// Hello, and welcome to hacking node.js!
// This file is invoked by node::LoadEnvironment in src/node.cc, and is
// responsible for bootstrapping the node.js core. As special caution is given
// to the performance of the startup process, many dependencies are invoked
// lazily.
'use strict';
(function(process) {
function startup() {
const EventEmitter = NativeModule.require('events');
process._eventsCount = 0;
const origProcProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(process);
Object.setPrototypeOf(process, Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype, {
constructor: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(origProcProto, 'constructor')
// do this good and early, since it handles errors.
if (!process._noBrowserGlobals) {
const _process = NativeModule.require('internal/process');
if (global.__coverage__)
// Do not initialize channel in debugger agent, it deletes env variable
// and the main thread won't see it.
if (process.argv[1] !== '--debug-agent')
// Ensure setURLConstructor() is called before the native
// URL::ToObject() method is used.
Object.defineProperty(process, 'argv0', {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
value: process.argv[0]
process.argv[0] = process.execPath;
// There are various modes that Node can run in. The most common two
// are running from a script and running the REPL - but there are a few
// others like the debugger or running --eval arguments. Here we decide
// which mode we run in.
if (NativeModule.exists('_third_party_main')) {
// To allow people to extend Node in different ways, this hook allows
// one to drop a file lib/_third_party_main.js into the build
// directory which will be executed instead of Node's normal loading.
process.nextTick(function() {
} else if (process.argv[1] === 'inspect' || process.argv[1] === 'debug') {
if (process.argv[1] === 'debug') {
'`node debug` is deprecated. Please use `node inspect` instead.',
'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0068');
// Start the debugger agent
process.nextTick(function() {
} else if (process.argv[1] === '--remote_debugging_server') {
// Start the debugging server
} else if (process.argv[1] === '--debug-agent') {
// Start the debugger agent
} else if (process.profProcess) {
} else {
// There is user code to be run
// If this is a worker in cluster mode, start up the communication
// channel. This needs to be done before any user code gets executed
// (including preload modules).
if (process.argv[1] && process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID) {
const cluster = NativeModule.require('cluster');
// Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes.
delete process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID;
if (process._eval != null && !process._forceRepl) {
// User passed '-e' or '--eval' arguments to Node without '-i' or
// '--interactive'
const internalModule = NativeModule.require('internal/module');
} else if (process.argv[1]) {
// make process.argv[1] into a full path
const path = NativeModule.require('path');
process.argv[1] = path.resolve(process.argv[1]);
const Module = NativeModule.require('module');
// check if user passed `-c` or `--check` arguments to Node.
if (process._syntax_check_only != null) {
const fs = NativeModule.require('fs');
// read the source
const filename = Module._resolveFilename(process.argv[1]);
var source = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');
checkScriptSyntax(source, filename);
} else {
// If -i or --interactive were passed, or stdin is a TTY.
if (process._forceRepl || NativeModule.require('tty').isatty(0)) {
const cliRepl = NativeModule.require('internal/repl');
cliRepl.createInternalRepl(process.env, function(err, repl) {
if (err) {
throw err;
repl.on('exit', function() {
if (repl._flushing) {
return repl.once('flushHistory', function() {
if (process._eval != null) {
// User passed '-e' or '--eval'
} else {
// Read all of stdin - execute it.
var code = '';
process.stdin.on('data', function(d) {
code += d;
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
if (process._syntax_check_only != null) {
checkScriptSyntax(code, '[stdin]');
} else {
process._eval = code;
function setupProcessObject() {
function pushValueToArray() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
function setupGlobalVariables() {
Object.defineProperty(global, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: 'global',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
global.process = process;
const util = NativeModule.require('util');
function makeGetter(name) {
return util.deprecate(function() {
return this;
}, `'${name}' is deprecated, use 'global'`, 'DEP0016');
function makeSetter(name) {
return util.deprecate(function(value) {
Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
value: value
}, `'${name}' is deprecated, use 'global'`, 'DEP0016');
Object.defineProperties(global, {
configurable: true,
get: makeGetter('GLOBAL'),
set: makeSetter('GLOBAL')
root: {
configurable: true,
get: makeGetter('root'),
set: makeSetter('root')
global.Buffer = NativeModule.require('buffer').Buffer;
process.domain = null;
process._exiting = false;
function setupGlobalTimeouts() {
const timers = NativeModule.require('timers');
global.clearImmediate = timers.clearImmediate;
global.clearInterval = timers.clearInterval;
global.clearTimeout = timers.clearTimeout;
global.setImmediate = timers.setImmediate;
global.setInterval = timers.setInterval;
global.setTimeout = timers.setTimeout;
function setupGlobalConsole() {
const originalConsole = global.console;
let console;
Object.defineProperty(global, 'console', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
if (!console) {
console = originalConsole === undefined ?
