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# Errors
Applications running in Node.js will generally experience four categories of
- Standard JavaScript errors such as:
- {EvalError} : thrown when a call to `eval()` fails.
- {SyntaxError} : thrown in response to improper JavaScript language
- {RangeError} : thrown when a value is not within an expected range
- {ReferenceError} : thrown when using undefined variables
- {TypeError} : thrown when passing arguments of the wrong type
- {URIError} : thrown when a global URI handling function is misused.
- System errors triggered by underlying operating system constraints such
as attempting to open a file that does not exist, attempting to send data
over a closed socket, etc;
- And User-specified errors triggered by application code.
- Assertion Errors are a special class of error that can be triggered whenever
Node.js detects an exceptional logic violation that should never occur. These
are raised typically by the `assert` module.
All JavaScript and System errors raised by Node.js inherit from, or are
instances of, the standard JavaScript {Error} class and are guaranteed
to provide *at least* the properties available on that class.
## Error Propagation and Interception
Node.js supports several mechanisms for propagating and handling errors that
occur while an application is running. How these errors are reported and
handled depends entirely on the type of Error and the style of the API that is
All JavaScript errors are handled as exceptions that *immediately* generate
and throw an error using the standard JavaScript `throw` mechanism. These
are handled using the [`try / catch` construct][try-catch] provided by the
JavaScript language.
// Throws with a ReferenceError because z is undefined
try {
const m = 1;
const n = m + z;
} catch (err) {
// Handle the error here.
Any use of the JavaScript `throw` mechanism will raise an exception that
*must* be handled using `try / catch` or the Node.js process will exit
With few exceptions, _Synchronous_ APIs (any blocking method that does not
accept a `callback` function, such as [`fs.readFileSync`][]), will use `throw`
to report errors.
Errors that occur within _Asynchronous APIs_ may be reported in multiple ways:
- Most asynchronous methods that accept a `callback` function will accept an
`Error` object passed as the first argument to that function. If that first
argument is not `null` and is an instance of `Error`, then an error occurred
that should be handled.
<!-- eslint-disable no-useless-return -->
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('a file that does not exist', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error('There was an error reading the file!', err);
// Otherwise handle the data
- When an asynchronous method is called on an object that is an `EventEmitter`,
errors can be routed to that object's `'error'` event.
const net = require('net');
const connection = net.connect('localhost');
// Adding an 'error' event handler to a stream:
connection.on('error', (err) => {
// If the connection is reset by the server, or if it can't
// connect at all, or on any sort of error encountered by
// the connection, the error will be sent here.
- A handful of typically asynchronous methods in the Node.js API may still
use the `throw` mechanism to raise exceptions that must be handled using
`try / catch`. There is no comprehensive list of such methods; please
refer to the documentation of each method to determine the appropriate
error handling mechanism required.
The use of the `'error'` event mechanism is most common for [stream-based][]
and [event emitter-based][] APIs, which themselves represent a series of
asynchronous operations over time (as opposed to a single operation that may
pass or fail).
For *all* `EventEmitter` objects, if an `'error'` event handler is not
provided, the error will be thrown, causing the Node.js process to report an
unhandled exception and crash unless either: The [`domain`][domains] module is
used appropriately or a handler has been registered for the
[`process.on('uncaughtException')`][] event.
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const ee = new EventEmitter();
setImmediate(() => {
// This will crash the process because no 'error' event
// handler has been added.
ee.emit('error', new Error('This will crash'));
Errors generated in this way *cannot* be intercepted using `try / catch` as
they are thrown *after* the calling code has already exited.
Developers must refer to the documentation for each method to determine
exactly how errors raised by those methods are propagated.
### Node.js style callbacks
Most asynchronous methods exposed by the Node.js core API follow an idiomatic
pattern referred to as a "Node.js style callback". With this pattern, a
callback function is passed to the method as an argument. When the operation
either completes or an error is raised, the callback function is called with
the Error object (if any) passed as the first argument. If no error was raised,
the first argument will be passed as `null`.
const fs = require('fs');
function nodeStyleCallback(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('There was an error', err);
fs.readFile('/some/file/that/does-not-exist', nodeStyleCallback);
fs.readFile('/some/file/that/does-exist', nodeStyleCallback);
The JavaScript `try / catch` mechanism **cannot** be used to intercept errors
generated by asynchronous APIs. A common mistake for beginners is to try to
use `throw` inside a Node.js style callback:
const fs = require('fs');
try {
fs.readFile('/some/file/that/does-not-exist', (err, data) => {
// mistaken assumption: throwing here...
if (err) {
throw err;
} catch (err) {
// This will not catch the throw!
