'use strict';
const StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
const net = require('net');
const dgram = require('dgram');
const assert = require('assert');
const util = require('util');
const debug = util.debuglog('child_process');
const Process = process.binding('process_wrap').Process;
const WriteWrap = process.binding('stream_wrap').WriteWrap;
const uv = process.binding('uv');
var spawn_sync; // Lazy-loaded process.binding('spawn_sync')
var constants; // Lazy-loaded process.binding('constants')
const errnoException = util._errnoException;
var handleWraps = {};
function handleWrapGetter(name, callback) {
var cons;
Object.defineProperty(handleWraps, name, {
get: function() {
if (cons !== undefined) return cons;
return cons = callback();
handleWrapGetter('Pipe', function() {
return process.binding('pipe_wrap').Pipe;
handleWrapGetter('TTY', function() {
return process.binding('tty_wrap').TTY;
handleWrapGetter('TCP', function() {
return process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP;
handleWrapGetter('UDP', function() {
return process.binding('udp_wrap').UDP;
// constructors for lazy loading
function createPipe(ipc) {
return new handleWraps.Pipe(ipc);
function createSocket(pipe, readable) {
var s = new net.Socket({ handle: pipe });
if (readable) {
s.writable = false;
s.readable = true;
} else {
s.writable = true;
s.readable = false;
return s;
// this object contain function to convert TCP objects to native handle objects
// and back again.
const handleConversion = {
'net.Native': {
simultaneousAccepts: true,
send: function(message, handle) {
return handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
'net.Server': {
simultaneousAccepts: true,
send: function(message, server) {
return server._handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var server = new net.Server();
server.listen(handle, function() {
'net.Socket': {
send: function(message, socket) {
if (!socket._handle)
// if the socket was created by net.Server
if (socket.server) {
// the slave should keep track of the socket
message.key = socket.server._connectionKey;
var firstTime = !this._channel.sockets.send[message.key];
var socketList = getSocketList('send', this, message.key);
// the server should no longer expose a .connection property
// and when asked to close it should query the socket status from
// the slaves
if (firstTime) socket.server._setupSlave(socketList);
// Act like socket is detached
// remove handle from socket object, it will be closed when the socket
// will be sent
var handle = socket._handle;
handle.onread = function() {};
socket._handle = null;
return handle;
postSend: function(handle) {
// Close the Socket handle after sending it
if (handle)
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var socket = new net.Socket({handle: handle});
socket.readable = socket.writable = true;
// if the socket was created by net.Server we will track the socket
if (message.key) {
// add socket to connections list
var socketList = getSocketList('got', this, message.key);
socket: socket
'dgram.Native': {
simultaneousAccepts: false,
send: function(message, handle) {
return handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
'dgram.Socket': {
simultaneousAccepts: false,
send: function(message, socket) {
message.dgramType = socket.type;
return socket._handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var socket = new dgram.Socket(message.dgramType);
socket.bind(handle, function() {
// This object keep track of the socket there are sended
function SocketListSend(slave, key) {
this.key = key;
this.slave = slave;
util.inherits(SocketListSend, EventEmitter);
SocketListSend.prototype._request = function(msg, cmd, callback) {
var self = this;
if (!this.slave.connected) return onclose();
function onclose() {
self.slave.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply);
callback(new Error('Slave closed before reply'));
function onreply(msg) {
if (!(msg.cmd === cmd && msg.key === self.key)) return;
self.slave.removeListener('disconnect', onclose);
self.slave.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply);
callback(null, msg);
this.slave.once('disconnect', onclose);
this.slave.on('internalMessage', onreply);
SocketListSend.prototype.close = function close(callback) {
key: this.key
}, 'NODE_SOCKET_ALL_CLOSED', callback);
SocketListSend.prototype.getConnections = function getConnections(callback) {
key: this.key
}, 'NODE_SOCKET_COUNT', function(err, msg) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, msg.count);
