: |
label: Password |
placeholder: Password |
confirmPassword: |
label: Confirm Password |
placeholder: Confirm Password |
currentPassword: |
label: Current Password |
placeholder: Current Password |
changePassword: |
title: Edit Password |
subTitle: Change your password |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam. In eget ipsum arcu donec finibus |
setPassword: |
title: Set Password |
subTitle: Set a password to lock your application |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam. In eget ipsum arcu donec finibus |
disablePassword: |
title: Disable Password |
desc: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non nibh diam. |
update: |
newVersionReady: A new update is available. |
relaunch: Update now |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
--- |
en: Anglais |
fr: Français |
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
--- |
start: |
title: Welcome to Ledger Live |
startBtn: Get Started |
init: |
title: Welcome to Ledger Live, the computer companion app to your Ledger device |
newDevice: |
title: Initialize your new Ledger device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
restoreDevice: |
title: Restore a Ledger device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
initializedDevice: |
title: I have already initialized my device |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
noDevice: |
title: Do not have a Ledger device yet? |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
selectDevice: |
title: To get started, select your device |
ledgerNanoCard: |
title: Ledger Nano S |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
ledgerBlueCard: |
title: Ledger Blue |
desc: Please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. |
selectPIN: |
title: Start initialization & choose your PIN code |
instructions: |
ledgerNano: |
step1: Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer. |
step2: Press both buttons simultaneously as instructed on the screen. |
step3: Press the right button to select Configure as new device. |
step4: Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long. |
ledgerBlue: |
step1: Connect the Ledger Blue to your computer. |
step2: Tap on Configure as new device. |
step3: Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long. |
disclaimer: |
note1: Choose your own PIN code. This code unlocks your device. |
note2: An 8-digit PIN code offers an optimum level of security. |
note3: Never use a device supplied with a PIN code and/or a 24-word recovery phrase. |
writeSeed: |
restore: |
title: Save your recovery phrase |
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once. |
step1: Press the right button to select the length of your recovery phrase. Press both buttons to confirm. |
step2: 'Select the first letters of Word \#1 by pressing the right or left button. Press both buttons to confirm each letter.' |
step3: 'Select Word \#1 from the suggested words. Press both buttons to continue.' |
step4: Repeat the process until the last word. |
nano: |
title: Save your recovery phrase |
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once. |
step1: 'Copy the first word (Word \#1) in position 1 on the blank Recovery sheet.' |
step2: 'Press the right button to display Word \#2 and repeat the process until all 24 words are copied on the Recovery sheet.' |
step3: Confirm your recovery phrase press both buttons to validate each word displayed on the screen. |
blue: |
title: Save your recovery phrase |
desc: Your recovery phrase is formed by 24 words. They will be displayed only once. |
step1: Copy each word of the recovery phrase on the blank Recovery sheet. Make sure to copy the words in the same order. |
step2: Tap NEXT to display the following words. Tap PREVIOUS to go back. |
step3: Enter the requested words to confirm your recovery phrase. |
disclaimer: |
note1: Carefully secure your 24 words out of sight. |
note2: Ledger does not keep any backup of your 24 words. |
note3: Make sure you are the sole holder of the 24-word recovery phrase. |
note4: Never use a device supplied with a recovery phrase and/or a PIN code. |
genuineCheck: |
title: Final security check |
desc: Your Ledger Nano S should now display Your device is now ready. Before getting started, please confirm that |
steps: |
step1: |
title: Did you choose your PIN code by yourself? |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor |
step2: |
title: Did you save your recovery phrase by yourself? |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor |
step3: |
title: Check if your Ledger device is genuine |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor |
isGenuinePassed: Your Nano S is genuine |
buttons: |
genuineCheck: Genuine check |
contactSupport: Contact Support |
errorPage: |
ledgerNano: |
title: Something is wrong with your Ledger Nano S |
desc: A problem occurred with your Ledger Nano S. Contact Ledger Support to get assistance or go back to the security check. |
ledgerBlue: |
title: Something is wrong with your Ledger Blue |
desc: A problem occurred with your Ledger Blue. Contact Ledger Support to get assistance or go back to the security check. |
setPassword: |
title: Protect your privacy (optional) |
desc: Set a password to prevent unauthorized access to Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses. |
disclaimer: |
note1: Make sure to remember your password and do not share it. |
note2: Losing your password requires resetting Ledger Live and re-adding accounts. |
note3: Loss of password doesn’t affect your crypto-assets. |
analytics: |
title: Help Ledger to improve its products and services |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet |
shareAnalytics: |
title: Share analytics |
desc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data. |
termsConditions: |
title: Terms and Conditions |
desc: Please accept terms and conditions to proceed |
sentryLogs: |
title: Sentry Logs |
desc: Help Ledger improve its products and services by automatically sending diagnostics and usage data. |
finish: |
title: This is the title of the screen. 1 line is the maximum |
desc: This is a long text, please replace it with the final wording once it’s done.
Lorem ipsum dolor amet ledger lorem dolor ipsum amet |
openAppButton: Open app |
followUsLabel: Follow us to stay updated |
Reference in new issue