This will not work because the callback function passed to `fs.readFile()` is
called asynchronously. By the time the callback has been called, the
surrounding code (including the `try { } catch (err) { }` block will have
already exited. Throwing an error inside the callback **can crash the Node.js
process** in most cases. If [domains][] are enabled, or a handler has been
registered with `process.on('uncaughtException')`, such errors can be
## Class: Error
A generic JavaScript `Error` object that does not denote any specific
circumstance of why the error occurred. `Error` objects capture a "stack trace"
detailing the point in the code at which the `Error` was instantiated, and may
provide a text description of the error.
All errors generated by Node.js, including all System and JavaScript errors,
will either be instances of, or inherit from, the `Error` class.
### new Error(message)
* `message` {string}
Creates a new `Error` object and sets the `error.message` property to the
provided text message. If an object is passed as `message`, the text message
is generated by calling `message.toString()`. The `error.stack` property will
represent the point in the code at which `new Error()` was called. Stack traces
are dependent on [V8's stack trace API][]. Stack traces extend only to either
(a) the beginning of *synchronous code execution*, or (b) the number of frames
given by the property `Error.stackTraceLimit`, whichever is smaller.
### Error.captureStackTrace(targetObject[, constructorOpt])
* `targetObject` {Object}
* `constructorOpt` {Function}
Creates a `.stack` property on `targetObject`, which when accessed returns
a string representing the location in the code at which
`Error.captureStackTrace()` was called.
const myObject = {};
myObject.stack; // similar to `new Error().stack`
The first line of the trace, instead of being prefixed with `ErrorType:
message`, will be the result of calling `targetObject.toString()`.
The optional `constructorOpt` argument accepts a function. If given, all frames
above `constructorOpt`, including `constructorOpt`, will be omitted from the
generated stack trace.
The `constructorOpt` argument is useful for hiding implementation
details of error generation from an end user. For instance:
function MyError() {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, MyError);
// Without passing MyError to captureStackTrace, the MyError
// frame would show up in the .stack property. By passing
// the constructor, we omit that frame, and retain all frames below it.
new MyError().stack;
### Error.stackTraceLimit
* {number}
The `Error.stackTraceLimit` property specifies the number of stack frames
collected by a stack trace (whether generated by `new Error().stack` or
The default value is `10` but may be set to any valid JavaScript number. Changes
will affect any stack trace captured *after* the value has been changed.
If set to a non-number value, or set to a negative number, stack traces will
not capture any frames.
#### error.code
* {string}
The `error.code` property is a string label that identifies the kind of error.
See [Node.js Error Codes][] for details about specific codes.
#### error.message
* {string}
The `error.message` property is the string description of the error as set by
calling `new Error(message)`. The `message` passed to the constructor will also
appear in the first line of the stack trace of the `Error`, however changing
this property after the `Error` object is created *may not* change the first
line of the stack trace (for example, when `error.stack` is read before this
property is changed).
const err = new Error('The message');
// Prints: The message
### error.stack
* {string}
The `error.stack` property is a string describing the point in the code at which
the `Error` was instantiated.
For example:
Error: Things keep happening!
at /home/gbusey/file.js:525:2
at Frobnicator.refrobulate (/home/gbusey/business-logic.js:424:21)
at Actor.<anonymous> (/home/gbusey/actors.js:400:8)
at increaseSynergy (/home/gbusey/actors.js:701:6)
The first line is formatted as `<error class name>: <error message>`, and
is followed by a series of stack frames (each line beginning with "at ").
Each frame describes a call site within the code that lead to the error being
generated. V8 attempts to display a name for each function (by variable name,
function name, or object method name), but occasionally it will not be able to
find a suitable name. If V8 cannot determine a name for the function, only
location information will be displayed for that frame. Otherwise, the
determined function name will be displayed with location information appended
in parentheses.
It is important to note that frames are **only** generated for JavaScript
functions. If, for example, execution synchronously passes through a C++ addon
function called `cheetahify`, which itself calls a JavaScript function, the
frame representing the `cheetahify` call will **not** be present in the stack
const cheetahify = require('./native-binding.node');
function makeFaster() {
// cheetahify *synchronously* calls speedy.
cheetahify(function speedy() {
throw new Error('oh no!');
makeFaster(); // will throw:
// /home/gbusey/file.js:6
// throw new Error('oh no!');
// ^
// Error: oh no!
// at speedy (/home/gbusey/file.js:6:11)
// at makeFaster (/home/gbusey/file.js:5:3)
// at Object.<anonymous> (/home/gbusey/file.js:10:1)
// at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
// at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
// at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
// at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
// at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
// at startup (node.js:119:16)
// at node.js:906:3
The location information will be one of:
* `native`, if the frame represents a call internal to V8 (as in `[].forEach`).
