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15 years ago
// Copyright 2009 Ryan Dahl <>
#include <node_net.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntop */
#include <netinet/in.h> /* sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6 */
using namespace v8;
15 years ago
namespace node {
#define UTF8_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("utf8")
#define BINARY_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("binary")
#define ASCII_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("ascii")
#define SERVER_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("server")
#define REMOTE_ADDRESS_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("remoteAddress")
#define FD_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("fd")
#define READY_STATE_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("readyState")
#define OPEN_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("open")
#define OPENING_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("opening")
#define READ_ONLY_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("readOnly")
#define WRITE_ONLY_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("writeOnly")
#define CLOSING_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("closing")
#define CLOSED_SYMBOL String::NewSymbol("closed")
15 years ago
static const struct addrinfo server_tcp_hints =
/* ai_flags */ { AI_PASSIVE
/* ai_family */ , AF_UNSPEC
/* ai_socktype */ , SOCK_STREAM
, 0
15 years ago
static const struct addrinfo client_tcp_hints =
16 years ago
/* ai_flags */ { 0
/* ai_family */ , AF_UNSPEC
/* ai_socktype */ , SOCK_STREAM
, 0
Persistent<FunctionTemplate> Connection::constructor_template;
// Initialize the tcp.Connection object.
15 years ago
void Connection::Initialize(v8::Handle<v8::Object> target) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(New);
constructor_template = Persistent<FunctionTemplate>::New(t);
// Inherits from node.EventEmitter
// All native node objects have 1 internal field (required by ObjectWrap)
// Set class name for debugging output
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "connect", Connect);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "send", Send);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "close", Close);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "forceClose", ForceClose);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "setEncoding", SetEncoding);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "readPause", ReadPause);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "readResume", ReadResume);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "setTimeout", SetTimeout);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "setNoDelay", SetNoDelay);
// Getter for connection.readyState
// Getter for connection.readyState
// Assign class to its place as tcp.Connection
15 years ago
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::ReadyStateGetter(Local<String> property,
const AccessorInfo& info) {
// Unwrap the javascript object to get the C++ object
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(info.This());
HandleScope scope;
assert(property == READY_STATE_SYMBOL);
// Resolving is not done in evcom, it's done in this file. Thus we add
// this "opening" symbol to the native EVCOM ready states. "opening"
// really means "resolving".
if (connection->resolving_) return scope.Close(OPENING_SYMBOL);
// Map between the evcom enum and V8 strings:
switch (evcom_stream_state(&connection->stream_)) {
case EVCOM_INITIALIZED: return scope.Close(CLOSED_SYMBOL);
case EVCOM_CONNECTING: return scope.Close(OPENING_SYMBOL);
case EVCOM_CONNECTED_RW: return scope.Close(OPEN_SYMBOL);
case EVCOM_CONNECTED_RO: return scope.Close(READ_ONLY_SYMBOL);
case EVCOM_CLOSING: return scope.Close(CLOSING_SYMBOL);
case EVCOM_CLOSED: return scope.Close(CLOSED_SYMBOL);
assert(0 && "This shouldnt happen");
15 years ago
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("This shouldn't happen.")));
Handle<Value> Connection::FDGetter(Local<String> property,
const AccessorInfo& info) {
// Unwrap the javascript object to get the C++ object
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(info.This());
HandleScope scope;
assert(property == FD_SYMBOL);
Local<Integer> fd = Integer::New(connection->stream_.recvfd);
return scope.Close(fd);
// Constructor - these actions are not taken in the normal constructor
// (Connection::Connection) because sometimes the Connection needs to be
// reinitialized without destroying the object.
15 years ago
void Connection::Init() {
resolving_ = false;
stream_.on_connect = Connection::on_connect;
stream_.on_read = Connection::on_read;
stream_.on_close = Connection::on_close;
stream_.on_timeout = Connection::on_timeout; = this;
15 years ago
Connection::~Connection() {
15 years ago
assert(stream_.recvfd < 0 && "garbage collecting open Connection");
assert(stream_.sendfd < 0 && "garbage collecting open Connection");
// V8 contstructor
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::New(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
// All constructors in node look similar to this.
// allocate the C++ object
Connection *connection = new Connection();
// Use ObjectWrap::Wrap to assign it to the internal field in the V8
// object.
return args.This();
// Open a connection. Starts resolving the hostname in the libeio
// thread pool, when that completes in Connection::AfterResolve, actually
// open the connection.
