#ifndef SRC_ENV_H_
#define SRC_ENV_H_
#include "ares.h"
#include "debug-agent.h"
#include "handle_wrap.h"
#include "req-wrap.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "uv.h"
#include "v8.h"
#include <stdint.h>
// Caveat emptor: we're going slightly crazy with macros here but the end
// hopefully justifies the means. We have a lot of per-context properties
// and adding and maintaining their getters and setters by hand would be
// a nightmare so let's make the preprocessor generate them for us.
// Make sure that any macros defined here are undefined again at the bottom
// of context-inl.h. The exceptions are NODE_CONTEXT_EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX
// and NODE_ISOLATE_SLOT, they may have been defined externally.
namespace node {
// Pick an index that's hopefully out of the way when we're embedded inside
// another application. Performance-wise or memory-wise it doesn't matter:
// Context::SetAlignedPointerInEmbedderData() is backed by a FixedArray,
// worst case we pay a one-time penalty for resizing the array.
// The slot 0 and 1 had already been taken by "gin" and "blink" in Chrome,
// and the size of isolate's slots is 4 by default, so using 3 should
// hopefully make node work independently when embedded into other
// application.
// The number of items passed to push_values_to_array_function has diminishing
// returns around 8. This should be used at all call sites using said function.
// Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
// for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only.
V(address_string, "address") \
V(alpn_buffer_string, "alpnBuffer") \
V(args_string, "args") \
V(argv_string, "argv") \
V(arrow_message_string, "node:arrowMessage") \
V(async, "async") \
V(async_queue_string, "_asyncQueue") \
V(atime_string, "atime") \
V(birthtime_string, "birthtime") \
V(blksize_string, "blksize") \
V(blocks_string, "blocks") \
V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
V(bytes_string, "bytes") \
V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
V(callback_string, "callback") \
V(change_string, "change") \
V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
V(onclose_string, "_onclose") \
V(code_string, "code") \
V(compare_string, "compare") \
V(ctime_string, "ctime") \
V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
V(debug_port_string, "debugPort") \
V(debug_string, "debug") \
V(decorated_string, "node:decorated") \
V(dest_string, "dest") \
V(detached_string, "detached") \
V(dev_string, "dev") \
V(disposed_string, "_disposed") \
V(domain_string, "domain") \
V(emitting_top_level_domain_error_string, "_emittingTopLevelDomainError") \
V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
V(idle_string, "idle") \
V(irq_string, "irq") \
V(enter_string, "enter") \
V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
V(env_string, "env") \
V(errno_string, "errno") \
V(error_string, "error") \
V(events_string, "_events") \
V(exec_argv_string, "execArgv") \
V(exec_path_string, "execPath") \
V(exiting_string, "_exiting") \
V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
V(exit_string, "exit") \
V(expire_string, "expire") \
V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
V(exports_string, "exports") \
V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
V(family_string, "family") \
V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
V(fd_string, "fd") \
V(file_string, "file") \
V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
V(flags_string, "flags") \
V(fsevent_string, "FSEvent") \
V(gid_string, "gid") \
V(handle_string, "handle") \
V(heap_total_string, "heapTotal") \
V(heap_used_string, "heapUsed") \
V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
V(immediate_callback_string, "_immediateCallback") \
V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
V(ino_string, "ino") \
V(input_string, "input") \
V(internal_string, "internal") \
V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
V(ipv6_lc_string, "ipv6") \
V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
V(isalive_string, "isAlive") \
V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
V(mac_string, "mac") \
V(mark_sweep_compact_string, "mark-sweep-compact") \
V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
V(message_string, "message") \
V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
V(mode_string, "mode") \
V(model_string, "model") \
V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
V(mtime_string, "mtime") \
V(name_string, "name") \
V(need_imm_cb_string, "_needImmediateCallback") \
V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
V(nice_string, "nice") \
V(nlink_string, "nlink") \
V(npn_buffer_string, "npnBuffer") \
V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
V(offset_string, "offset") \
V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
V(onnewsessiondone_string, "onnewsessiondone") \
V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
V(onread_string, "onread") \
V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
V(onselect_string, "onselect") \
V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
V(onstop_string, "onstop") \
V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
V(output_string, "output") \
V(order_string, "order") \
V(owner_string, "owner") \
V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
V(path_string, "path") \
V(pbkdf2_error_string, "PBKDF2 Error") \
V(pid_string, "pid") \
V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
V(port_string, "port") \
V(preference_string, "preference") \
V(priority_string, "priority") \
V(processed_string, "processed") \
