@ -5,28 +5,9 @@ |
var Canvas = require('canvas') |
, assert = require('assert') |
, crypto = require('crypto') |
, sys = require('sys') |
, fs = require('fs'); |
function hash(val) { |
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(val).digest('hex'); |
} |
function assertChecksum(canvas, path, checksum, msg) { |
canvas.savePNG(path); |
assertChecksumOf(canvas, path, checksum, msg); |
} |
function assertChecksumOf(canvas, path, checksum, msg) { |
fs.readFile(path, function(err, buf){ |
var got = hash(buf); |
assert.equal(got, checksum, msg |
+ ' \n path: ' + path |
+ ' \n md5: ' + got); |
}); |
} |
module.exports = { |
'test .version': function(assert){ |
assert.match(Canvas.version, /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/); |
@ -160,209 +141,10 @@ module.exports = { |
assert.equal(50, canvas.height); |
}, |
'test Canvas#{width,height}= re-surface': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, path = __dirname + '/images/dimensionResurface.png'; |
canvas.width = 50; |
canvas.height = 90; |
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,50,50); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '3ee668a413ca0409f60728e7f2224886' |
, 'Canvas#{width,height}= re-surface failed'); |
}, |
'test Canvas#getContext("invalid")': function(assert){ |
assert.equal(null, new Canvas(200, 300).getContext('invalid')); |
}, |
'test Context2d#clearRect()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/clearRect.png'; |
ctx.fillRect(25,25,100,100); |
ctx.clearRect(45,45,60,60); |
ctx.fillRect(50,50,50,50); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'e21404e97142a76c0c8d14cf0fab400f' |
, 'Context2d#clearRect() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#strokeRect()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/strokeRect.png'; |
ctx.fillRect(25,25,100,100); |
ctx.clearRect(45,45,60,60); |
ctx.strokeRect(50,50,50,50); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '130c5457e19da9d35b46970c2c3e035f' |
, 'Context2d#strokeRect() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#lineTo()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/lineTo.png'; |
// Filled triangle
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.moveTo(25.5,25); |
ctx.lineTo(105,25); |
ctx.lineTo(25,105); |
ctx.fill(); |
// Stroked triangle
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.moveTo(125,125); |
ctx.lineTo(125,45); |
ctx.lineTo(45,125); |
ctx.closePath(); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'eb265249dc3d0fc7dc2008d2f5b905fa' |
, 'Context2d#lineTo() failed' |
); |
}, |
'test Context2d#arc()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/arc.png'; |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.arc(75,75,50,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Outer circle
ctx.moveTo(110,75); |
ctx.arc(75,75,35,0,Math.PI,false); // Mouth
ctx.moveTo(65,65); |
ctx.arc(60,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Left eye
ctx.moveTo(95,65); |
ctx.arc(90,65,5,0,Math.PI*2,true); // Right eye
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '82997bc57c3941afea72ba571d713160' |
, 'Context2d#arc() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#bezierCurveTo()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/bezierCurveTo.png'; |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.moveTo(75,40); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(75,37,70,25,50,25); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(20,25,20,62.5,20,62.5); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(20,80,40,102,75,120); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(110,102,130,80,130,62.5); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(130,62.5,130,25,100,25); |
ctx.bezierCurveTo(85,25,75,37,75,40); |
ctx.fill(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '5626a53780d77aecc490ec807ee0bc63' |
, 'Context2d#bezierCurveTo() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#quadraticCurveTo()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/quadraticCurveTo.png'; |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.moveTo(75,25); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(25,25,25,62.5); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(25,100,50,100); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(50,120,30,125); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(60,120,65,100); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(125,100,125,62.5); |
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(125,25,75,25); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '4995ce059b78d8b78652d9f6d2d1a6f2' |
, 'Context2d#quadraticCurveTo() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#rotate()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/rotate.png'; |
ctx.rotate(0.4); |
