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Fixes #9126. Reviewed-By: Timothy J Fontaine <tjfontaine@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Julien Gilli <julien.gilli@joyent.com>v0.12.0-release
committed by
Julien Gilli
514 changed files with 14685 additions and 12460 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
Arlo Breault <arlolra@gmail.com> |
Alex K. Wolfe <alexkwolfe@gmail.com> |
Andrew Lunny <alunny@gmail.com> |
Benjamin Coe <bencoe@gmail.com> |
Brian White <mscdex@mscdex.net> <mscdex@gmail.com> |
Charlie Robbins <charlie.robbins@gmail.com> |
Dalmais Maxence <root@ip-10-195-202-5.ec2.internal> |
David Beitey <david@davidjb.com> |
Domenic Denicola <domenic@domenicdenicola.com> |
Einar Otto Stangvik <einaros@gmail.com> |
Evan Lucas <evan@btc.com> <evanlucas@me.com> <evan.lucas@hattiesburgclinic.com> |
Faiq Raza <faiqrazarizvi@gmail.com> |
Forbes Lindesay <forbes@lindesay.co.uk> |
Forrest L. Norvell <forrest@npmjs.com> <ogd@aoaioxxysz.net> |
Gabriel Barros <descartavel1@gmail.com> |
Geoff Flarity <geoff.flarity@gmail.com> <gflarity@raptvm-x02.(none)> |
Isaac Z. Schlueter <i@izs.me> <i@foohack.com> |
Jake Verbaten <raynos2@gmail.com> |
James Sanders <jimmyjazz14@gmail.com> |
Jason Smith <jhs@iriscouch.com> |
Kris Windham <kriswindham@gmail.com> |
Lin Clark <lin.w.clark@gmail.com> |
Maciej Małecki <me@mmalecki.com> <maciej.malecki@notimplemented.org> |
Maximilian Antoni <mail@maxantoni.de> <maximilian.antoni@juliusbaer.com> |
Maxim Bogushevich <boga1@mail.ru> |
Max Goodman <c@chromakode.com> |
Nicolas Morel <marsup@gmail.com> |
Olivier Melcher <olivier.melcher@gmail.com> |
Visnu Pitiyanuvath <visnupx@gmail.com> |
Will Elwood <w.elwood08@gmail.com> |
Zeke Sikelianos <zeke@sikelianos.com> |
@ -1,158 +1,243 @@ |
# Authors sorted by whether or not they're me |
# Authors sorted by whether or not they're me |
Isaac Z. Schlueter <i@izs.me> |
Steve Steiner <ssteinerX@gmail.com> |
Mikeal Rogers <mikeal.rogers@gmail.com> |
Aaron Blohowiak <aaron.blohowiak@gmail.com> |
Martyn Smith <martyn@dollyfish.net.nz> |
Mathias Pettersson <mape@mape.me> |
Brian Hammond <brian@fictorial.com> |
Charlie Robbins <charlie.robbins@gmail.com> |
Francisco Treacy <francisco.treacy@gmail.com> |
Cliffano Subagio <cliffano@gmail.com> |
Christian Eager <christian.eager@nokia.com> |
Dav Glass <davglass@gmail.com> |
Alex K. Wolfe <alexkwolfe@gmail.com> |
James Sanders <jimmyjazz14@gmail.com> |
Reid Burke <me@reidburke.com> |
Arlo Breault <arlolra@gmail.com> |
Timo Derstappen <teemow@gmail.com> |
Bradley Meck <bradley.meck@gmail.com> |
Bart Teeuwisse <bart.teeuwisse@thecodemill.biz> |
Ben Noordhuis <info@bnoordhuis.nl> |
Tor Valamo <tor.valamo@gmail.com> |
Whyme.Lyu <5longluna@gmail.com> |
Olivier Melcher <olivier.melcher@gmail.com> |
Tomaž Muraus <kami@k5-storitve.net> |
Evan Meagher <evan.meagher@gmail.com> |
Evan Meagher <evan.meagher@gmail.com> |
Orlando Vazquez <ovazquez@gmail.com> |
Orlando Vazquez <ovazquez@gmail.com> |
Kai Chen <kaichenxyz@gmail.com> |
George Miroshnykov <gmiroshnykov@lohika.com> |