// This object keep track of the socket there are received
function SocketListReceive(slave, key) {
var self = this;
this.connections = 0;
this.key = key;
this.slave = slave;
function onempty() {
if (!self.slave.connected) return;
key: self.key
this.slave.on('internalMessage', function(msg) {
if (msg.key !== self.key) return;
if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_NOTIFY_CLOSE') {
// Already empty
if (self.connections === 0) return onempty();
// Wait for sockets to get closed
self.once('empty', onempty);
} else if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_GET_COUNT') {
if (!self.slave.connected) return;
key: self.key,
count: self.connections
util.inherits(SocketListReceive, EventEmitter);
SocketListReceive.prototype.add = function(obj) {
var self = this;
// Notify previous owner of socket about its state change
obj.socket.once('close', function() {
if (self.connections === 0) self.emit('empty');
function getSocketList(type, slave, key) {
var sockets = slave._channel.sockets[type];
var socketList = sockets[key];
if (!socketList) {
var Construct = type === 'send' ? SocketListSend : SocketListReceive;
socketList = sockets[key] = new Construct(slave, key);
return socketList;
function handleMessage(target, message, handle) {
var eventName = 'message';
if (message !== null &&
typeof message === 'object' &&
typeof message.cmd === 'string' &&
message.cmd.length > INTERNAL_PREFIX.length &&
message.cmd.slice(0, INTERNAL_PREFIX.length) === INTERNAL_PREFIX) {
eventName = 'internalMessage';
target.emit(eventName, message, handle);
function setupChannel(target, channel) {
target._channel = channel;
target._handleQueue = null;
var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
var jsonBuffer = '';
channel.buffering = false;
channel.onread = function(nread, pool, recvHandle) {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Check that nread > 0.
if (pool) {
jsonBuffer += decoder.write(pool);
var i, start = 0;
//Linebreak is used as a message end sign
while ((i = jsonBuffer.indexOf('\n', start)) >= 0) {
var json = jsonBuffer.slice(start, i);
var message = JSON.parse(json);
child_process: fix handle delivery
Commit 9352c19 ("child_process: don't emit same handle twice") trades
one bug for another.
Before said commit, a handle was sometimes delivered with messages it
didn't belong to.
The bug fix introduced another bug that needs some explaining. On UNIX
systems, handles are basically file descriptors that are passed around
with the sendmsg() and recvmsg() system calls, using auxiliary data
(SCM_RIGHTS) as the transport.
node.js and libuv depend on the fact that none of the supported systems
ever emit more than one SCM_RIGHTS message from a recvmsg() syscall.
That assumption is something we should probably address someday for the
sake of portability but that's a separate discussion.
So, SCM_RIGHTS messages are never coalesced. SCM_RIGHTS and normal
messages however _are_ coalesced. That is, recvmsg() might return this:
recvmsg(); // { "message-with-fd", "message", "message" }
The operating system implicitly breaks pending messages along
SCM_RIGHTS boundaries. Most Unices break before such messages but Linux
also breaks _after_ them. When the sender looks like this:
Then on most Unices the receiver sees messages arriving like this:
recvmsg(); // { "message" }
recvmsg(); // { "message-with-fd", "message" }
The bug fix in commit 9352c19 assumes this behavior. On Linux however,
those messages can also come in like this:
recvmsg(); // { "message", "message-with-fd" }
recvmsg(); // { "message" }
In other words, it's incorrect to assume that the file descriptor is
always attached to the first message. This commit makes node wise up.
Fixes #5330.
12 years ago
// There will be at most one NODE_HANDLE message in every chunk we
// read because SCM_RIGHTS messages don't get coalesced. Make sure
// that we deliver the handle with the right message however.
if (message && message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE')
handleMessage(target, message, recvHandle);
handleMessage(target, message, undefined);
start = i + 1;
jsonBuffer = jsonBuffer.slice(start);
this.buffering = jsonBuffer.length !== 0;
} else {
this.buffering = false;
channel.onread = nop;
// object where socket lists will live
channel.sockets = { got: {}, send: {} };
// handlers will go through this
target.on('internalMessage', function(message, handle) {
// Once acknowledged - continue sending handles.