ctx.translate(30,0); |
ctx.rect(0,0,50,50); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'b364d4572f8b4fe03e1290235dcf2e55' |
, 'Context2d#rotate() failed'); |
}, |
'test fill with stroke': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/fillWithStroke.png'; |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.arc(75,75,50,0,Math.PI*2,true); |
ctx.fill(); |
ctx.closePath(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'yellow'; |
ctx.arc(75,75,30,0,Math.PI*2,true); |
ctx.fill(); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '603b1e1c8a4bc0048c9a0944c83e82f4' |
, 'fill with stroke failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#rect()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/rect.png'; |
ctx.rect(5,5,50,50); |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'yellow'; |
ctx.fill(); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'a670979e566eafa07e3938aec9e2b7a3' |
, 'Context2d#rect() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#font=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
@ -372,33 +154,10 @@ module.exports = { |
assert.equal('15px Arial, sans-serif', ctx.font); |
}, |
'test Context2d#fillStyle=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/fillStyle.png'; |
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,55,0)'; |
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 50, 50); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'; |
ctx.fillRect(60, 60, 50, 50); |
ctx.fillStyle = '#000'; |
ctx.fillRect(110, 110, 50, 50); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '804d2494db2eeda204ccbd6d0b48265a' |
, 'Context2d#fillStyle= failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#lineWidth=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/lineWidth.png'; |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineWidth = 10.0; |
assert.equal(10, ctx.lineWidth); |
// ctx.lineWidth = Infinity;
@ -407,251 +166,34 @@ module.exports = { |
assert.equal(10, ctx.lineWidth); |
ctx.lineWidth = 0; |
assert.equal(10, ctx.lineWidth); |
ctx.moveTo(50, 50); |
ctx.lineTo(50, 100); |
ctx.lineTo(80, 120); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '0bc6f64d58f326ca7ad3ade4426fb90f' |
, 'Context2d#lineWidth= failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#lineCap=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/lineCap.png'; |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineWidth = 10.0; |
assert.equal('butt', ctx.lineCap); |
ctx.lineCap = 'round'; |
assert.equal('round', ctx.lineCap); |
ctx.moveTo(50, 50); |
ctx.lineTo(50, 100); |
ctx.lineTo(80, 120); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'd5b84ea10a3e6df723b702a32329ed43' |
, 'Context2d#lineCap= failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#lineJoin=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/lineJoin.png'; |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineWidth = 10.0; |
assert.equal('miter', ctx.lineJoin); |
ctx.lineJoin = 'round'; |
assert.equal('round', ctx.lineJoin); |
ctx.moveTo(50, 50); |
ctx.lineTo(50, 100); |
ctx.lineTo(80, 120); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'bf97d882a0e99595109fb4f564fa41bf' |
, 'Context2d#lineJoin= failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d states': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/states.png'; |
ctx.arc(5,5,-1) |
ctx.save(); |
ctx.rect(50, 50, 100, 100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.restore(); |
ctx.save(); |
ctx.translate(50,50); |
ctx.scale(.5,.5); |
ctx.strokeRect(51, 51, 100, 100); |
ctx.restore(); |
ctx.translate(95,95); |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,10,10); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '65a027e653ea817747ba73053d48272a' |
, 'Context2d#save() / restore() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d states with stroke/fill/globalAlpha': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/states2.png'; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); // Draw a rectangle with default settings
ctx.save(); // Save the default state
ctx.fillStyle = '#09F' // Make changes to the settings
ctx.fillRect(15,15,120,120); // Draw a rectangle with new settings
ctx.save(); // Save the current state
ctx.fillStyle = '#FFF' // Make changes to the settings
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; |
ctx.fillRect(30,30,90,90); // Draw a rectangle with new settings
ctx.restore(); // Restore previous state
ctx.fillRect(45,45,60,60); // Draw a rectangle with restored settings
ctx.restore(); // Restore original state
ctx.fillRect(60,60,30,30); // Draw a rectangle with restored settings
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'c7217b183c3b47e76a0454d8f5a8b424' |