NativeModule.require('console') :
return console;
function installInspectorConsole(globalConsole) {
const wrappedConsole = NativeModule.require('console');
const inspector = process.binding('inspector');
const config = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(wrappedConsole)) {
if (!globalConsole.hasOwnProperty(key))
// If global console has the same method as inspector console,
// then wrap these two methods into one. Native wrapper will preserve
// the original stack.
wrappedConsole[key] = inspector.consoleCall.bind(wrappedConsole,
for (const key of Object.keys(globalConsole)) {
if (wrappedConsole.hasOwnProperty(key))
wrappedConsole[key] = globalConsole[key];
return wrappedConsole;
function setupProcessFatal() {
const async_wrap = process.binding('async_wrap');
// Arrays containing hook flags and ids for async_hook calls.
const { async_hook_fields, async_uid_fields } = async_wrap;
// Internal functions needed to manipulate the stack.
const { clearIdStack, popAsyncIds } = async_wrap;
const { kAfter, kCurrentAsyncId, kInitTriggerId } = async_wrap.constants;
process._fatalException = function(er) {
var caught;
// It's possible that kInitTriggerId was set for a constructor call that
// threw and was never cleared. So clear it now.
async_uid_fields[kInitTriggerId] = 0;
if (process.domain && process.domain._errorHandler)
caught = process.domain._errorHandler(er);
if (!caught)
caught = process.emit('uncaughtException', er);
// If someone handled it, then great. otherwise, die in C++ land
// since that means that we'll exit the process, emit the 'exit' event
if (!caught) {
try {
if (!process._exiting) {
process._exiting = true;
process.emit('exit', 1);
} catch (er) {
// nothing to be done about it at this point.
} else {
// If we handled an error, then make sure any ticks get processed
// Emit the after() hooks now that the exception has been handled.
if (async_hook_fields[kAfter] > 0) {
do {
// popAsyncIds() returns true if there are more ids on the stack.
} while (popAsyncIds(async_uid_fields[kCurrentAsyncId]));
// Or completely empty the id stack.
} else {
return caught;
function setupProcessICUVersions() {
const icu = process.binding('config').hasIntl ?
process.binding('icu') : undefined;
if (!icu) return; // no Intl/ICU: nothing to add here.
// With no argument, getVersion() returns a comma separated list
// of possible types.
const versionTypes = icu.getVersion().split(',');
function makeGetter(name) {
return () => {
// With an argument, getVersion(type) returns
// the actual version string.
const version = icu.getVersion(name);
// Replace the current getter with a new property.
delete process.versions[name];
Object.defineProperty(process.versions, name, {
value: version,
writable: false,
enumerable: true
return version;
for (var n = 0; n < versionTypes.length; n++) {
var name = versionTypes[n];
Object.defineProperty(process.versions, name, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: makeGetter(name)
function tryGetCwd(path) {
var threw = true;
var cwd;
try {
cwd = process.cwd();
threw = false;
} finally {
if (threw) {
// getcwd(3) can fail if the current working directory has been deleted.
// Fall back to the directory name of the (absolute) executable path.
// It's not really correct but what are the alternatives?
return path.dirname(process.execPath);
return cwd;
function evalScript(name) {
const Module = NativeModule.require('module');
const path = NativeModule.require('path');
const cwd = tryGetCwd(path);
const module = new Module(name);
module.filename = path.join(cwd, name);
module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(cwd);
const body = process._eval;
const script = `global.__filename = ${JSON.stringify(name)};\n` +
'global.exports = exports;\n' +
'global.module = module;\n' +
'global.__dirname = __dirname;\n' +
'global.require = require;\n' +
'return require("vm").runInThisContext(' +
`${JSON.stringify(body)}, { filename: ` +
`${JSON.stringify(name)}, displayErrors: true });\n`;
const result = module._compile(script, `${name}-wrapper`);
if (process._print_eval) console.log(result);
// Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program.
// Load preload modules
function preloadModules() {
if (process._preload_modules) {
function checkScriptSyntax(source, filename) {
const Module = NativeModule.require('module');
const vm = NativeModule.require('vm');
const internalModule = NativeModule.require('internal/module');
// remove Shebang
source = internalModule.stripShebang(source);
// remove BOM
source = internalModule.stripBOM(source);
// wrap it
source = Module.wrap(source);
// compile the script, this will throw if it fails
new vm.Script(source, {displayErrors: true, filename});
// Below you find a minimal module system, which is used to load the node
// core modules found in lib/*.js. All core modules are compiled into the
// node binary, so they can be loaded faster.
const ContextifyScript = process.binding('contextify').ContextifyScript;
function runInThisContext(code, options) {
const script = new ContextifyScript(code, options);
vm, core, module: re-do vm to fix known issues
As documented in #3042 and in [1], the existing vm implementation has
many problems. All of these are solved by @brianmcd's [contextify][2]
package. This commit uses contextify as a conceptual base and its code
core to overhaul the vm module and fix its many edge cases and caveats.