V(prototype_string, "prototype") \
V(raw_string, "raw") \
V(rdev_string, "rdev") \
V(readable_string, "readable") \
V(received_shutdown_string, "receivedShutdown") \
V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
V(rename_string, "rename") \
V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
V(retry_string, "retry") \
V(rss_string, "rss") \
V(serial_string, "serial") \
V(scavenge_string, "scavenge") \
V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
V(selected_npn_buffer_string, "selectedNpnBuffer") \
V(sent_shutdown_string, "sentShutdown") \
V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
V(service_string, "service") \
V(servername_string, "servername") \
V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
V(signal_string, "signal") \
V(size_string, "size") \
V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
V(speed_string, "speed") \
V(stack_string, "stack") \
V(status_string, "status") \
V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
V(subject_string, "subject") \
V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
V(sys_string, "sys") \
V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
V(tick_callback_string, "_tickCallback") \
V(tick_domain_cb_string, "_tickDomainCallback") \
V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
V(times_string, "times") \
V(timestamp_string, "timestamp") \
V(title_string, "title") \
V(tls_npn_string, "tls_npn") \
V(tls_alpn_string, "tls_alpn") \
V(tls_ocsp_string, "tls_ocsp") \
V(tls_sni_string, "tls_sni") \
V(tls_string, "tls") \
V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
V(type_string, "type") \
V(uid_string, "uid") \
V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
V(user_string, "user") \
V(uv_string, "uv") \
V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
V(version_string, "version") \
V(weight_string, "weight") \
V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
V(writable_string, "writable") \
V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
V(zero_return_string, "ZERO_RETURN") \
V(as_external, v8::External) \
V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
V(async_hooks_post_function, v8::Function) \
V(async_hooks_pre_function, v8::Function) \
V(binding_cache_object, v8::Object) \
V(buffer_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
V(context, v8::Context) \
V(domain_array, v8::Array) \
V(domains_stack_array, v8::Array) \
V(fs_stats_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(generic_internal_field_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
V(jsstream_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(module_load_list_array, v8::Array) \
V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(process_object, v8::Object) \
V(promise_reject_function, v8::Function) \
V(push_values_to_array_function, v8::Function) \
V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
stream_base: introduce StreamBase
StreamBase is an improved way to write C++ streams. The class itself is
for separting `StreamWrap` (with the methods like `.writeAsciiString`,
`.writeBuffer`, `.writev`, etc) from the `HandleWrap` class, making
possible to write abstract C++ streams that are not bound to any uv
The following methods are important part of the abstraction (which
mimics libuv's stream API):
* Events:
* `OnAlloc(size_t size, uv_buf_t*)`
* `OnRead(ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t*, uv_handle_type pending)`
* `OnAfterWrite(WriteWrap*)`
* Wrappers:
* `DoShutdown(ShutdownWrap*)`
* `DoTryWrite(uv_buf_t** bufs, size_t* count)`
* `DoWrite(WriteWrap*, uv_buf_t*, size_t count, uv_stream_t* handle)`
* `Error()`
* `ClearError()`
The implementation should provide all of these methods, thus providing
the access to the underlying resource (be it uv handle, TLS socket, or
anything else).
A C++ stream may consume the input of another stream by replacing the
event callbacks and proxying the writes. This kind of API is actually
used now for the TLSWrap implementation, making it possible to wrap TLS
stream into another TLS stream. Thus legacy API calls are no longer
required in `_tls_wrap.js`.
PR-URL: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/pull/840
Reviewed-By: Trevor Norris <trev.norris@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Chris Dickinson <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
10 years ago
V(tls_wrap_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
stream_base: introduce StreamBase
StreamBase is an improved way to write C++ streams. The class itself is
for separting `StreamWrap` (with the methods like `.writeAsciiString`,
`.writeBuffer`, `.writev`, etc) from the `HandleWrap` class, making
possible to write abstract C++ streams that are not bound to any uv
The following methods are important part of the abstraction (which
mimics libuv's stream API):
* Events:
* `OnAlloc(size_t size, uv_buf_t*)`
* `OnRead(ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t*, uv_handle_type pending)`
* `OnAfterWrite(WriteWrap*)`
* Wrappers:
* `DoShutdown(ShutdownWrap*)`
* `DoTryWrite(uv_buf_t** bufs, size_t* count)`
* `DoWrite(WriteWrap*, uv_buf_t*, size_t count, uv_stream_t* handle)`
* `Error()`
* `ClearError()`
The implementation should provide all of these methods, thus providing
the access to the underlying resource (be it uv handle, TLS socket, or
anything else).
A C++ stream may consume the input of another stream by replacing the
event callbacks and proxying the writes. This kind of API is actually
used now for the TLSWrap implementation, making it possible to wrap TLS
stream into another TLS stream. Thus legacy API calls are no longer
required in `_tls_wrap.js`.