, 'Context#save() / restore() with stroke/fill/globalAlpha failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#globalAlpha=': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/globalAlpha.png'; |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; |
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,50,50); |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8; |
ctx.fillRect(20,20,20,20); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; |
ctx.fillRect(25,25,10,10); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'feb3e3c4bc6aac5c9e46f9b71b4504c6' |
, 'Context2d#globalAlpha= failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#createLinearGradient()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/linearGradients.png'; |
var lingrad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,150); |
lingrad.addColorStop(0, '#00ABEB'); |
lingrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#fff'); |
lingrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#26C000'); |
lingrad.addColorStop(1, '#fff'); |
var lingrad2 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,50,0,95); |
lingrad2.addColorStop(0.5, '#000'); |
lingrad2.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); |
ctx.fillStyle = lingrad; |
ctx.strokeStyle = lingrad2; |
ctx.fillRect(10,10,130,130); |
ctx.strokeRect(50,50,50,50); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '55f80d7d33000904ca366e0cfe363079' |
, 'Context2d#createLinearGradient() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#createRadialGradient()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/radialGradients.png'; |
// Create gradients
var radgrad = ctx.createRadialGradient(45,45,10,52,50,30); |
radgrad.addColorStop(0, '#A7D30C'); |
radgrad.addColorStop(0.9, '#019F62'); |
radgrad.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(1,159,98,0)'); |
var radgrad2 = ctx.createRadialGradient(105,105,20,112,120,50); |
radgrad2.addColorStop(0, '#FF5F98'); |
radgrad2.addColorStop(0.75, '#FF0188'); |
radgrad2.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,1,136,0)'); |
var radgrad3 = ctx.createRadialGradient(95,15,15,102,20,40); |
radgrad3.addColorStop(0, '#00C9FF'); |
radgrad3.addColorStop(0.8, '#00B5E2'); |
radgrad3.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,201,255,0)'); |
var radgrad4 = ctx.createRadialGradient(0,150,50,0,140,90); |
radgrad4.addColorStop(0, '#F4F201'); |
radgrad4.addColorStop(0.8, '#E4C700'); |
radgrad4.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(228,199,0,0)'); |
// draw shapes
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad4; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); |
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad3; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); |
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad2; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); |
ctx.fillStyle = radgrad; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'd078f5993eb962a5b3fdde5ca0864179' |
, 'Context2d#createRadialGradient() failed'); |
}, |
'test invalid {fill,stroke}Style': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/invalidStyle.png'; |
ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'yellow'; |
ctx.rect(50,50,50,50); |
ctx.fill(); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'asdf'; |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'asdf'; |
ctx.rect(100,80,15,15); |
ctx.fill(); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '2ba95ccadd5c38949a5ea493dbc78e08' |
, 'Context2d invalid fillStyle did not retain previous value'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#clip()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/clip.png'; |
ctx.arc(50,50,50,0,Math.PI * 2); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.clip(); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.5)'; |
ctx.fillRect(0,0,100,100); |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '6199442d05718481ac5ccd034239f6f1' |
, 'Context2d#clip() failed'); |
assert.equal(1, ctx.globalAlpha); |
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 |
assert.equal(0.5, ctx.globalAlpha); |
}, |
'test Context2d#isPointInPath()': function(assert){ |
@ -673,85 +215,6 @@ module.exports = { |
assert.ok(!ctx.isPointInPath(50,120)); |
}, |
'test Context2d#fillText()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/fillText.png'; |
ctx.font = '30px Arial'; |
ctx.rotate(.1); |
ctx.lineTo(10,10); |
ctx.fillText("Awesome!", 50, 100); |
var te = ctx.measureText('Awesome!'); |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; |
ctx.lineTo(50, 102); |
ctx.lineTo(50 + te.width, 102); |
ctx.stroke(); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '8e3632b45c8a6c64d9e7c669f32c7cab' |
, 'Context2d#fillText() failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#fillText() transformations': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/fillText-transformations.png'; |