if (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK') {
var queue = target._handleQueue;
target._handleQueue = null;
queue.forEach(function(args) {
target._send(args.message, args.handle, false);
// Process a pending disconnect (if any).
if (!target.connected && target._channel && !target._handleQueue)
if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_HANDLE') return;
// Acknowledge handle receival. Don't emit error events (for example if
// the other side has disconnected) because this call to send() is not
// initiated by the user and it shouldn't be fatal to be unable to ACK
// a message.
target._send({ cmd: 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK' }, null, true);
var obj = handleConversion[message.type];
// Update simultaneous accepts on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
handle._simultaneousAccepts = false;
// Convert handle object
obj.got.call(this, message, handle, function(handle) {
handleMessage(target, message.msg, handle);
target.send = function(message, handle) {
if (!this.connected)
this.emit('error', new Error('channel closed'));
this._send(message, handle, false);
target._send = function(message, handle, swallowErrors) {
assert(this.connected || this._channel);
if (message === undefined)
throw new TypeError('message cannot be undefined');
// package messages with a handle object
if (handle) {
// this message will be handled by an internalMessage event handler
message = {
type: null,
msg: message
if (handle instanceof net.Socket) {
message.type = 'net.Socket';
} else if (handle instanceof net.Server) {
message.type = 'net.Server';
} else if (handle instanceof process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP ||
handle instanceof process.binding('pipe_wrap').Pipe) {
message.type = 'net.Native';
} else if (handle instanceof dgram.Socket) {
message.type = 'dgram.Socket';
} else if (handle instanceof process.binding('udp_wrap').UDP) {
message.type = 'dgram.Native';
} else {
throw new TypeError("This handle type can't be sent");
// Queue-up message and handle if we haven't received ACK yet.
if (this._handleQueue) {
this._handleQueue.push({ message: message.msg, handle: handle });
var obj = handleConversion[message.type];
// convert TCP object to native handle object
handle =
handleConversion[message.type].send.call(target, message, handle);
// If handle was sent twice, or it is impossible to get native handle
// out of it - just send a text without the handle.
if (!handle)
message = message.msg;
// Update simultaneous accepts on Windows
if (obj.simultaneousAccepts) {
} else if (this._handleQueue &&
!(message && message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK')) {
// Queue request anyway to avoid out-of-order messages.
this._handleQueue.push({ message: message, handle: null });
var req = new WriteWrap();
req.oncomplete = nop;
var string = JSON.stringify(message) + '\n';
var err = channel.writeUtf8String(req, string, handle);
if (err) {
if (!swallowErrors)
this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'write'));
} else if (handle && !this._handleQueue) {
this._handleQueue = [];
if (obj && obj.postSend) {
req.oncomplete = obj.postSend.bind(null, handle);
/* If the master is > 2 read() calls behind, please stop sending. */
return channel.writeQueueSize < (65536 * 2);
// connected will be set to false immediately when a disconnect() is
// requested, even though the channel might still be alive internally to
// process queued messages. The three states are distinguished as follows:
// - disconnect() never requested: _channel is not null and connected
// is true
// - disconnect() requested, messages in the queue: _channel is not null
// and connected is false
// - disconnect() requested, channel actually disconnected: _channel is
// null and connected is false
target.connected = true;
target.disconnect = function() {
if (!this.connected) {
this.emit('error', new Error('IPC channel is already disconnected'));
// Do not allow any new messages to be written.
this.connected = false;
// If there are no queued messages, disconnect immediately. Otherwise,
// postpone the disconnect so that it happens internally after the
// queue is flushed.
if (!this._handleQueue)
target._disconnect = function() {
// This marks the fact that the channel is actually disconnected.
this._channel = null;
var fired = false;
function finish() {
if (fired) return;
fired = true;
// If a message is being read, then wait for it to complete.
if (channel.buffering) {
this.once('message', finish);
this.once('internalMessage', finish);
function nop() { }
exports.fork = function(modulePath /*, args, options*/) {
// Get options and args arguments.
