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doc: document the plugin interface to gather Bitcoin data

Changelog-Added: plugins: the interface to gather data from Bitcoin backend plugins is now final.
darosior 5 years ago
committed by Rusty Russell
  1. 75


@ -939,6 +939,81 @@ This will ensure backward
compatibility should the semantics be changed in future.
## Bitcoin backend
C-lightning communicates with the Bitcoin network through a plugin. It uses the
`bcli` plugin by default but you can use a custom one, multiple custom ones for
different operations, or write your own for your favourite Bitcoin data source!
Communication with the plugin is done through 5 JSONRPC commands, `lightningd`
can use from 1 to 5 plugin(s) registering these 5 commands for gathering Bitcoin
data. Each plugin must follow the below specification for `lightningd` to operate.
### `getchainfo`
Called at startup, it's used to check the network `lightningd` is operating on and to
get the sync status of the backend.
The plugin must respond to `getchainfo` with the following fields:
- `chain` (string), the network name as introduced in bip70
- `headercount` (number), the number of fetched block headers
- `blockcount` (number), the number of fetched block body
- `ibd` (bool), whether the backend is performing initial block download
### `estimatefees`
Polled by `lightningd` to get the current feerate, all values must be passed in BTC/kVB.
If fee estimation fails, the plugin must set all the fields to `null`.
The plugin, if fee estimation succeeds, must respond with the following fields:
- `opening` (number), used for funding and also misc transactions
- `mutual_close` (number), used for the mutual close transaction
- `unilateral_close` (number), used for unilateral close (/commitment) transactions
- `delayed_to_us` (number), used for resolving our output from our unilateral close
- `htlc_resolution` (number), used for resolving HTLCs after an unilateral close
- `penalty` (number), used for resolving revoked transactions
- `min` (number), used as the minimum acceptable feerate
- `max` (number), used as the maximum acceptable feerate
### `getrawblockbyheight`
This call takes one parameter, `height`, which determines the block height of
the block to fetch.
The plugin must set all fields to `null` if no block was found at the specified `height`.
The plugin must respond to `getrawblockbyheight` with the following fields:
- `blockhash` (string), the block hash as a hexadecimal string
- `block` (string), the block content as a hexadecimal string
### `getutxout`
This call takes two parameter, the `txid` (string) and the `vout` (number)
identifying the UTXO we're interested in.
The plugin must set both fields to `null` if the specified TXO was spent.
The plugin must respond to `gettxout` with the following fields:
- `amount` (number), the output value in **sats**
- `script` (string), the output scriptPubKey
### `sendrawtransaction`
This call takes one parameter, a string representing a hex-encoded Bitcoin
The plugin must broadcast it and respond with the following fields:
- `success` (boolean), which is `true` if the broadcast succeeded
- `errmsg` (string), if success is `false`, the reason why it failed
