You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

658 lines
17 KiB

var sys = require("./sys");
var debugLevel = 0;
if ('NODE_DEBUG' in process.ENV) debugLevel = 1;
function debug (x) {
if (debugLevel > 0) {
process.stdio.writeError(x + '\n');
var Buffer = process.Buffer;
var IOWatcher = process.IOWatcher;
var assert = process.assert;
var socket = process.socket;
var bind = process.bind;
var connect = process.connect;
var listen = process.listen;
var accept = process.accept;
var close = process.close;
var shutdown = process.shutdown;
var read =;
var recvMsg = process.recvMsg;
var sendFD = process.sendFD;
var write = process.write;
var toRead = process.toRead;
var setNoDelay = process.setNoDelay;
var socketError = process.socketError;
var getsockname = process.getsockname;
var getaddrinfo = process.getaddrinfo;
var needsLookup = process.needsLookup;
var errnoException = process.errnoException;
var ENOENT = process.ENOENT;
var END_OF_FILE = 0;
// This is a free list to avoid creating so many of the same object.
function FreeList (name, max, constructor) { = name;
this.constructor = constructor;
this.max = max;
this.list = [];
FreeList.prototype.alloc = function () {
debug("alloc " + + " " + this.list.length);
return this.list.length ? this.list.shift()
: this.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
} = function (obj) {
debug("free " + + " " + this.list.length);
if (this.list.length < this.max) {
var ioWatchers = new FreeList("iowatcher", 100, function () {
return new IOWatcher();
var nb = 0;
var buffers = new FreeList("buffer", 100, function (l) {
return new Buffer(500);
// Allocated on demand.
var recvBuffer = null;
function allocRecvBuffer () {
recvBuffer = new Buffer(40*1024);
recvBuffer.used = 0;
function initSocket (self) {
self._readWatcher = ioWatchers.alloc();
self._readWatcher.callback = function () {
// If this is the first recv (recvBuffer doesn't exist) or we've used up
// most of the recvBuffer, allocate a new one.
if (recvBuffer) {
if (recvBuffer.length - recvBuffer.used < 128) {
// discard the old recvBuffer. Can't add to the free list because
// users might have refernces to slices on it.
recvBuffer = null;
} else {
debug('recvBuffer.used ' + recvBuffer.used);
var bytesRead;
try {
if (self.type == "unix") {
bytesRead = recvMsg(self.fd,
recvBuffer.length - recvBuffer.used);
debug('recvMsg.fd ' + recvMsg.fd);
if (recvMsg.fd) {
self.emit('fd', recvMsg.fd);
} else {
bytesRead = read(self.fd,
recvBuffer.length - recvBuffer.used);
} catch (e) {
debug('bytesRead ' + bytesRead + '\n');
if (!recvMsg.fd && bytesRead == 0) {
self.readable = false;
if (self._events && self._events['end']) self.emit('end');
if (self.onend) self.onend();
if (!self.writable) self.forceClose();
} else if (bytesRead > 0) {
var start = recvBuffer.used;
var end = recvBuffer.used + bytesRead;
if (self._events && self._events['data']) {
// emit a slice
self.emit('data', recvBuffer.slice(start, end));
// Optimization: emit the original buffer with end points
if (self.ondata) self.ondata(recvBuffer, start, end);
recvBuffer.used += bytesRead;
self.readable = false;
self._writeQueue = []; // queue of buffers that need to be written to socket
// XXX use link list?
self._writeQueueSize = 0; // in bytes, not to be confused with _writeQueue.length!
self._writeMessageQueueSize = 0; // number of messages remaining to be sent
self._doFlush = function () {
// Socket becomes writeable on connect() but don't flush if there's
// nothing actually to write
if ((self._writeQueueSize == 0) && (self._writeMessageQueueSize == 0)) {
if (self.flush()) {
assert(self._writeQueueSize == 0);
assert(self._writeMessageQueueSize == 0);
if (self._events && self._events['drain']) self.emit("drain");
if (self.ondrain) self.ondrain(); // Optimization
self._writeWatcher = ioWatchers.alloc();
self._writeWatcher.callback = self._doFlush;
self.writable = false;
function Socket (peerInfo) {;
if (peerInfo) {
this.fd = peerInfo.fd;
this.remoteAddress = peerInfo.remoteAddress;
this.remotePort = peerInfo.remotePort;
this._readWatcher.set(this.fd, true, false);
this.readable = true;
this._writeWatcher.set(this.fd, false, true);
this.writable = true;
sys.inherits(Socket, process.EventEmitter);
exports.Socket = Socket;
exports.createConnection = function (port, host) {
var s = new Socket();
s.connect(port, host);
return s;
Socket.prototype._allocateSendBuffer = function () {
var b = buffers.alloc(1024);
b.used = 0;
b.sent = 0;
b.isMsg = false;
return b;
Socket.prototype._writeString = function (data, encoding) {
var self = this;
if (!self.writable) throw new Error('Socket is not writable');
var buffer;
if (self._writeQueue.length == 0) {
buffer = self._allocateSendBuffer();
} else {
buffer = self.__writeQueueLast();
if (buffer.used == buffer.length) {
buffer = self._allocateSendBuffer();
encoding = encoding || 'ascii'; // default to ascii since it's faster
var charsWritten;
var bytesWritten;
// The special encoding "fd" means that data is an integer FD and we want
// to pass the FD on the socket with sendmsg()
if (encoding == "fd") {
buffer.isFd = true;
// TODO is this OK -- does it guarantee that the fd is the only thing in the buffer?