George Miroshnykov <gmiroshnykov@lohika.com> |
Geoff Flarity <geoff.flarity@gmail.com> |
Geoff Flarity <geoff.flarity@gmail.com> |
Max Goodman <c@chromakode.com> |
Pete Kruckenberg <pete@kruckenberg.com> |
Pete Kruckenberg <pete@kruckenberg.com> |
Laurie Harper <laurie@holoweb.net> |
Laurie Harper <laurie@holoweb.net> |
Neil Gentleman <ngentleman@gmail.com> |
Kris Kowal <kris.kowal@cixar.com> |
Alex Gorbatchev <alex.gorbatchev@gmail.com> |
Shawn Wildermuth <shawn@wildermuth.com> |
Wesley de Souza <wesleywex@gmail.com> |
Patrick Pfeiffer <patrick@buzzle.at> |
yoyoyogi <yogesh.k@gmail.com> |
Paul Miller <paul@paulmillr.com> |
Jérémy Lal <kapouer@melix.org> |
J. Tangelder <j.tangelder@gmail.com> |
seebees <seebees@gmail.com> |
Anders Janmyr <anders@janmyr.com> |
Jean Lauliac <jean@lauliac.com> |
Carl Lange <carl@flax.ie> |
Chris Meyers <chris.meyers.fsu@gmail.com> |
Andrey Kislyuk <kislyuk@gmail.com> |
Jan Lehnardt <jan@apache.org> |
Ludwig Magnusson <ludwig@mediatool.com> |
Thorsten Lorenz <thlorenz@gmx.de> |
Stuart P. Bentley <stuart@testtrack4.com> |
wmertens <Wout.Mertens@gmail.com> |
Johan Sköld <johan@skold.cc> |
Nick Santos <nick@medium.com> |
Stuart Knightley <stuart@stuartk.com> |
Terin Stock <terinjokes@gmail.com> |
Niggler <nirk.niggler@gmail.com> |
Faiq Raza <faiqrazarizvi@gmail.com> |
Paolo Fragomeni <paolo@async.ly> |
Thomas Torp <thomas@erupt.no> |
Jaakko Manninen <jaakko@rocketpack.fi> |
Sam Mikes <smikes@cubane.com> |
Luke Arduini <luke.arduini@gmail.com> |
Larz Conwell <larz@larz-laptop.(none)> |
Marcel Klehr <mklehr@gmx.net> |
Robert Kowalski <rok@kowalski.gd> |
Chris Wong <chris@chriswongstudio.com> |
Chris Wong <chris@chriswongstudio.com> |
Max Goodman <c@chromacode.com> |
Forbes Lindesay <forbes@lindesay.co.uk> |
Scott Bronson <brons_github@rinspin.com> |
Scott Bronson <brons_github@rinspin.com> |
Vaz Allen <vaz@tryptid.com> |
Federico Romero <federomero@gmail.com> |
Federico Romero <federomero@gmail.com> |
Jake Verbaten <raynos2@gmail.com> |
Visnu Pitiyanuvath <visnupx@gmail.com> |
Visnu Pitiyanuvath <visnupx@gmail.com> |
Schabse Laks <Dev@SLaks.net> |
Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> |
Irakli Gozalishvili <rfobic@gmail.com> |
Florian Margaine <florian@margaine.com> |
Mark Cahill <mark@tiemonster.info> |
Mark Cahill <mark@tiemonster.info> |
Zearin <zearin@gonk.net> |
Zearin <zearin@gonk.net> |
Iain Sproat <iainsproat@gmail.com> |
Iain Sproat <iainsproat@gmail.com> |
Trent Mick <trentm@gmail.com> |
Trent Mick <trentm@gmail.com> |
Felix Geisendörfer <felix@debuggable.com> |
Felix Geisendörfer <felix@debuggable.com> |
Conny Brunnkvist <cbrunnkvist@gmail.com> |
Julian Gruber <julian@juliangruber.com> |
Benjamin Coe <bencoe@gmail.com> |
Alex Ford <Alex.Ford@CodeTunnel.com> |
Matt Hickford <matt.hickford@gmail.com> |
Sean McGivern <sean.mcgivern@rightscale.com> |
C J Silverio <ceejceej@gmail.com> |
Mat Tyndall <mat.tyndall@gmail.com> |
Robin Tweedie <robin@songkick.com> |
Tauren Mills <tauren@sportzing.com> |
Miroslav Bajtoš <miroslav@strongloop.com> |
