* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.yml (French)
* New translations app.yml (English)
* New translations errors.yml (English)
* New translations language.yml (English)
* New translations onboarding.yml (English)
- in future we won't anymore see "unworded" error cases
- it will always fallback to the generic case if error is not worded which is what we want (like the previous Error wording)