charsWritten = buffer.asciiWrite(data, buffer.used, buffer.length - buffer.used);
bytesWritten = charsWritten;
} else if (encoding.toLowerCase() == 'utf8') {
buffer.isFd = false;
charsWritten = buffer.utf8Write(data,
buffer.length - buffer.used);
bytesWritten = Buffer.utf8ByteLength(data.slice(0, charsWritten));
} else {
// ascii
buffer.isFd = false;
charsWritten = buffer.asciiWrite(data,
buffer.length - buffer.used);
bytesWritten = charsWritten;
buffer.used += bytesWritten;
if (buffer.isFd) {
self._writeMessageQueueSize += 1;
} else {
self._writeQueueSize += bytesWritten;
debug('charsWritten ' + charsWritten);
debug('buffer.used ' + buffer.used);
// If we didn't finish, then recurse with the rest of the string.
if (charsWritten < data.length) {
debug('recursive write');
self._writeString(data.slice(charsWritten), encoding);
Socket.prototype.__writeQueueLast = function () {
return this._writeQueue.length > 0 ? this._writeQueue[this._writeQueue.length-1]
: null;
Socket.prototype.send = function () {
throw new Error('send renamed to write');
// Returns true if all the data was flushed to socket. Returns false if
// something was queued. If data was queued, then the "drain" event will
// signal when it has been finally flushed to socket.
Socket.prototype.write = function (data, encoding) {
var self = this;
if (!self.writable) throw new Error('Socket is not writable');
if (self.__writeQueueLast() == END_OF_FILE) {
throw new Error('socket.close() called already; cannot write.');
if (typeof(data) == 'string') {
self._writeString(data, encoding);
} else {
// data is a Buffer
// walk through the _writeQueue, find the first empty buffer
15 years ago
//var inserted = false;
data.sent = 0;
data.used = data.length;
self._writeQueueSize += data.used;
return this.flush();
// Sends a file descriptor over a unix socket
Socket.prototype.sendFD = function(socketToPass) {
var self = this;
if (!self.writable) throw new Error('Socket is not writable');
if (self.__writeQueueLast() == END_OF_FILE) {
throw new Error('socket.close() called already; cannot write.');
if (self.type != "unix") {
throw new Error('FD passing only available on unix sockets');
if (! socketToPass instanceof Socket) {
throw new Error('Provided arg is not a socket');
return self.write(socketToPass.fd.toString(), "fd");
// Flushes the write buffer out.
// Returns true if the entire buffer was flushed.
Socket.prototype.flush = function () {
var self = this;
var bytesWritten;
while (self._writeQueue.length) {
if (!self.writable) throw new Error('Socket is not writable');
var b = self._writeQueue[0];
if (b == END_OF_FILE) {
return false;
if (b.sent == b.used) {
// shift!
var fdToSend = null;
try {
if (b.isFd) {
fdToSend = parseInt(b.asciiSlice(b.sent, b.used - b.sent));
bytesWritten = writeFD(self.fd, fdToSend);
} else {
bytesWritten = write(self.fd,
b.used - b.sent);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (bytesWritten === null) {
// could not flush everything
assert(self._writeQueueSize > 0);
return false;
if (b.isFd) {
b.sent = b.used;
self._writeMessageQueueSize -= 1;
debug('sent fd: ' + fdToSend);
} else {
b.sent += bytesWritten;
self._writeQueueSize -= bytesWritten;
debug('bytes sent: ' + b.sent);
if (self._writeWatcher) self._writeWatcher.stop();
return true;
// var stream = new Socket();
// stream.connect(80) - TCP connect to port 80 on the localhost
// stream.connect(80, '') - TCP connect to port 80 on
// stream.connect('/tmp/socket') - UNIX connect to socket specified by path
Socket.prototype.connect = function () {
var self = this;
if (self.fd) throw new Error('Socket already opened');
function doConnect () {
try {
connect(self.fd, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
// Don't start the read watcher until connection is established
self._readWatcher.set(self.fd, true, false);
// How to connect on POSIX: Wait for fd to become writable, then call
// socketError() if there isn't an error, we're connected. AFAIK this a
// platform independent way determining when a non-blocking connection
// is established, but I have only seen it documented in the Linux
// Manual Page connect(2) under the error code EINPROGRESS.
self._writeWatcher.set(self.fd, false, true);
self._writeWatcher.callback = function () {
var errno = socketError(self.fd);
if (errno == 0) {
// connection established
self.readable = true;
self.writable = true;
self._writeWatcher.callback = self._doFlush;
} else if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
self.forceClose(errnoException(errno, 'connect'));
if (typeof(arguments[0]) == 'string') {
self.fd = socket('unix');
self.type = 'unix';
// TODO check if sockfile exists?
