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'use strict'
const BB = require('bluebird')
const fs = BB.promisifyAll(require('graceful-fs'))
const gentlyRm = BB.promisify(require('../../utils/gently-rm.js'))
const log = require('npmlog')
const mkdirp = BB.promisify(require('mkdirp'))
const moduleName = require('../../utils/module-name.js')
const moduleStagingPath = require('../module-staging-path.js')
const move = BB.promisify(require('../../utils/move.js'))
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const packageId = require('../../utils/package-id.js')
const pacote = require('pacote')
let pacoteOpts
const path = require('path')
module.exports = extract
function extract (staging, pkg, log) {
log.silly('extract', packageId(pkg))
const extractTo = moduleStagingPath(staging, pkg)
if (!pacoteOpts) {
pacoteOpts = require('../../config/pacote')
const opts = pacoteOpts({
integrity: pkg.package._integrity
return pacote.extract(
? npa.resolve(, pkg.package._resolved)
: pkg.package._requested,
).then(() => {
if (pkg.package.bundleDependencies) {
return readBundled(pkg, staging, extractTo)
}).then(() => {
return gentlyRm(path.join(extractTo, 'node_modules'))
function readBundled (pkg, staging, extractTo) {
return, (child) => {
if (child.error) {
throw child.error
} else {
return stageBundledModule(pkg, child, staging, extractTo)
}, {concurrency: 10})
function getTree (pkg) {
while (pkg.parent) pkg = pkg.parent
return pkg
function warn (pkg, code, msg) {
const tree = getTree(pkg)
const err = new Error(msg)
err.code = code
function stageBundledModule (bundler, child, staging, parentPath) {
const stageFrom = path.join(parentPath, 'node_modules',
const stageTo = moduleStagingPath(staging, child)
return, (child) => {
if (child.error) {
throw child.error
} else {
return stageBundledModule(bundler, child, staging, stageFrom)
}).then(() => {
return finishModule(bundler, child, stageTo, stageFrom)
function finishModule (bundler, child, stageTo, stageFrom) {
// If we were the one's who bundled this module…
if (child.fromBundle === bundler) {
return mkdirp(path.dirname(stageTo)).then(() => {
return move(stageFrom, stageTo)
} else {
return fs.statAsync(stageFrom).then(() => {
const bundlerId = packageId(bundler)
if (!getTree(bundler).warnings.some((w) => {
return w.code === 'EBUNDLEOVERRIDE'
})) {
warn(bundler, 'EBUNDLEOVERRIDE', `${bundlerId} had bundled packages that do not match the required version(s). They have been replaced with non-bundled versions.`)
log.verbose('bundle', `EBUNDLEOVERRIDE: Replacing ${bundlerId}'s bundled version of ${moduleName(child)} with ${packageId(child)}.`)
return gentlyRm(stageFrom)
}, () => {})