* `plain-filename.js:line:column`, if the frame represents a call internal
to Node.js.
* `/absolute/path/to/file.js:line:column`, if the frame represents a call in
a user program, or its dependencies.
The string representing the stack trace is lazily generated when the
`error.stack` property is **accessed**.
The number of frames captured by the stack trace is bounded by the smaller of
`Error.stackTraceLimit` or the number of available frames on the current event
loop tick.
System-level errors are generated as augmented `Error` instances, which are
detailed [here](#errors_system_errors).
## Class: RangeError
A subclass of `Error` that indicates that a provided argument was not within the
set or range of acceptable values for a function; whether that is a numeric
range, or outside the set of options for a given function parameter.
For example:
// throws "RangeError: "port" option should be >= 0 and < 65536: -1"
Node.js will generate and throw `RangeError` instances *immediately* as a form
of argument validation.
## Class: ReferenceError
A subclass of `Error` that indicates that an attempt is being made to access a
variable that is not defined. Such errors commonly indicate typos in code, or
an otherwise broken program.
While client code may generate and propagate these errors, in practice, only V8
will do so.
// throws ReferenceError, doesNotExist is not a variable in this program.
Unless an application is dynamically generating and running code,
`ReferenceError` instances should always be considered a bug in the code
or its dependencies.
## Class: SyntaxError
A subclass of `Error` that indicates that a program is not valid JavaScript.
These errors may only be generated and propagated as a result of code
evaluation. Code evaluation may happen as a result of `eval`, `Function`,
`require`, or [vm][]. These errors are almost always indicative of a broken
try {
require('vm').runInThisContext('binary ! isNotOk');
} catch (err) {
// err will be a SyntaxError
`SyntaxError` instances are unrecoverable in the context that created them –
they may only be caught by other contexts.
## Class: TypeError
A subclass of `Error` that indicates that a provided argument is not an
allowable type. For example, passing a function to a parameter which expects a
string would be considered a TypeError.
require('url').parse(() => { });
// throws TypeError, since it expected a string
Node.js will generate and throw `TypeError` instances *immediately* as a form
of argument validation.
## Exceptions vs. Errors
A JavaScript exception is a value that is thrown as a result of an invalid
operation or as the target of a `throw` statement. While it is not required
that these values are instances of `Error` or classes which inherit from
`Error`, all exceptions thrown by Node.js or the JavaScript runtime *will* be
instances of Error.
Some exceptions are *unrecoverable* at the JavaScript layer. Such exceptions
will *always* cause the Node.js process to crash. Examples include `assert()`
checks or `abort()` calls in the C++ layer.
## System Errors
System errors are generated when exceptions occur within the program's
runtime environment. Typically, these are operational errors that occur
when an application violates an operating system constraint such as attempting
to read a file that does not exist or when the user does not have sufficient
System errors are typically generated at the syscall level: an exhaustive list
of error codes and their meanings is available by running `man 2 intro` or
`man 3 errno` on most Unices; or [online][].
In Node.js, system errors are represented as augmented `Error` objects with
added properties.
### Class: System Error
#### error.code
* {string}
The `error.code` property is a string representing the error code, which is
typically `E` followed by a sequence of capital letters.
#### error.errno
* {string|number}
The `error.errno` property is a number or a string.
The number is a **negative** value which corresponds to the error code defined
in [`libuv Error handling`]. See uv-errno.h header file
(`deps/uv/include/uv-errno.h` in the Node.js source tree) for details. In case
of a string, it is the same as `error.code`.
#### error.syscall
* {string}
The `error.syscall` property is a string describing the [syscall][] that failed.
#### error.path
* {string}
When present (e.g. in `fs` or `child_process`), the `error.path` property is a
string containing a relevant invalid pathname.
#### error.address
* {string}
When present (e.g. in `net` or `dgram`), the `error.address` property is a
string describing the address to which the connection failed.
#### error.port
* {number}
When present (e.g. in `net` or `dgram`), the `error.port` property is a number
representing the connection's port that is not available.
### Common System Errors
This list is **not exhaustive**, but enumerates many of the common system
errors encountered when writing a Node.js program. An exhaustive list may be
found [here][online].
- `EACCES` (Permission denied): An attempt was made to access a file in a way
forbidden by its file access permissions.
- `EADDRINUSE` (Address already in use): An attempt to bind a server
([`net`][], [`http`][], or [`https`][]) to a local address failed due to
another server on the local system already occupying that address.