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::Connect(const Arguments& args) {
// Unwrap V8 object into C++ object
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.Holder());
HandleScope scope;
// If the connection is closed, reinitialize it.
if (connection->ReadyState() == EVCOM_CLOSED) {
15 years ago
connection->Init(); // in case we're reusing the socket
assert(connection->ReadyState() == EVCOM_INITIALIZED);
// If connect() is called on an open connection, raise an error.
if (connection->ReadyState() != EVCOM_INITIALIZED) {
15 years ago
Local<Value> exception = Exception::Error(
String::New("Socket is not in CLOSED state."));
return ThrowException(exception);
15 years ago
assert(connection->stream_.recvfd < 0);
assert(connection->stream_.sendfd < 0);
// Make sure we have at least one argument (a port)
if (args.Length() == 0) {
15 years ago
Local<Value> exception = Exception::TypeError(
String::New("First argument must be a port number"));
return ThrowException(exception);
// We need the port as a string for getaddrinfo().
// Thus cast it to a string. The strdup()'d value will be freed in
// Resolve().
String::AsciiValue port_sv(args[0]->ToString());
assert(connection->port_ == NULL);
connection->port_ = strdup(*port_sv);
// Get the host, if any is present.
assert(connection->host_ == NULL);
if (args.Length() > 1 && args[1]->IsString()) {
String::Utf8Value host_sv(args[1]->ToString());
connection->host_ = strdup(*host_sv);
connection->resolving_ = true; // This is done so that readyState can return
// "opening" while getaddinfo() runs.
// There will not be any active watchers from this object on the event
// loop while getaddrinfo() runs. If the only thing happening in the
// script was this hostname resolution, then the event loop would drop
// out. Thus we need to add ev_ref() until AfterResolve().
// Attach the object so it doesn't get garbage collected.
15 years ago
// For the moment I will do DNS lookups in the eio thread pool. This is
// sub-optimal and cannot handle massive numbers of requests.
// In the future I will move to a system using adns or udns:
15 years ago
eio_custom(Connection::Resolve, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, Connection::AfterResolve,
return Undefined();
// This function is executed in the thread pool. It cannot modify any
// members of the connection object.
15 years ago
int Connection::Resolve(eio_req *req) {
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (req->data);
struct addrinfo *address = NULL;
15 years ago
req->result = getaddrinfo(connection->host_, connection->port_,
&client_tcp_hints, &address);
req->ptr2 = address;
connection->host_ = NULL;
connection->port_ = NULL;
return 0;
15 years ago
static struct addrinfo * AddressDefaultToIPv4(struct addrinfo *address_list) {
struct addrinfo *address = NULL;
for (address = address_list; address != NULL; address = address->ai_next) {
if (address->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) break;
return address == NULL ? address_list : address;
15 years ago
int Connection::AfterResolve(eio_req *req) {
Connection *connection = static_cast<Connection*> (req->data);
struct addrinfo *address = NULL,
*address_list = static_cast<struct addrinfo *>(req->ptr2);
address = AddressDefaultToIPv4(address_list);
connection->resolving_ = false;
int r = 0;
if (req->result == 0) r = connection->Connect(address->ai_addr);
15 years ago
if (address_list) freeaddrinfo(address_list);
// no error. return.
if (req->result == 0) {
15 years ago
evcom_stream_attach(EV_DEFAULT_UC_ &connection->stream_);
goto out;
/* TODO: the whole resolve process should be moved into evcom_stream.
15 years ago
* The fact that I'm modifying a read-only variable here should be
* good evidence of this.
connection->stream_.errorno = req->result;
15 years ago
return 0;
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::SetEncoding(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.This());
if (!args[0]->IsString()) {
connection->encoding_ = BINARY;
return scope.Close(BINARY_SYMBOL);
switch (ParseEncoding(args[0])) {
case ASCII:
connection->encoding_ = ASCII;
return scope.Close(ASCII_SYMBOL);
case UTF8:
connection->encoding_ = UTF8;
return scope.Close(UTF8_SYMBOL);
case BINARY:
connection->encoding_ = BINARY;
return scope.Close(BINARY_SYMBOL);
15 years ago
assert(0 && "this shouldn't happen");
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("Could not parse encoding. This is a Node bug.")));
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::ReadPause(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.This());
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::ReadResume(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.This());
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::SetTimeout(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.This());
float timeout = NODE_V8_UNIXTIME(args[0]);
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::Close(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.Holder());
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::ForceClose(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.Holder());
return Undefined();
Handle<Value> Connection::SetNoDelay(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.Holder());
bool no_delay = true;
if (args.Length() > 0) {
no_delay = args[0]->IsTrue();
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Connection::Send(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Connection *connection = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(args.Holder());
15 years ago
if (connection->ReadyState() != EVCOM_CONNECTED_RW &&