var options, args, execArgv;
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1];
options = util._extend({}, arguments[2]);
} else {
args = [];
options = util._extend({}, arguments[1]);
// Prepare arguments for fork:
execArgv = options.execArgv || process.execArgv;
args = execArgv.concat([modulePath], args);
// Leave stdin open for the IPC channel. stdout and stderr should be the
// same as the parent's if silent isn't set.
options.stdio = options.silent ? ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc'] :
[0, 1, 2, 'ipc'];
options.execPath = options.execPath || process.execPath;
return spawn(options.execPath, args, options);
exports._forkChild = function(fd) {
// set process.send()
var p = createPipe(true);
setupChannel(process, p);
var refs = 0;
process.on('newListener', function(name) {
if (name !== 'message' && name !== 'disconnect') return;
if (++refs === 1) p.ref();
process.on('removeListener', function(name) {
if (name !== 'message' && name !== 'disconnect') return;
if (--refs === 0) p.unref();
function normalizeExecArgs(command /*, options, callback */) {
var file, args, options, callback;
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
options = undefined;
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
options = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
file = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe';
args = ['/s', '/c', '"' + command + '"'];
// Make a shallow copy before patching so we don't clobber the user's
// options object.
options = util._extend({}, options);
options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
} else {
file = '/bin/sh';
args = ['-c', command];
if (options && options.shell)
file = options.shell;
return {
cmd: command,
file: file,
args: args,
options: options,
callback: callback
exports.exec = function(command /*, options, callback */) {
var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments);
return exports.execFile(opts.file,
exports.execFile = function(file /* args, options, callback */) {
var args, callback;
var options = {
encoding: 'utf8',
timeout: 0,
maxBuffer: 200 * 1024,
killSignal: 'SIGTERM',
cwd: null,
env: null
// Parse the parameters.
if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1];
options = util._extend(options, arguments[2]);
} else {
args = [];
options = util._extend(options, arguments[1]);
var child = spawn(file, args, {
cwd: options.cwd,
env: options.env,
gid: options.gid,
uid: options.uid,
windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments
var encoding;
var _stdout;
var _stderr;
if (options.encoding !== 'buffer' && Buffer.isEncoding(options.encoding)) {
encoding = options.encoding;
_stdout = '';
_stderr = '';
} else {
_stdout = [];
_stderr = [];
encoding = null;
var stdoutLen = 0;
var stderrLen = 0;
var killed = false;
var exited = false;
var timeoutId;
var ex = null;
function exithandler(code, signal) {
if (exited) return;
exited = true;
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = null;
if (!callback) return;
// merge chunks
var stdout;
var stderr;
if (!encoding) {
stdout = Buffer.concat(_stdout);
stderr = Buffer.concat(_stderr);
} else {
stdout = _stdout;
stderr = _stderr;
if (ex) {
// Will be handled later
} else if (code === 0 && signal === null) {
callback(null, stdout, stderr);
var cmd = file;
if (args.length !== 0)
cmd += ' ' + args.join(' ');
if (!ex) {
ex = new Error('Command failed: ' + cmd + '\n' + stderr);
ex.killed = child.killed || killed;
ex.code = code < 0 ? uv.errname(code) : code;
ex.signal = signal;
ex.cmd = cmd;
callback(ex, stdout, stderr);
function errorhandler(e) {
ex = e;
function kill() {
killed = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
ex = e;
if (options.timeout > 0) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
timeoutId = null;
}, options.timeout);
child.stdout.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
stdoutLen += chunk.length;
if (stdoutLen > options.maxBuffer) {
ex = new Error('stdout maxBuffer exceeded.');
} else {
if (!encoding)
_stdout += chunk;
child.stderr.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
stderrLen += chunk.length;
if (stderrLen > options.maxBuffer) {
ex = new Error('stderr maxBuffer exceeded.');
} else {
if (!encoding)
_stderr += chunk;
if (encoding) {
child.addListener('close', exithandler);
child.addListener('error', errorhandler);
return child;
var _deprecatedCustomFds = util.deprecate(function(options) {
options.stdio = options.customFds.map(function(fd) {
return fd === -1 ? 'pipe' : fd;
}, 'child_process: customFds option is deprecated, use stdio instead.');
function _convertCustomFds(options) {
if (options && options.customFds && !options.stdio) {
function _validateStdio(stdio, sync) {
var ipc,
// Replace shortcut with an array
if (typeof stdio === 'string') {
switch (stdio) {
case 'ignore': stdio = ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']; break;
case 'pipe': stdio = ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']; break;
case 'inherit': stdio = [0, 1, 2]; break;
default: throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of stdio option: ' + stdio);
} else if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) {
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of stdio option: ' +
// At least 3 stdio will be created
// Don't concat() a new Array() because it would be sparse, and
// stdio.reduce() would skip the sparse elements of stdio.
