@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ console.log();
console . log ( ' canvas: %s' , Canvas . version ) ;
console . log ( ' cairo: %s' , Canvas . cairoVersion ) ;
module . exports = {
'test .version' : function ( ) {
Canvas . version . should . match ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ ) ;
} ,
describe ( 'Canvas' , function ( ) {
it ( '.version' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ . test ( Canvas . version ) ) ;
} ) ;
'test .cairoVersion' : function ( ) {
Canvas . cairoVersion . should . match ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ ) ;
} ,
it ( '.cairoVersion' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ . test ( Canvas . cairoVersion ) ) ;
} ) ;
'test .parseFont()' : function ( ) {
it ( '.parseFont()' , function ( ) {
var tests = [
'20px Arial'
, { size : 20 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Arial' }
@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ module.exports = {
, '20px monospace'
, { size : 20 , unit : 'px' , family : 'monospace' }
, '50px Arial, sans-serif'
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Arial, sans-serif ' }
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Arial' }
, 'bold italic 50px Arial, sans-serif'
, { style : 'italic' , weight : 'bold' , size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Arial, sans-serif ' }
, { style : 'italic' , weight : 'bold' , size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Arial' }
, '50px Helvetica , Arial, sans-serif'
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica , Arial, sans-serif ' }
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica' }
, '50px "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif'
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica Neue, sans-serif ' }
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica Neue' }
, '50px "Helvetica Neue", "foo bar baz" , sans-serif'
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica Neue, foo bar baz , sans-serif ' }
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica Neue' }
, "50px 'Helvetica Neue'"
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : "Helvetica Neue" }
, { size : 50 , unit : 'px' , family : 'Helvetica Neue' }
, 'italic 20px Arial'
, { size : 20 , unit : 'px' , style : 'italic' , family : 'Arial' }
, 'oblique 20px Arial'
@ -70,17 +70,15 @@ module.exports = {
var str = tests [ i ++ ]
, obj = tests [ i ]
, actual = parseFont ( str ) ;
if ( ! obj . style ) obj . style = 'normal' ;
if ( ! obj . weight ) obj . weight = 'normal' ;
// actual.should.eql(obj);
} ,
'test .PixelArray' : function ( ) {
assert . equal ( typeof Canvas . PixelArray , 'function' ) ;
} ,
assert . deepEqual ( obj , actual ) ;
} ) ;
'test color serialization' : function ( ) {
it ( 'color serialization' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -106,9 +104,9 @@ module.exports = {
ctx [ prop ] = grad ;
assert . strictEqual ( grad , ctx [ prop ] , prop + ' pattern getter failed' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test color parser' : function ( ) {
it ( 'color parser' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -208,9 +206,9 @@ module.exports = {
ctx . fillStyle = 'hsl(1.24e2, 760e-1%, 4.7e1%)' ;
assert . equal ( '#1dd329' , ctx . fillStyle ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#type' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#type' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 10 , 10 ) ;
assert ( 'image' == canvas . type ) ;
var canvas = new Canvas ( 10 , 10 , 'pdf' ) ;
@ -219,17 +217,17 @@ module.exports = {
assert ( 'svg' == canvas . type ) ;
var canvas = new Canvas ( 10 , 10 , 'hey' ) ;
assert ( 'image' == canvas . type ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#getContext("2d")': function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#getContext("2d")', function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 300 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . ok ( 'object' == typeof ctx ) ;
assert . equal ( canvas , ctx . canvas , 'context.canvas is not canvas' ) ;
assert . equal ( ctx , canvas . context , 'canvas.context is not context' ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#{width,height}=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#{width,height}=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 100 , 200 ) ;
assert . equal ( 100 , canvas . width ) ;
assert . equal ( 200 , canvas . height ) ;
@ -242,13 +240,13 @@ module.exports = {
canvas . height = 50 ;
assert . equal ( 50 , canvas . width ) ;
assert . equal ( 50 , canvas . height ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#getContext("invalid")': function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#getContext("invalid")', function ( ) {
assert . equal ( null , new Canvas ( 200 , 300 ) . getContext ( 'invalid' ) ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#patternQuality' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#patternQuality' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -257,32 +255,34 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 'best' , ctx . patternQuality ) ;
ctx . patternQuality = 'invalid' ;
assert . equal ( 'best' , ctx . patternQuality ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#font=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#font=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . equal ( '10px sans-serif' , ctx . font ) ;
ctx . font = '15px Arial, sans-serif' ;
assert . equal ( '15px Arial, sans-serif' , ctx . font ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#lineWidth=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#lineWidth=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
ctx . lineWidth = 10.0 ;
assert . equal ( 10 , ctx . lineWidth ) ;