Functionally, this fixes #3042. In particular:
- A context is now indistinguishable from the object it is based on
(the "sandbox"). A context is simply a sandbox that has been marked
by the vm module, via `vm.createContext`, with special internal
information that allows scripts to be run inside of it.
- Consequently, items added to the context from anywhere are
immediately visible to all code that can access that context, both
inside and outside the virtual machine.
This commit also smooths over the API very slightly:
- Parameter defaults are now uniformly triggered via `undefined`, per
ES6 semantics and previous discussion at [3].
- Several undocumented and problematic features have been removed, e.g.
the conflation of `vm.Script` with `vm` itself, and the fact that
`Script` instances also had all static `vm` methods. The API is now
exactly as documented (although arguably the existence of the
`vm.Script` export is not yet documented, just the `Script` class
In terms of implementation, this replaces node_script.cc with
node_contextify.cc, which is derived originally from [4] (see [5]) but
has since undergone extensive modifications and iterations to expose
the most useful C++ API and use the coding conventions and utilities of
Node core.
The bindings exposed by `process.binding('contextify')`
(node_contextify.cc) replace those formerly exposed by
`process.binding('evals')` (node_script.cc). They are:
- ContextifyScript(code, [filename]), with methods:
- runInThisContext()
- runInContext(sandbox, [timeout])
- makeContext(sandbox)
From this, the vm.js file builds the entire documented vm module API.
node.js and module.js were modified to use this new native binding, or
the vm module itself where possible. This introduces an extra line or
two into the stack traces of module compilation (and thus into most
stack traces), explaining the changed tests.
The tests were also updated slightly, with all vm-related simple tests
consolidated as test/simple/test-vm-* (some of them were formerly
test/simple/test-script-*). At the same time they switched from
`common.debug` to `console.error` and were updated to use
`assert.throws` instead of rolling their own error-testing methods.
New tests were also added, of course, demonstrating the new
capabilities and fixes.
[1]: http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.10.16/api/vm.html#vm_caveats
[2]: https://github.com/brianmcd/contextify
[3]: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/5323#issuecomment-20250726
[4]: https://github.com/kkoopa/contextify/blob/bf123f3ef960f0943d1e30bda02e3163a004e964/src/contextify.cc
[5]: https://gist.github.com/domenic/6068120
12 years ago
return script.runInThisContext();
function NativeModule(id) {
this.filename = `${id}.js`;
this.id = id;
this.exports = {};
this.loaded = false;
this.loading = false;
NativeModule._source = process.binding('natives');
NativeModule._cache = {};
NativeModule.require = function(id) {
if (id === 'native_module') {
return NativeModule;
const cached = NativeModule.getCached(id);
if (cached && (cached.loaded || cached.loading)) {
return cached.exports;
if (!NativeModule.exists(id)) {
// Model the error off the internal/errors.js model, but
// do not use that module given that it could actually be
// the one causing the error if there's a bug in Node.js
const err = new Error(`No such built-in module: ${id}`);
err.name = 'Error [ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE]';
throw err;
process.moduleLoadList.push(`NativeModule ${id}`);
const nativeModule = new NativeModule(id);
return nativeModule.exports;
NativeModule.getCached = function(id) {
return NativeModule._cache[id];
NativeModule.exists = function(id) {
return NativeModule._source.hasOwnProperty(id);
const config = process.binding('config');
if (config.exposeInternals) {
NativeModule.nonInternalExists = NativeModule.exists;
NativeModule.isInternal = function(id) {
return false;
} else {
NativeModule.nonInternalExists = function(id) {
return NativeModule.exists(id) && !NativeModule.isInternal(id);
NativeModule.isInternal = function(id) {
return id.startsWith('internal/');
NativeModule.getSource = function(id) {
return NativeModule._source[id];
NativeModule.wrap = function(script) {
return NativeModule.wrapper[0] + script + NativeModule.wrapper[1];
NativeModule.wrapper = [
'(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ',
NativeModule.prototype.compile = function() {
var source = NativeModule.getSource(this.id);
source = NativeModule.wrap(source);
this.loading = true;
try {
const fn = runInThisContext(source, {
filename: this.filename,
lineOffset: 0,
displayErrors: true
fn(this.exports, NativeModule.require, this, this.filename);
this.loaded = true;
} finally {
this.loading = false;
NativeModule.prototype.cache = function() {
NativeModule._cache[this.id] = this;