// See http://stackoverflow.com/a/5501711/3561
while (stdio.length < 3) stdio.push(undefined);
// Translate stdio into C++-readable form
// (i.e. PipeWraps or fds)
stdio = stdio.reduce(function(acc, stdio, i) {
function cleanup() {
acc.filter(function(stdio) {
return stdio.type === 'pipe' || stdio.type === 'ipc';
}).forEach(function(stdio) {
if (stdio.handle)
// Defaults
if (stdio === null || stdio === undefined) {
stdio = i < 3 ? 'pipe' : 'ignore';
if (stdio === null || stdio === 'ignore') {
acc.push({type: 'ignore'});
} else if (stdio === 'pipe' || typeof stdio === 'number' && stdio < 0) {
var a = {
type: 'pipe',
readable: i === 0,
writable: i !== 0
if (!sync)
a.handle = createPipe();
} else if (stdio === 'ipc') {
if (sync || ipc !== undefined) {
// Cleanup previously created pipes
if (!sync)
throw new Error('Child process can have only one IPC pipe');
throw new Error('You cannot use IPC with synchronous forks');
ipc = createPipe(true);
ipcFd = i;
type: 'pipe',
handle: ipc,
ipc: true
} else if (stdio === 'inherit') {
type: 'inherit',
fd: i
} else if (typeof stdio === 'number' || typeof stdio.fd === 'number') {
type: 'fd',
fd: stdio.fd || stdio
} else if (getHandleWrapType(stdio) || getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) ||
getHandleWrapType(stdio._handle)) {
var handle = getHandleWrapType(stdio) ?
stdio :
getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) ? stdio.handle : stdio._handle;
type: 'wrap',
wrapType: getHandleWrapType(handle),
handle: handle
} else if (stdio instanceof Buffer || typeof stdio === 'string') {
if (!sync) {
throw new TypeError('Asynchronous forks do not support Buffer input: ' +
} else {
// Cleanup
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value for stdio stream: ' +
return acc;
}, []);
return {stdio: stdio, ipc: ipc, ipcFd: ipcFd};
function normalizeSpawnArguments(file /*, args, options*/) {
var args, options;
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1].slice(0);
options = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments[1] !== undefined &&
(arguments[1] === null || typeof arguments[1] !== 'object')) {
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of args option');
} else {
args = [];
options = arguments[1];
if (options === undefined)
options = {};
else if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object')
throw new TypeError('options argument must be an object');
options = util._extend({}, options);
var env = options.env || process.env;
var envPairs = [];
for (var key in env) {
envPairs.push(key + '=' + env[key]);
return {
file: file,
args: args,
options: options,
envPairs: envPairs
var spawn = exports.spawn = function(/*file, args, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var options = opts.options;
var child = new ChildProcess();
debug('spawn', opts.args, options);
file: opts.file,
args: opts.args,
cwd: options.cwd,
windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments,
detached: !!options.detached,
envPairs: opts.envPairs,
stdio: options.stdio,
uid: options.uid,
gid: options.gid