// ctx.lineWidth = Infinity;
ctx . lineWidth = Infinity ;
assert . equal ( 10 , ctx . lineWidth ) ;
ctx . lineWidth = - Infinity ;
assert . equal ( 10 , ctx . lineWidth ) ;
ctx . lineWidth = - 5 ;
assert . equal ( 10 , ctx . lineWidth ) ;
ctx . lineWidth = 0 ;
assert . equal ( 10 , ctx . lineWidth ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#antiAlias=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#antiAlias=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -297,37 +297,36 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 'subpixel' , ctx . antialias ) ;
ctx . antialias = 1 ;
assert . equal ( 'subpixel' , ctx . antialias ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#lineCap=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#lineCap=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . equal ( 'butt' , ctx . lineCap ) ;
ctx . lineCap = 'round' ;
assert . equal ( 'round' , ctx . lineCap ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#lineJoin=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#lineJoin=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . equal ( 'miter' , ctx . lineJoin ) ;
ctx . lineJoin = 'round' ;
assert . equal ( 'round' , ctx . lineJoin ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#globalAlpha=' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#globalAlpha=' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . equal ( 1 , ctx . globalAlpha ) ;
ctx . globalAlpha = 0.5
assert . equal ( 0.5 , ctx . globalAlpha ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#isPointInPath()': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#isPointInPath()', function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -344,9 +343,9 @@ module.exports = {
assert . ok ( ctx . isPointInPath ( 60 , 110 ) ) ;
assert . ok ( ! ctx . isPointInPath ( 70 , 110 ) ) ;
assert . ok ( ! ctx . isPointInPath ( 50 , 120 ) ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#textAlign' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#textAlign' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -359,21 +358,22 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 'end' , ctx . textAlign ) ;
ctx . textAlign = 'fail' ;
assert . equal ( 'end' , ctx . textAlign ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#toBuffer()' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#toBuffer()' , function ( ) {
var buf = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toBuffer ( ) ;
assert . equal ( 'PNG' , buf . slice ( 1 , 4 ) . toString ( ) ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Canvas#toBuffer() async' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Canvas#toBuffer() async' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toBuffer ( function ( err , buf ) {
assert . ok ( ! err ) ;
assert . equal ( 'PNG' , buf . slice ( 1 , 4 ) . toString ( ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
'test Canvas#toDataURL()' : function ( ) {
describe ( '#toDataURL()' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 200 , 200 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -381,33 +381,138 @@ module.exports = {
ctx . fillStyle = 'red' ;
ctx . fillRect ( 100 , 0 , 100 , 100 ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL() works and defaults to PNG' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL(0.5) works and defaults to PNG' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( 0.5 ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL(undefined) works and defaults to PNG' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( undefined ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/png") works' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/png' ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
var err ;
try {
it ( 'toDataURL("image/png", 0.5) works' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/png' ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("iMaGe/PNg") works' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( 'iMaGe/PNg' ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg") throws' , function ( ) {
assert . throws (
function ( ) {
canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
err = e ;
assert . equal ( 'currently only image/png is supported' , err . message ) ;
} ,
function ( err ) {
return err . message === 'Missing required callback function for format "image/jpeg"' ;
) ;
} ) ;
'test Canvas#toDataURL() async' : function ( ) {
it ( 'toDataURL(function (err, str) {...}) works and defaults to PNG' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( function ( err , str ) {
assert . ok ( ! err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 == str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
'test Canvas#toDataURL() async with type' : function ( ) {
it ( 'toDataURL(0.5, function (err, str) {...}) works and defaults to PNG' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 0.5 , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL(undefined, function (err, str) {...}) works and defaults to PNG' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( undefined , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/png", function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/png' , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ok ( ! err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 == str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/png", 0.5, function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/png' , 0.5 , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/png", {}) works' , function ( ) {
assert . ok ( 0 == canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/png' , { } ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png;base64,' ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg", {}) throws' , function ( ) {