Isaac Z. Schlueter <i@izs.me> |
Ron Martinez <ramartin.net@gmail.com> |
David Glasser <glasser@davidglasser.net> |
Steve Steiner <ssteinerX@gmail.com> |
Kazuhito Hokamura <k.hokamura@gmail.com> |
Gianluca Casati <casati_gianluca@yahoo.it> |
Mikeal Rogers <mikeal.rogers@gmail.com> |
Tristan Davies <github@tristan.io> |
Aaron Blohowiak <aaron.blohowiak@gmail.com> |
David Volm <david@volminator.com> |
Martyn Smith <martyn@dollyfish.net.nz> |
Lin Clark <lin.w.clark@gmail.com> |
Charlie Robbins <charlie.robbins@gmail.com> |
Ben Page <bpage@dewalch.com> |
Francisco Treacy <francisco.treacy@gmail.com> |
Jeff Jo <jeffjo@squareup.com> |
Johan Nordberg <its@johan-nordberg.com> |
Cliffano Subagio <cliffano@gmail.com> |
martinvd <martinvdpub@gmail.com> |
Ian Babrou <ibobrik@gmail.com> |
Christian Eager <christian.eager@nokia.com> |
Di Wu <dwu@palantir.com> |
Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be> |
Matt McClure <matt.mcclure@mapmyfitness.com> |
Jameson Little <t.jameson.little@gmail.com> |
Matt Lunn <matt@mattlunn.me.uk> |
Conny Brunnkvist <conny@fuchsia.se> |
Alexey Kreschuk <akrsch@gmail.com> |
Will Elwood <w.elwood08@gmail.com> |
Will Elwood <w.elwood08@gmail.com> |
elisee <elisee@sparklin.org> |
Dean Landolt <dean@deanlandolt.com> |
Robert Gieseke <robert.gieseke@gmail.com> |
Oleg Efimov <efimovov@gmail.com> |
Oleg Efimov <efimovov@gmail.com> |
François Frisch <francoisfrisch@gmail.com> |
Martin Cooper <mfncooper@gmail.com> |
Martin Cooper <mfncooper@gmail.com> |
Jameson Little <t.jameson.little@gmail.com> |
Jann Horn <jannhorn@googlemail.com> |
cspotcode <cspotcode@gmail.com> |
cspotcode <cspotcode@gmail.com> |
Maciej Małecki <maciej.malecki@notimplemented.org> |
Maciej Małecki <me@mmalecki.com> |
Stephen Sugden <glurgle@gmail.com> |
Stephen Sugden <glurgle@gmail.com> |
Forrest L Norvell <forrest@npmjs.com> |
Karsten Tinnefeld <k.tinnefeld@googlemail.com> |
Bryan Burgers <bryan@burgers.io> |
David Beitey <david@davidjb.com> |
Evan You <yyou@google.com> |
Zach Pomerantz <zmp@umich.edu> |
Mark J. Titorenko <nospam-github.com@titorenko.net> |
Chris Williams <cwilliams88@gmail.com> |
Oddur Sigurdsson <oddurs@gmail.com> |
sudodoki <smd.deluzion@gmail.com> |
Eric Mill <eric@konklone.com> |
Mick Thompson <dthompson@gmail.com> |
Gabriel Barros <descartavel1@gmail.com> |
Felix Rabe <felix@rabe.io> |
KevinSheedy <kevinsheedy@gmail.com> |
Aleksey Smolenchuk <aleksey@uber.com> |
Ed Morley <emorley@mozilla.com> |
Blaine Bublitz <blaine@iceddev.com> |
Andrey Fedorov <anfedorov@gmail.com> |
Trevor Burnham <tburnham@hubspot.com> |
Daijiro Wachi <daijiro.wachi@gmail.com> |
Alan Shaw <alan@freestyle-developments.co.uk> |
TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> |
Luke Arduini <luke.arduini@me.com> |
Nicholas Kinsey <pyro@feisty.io> |
Michael Budde <mbudde@gmail.com> |
Paulo Cesar <pauloc062@gmail.com> |
Jason Smith <jhs@iriscouch.com> |
Elan Shanker <elan.shanker@gmail.com> |
Gautham Pai <buzypi@gmail.com> |
Gautham Pai <buzypi@gmail.com> |
Jon Spencer <jon@jonspencer.ca> |