return child;
function maybeClose(subprocess) {
if (subprocess._closesGot == subprocess._closesNeeded) {
subprocess.emit('close', subprocess.exitCode, subprocess.signalCode);
function ChildProcess() {
// Initialize TCPWrap and PipeWrap
var self = this;
this._closesNeeded = 1;
this._closesGot = 0;
this.connected = false;
this.signalCode = null;
this.exitCode = null;
this.killed = false;
this.spawnfile = null;
this._handle = new Process();
this._handle.owner = this;
this._handle.onexit = function(exitCode, signalCode) {
// follow 0.4.x behaviour:
// - normally terminated processes don't touch this.signalCode
// - signaled processes don't touch this.exitCode
// new in 0.9.x:
// - spawn failures are reported with exitCode < 0
var syscall = self.spawnfile ? 'spawn ' + self.spawnfile : 'spawn';
var err = (exitCode < 0) ? errnoException(exitCode, syscall) : null;
if (signalCode) {
self.signalCode = signalCode;
} else {
self.exitCode = exitCode;
if (self.stdin) {
self._handle = null;
if (exitCode < 0) {
if (self.spawnfile)
err.path = self.spawnfile;
err.spawnargs = self.spawnargs.slice(1);
self.emit('error', err);
} else {
self.emit('exit', self.exitCode, self.signalCode);
// if any of the stdio streams have not been touched,
// then pull all the data through so that it can get the
// eof and emit a 'close' event.
// Do it on nextTick so that the user has one last chance
// to consume the output, if for example they only want to
// start reading the data once the process exits.
process.nextTick(function() {
util.inherits(ChildProcess, EventEmitter);
function flushStdio(subprocess) {
if (subprocess.stdio == null) return;
subprocess.stdio.forEach(function(stream, fd, stdio) {
if (!stream || !stream.readable || stream._consuming)
function getHandleWrapType(stream) {
if (stream instanceof handleWraps.Pipe) return 'pipe';
if (stream instanceof handleWraps.TTY) return 'tty';
if (stream instanceof handleWraps.TCP) return 'tcp';
if (stream instanceof handleWraps.UDP) return 'udp';
return false;
ChildProcess.prototype.spawn = function(options) {
var self = this,
// If no `stdio` option was given - use default
stdio = options.stdio || 'pipe';
stdio = _validateStdio(stdio, false);
ipc = stdio.ipc;
ipcFd = stdio.ipcFd;
stdio = options.stdio = stdio.stdio;
if (ipc !== undefined) {
// Let child process know about opened IPC channel
options.envPairs = options.envPairs || [];
options.envPairs.push('NODE_CHANNEL_FD=' + ipcFd);
this.spawnfile = options.file;
this.spawnargs = options.args;
var err = this._handle.spawn(options);
// Run-time errors should emit an error, not throw an exception.
if (err === uv.UV_EAGAIN ||
err === uv.UV_EMFILE ||
err === uv.UV_ENFILE ||
err === uv.UV_ENOENT) {
process.nextTick(function() {
// There is no point in continuing when we've hit EMFILE or ENFILE
// because we won't be able to set up the stdio file descriptors.
// It's kind of silly that the de facto spec for ENOENT (the test suite)
// mandates that stdio _is_ set up, even if there is no process on the
// receiving end, but it is what it is.