assert . throws (
function ( ) {
canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' , { } ) ;
} ,
function ( err ) {
return err . message === 'Missing required callback function for format "image/jpeg"' ;
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg", function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
'test Context2d#createImageData(width, height)' : function ( ) {
it ( 'toDataURL("iMAge/JPEG", function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'iMAge/JPEG' , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg", undefined, function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' , undefined , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.5, function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' , 0.5 , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toDataURL("image/jpeg", opts, function (err, str) {...}) works' , function ( done ) {
new Canvas ( 200 , 200 ) . toDataURL ( 'image/jpeg' , { quality : 100 } , function ( err , str ) {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . ok ( 0 === str . indexOf ( 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' ) ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Context2d#createImageData(width, height)' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 20 , 20 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -420,18 +525,18 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 0 , imageData . data [ 1 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 0 , imageData . data [ 2 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 0 , imageData . data [ 3 ] ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#measureText().width': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#measureText().width', function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 20 , 20 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
assert . ok ( ctx . measureText ( 'foo' ) . width ) ;
assert . ok ( ctx . measureText ( 'foo' ) . width != ctx . measureText ( 'foobar' ) . width ) ;
assert . ok ( ctx . measureText ( 'foo' ) . width != ctx . measureText ( ' foo' ) . width ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#createImageData(ImageData)': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#createImageData(ImageData)', function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 20 , 20 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -439,9 +544,9 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 2 , imageData . width ) ;
assert . equal ( 6 , imageData . height ) ;
assert . equal ( 2 * 6 * 4 , imageData . data . length ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#getImageData()' : function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#getImageData()' , function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 3 , 6 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -499,9 +604,9 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 255 , data [ 0 ] ) ;
data [ 0 ] = - 4444 ;
assert . equal ( 0 , data [ 0 ] ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#createPattern(Canvas)': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#createPattern(Canvas)', function ( ) {
var pattern = new Canvas ( 2 , 2 )
, checkers = pattern . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
@ -571,9 +676,9 @@ module.exports = {
// alternate b, except when moving to a new row
b = i % ( imageData . width * 4 ) == 0 ? b : ! b ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#createPattern(Image)': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#createPattern(Image)', function ( ) {
var img = new Canvas . Image ( ) ;
img . src = __ dirname + '/fixtures/checkers.png' ;
@ -605,9 +710,9 @@ module.exports = {
// alternate b, except when moving to a new row
b = i % ( imageData . width * 4 ) == 0 ? b : ! b ;
} ,
} ) ;
'test Context2d#createLinearGradient()': function ( ) {
it ( 'Context2d#createLinearGradient()', function ( ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 20 , 1 )
, ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' )
, gradient = ctx . createLinearGradient ( 1 , 1 , 19 , 1 ) ;
@ -635,6 +740,46 @@ module.exports = {
assert . equal ( 0 , imageData . data [ i + 1 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 0 , imageData . data [ i + 2 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 255 , imageData . data [ i + 3 ] ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Canvas#createSyncPNGStream()' , function ( done ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 20 , 20 ) ;
var stream = canvas . createSyncPNGStream ( ) ;
var firstChunk = true ;
stream . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) {
if ( firstChunk ) {
firstChunk = false ;
assert . equal ( 'PNG' , chunk . slice ( 1 , 4 ) . toString ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'end' , function ( ) {
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
done ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Canvas#jpegStream()' , function ( done ) {
var canvas = new Canvas ( 640 , 480 ) ;
var stream = canvas . jpegStream ( ) ;
var firstChunk = true ;
var bytes = 0 ;
stream . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) {
if ( firstChunk ) {
firstChunk = false ;
assert . equal ( 0xFF , chunk [ 0 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 0xD8 , chunk [ 1 ] ) ;
assert . equal ( 0xFF , chunk [ 2 ] ) ;
bytes += chunk . length ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'end' , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( bytes , 8192 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
stream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
done ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;