Free and open-source lightning-network wallet/accounts system
LNbits is a simple, free and open-source lightning-network wallet for bits and bobs. You can run it on your own server, or use this one.
Either use, or run your own LNbits server!
LNbits is a very simple layer that sits on top of a funding source. LNbits includes unique API keys for each wallet, so funds can be partioned to avoid explosure.
The wallet can be used in a variety of ways, an instant wallet for LN demonstrations, a fallback wallet for the LNURL scheme, an accounts system to mitigate the risk of exposing applications to your full balance.
The wallet can be used in a variety of ways, an instant wallet for LN demonstrations, a fallback wallet for the LNURL scheme, an accounts system to mitigate the risk of exposing applications to your full balance.