David Trejo <david.daniel.trejo@gmail.com> |
David Trejo <david.daniel.trejo@gmail.com> |
Jason Diamond <jason@diamond.name> |
Paul Vorbach <paul@vorb.de> |
Paul Vorbach <paul@vorb.de> |
Maximilian Antoni <mail@maxantoni.de> |
George Ornbo <george@shapeshed.com> |
George Ornbo <george@shapeshed.com> |
Tim Oxley <secoif@gmail.com> |
Tim Oxley <secoif@gmail.com> |
Tyler Green <tyler.green2@gmail.com> |
Tyler Green <tyler.green2@gmail.com> |
Dave Pacheco <dap@joyent.com> |
atomizer <danila.gerasimov@gmail.com> |
atomizer <danila.gerasimov@gmail.com> |
Michael Hayes <michael@hayes.io> |
Chris Dickinson <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com> |
Bradley Meck <bradley.meck@gmail.com> |
GeJ <geraud@gcu.info> |
Andrew Terris <atterris@gmail.com> |
Michael Nisi <michael.nisi@gmail.com> |
Luc Thevenard <lucthevenard@gmail.com> |
fengmk2 <fengmk2@gmail.com> |
Aria Stewart <aredridel@nbtsc.org> |
Adam Meadows <adam.meadows@gmail.com> |
Charlie Rudolph <charles.w.rudolph@gmail.com> |
Chulki Lee <chulki.lee@gmail.com> |
不四 <busi.hyy@taobao.com> |
Thom Blake <tblake@brightroll.com> |
Jess Martin <jessmartin@gmail.com> |
Spain Train <michael.spainhower@opower.com> |
Alex Rodionov <p0deje@gmail.com> |
Matt Colyer <matt@colyer.name> |
Rod Vagg <rod@vagg.org> |
Rod Vagg <rod@vagg.org> |
Evan You <yyx990803@gmail.com> |
Christian Howe <coderarity@gmail.com> |
Christian Howe <coderarity@gmail.com> |
bitspill <bitspill+github@bitspill.net> |
Andrew Lunny <alunny@gmail.com> |
Andrew Lunny <alunny@gmail.com> |
Gabriel Falkenberg <gabriel.falkenberg@gmail.com> |
Henrik Hodne <dvyjones@binaryhex.com> |
Henrik Hodne <dvyjones@binaryhex.com> |
Alexej Yaroshevich <alex@qfox.ru> |
Adam Blackburn <regality@gmail.com> |
Adam Blackburn <regality@gmail.com> |
Quim Calpe <quim@kalpe.com> |
Kris Windham <kriswindham@gmail.com> |
Kris Windham <kriswindham@gmail.com> |
Jens Grunert <jens.grunert@gmail.com> |
Jens Grunert <jens.grunert@gmail.com> |
Joost-Wim Boekesteijn <joost-wim@boekesteijn.nl> |
Joost-Wim Boekesteijn <joost-wim@boekesteijn.nl> |
Dalmais Maxence <github@maxired.fr> |
Dalmais Maxence <root@ip-10-195-202-5.ec2.internal> |
Marcus Ekwall <marcus.ekwall@gmail.com> |
Marcus Ekwall <marcus.ekwall@gmail.com> |
Steve Mason <stevem@brandwatch.com> |
Wil Moore III <wil.moore@wilmoore.com> |
Sergey Belov <peimei@ya.ru> |
Tom Huang <hzlhu.dargon@gmail.com> |
CamilleM <camille.moulin@alterway.fr> |
Aaron Stacy <aaron.r.stacy@gmail.com> |
Aaron Stacy <aaron.r.stacy@gmail.com> |
Sébastien Santoro <dereckson@espace-win.org> |
Phillip Howell <phowell@cothm.org> |
Phillip Howell <phowell@cothm.org> |
Evan Lucas <evan@btc.com> |
Domenic Denicola <domenic@domenicdenicola.com> |
Domenic Denicola <domenic@domenicdenicola.com> |
Quinn Slack <qslack@qslack.com> |
James Halliday <mail@substack.net> |
James Halliday <mail@substack.net> |
Alex Kocharin <alex@kocharin.ru> |
Jeremy Cantrell <jmcantrell@gmail.com> |
Jeremy Cantrell <jmcantrell@gmail.com> |
Evan Lucas <evan.lucas@hattiesburgclinic.com> |