PR-URL: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/pull/840
Reviewed-By: Trevor Norris <trev.norris@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Chris Dickinson <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
10 years ago
V(write_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
class Environment;
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Rename struct, the ares_ prefix implies it's part
// of the c-ares API while the _t suffix implies it's a typedef.
struct ares_task_t {
Environment* env;
ares_socket_t sock;
uv_poll_t poll_watcher;
RB_ENTRY(ares_task_t) node;
RB_HEAD(ares_task_list, ares_task_t);
class Environment {
class AsyncHooks {
inline uint32_t* fields();
inline int fields_count() const;
inline bool callbacks_enabled();
inline void set_enable_callbacks(uint32_t flag);
friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor.
inline AsyncHooks();
enum Fields {
// Set this to not zero if the init hook should be called.
uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount];
class DomainFlag {
inline uint32_t* fields();
inline int fields_count() const;
inline uint32_t count() const;
friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor.
inline DomainFlag();
enum Fields {
uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount];
class TickInfo {
inline uint32_t* fields();
inline int fields_count() const;
inline bool in_tick() const;
inline bool last_threw() const;
inline uint32_t index() const;
inline uint32_t length() const;
inline void set_in_tick(bool value);
inline void set_index(uint32_t value);
inline void set_last_threw(bool value);
friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor.
inline TickInfo();
enum Fields {
uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount];
bool in_tick_;
bool last_threw_;
class ArrayBufferAllocatorInfo {
inline uint32_t* fields();
inline int fields_count() const;
inline bool no_zero_fill() const;
inline void reset_fill_flag();
friend class Environment; // So we can call the constructor.
inline ArrayBufferAllocatorInfo();
enum Fields {
uint32_t fields_[kFieldsCount];
typedef void (*HandleCleanupCb)(Environment* env,
uv_handle_t* handle,
void* arg);
class HandleCleanup {
friend class Environment;
HandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle, HandleCleanupCb cb, void* arg)
: handle_(handle),
arg_(arg) {
uv_handle_t* handle_;
HandleCleanupCb cb_;
void* arg_;
ListNode<HandleCleanup> handle_cleanup_queue_;
static inline Environment* GetCurrent(v8::Isolate* isolate);
static inline Environment* GetCurrent(v8::Local<v8::Context> context);
static inline Environment* GetCurrent(
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info);
template <typename T>
static inline Environment* GetCurrent(
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<T>& info);
// See CreateEnvironment() in src/node.cc.
static inline Environment* New(v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
uv_loop_t* loop);
inline void CleanupHandles();
inline void Dispose();
void AssignToContext(v8::Local<v8::Context> context);
inline v8::Isolate* isolate() const;
inline uv_loop_t* event_loop() const;
inline bool async_wrap_callbacks_enabled() const;
inline bool in_domain() const;
inline uint32_t watched_providers() const;
static inline Environment* from_immediate_check_handle(uv_check_t* handle);
inline uv_check_t* immediate_check_handle();
inline uv_idle_t* immediate_idle_handle();
static inline Environment* from_idle_prepare_handle(uv_prepare_t* handle);
inline uv_prepare_t* idle_prepare_handle();
static inline Environment* from_idle_check_handle(uv_check_t* handle);
inline uv_check_t* idle_check_handle();
// Register clean-up cb to be called on env->Dispose()
inline void RegisterHandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle,
HandleCleanupCb cb,
void *arg);
inline void FinishHandleCleanup(uv_handle_t* handle);
inline AsyncHooks* async_hooks();
inline DomainFlag* domain_flag();
inline TickInfo* tick_info();
inline ArrayBufferAllocatorInfo* array_buffer_allocator_info();
inline uint64_t timer_base() const;
static inline Environment* from_cares_timer_handle(uv_timer_t* handle);
inline uv_timer_t* cares_timer_handle();
inline ares_channel cares_channel();
inline ares_channel* cares_channel_ptr();
inline ares_task_list* cares_task_list();
inline bool using_domains() const;
inline void set_using_domains(bool value);
inline bool printed_error() const;
inline void set_printed_error(bool value);
void PrintSyncTrace() const;
inline void set_trace_sync_io(bool value);
inline int64_t get_async_wrap_uid();
bool KickNextTick();
inline uint32_t* heap_statistics_buffer() const;
inline void set_heap_statistics_buffer(uint32_t* pointer);
inline uint32_t* heap_space_statistics_buffer() const;
inline void set_heap_space_statistics_buffer(uint32_t* pointer);
inline char* http_parser_buffer() const;
inline void set_http_parser_buffer(char* buffer);
inline void ThrowError(const char* errmsg);
inline void ThrowTypeError(const char* errmsg);
inline void ThrowRangeError(const char* errmsg);
inline void ThrowErrnoException(int errorno,
const char* syscall = nullptr,
const char* message = nullptr,
const char* path = nullptr);
inline void ThrowUVException(int errorno,
const char* syscall = nullptr,
const char* message = nullptr,
const char* path = nullptr,
const char* dest = nullptr);
// Convenience methods for contextify
inline static void ThrowError(v8::Isolate* isolate, const char* errmsg);
inline static void ThrowTypeError(v8::Isolate* isolate, const char* errmsg);
inline static void ThrowRangeError(v8::Isolate* isolate, const char* errmsg);
inline v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate>
NewFunctionTemplate(v8::FunctionCallback callback,
v8::Local<v8::Signature> signature =
// Convenience methods for NewFunctionTemplate().