} else {
self.fd = socket('tcp');
self.type = 'tcp';
// TODO dns resolution on arguments[1]
var port = arguments[0];
lookupDomainName(arguments[1], function (ip) {
doConnect(port, ip);
Socket.prototype.address = function () {
return getsockname(this.fd);
Socket.prototype.setNoDelay = function (v) {
if (this.type == 'tcp') setNoDelay(this.fd, v);
Socket.prototype.forceClose = function (exception) {
// recvBuffer is shared between sockets, so don't need to free it here.
var b;
while (this._writeQueue.length) {
b = this._writeQueue.shift();
if (b instanceof Buffer);
if (this._writeWatcher) {
this._writeWatcher = null;
if (this._readWatcher) {
this._readWatcher = null;
if (this.fd) {
this.fd = null;
this.emit('close', exception);
Socket.prototype._shutdown = function () {
if (this.writable) {
this.writable = false;
try {
shutdown(this.fd, 'write')
} catch (e) {
if (!this.readable) this.forceClose();
Socket.prototype.close = function () {
if (this.writable) {
if (this.__writeQueueLast() != END_OF_FILE) {
function Server (listener) {;
var self = this;
if (listener) {
self.addListener('connection', listener);
self.watcher = new IOWatcher(); = self;
self.watcher.callback = function (readable, writeable) {
while (self.fd) {
var peerInfo = accept(self.fd);
debug('accept: ' + JSON.stringify(peerInfo));
if (!peerInfo) return;
var peer = new Socket(peerInfo);
peer.type = self.type;
peer.server = self;
self.emit('connection', peer);
sys.inherits(Server, process.EventEmitter);
exports.Server = Server;
exports.createServer = function (listener) {
return new Server(listener);
/* This function does both an ipv4 and ipv6 look up.
* It first tries the ipv4 look up, if that fails, then it does the ipv6.
function lookupDomainName (dn, callback) {
if (!needsLookup(dn)) {
} else {
debug("getaddrinfo 4 " + dn);
getaddrinfo(dn, 4, function (r4) {
if (r4 instanceof Error) throw r4;
if (r4.length > 0) {
debug("getaddrinfo 4 found " + r4);
} else {
debug("getaddrinfo 6 " + dn);
getaddrinfo(dn, 6, function (r6) {
if (r6 instanceof Error) throw r6;
if (r6.length < 0) {
throw new Error("No address associated with hostname " + dn);
debug("getaddrinfo 6 found " + r6);
// Listen on a UNIX socket
// server.listen("/tmp/socket");
// Listen on port 8000, accept connections from INADDR_ANY.
// server.listen(8000);
// Listen on port 8000, accept connections to ""
// server.listen(8000, "");
Server.prototype.listen = function () {
var self = this;
if (self.fd) throw new Error('Server already opened');
function doListen () {
listen(self.fd, 128);
self.watcher.set(self.fd, true, false);
if (typeof(arguments[0]) == 'string') {
// the first argument specifies a path
self.fd = socket('unix');
self.type = 'unix';
var path = arguments[0];
self.path = path;
// unlink sockfile if it exists
process.fs.stat(path, function (r) {
if (r instanceof Error) {
if (r.errno == ENOENT) {
bind(self.fd, path);
} else {
throw r;
} else {
if (!r.isFile()) {
throw new Error("Non-file exists at " + path);
} else {
process.fs.unlink(path, function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
bind(self.fd, path);
} else if (!arguments[0]) {
// Don't bind(). OS will assign a port with INADDR_ANY.
// The port can be found with server.address()
self.fd = socket('tcp');
self.type = 'tcp';
} else {
// the first argument is the port, the second an IP
self.fd = socket('tcp');
self.type = 'tcp';
var port = arguments[0];
debug("starting tcp server on port " + port);
lookupDomainName(arguments[1], function (ip) {
debug("starting tcp server on ip " + ip);
bind(self.fd, port, ip);
Server.prototype.address = function () {
return getsockname(this.fd);
Server.prototype.close = function () {
var self = this;
if (!self.fd) throw new Error('Not running');
self.fd = null;
if (self.type === "unix") {
process.fs.unlink(self.path, function () {
} else {