<h5class="text-subtitle1 q-my-none">User Manager: Make and manager users/wallets</h5>
<h5class="text-subtitle1 q-my-none">User Manager: Make and manager users/wallets</h5>
<p>To help developers use LNbits to manage their users, the User Manager extention allows the creation and management of users and wallets. <br/>For example, a games developer may be developing a game that needs each user to have their own wallet, LNbits can be included in the develpoers stack as the user and wallet manager.<br/>
<p>To help developers use LNbits to manage their users, the User Manager extension allows the creation and management of users and wallets. <br/>For example, a games developer may be developing a game that needs each user to have their own wallet, LNbits can be included in the develpoers stack as the user and wallet manager.<br/>
<small> Created by, <ahref="https://github.com/benarc">Ben Arc</a></small></p>
<small> Created by, <ahref="https://github.com/benarc">Ben Arc</a></small></p>