- `ECONNREFUSED` (Connection refused): No connection could be made because the
target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to
connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host.
- `ECONNRESET` (Connection reset by peer): A connection was forcibly closed by
a peer. This normally results from a loss of the connection on the remote
socket due to a timeout or reboot. Commonly encountered via the [`http`][]
and [`net`][] modules.
- `EEXIST` (File exists): An existing file was the target of an operation that
required that the target not exist.
- `EISDIR` (Is a directory): An operation expected a file, but the given
pathname was a directory.
- `EMFILE` (Too many open files in system): Maximum number of
[file descriptors][] allowable on the system has been reached, and
requests for another descriptor cannot be fulfilled until at least one
has been closed. This is encountered when opening many files at once in
parallel, especially on systems (in particular, macOS) where there is a low
file descriptor limit for processes. To remedy a low limit, run
`ulimit -n 2048` in the same shell that will run the Node.js process.
- `ENOENT` (No such file or directory): Commonly raised by [`fs`][] operations
to indicate that a component of the specified pathname does not exist -- no
entity (file or directory) could be found by the given path.
- `ENOTDIR` (Not a directory): A component of the given pathname existed, but
was not a directory as expected. Commonly raised by [`fs.readdir`][].
- `ENOTEMPTY` (Directory not empty): A directory with entries was the target
of an operation that requires an empty directory -- usually [`fs.unlink`][].
- `EPERM` (Operation not permitted): An attempt was made to perform an
operation that requires elevated privileges.
- `EPIPE` (Broken pipe): A write on a pipe, socket, or FIFO for which there is
no process to read the data. Commonly encountered at the [`net`][] and
[`http`][] layers, indicative that the remote side of the stream being
written to has been closed.
- `ETIMEDOUT` (Operation timed out): A connect or send request failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time. Usually
encountered by [`http`][] or [`net`][] -- often a sign that a `socket.end()`
was not properly called.
<a id="nodejs-error-codes"></a>
## Node.js Error Codes
The `'ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE'` error code is used generically to identify that an
iterable argument (i.e. a value that works with `for...of` loops) is required,
but not provided to a Node.js API.
The `ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM` error code is thrown when `Console` is
instantiated without `stdout` stream or when `stdout` or `stderr` streams
are not writable.
The `'ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE'` error code is used when a given index is out of
the accepted range.
The `'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'` error code is used generically to identify that
an argument of the wrong type has been passed to a Node.js API.
The `'ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK'` error code is used generically to identify that
a callback function is required and has not been provided to a Node.js API.
An error with the `'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST'` code may be thrown when a
Node.js API that consumes `file:` URLs (such as certain functions in the
[`fs`][] module) encounters a file URL with an incompatible host. Currently,
this situation can only occur on Unix-like systems, where only `localhost` or
an empty host is supported.
An error with the `'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH'` code may be thrown when a
Node.js API that consumes `file:` URLs (such as certain functions in the
[`fs`][] module) encounters a file URL with an incompatible path. The exact
semantics for determining whether a path can be used is platform-dependent.
The '`ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE`' error code is used when an attempt is made to
send an unsupported "handle" over an IPC communication channel to a child
process. See [`child.send()`] and [`process.send()`] for more information.
The `'ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE'` error code is used generically to identify when
an invalid or unexpected value has been passed in an options object.
The `'ERR_INVALID_SYNC_FORK_INPUT'` error code is used when a `Buffer`,
`Uint8Array` or `string` is provided as stdio input to a synchronous
fork. See the documentation for the [`child_process`](child_process.html)
module for more information.
<a id="ERR_INVALID_THIS"></a>
The `'ERR_INVALID_THIS'` error code is used generically to identify that a
Node.js API function is called with an incompatible `this` value.
const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams('foo=bar&baz=new');
const buf = Buffer.alloc(1);, 'foo');
// Throws a TypeError with code 'ERR_INVALID_THIS'
<a id="ERR_INVALID_TUPLE"></a>
An error with code `'ERR_INVALID_TUPLE'` is thrown when an element in the
`iterable` provided to the [WHATWG][WHATWG URL API] [`URLSearchParams`
constructor][`new URLSearchParams(iterable)`] does not represent a `[name,
value]` tuple – that is, if an element is not iterable, or does not consist of
exactly two elements.
<a id="ERR_INVALID_URL"></a>
An error using the `'ERR_INVALID_URL'` code is thrown when an invalid URL is
passed to the [WHATWG][WHATWG URL API] [`URL` constructor][`new URL(input)`] to
be parsed. The thrown error object typically has an additional property
`'input'` that contains the URL that failed to parse.