inline void SetMethod(v8::Local<v8::Object> that,
const char* name,
v8::FunctionCallback callback);
inline void SetProtoMethod(v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> that,
const char* name,
v8::FunctionCallback callback);
inline void SetTemplateMethod(v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> that,
const char* name,
v8::FunctionCallback callback);
inline v8::Local<v8::Object> NewInternalFieldObject();
// Strings are shared across shared contexts. The getters simply proxy to
// the per-isolate primitive.
#define V(PropertyName, StringValue) \
inline v8::Local<v8::String> PropertyName() const;
#undef V
#define V(PropertyName, TypeName) \
inline v8::Local<TypeName> PropertyName() const; \
inline void set_ ## PropertyName(v8::Local<TypeName> value);
#undef V
inline debugger::Agent* debugger_agent() {
return &debugger_agent_;
typedef ListHead<HandleWrap, &HandleWrap::handle_wrap_queue_> HandleWrapQueue;
typedef ListHead<ReqWrap<uv_req_t>, &ReqWrap<uv_req_t>::req_wrap_queue_>
inline HandleWrapQueue* handle_wrap_queue() { return &handle_wrap_queue_; }
inline ReqWrapQueue* req_wrap_queue() { return &req_wrap_queue_; }
static const int kContextEmbedderDataIndex = NODE_CONTEXT_EMBEDDER_DATA_INDEX;
static const int kIsolateSlot = NODE_ISOLATE_SLOT;
class IsolateData;
inline Environment(v8::Local<v8::Context> context, uv_loop_t* loop);
inline ~Environment();
inline IsolateData* isolate_data() const;
v8::Isolate* const isolate_;
IsolateData* const isolate_data_;
uv_check_t immediate_check_handle_;
uv_idle_t immediate_idle_handle_;
uv_prepare_t idle_prepare_handle_;
uv_check_t idle_check_handle_;
AsyncHooks async_hooks_;
DomainFlag domain_flag_;
TickInfo tick_info_;
ArrayBufferAllocatorInfo array_buffer_allocator_info_;
const uint64_t timer_base_;
uv_timer_t cares_timer_handle_;
ares_channel cares_channel_;
ares_task_list cares_task_list_;
bool using_domains_;
bool printed_error_;
bool trace_sync_io_;
int64_t async_wrap_uid_;
debugger::Agent debugger_agent_;
HandleWrapQueue handle_wrap_queue_;
ReqWrapQueue req_wrap_queue_;
&HandleCleanup::handle_cleanup_queue_> handle_cleanup_queue_;
int handle_cleanup_waiting_;
uint32_t* heap_statistics_buffer_ = nullptr;
uint32_t* heap_space_statistics_buffer_ = nullptr;
char* http_parser_buffer_;
#define V(PropertyName, TypeName) \
v8::Persistent<TypeName> PropertyName ## _;
#undef V
// Per-thread, reference-counted singleton.
class IsolateData {
static inline IsolateData* GetOrCreate(v8::Isolate* isolate,
uv_loop_t* loop);
inline void Put();
inline uv_loop_t* event_loop() const;
#define V(PropertyName, StringValue) \
inline v8::Local<v8::String> PropertyName() const;
#undef V
inline static IsolateData* Get(v8::Isolate* isolate);
inline explicit IsolateData(v8::Isolate* isolate, uv_loop_t* loop);
inline v8::Isolate* isolate() const;
uv_loop_t* const event_loop_;
v8::Isolate* const isolate_;
#define V(PropertyName, StringValue) \
v8::Eternal<v8::String> PropertyName ## _;
#undef V
unsigned int ref_count_;
} // namespace node
#endif // SRC_ENV_H_