@ -24,101 +24,95 @@ const common = require('../common'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const net = require('net'); |
const net = require('net'); |
function testClients(getSocketOpt, getConnectOpt, getConnectCb) { |
const cloneOptions = (index) => |
Object.assign({}, getSocketOpt(index), getConnectOpt(index)); |
return [ |
net.connect(cloneOptions(0), getConnectCb(0)), |
net.connect(cloneOptions(1)) |
.on('connect', getConnectCb(1)), |
net.createConnection(cloneOptions(2), getConnectCb(2)), |
net.createConnection(cloneOptions(3)) |
.on('connect', getConnectCb(3)), |
new net.Socket(getSocketOpt(4)).connect(getConnectOpt(4), getConnectCb(4)), |
new net.Socket(getSocketOpt(5)).connect(getConnectOpt(5)) |
.on('connect', getConnectCb(5)) |
]; |
} |
const CLIENT_VARIANTS = 6; // Same length as array above
const forAllClients = (cb) => common.mustCall(cb, CLIENT_VARIANTS); |
// Test allowHalfOpen
// Test allowHalfOpen
{ |
{ |
let clientReceivedFIN = 0; |
let clientReceivedFIN = 0; |
let serverConnections = 0; |
let serverConnections = 0; |
let clientSentFIN = 0; |
let clientSentFIN = 0; |
let serverReceivedFIN = 0; |
let serverReceivedFIN = 0; |
const server = net.createServer({ |
const host = common.localhostIPv4; |
allowHalfOpen: true |
}) |
function serverOnConnection(socket) { |
.on('connection', forAllClients(function serverOnConnection(socket) { |
console.log(`'connection' ${++serverConnections} emitted on server`); |
const serverConnection = ++serverConnections; |
const srvConn = serverConnections; |
let clientId; |
console.error(`${serverConnections} 'connection' emitted on server`); |
socket.resume(); |
socket.resume(); |
// 'end' on each socket must not be emitted twice
socket.on('data', common.mustCall(function socketOnData(data) { |
socket.on('data', common.mustCall(function(data) { |
this.clientId = data.toString(); |
clientId = data.toString(); |
console.log( |
console.error(`${serverConnection} server connection is started ` + |
`server connection ${srvConn} is started by client ${this.clientId}`); |
`by client No. ${clientId}`); |
})); |
})); |
socket.on('end', common.mustCall(function() { |
// 'end' on each socket must not be emitted twice
serverReceivedFIN++; |
socket.on('end', common.mustCall(function socketOnEnd() { |
console.error(`Server received FIN sent by No. ${clientId}`); |
console.log(`Server received FIN sent by client ${this.clientId}`); |
if (serverReceivedFIN === CLIENT_VARIANTS) { |
if (++serverReceivedFIN < CLIENT_VARIANTS) return; |
setTimeout(() => { |
setTimeout(() => { |
server.close(); |
server.close(); |
console.error(`No. ${clientId} connection is closing server: ` + |
console.log(`connection ${this.clientId} is closing the server:
`${serverReceivedFIN} FIN received by server, ` + |
FIN ${serverReceivedFIN} received by server, |
`${clientReceivedFIN} FIN received by client, ` + |
FIN ${clientReceivedFIN} received by client |
`${clientSentFIN} FIN sent by client, ` + |
FIN ${clientSentFIN} sent by client, |
`${serverConnections} FIN sent by server`); |
FIN ${serverConnections} sent by server`.replace(/ {3,}/g, ''));
}, 50); |
}, 50); |
} |
}, 1)); |
}, 1)); |
socket.end(); |
socket.end(); |
console.error(`Server has sent ${serverConnections} FIN`); |
console.log(`Server has sent ${serverConnections} FIN`); |
})) |
} |
.on('close', common.mustCall(function serverOnClose() { |
console.error('Server has been closed: ' + |
`${serverReceivedFIN} FIN received by server, ` + |
`${clientReceivedFIN} FIN received by client, ` + |
`${clientSentFIN} FIN sent by client, ` + |
`${serverConnections} FIN sent by server`); |
})) |
.listen(0, 'localhost', common.mustCall(function serverOnListen() { |
const host = 'localhost'; |
const port = server.address().port; |
console.error(`Server starts at ${host}:${port}`); |
// These two levels of functions (and not arrows) are necessary in order to
const getSocketOpt = () => ({ allowHalfOpen: true }); |
// bind the `index`, and the calling socket (`this`)
const getConnectOpt = () => ({ host, port }); |
function clientOnConnect(index) { |
const getConnectCb = (index) => common.mustCall(function clientOnConnect() { |
return common.mustCall(function clientOnConnectInner() { |
const client = this; |
const client = this; |
console.error(`'connect' emitted on Client ${index}`); |
console.log(`'connect' emitted on Client ${index}`); |
client.resume(); |
client.resume(); |
client.on('end', common.mustCall(function clientOnEnd() { |
client.on('end', common.mustCall(function clientOnEnd() { |
setTimeout(function() { |
setTimeout(function closeServer() { |
// when allowHalfOpen is true, client must still be writable
// when allowHalfOpen is true, client must still be writable
// after the server closes the connections, but not readable
// after the server closes the connections, but not readable
console.error(`No. ${index} client received FIN`); |
console.log(`client ${index} received FIN`); |
assert(!client.readable); |
assert(!client.readable); |
assert(client.writable); |
assert(client.writable); |
assert(client.write(String(index))); |
assert(client.write(String(index))); |
client.end(); |
client.end(); |
clientSentFIN++; |
clientSentFIN++; |
console.error(`No. ${index} client sent FIN, ` + |
console.log( |
`${clientSentFIN} have been sent`); |
`client ${index} sent FIN, ${clientSentFIN} have been sent`); |
}, 50); |
}, 50); |
})); |
})); |
client.on('close', common.mustCall(function clientOnClose() { |
client.on('close', common.mustCall(function clientOnClose() { |
clientReceivedFIN++; |
clientReceivedFIN++; |
console.error(`No. ${index} connection has been closed by both ` + |
console.log(`connection ${index} has been closed by both sides,` + |
`sides, ${clientReceivedFIN} clients have closed`); |
` ${clientReceivedFIN} clients have closed`); |
})); |
})); |
}); |
}); |
} |
testClients(getSocketOpt, getConnectOpt, getConnectCb); |
function serverOnClose() { |
})); |
console.log(`Server has been closed:
FIN ${serverReceivedFIN} received by server |
FIN ${clientReceivedFIN} received by client |
FIN ${clientSentFIN} sent by client |
FIN ${serverConnections} sent by server`.replace(/ {3,}/g, ''));
} |
function serverOnListen() { |
const port = server.address().port; |
console.log(`Server started listening at ${host}:${port}`); |
const opts = { allowHalfOpen: true, host, port }; |
// 6 variations === CLIENT_VARIANTS
net.connect(opts, clientOnConnect(1)); |
net.connect(opts).on('connect', clientOnConnect(2)); |
net.createConnection(opts, clientOnConnect(3)); |
net.createConnection(opts).on('connect', clientOnConnect(4)); |
new net.Socket(opts).connect(opts, clientOnConnect(5)); |
new net.Socket(opts).connect(opts).on('connect', clientOnConnect(6)); |
} |
const CLIENT_VARIANTS = 6; |
// The trigger
const server = net.createServer({ allowHalfOpen: true }) |
.on('connection', common.mustCall(serverOnConnection, CLIENT_VARIANTS)) |
.on('close', common.mustCall(serverOnClose)) |
.listen(0, host, common.mustCall(serverOnListen)); |
} |
} |