The code `'ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME'` is used generically to signify an attempt
to use a URL of an incompatible scheme (aka protocol) for a specific purpose.
It is currently only used in the [WHATWG URL API][] support in the [`fs`][]
module (which only accepts URLs with `'file'` scheme), but may be used in other
Node.js APIs as well in the future.
The `'ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED'` error code is used when an attempt is made to use
an IPC communication channel that has already been closed.
The `'ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED'` error code is used when an attempt is made to
disconnect an already disconnected IPC communication channel between two
Node.js processes. See the documentation for the
[`child_process`](child_process.html) module for more information.
<a id="ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE"></a>
The `'ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE'` error code is used when an attempt is made to create
a child Node.js process using more than one IPC communication channel.
See the documentation for the [`child_process`](child_process.html)
module for more information.
<a id="ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK"></a>
The `'ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK'` error code is used when an attempt is made to open
an IPC communication channel with a synchronous forked Node.js process.
See the documentation for the [`child_process`](child_process.html)
module for more information.
<a id="ERR_MISSING_ARGS"></a>
The `'ERR_MISSING_ARGS'` error code is a generic error code for instances where
a required argument of a Node.js API is not passed. This is currently only used
in the [WHATWG URL API][] for strict compliance with the specification (which
in some cases may accept `func(undefined)` but not `func()`). In most native
Node.js APIs, `func(undefined)` and `func()` are treated identically, and the
[`ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE`][] error code may be used instead.
An error using the `'ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND'` code is thrown when an attempt
is made to bind a socket that has already been bound.
<a id="ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT"></a>
An error using the `'ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT'` code is thrown when an API
function expecting a port > 0 and < 65536 receives an invalid value.
<a id="ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE"></a>
An error using the `'ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE'` code is thrown when an API
function expecting a socket type (`udp4` or `udp6`) receives an invalid value.
An error using the `'ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND'` code is thrown when data
cannot be sent on a socket.
An error using the `'ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING'` code is thrown
when a call is made and the UDP subsystem is not running.
<a id="ERR_STDERR_CLOSE"></a>
An error using the `'ERR_STDERR_CLOSE'` code is thrown specifically when an
attempt is made to close the `process.stderr` stream. By design, Node.js does
not allow `stdout` or `stderr` Streams to be closed by user code.
<a id="ERR_STDOUT_CLOSE"></a>
An error using the `'ERR_STDOUT_CLOSE'` code is thrown specifically when an
attempt is made to close the `process.stdout` stream. By design, Node.js does
not allow `stdout` or `stderr` Streams to be closed by user code.
The `'ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE'` error code is used to identify a specific
kind of internal Node.js error that should not typically be triggered by user
code. Instances of this error point to an internal bug within the Node.js
binary itself.
The `'ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL`' error code is used when an invalid or unknown
process signal is passed to an API expecting a valid signal (such as
An error using the `'ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE'` code is thrown specifically when
an attempt is made to launch a Node.js process with an unknown `stdin` file
type. Errors of this kind cannot *typically* be caused by errors in user code,
although it is not impossible. Occurrences of this error are most likely an
indication of a bug within Node.js itself.
An error using the `'ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE'` code is thrown specifically when
an attempt is made to launch a Node.js process with an unknown `stdout` or
`stderr` file type. Errors of this kind cannot *typically* be caused by errors
in user code, although it is not impossible. Occurrences of this error are most
likely an indication of a bug within Node.js itself.
[`child.kill()`]: child_process.html#child_process_child_kill_signal
[`child.send()`]: child_process.html#child_process_child_send_message_sendhandle_options_callback
[`fs.readFileSync`]: fs.html#fs_fs_readfilesync_file_options
[`fs.readdir`]: fs.html#fs_fs_readdir_path_options_callback
[`fs.unlink`]: fs.html#fs_fs_unlink_path_callback
[`fs`]: fs.html
[`http`]: http.html
[`https`]: https.html
[`libuv Error handling`]:
[`net`]: net.html
[`new URL(input)`]: url.html#url_constructor_new_url_input_base
[`new URLSearchParams(iterable)`]: url.html#url_constructor_new_urlsearchparams_iterable
[`process.on('uncaughtException')`]: process.html#process_event_uncaughtexception
[`process.send()`]: process.html#process_process_send_message_sendhandle_options_callback
[Node.js Error Codes]: #nodejs-error-codes
[V8's stack trace API]:
[WHATWG URL API]: url.html#url_the_whatwg_url_api
[domains]: domain.html
[event emitter-based]: events.html#events_class_eventemitter
[file descriptors]:
[stream-based]: stream.html
[vm]: vm.html