App dependencies are not exclusive to the BTC app anymore, so we need to generalize the error messages.
E.g., previously, you would see an error message that you need the Bitcoin app, when trying to install RSK that requires the ETH app.
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations onboarding.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations onboarding.json (French)
* New translations app.json (English)
* New translations errors.json (English)
* New translations app.json (French)
* New translations errors.json (French)
* New translations app.yml (French)
* New translations app.yml (English)
* New translations errors.yml (English)
* New translations language.yml (English)
* New translations onboarding.yml (English)