if (err !== uv.UV_ENOENT) return err;
} else if (err) {
// Close all opened fds on error
stdio.forEach(function(stdio) {
if (stdio.type === 'pipe') {
this._handle = null;
throw errnoException(err, 'spawn');
this.pid = this._handle.pid;
stdio.forEach(function(stdio, i) {
if (stdio.type === 'ignore') return;
if (stdio.ipc) {
if (stdio.handle) {
// when i === 0 - we're dealing with stdin
// (which is the only one writable pipe)
stdio.socket = createSocket(self.pid !== 0 ? stdio.handle : null, i > 0);
if (i > 0 && self.pid !== 0) {
stdio.socket.on('close', function() {
this.stdin = stdio.length >= 1 && stdio[0].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[0].socket : null;
this.stdout = stdio.length >= 2 && stdio[1].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[1].socket : null;
this.stderr = stdio.length >= 3 && stdio[2].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[2].socket : null;
this.stdio = stdio.map(function(stdio) {
return stdio.socket === undefined ? null : stdio.socket;
// Add .send() method and start listening for IPC data
if (ipc !== undefined) setupChannel(this, ipc);
return err;
ChildProcess.prototype.kill = function(sig) {
var signal;
if (!constants) {
constants = process.binding('constants');
if (sig === 0) {
signal = 0;
} else if (!sig) {
signal = constants['SIGTERM'];
} else {
signal = constants[sig];
if (signal === undefined) {
throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + sig);
if (this._handle) {
var err = this._handle.kill(signal);
if (err === 0) {
/* Success. */
this.killed = true;
return true;
if (err === uv.UV_ESRCH) {
/* Already dead. */
} else if (err === uv.UV_EINVAL || err === uv.UV_ENOSYS) {
/* The underlying platform doesn't support this signal. */
throw errnoException(err, 'kill');
} else {
/* Other error, almost certainly EPERM. */
this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'kill'));
/* Kill didn't succeed. */
return false;
ChildProcess.prototype.ref = function() {
if (this._handle) this._handle.ref();
ChildProcess.prototype.unref = function() {
if (this._handle) this._handle.unref();
function lookupSignal(signal) {
if (typeof signal === 'number')
return signal;
if (!constants)
constants = process.binding('constants');
if (!(signal in constants))
throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + signal);
return constants[signal];
function spawnSync(/*file, args, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var options = opts.options;
var i;
debug('spawnSync', opts.args, options);
options.file = opts.file;
options.args = opts.args;
options.envPairs = opts.envPairs;
if (options.killSignal)
options.killSignal = lookupSignal(options.killSignal);
options.stdio = _validateStdio(options.stdio || 'pipe', true).stdio;
if (options.input) {
var stdin = options.stdio[0] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[0]);
stdin.input = options.input;
// We may want to pass data in on any given fd, ensure it is a valid buffer
for (i = 0; i < options.stdio.length; i++) {
var input = options.stdio[i] && options.stdio[i].input;
if (input != null) {
var pipe = options.stdio[i] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[i]);
if (Buffer.isBuffer(input))
pipe.input = input;
else if (typeof input === 'string')
pipe.input = new Buffer(input, options.encoding);
throw new TypeError(util.format(
'stdio[%d] should be Buffer or string not %s',
typeof input));
if (!spawn_sync)
spawn_sync = process.binding('spawn_sync');
var result = spawn_sync.spawn(options);
if (result.output && options.encoding) {
for (i = 0; i < result.output.length; i++) {
if (!result.output[i])
result.output[i] = result.output[i].toString(options.encoding);
result.stdout = result.output && result.output[1];
result.stderr = result.output && result.output[2];
if (result.error) {
result.error = errnoException(result.error, 'spawnSync ' + opts.file);
result.error.path = opts.file;
result.error.spawnargs = opts.args.slice(1);
util._extend(result, opts);
return result;
exports.spawnSync = spawnSync;
function checkExecSyncError(ret) {
if (ret.error || ret.status !== 0) {
var err = ret.error;
ret.error = null;
if (!err) {
var msg = 'Command failed: ' +
(ret.cmd ? ret.cmd : ret.args.join(' ')) +
(ret.stderr ? '\n' + ret.stderr.toString() : '');
err = new Error(msg);
util._extend(err, ret);
return err;
return false;
function execFileSync(/*command, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var inheritStderr = !opts.options.stdio;
var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args.slice(1), opts.options);
if (inheritStderr)
var err = checkExecSyncError(ret);
if (err)
throw err;
return ret.stdout;
exports.execFileSync = execFileSync;
function execSync(/*comand, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments);
var inheritStderr = opts.options ? !opts.options.stdio : true;
var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args, opts.options);
ret.cmd = opts.cmd;
if (inheritStderr)
var err = checkExecSyncError(ret);
if (err)
throw err;
return ret.stdout;
exports.execSync = execSync;