ctx.font = 'bold 12px Helvetica'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,200,200); |
ctx.lineTo(0,100); |
ctx.lineTo(200,100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineTo(100,0); |
ctx.lineTo(100,200); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.rotate(0.2); |
ctx.fillText("foo", 150, 100); |
ctx.font = 'normal 30px Arial'; |
ctx.fillText("bar", 50, 100); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '8be28247027694c04dc7381e6294c53b' |
, 'Context2d#fillText() transformations failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#strokeText()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/strokeText.png'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,200,200); |
ctx.lineTo(0,100); |
ctx.lineTo(200,100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineTo(100,0); |
ctx.lineTo(100,200); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; |
ctx.font = 'normal 50px Arial'; |
ctx.strokeText("bar", 100, 100); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '423833c443bc49b6aa445831737fd600' |
, 'Context2d#strokeText()'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#textAlign': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200,200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
@ -767,94 +230,6 @@ module.exports = { |
assert.equal('end', ctx.textAlign); |
}, |
'test Context2d#textAlign= right': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/textAlign-right.png'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,200,200); |
ctx.lineTo(0,100); |
ctx.lineTo(200,100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineTo(100,0); |
ctx.lineTo(100,200); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.font = 'normal 20px Arial'; |
ctx.textAlign = 'right'; |
ctx.fillText("Wahoo", 100, 100); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'cde33254c5c6de39e1a549edcb23d93e' |
, 'Context2d#textAlign= right failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#textAlign= center': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/textAlign-center.png'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,200,200); |
ctx.lineTo(0,100); |
ctx.lineTo(200,100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineTo(100,0); |
ctx.lineTo(100,200); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.font = 'normal 20px Arial'; |
ctx.textAlign = 'center'; |
ctx.fillText("Wahoo", 100, 100); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, '31b217e572ce2d78f11c1ecf21713579' |
, 'Context2d#textAlign= center failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#textAlign= left': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/textAlign-left.png'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,200,200); |
ctx.lineTo(0,100); |
ctx.lineTo(200,100); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.beginPath(); |
ctx.lineTo(100,0); |
ctx.lineTo(100,200); |
ctx.stroke(); |
ctx.font = 'normal 20px Arial'; |
ctx.textAlign = 'left'; |
ctx.fillText("Wahoo", 100, 100); |
assertChecksum( |
canvas |
, path |
, 'f22146910b2df4b96550611f45dda77a' |
, 'Context2d#textAlign= left failed'); |
}, |
'test Context2d#measureText()': function(assert){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(200, 200) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.font = 'normal 40px Arial'; |
assert.eql({ width: 126 }, ctx.measureText('Wahoo')); |
assert.eql(ctx.measureText(123), ctx.measureText('123')); |
assert.eql(ctx.measureText(), ctx.measureText('undefined')); |
}, |
'test Canvas#toBuffer()': function(assert){ |
assert.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(new Canvas(200, 200).toBuffer()), 'Canvas#toBuffer() failed'); |
}, |
@ -888,47 +263,5 @@ module.exports = { |
err = e; |
} |
assert.equal('currently only image/png is supported', err.message); |
}, |
'test PNGStream': function(assert, beforeExit){ |
var canvas = new Canvas(320, 320) |
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') |
, path = __dirname + '/images/pngstream.png' |
, called = 0; |
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; |
ctx.strokeRect(0,0,320,320); |
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.02)'; |
var steps = 200; |
while (steps--) { |
ctx.fillRect( |
160 - (steps / 2) |
, 160 - (steps / 2) |
, steps |
, steps |
); |
} |
var out = fs.createWriteStream(path) |
, stream = canvas.createSyncPNGStream(); |
out.on('close', function(){ |
assertChecksumOf( |
canvas |
, path |
, '04f2e1b4338de2d7451194cba7d29970' |
, 'PNGStream failed'); |
}); |
stream.on('data', function(chunk){ out.write(chunk); }); |
stream.on('end', function(){ |
++called; |
out.end(); |
}); |
beforeExit(function(){ |
assert.equal(1, called); |
}); |
} |
} |