@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ declare -i vfat_storage_offset
PART_ALIGN_4MB = 4194304
PART_ALIGN_8MB = 8388608
# Default 'data' partition size in MiB.
declare -i data_part_size_mb
# Default total storage size in MiB.
declare -i storage_total_size_mb
# Number of required heads in a final image.
declare -i -r heads = 255
# Number of required sectors in a final image.
@ -384,6 +392,77 @@ calculate_mender_disk_size() {
eval $rvar_sdimgsize = " ' $sdimgsize ' "
# Takes following arguments:
# $1 - number of partition of the Mender image
# $2 - calculated total size of the Mender image in bytes
# $3 - expected total size of the Mender image in mb
# $4 - array of partitions' sizes for Mender image
# Returns:
# Size of the rootfs partition updated and adjusted to total storage size
mender_image_size_to_total_storage_size( ) {
local count = $1
local rvar_image_size = $2
local -n image_size_bytes = $2
local storage_size_mb = $3
local _mender_sizes = $( declare -p $4 )
eval "declare -A mender_sizes=" ${ _mender_sizes #*= }
shift 3
local rvar_array = ( $@ )
local image_size_mb = $(( ( ( $image_size_bytes / 1024 ) / 1024 ) ))
log " \tAdjust Mender disk image size to the total storage size ( ${ storage_size_mb } MB). "
if [ $image_size_mb -gt $storage_size_mb ] ; then
log " \tDefined total storage size of ${ 3 } MB is too small. "
log " \tMinimal required storage is ${ image_size_mb } MB. Aborting. "
return 1
elif [ $image_size_mb -eq $storage_size_mb ] ; then
# Simply continue.
log "\tCalculated Mender image size exactly fits the defined total storage."
return 0
# Get spare space for rootfs a/b partitions (in sectors).
local sector_size = ${ mender_sizes [sector_size] }
local image_size_s = $(( $image_size_bytes / $sector_size ))
local storage_size_bytes = $(( ( $storage_size_mb * 1024 * 1024 ) ))
local storage_size_s = $(( $storage_size_bytes / $sector_size ))
local rootfs_overplus_bytes = 0
local spare_storage_bytes = $(( $storage_size_bytes - $image_size_bytes ))
if [ $(( $spare_storage_bytes % 2 )) -ne 0 ] ; then
log " \tAdditional space for rootfs partitions not divisible by 2. \
\n \t Final image will be smaller than ${ storage_size_mb } MB"
rootfs_overplus_bytes = $(( $spare_storage_bytes / 2 ))
local reminder = $(( ${ rootfs_overplus_bytes } % ${ partition_alignment } ))
if [ $reminder -ne 0 ] ; then
log " \tAdditional space for rootfs partitions not aligned. \
\n \t Final image will be smaller than ${ storage_size_mb } MB"
rootfs_overplus_bytes = $(( $rootfs_overplus_bytes - $reminder ))
rootfs_overplus_s = $(( $rootfs_overplus_bytes / $sector_size ))
local prootfs_size = ${ mender_sizes [prootfs_size] }
prootfs_size = $(( $prootfs_size + $rootfs_overplus_s ))
image_size_bytes = $(( $image_size_bytes + 2 * $rootfs_overplus_bytes ))
eval $rvar_array [ prootfs_size] = " ' $prootfs_size ' "
eval $rvar_image_size = " ' $image_size_bytes ' "
return 0
# Takes following arguments:
# $1 - raw disk image