Add cross-compile instructions for Raspberry Pi (#1263)
These are basic instructions that lead to the build process completing without error (after a known error occurs and is rectified). For now, the final results are untested.
Obtain the [official Raspberry Pi toolchains]( This document assumes compilation will occur towards the Raspberry Pi 3 (arm-linux-gnueabihf as of Mar. 2018). In addition, obtain and install cross-compiled versions of sqlite 3 and gmp.
Depending on your toolchain location and target arch, source env variables will need to be set. They can be set from the command line as such:
# Change next line depending on specific Raspberry Pi device
export AR=$target_host-ar
export AS=$target_host-as
export CC=$target_host-gcc
export CXX=$target_host-g++
export LD=$target_host-ld
export STRIP=$target_host-strip
Install the `qemu-user` package. This will allow you to properly configure the build for the target device environment. Then, build with the following commands. (A 64-bit build system is assumed here.)
make CC=gcc clean ccan/tools/configurator/configurator
Go to [README]( for more information how to create an address, add funds, connect to a node, etc.
Go to [README]( for more information how to create an address, add funds, connect to a node, etc.