connection->ReadyState() != EVCOM_CONNECTED_WO) {
Local<Value> exception = Exception::Error(
String::New("Socket is not open for writing"));
return ThrowException(exception);
enum encoding enc = ParseEncoding(args[1]);
ssize_t len = DecodeBytes(args[0], enc);
if (len < 0) {
Local<Value> exception = Exception::TypeError(String::New("Bad argument"));
return ThrowException(exception);
15 years ago
char * buf = new char[len];
ssize_t written = DecodeWrite(buf, len, args[0], enc);
assert(written == len);
connection->Send(buf, written);
delete [] buf;
return scope.Close(Integer::New(written));
15 years ago
void Connection::OnReceive(const void *buf, size_t len) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<Value> data = Encode(buf, len, encoding_);
Emit("receive", 1, &data);
15 years ago
void Connection::OnClose() {
HandleScope scope;
Handle<Value> argv[1];
argv[0] = stream_.errorno == 0 ? False() : True();
Emit("close", 1, argv);
void Connection::OnConnect() {
HandleScope scope;
if (stream_.server) {
Server *server = static_cast<Server*>(stream_.server->data);
Local<Value> value = Local<Value>::New(handle_);
server->Emit("connection", 1, &value);
Emit("connect", 0, NULL);
void Connection::OnTimeout() {
HandleScope scope;
Emit("timeout", 0, NULL);
void Connection::OnEOF() {
HandleScope scope;
Emit("eof", 0, NULL);
Persistent<FunctionTemplate> Server::constructor_template;
15 years ago
void Server::Initialize(Handle<Object> target) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(New);
constructor_template = Persistent<FunctionTemplate>::New(t);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "listen", Listen);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(constructor_template, "close", Close);
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("Server"), constructor_template->GetFunction());
15 years ago
static Local<String> GetAddressString(struct sockaddr *addr) {
HandleScope scope;
16 years ago
Local<String> remote_address;
16 years ago
if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
struct sockaddr_in *sa = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in*>(addr);
16 years ago
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(sa->sin_addr), ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
remote_address = String::New(ip);
} else if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_in6*>(addr);
16 years ago
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(sa6->sin6_addr), ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
remote_address = String::New(ip);
15 years ago
} else {
assert(0 && "received a bad sa_family");
return scope.Close(remote_address);
15 years ago
Handle<FunctionTemplate> Server::GetConnectionTemplate() {
return Connection::constructor_template;
15 years ago
Connection* Server::UnwrapConnection(Local<Object> connection) {
HandleScope scope;
return ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Connection>(connection);
15 years ago
Connection* Server::OnConnection(struct sockaddr *addr) {
HandleScope scope;
TryCatch try_catch;
Local<Object> js_connection =
GetConnectionTemplate()->GetFunction()->NewInstance(0, NULL);
15 years ago
if (js_connection.IsEmpty()) {
return NULL;
Local<String> remote_address = GetAddressString(addr);
js_connection->Set(REMOTE_ADDRESS_SYMBOL, remote_address);
js_connection->Set(SERVER_SYMBOL, handle_);
Connection *connection = UnwrapConnection(js_connection);
if (!connection) return NULL;
return connection;
15 years ago
void Server::OnClose(int errorno) {
HandleScope scope;
Handle<Value> argv[1] = { Integer::New(errorno) };
Emit("close", 1, argv);
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Server::New(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Server *server = new Server();
return args.This();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Server::Listen(const Arguments& args) {
Server *server = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Server>(args.Holder());
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length() == 0) {
15 years ago
Local<Value> exception = Exception::TypeError(
String::New("First argument must be a port number"));
return ThrowException(exception);
String::AsciiValue port(args[0]->ToString());
15 years ago
# define DNS_MAXNAME 1024
char host[DNS_MAXNAME+1] = "\0";
int backlog = 128;
if (args.Length() == 2) {
if (args[1]->IsInt32()) {
backlog = args[1]->Int32Value();
} else if (args[1]->IsString()) {
args[1]->ToString()->WriteAscii(host, 0, DNS_MAXNAME+1);
} else if (args.Length() > 2) {
if (args[1]->IsString()) {
args[1]->ToString()->WriteAscii(host, 0, DNS_MAXNAME+1);
if (!args[2]->IsInt32()) {
return ThrowException(
Exception::TypeError(String::New("backlog must be an integer")));
backlog = args[2]->Int32Value();
// For servers call getaddrinfo inline. This is blocking but it shouldn't
// matter much. If someone actually complains then simply swap it out
// with a libeio call.
15 years ago
struct addrinfo * address = NULL,
* address_list = NULL;
int r = getaddrinfo(strlen(host) ?
host : NULL, *port, &server_tcp_hints, &address_list);
if (r != 0) {
Local<Value> exception = Exception::Error(String::New(strerror(errno)));
return ThrowException(exception);
address = AddressDefaultToIPv4(address_list);
server->Listen(address->ai_addr, backlog);
15 years ago
if (address_list) freeaddrinfo(address_list);
return Undefined();
15 years ago
Handle<Value> Server::Close(const Arguments& args) {
Server *server = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Server>(args.Holder());
return Undefined();
15 years ago
} // namespace node