Trent Mick <trent.mick@joyent.com> |
Ribettes <patlogan29@gmail.com> |
Ribettes <patlogan29@gmail.com> |
Einar Otto Stangvik <einaros@gmail.com> |
Don Park <donpark@docuverse.com> |
Don Park <donpark@docuverse.com> |
Einar Otto Stangvik <einaros@gmail.com> |
Kei Son <heyacct@gmail.com> |
Kei Son <heyacct@gmail.com> |
Dav Glass <davglass@gmail.com> |
Alex K. Wolfe <alexkwolfe@gmail.com> |
James Sanders <jimmyjazz14@gmail.com> |
Reid Burke <me@reidburke.com> |
Arlo Breault <arlolra@gmail.com> |
Timo Derstappen <teemow@gmail.com> |
Bart Teeuwisse <bart.teeuwisse@thecodemill.biz> |
Ben Noordhuis <info@bnoordhuis.nl> |
Tor Valamo <tor.valamo@gmail.com> |
Whyme.Lyu <5longluna@gmail.com> |
Daniel Santiago <daniel.santiago@highlevelwebs.com> |
Denis Gladkikh <outcoldman@gmail.com> |
Andrew Horton <andrew.j.horton@gmail.com> |
Zeke Sikelianos <zeke@sikelianos.com> |
Dylan Greene <dylang@gmail.com> |
Nicolas Morel <marsup@gmail.com> |
Nicolas Morel <marsup@gmail.com> |
Franck Cuny <franck.cuny@gmail.com> |
Mark Dube <markisdee@gmail.com> |
Mark Dube <markisdee@gmail.com> |
dead_horse <dead_horse@qq.com> |
Yeonghoon Park <sola92@gmail.com> |
Nathan Rajlich <nathan@tootallnate.net> |
Nathan Rajlich <nathan@tootallnate.net> |
Kenan Yildirim <kenan@kenany.me> |
Rafael de Oleza <rafa@spotify.com> |
Maxim Bogushevich <boga1@mail.ru> |
Maxim Bogushevich <boga1@mail.ru> |
Justin Beckwith <justbe@microsoft.com> |
Laurie Voss <git@seldo.com> |
Mikola Lysenko <mikolalysenko@gmail.com> |
Meaglin <Meaglin.wasabi@gmail.com> |
Meaglin <Meaglin.wasabi@gmail.com> |
Rebecca Turner <turner@mikomi.org> |
Yazhong Liu <yorkiefixer@gmail.com> |
Ben Evans <ben@bensbit.co.uk> |
Ben Evans <ben@bensbit.co.uk> |
Hunter Loftis <hunter@hunterloftis.com> |
Nathan Zadoks <nathan@nathan7.eu> |
Nathan Zadoks <nathan@nathan7.eu> |
Brian White <mscdex@gmail.com> |
Peter Richardson <github@zoomy.net> |
Brian White <mscdex@mscdex.net> |
Jussi Kalliokoski <jussi.kalliokoski@gmail.com> |
Jed Schmidt <tr@nslator.jp> |
Jed Schmidt <tr@nslator.jp> |
Filip Weiss <me@fiws.net> |
Ian Livingstone <ianl@cs.dal.ca> |
Ian Livingstone <ianl@cs.dal.ca> |
Patrick Pfeiffer <patrick@buzzle.at> |
timoweiss <timoweiss@Timo-MBP.local> |
Paul Miller <paul@paulmillr.com> |
Christopher Hiller <chiller@badwing.com> |
seebees <seebees@gmail.com> |
Olivier Melcher <olivier.melcher@gmail.com> |
Carl Lange <carl@flax.ie> |
Tomaž Muraus <kami@k5-storitve.net> |
Jan Lehnardt <jan@apache.org> |
Alexey Kreschuk <akrsch@gmail.com> |
Di Wu <dwu@palantir.com> |
Florian Margaine <florian@margaine.com> |
Forbes Lindesay <forbes@lindesay.co.uk> |
Ian Babrou <ibobrik@gmail.com> |
Jaakko Manninen <jaakko@rocketpack.fi> |
Johan Nordberg <its@johan-nordberg.com> |
Johan Sköld <johan@skold.cc> |
Larz Conwell <larz@larz-laptop.(none)> |
Luke Arduini <luke.arduini@gmail.com> |
Marcel Klehr <mklehr@gmx.net> |
Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be> |
Matt Lunn <matt@mattlunn.me.uk> |
Matt McClure <matt.mcclure@mapmyfitness.com> |
Nirk Niggler <nirk.niggler@gmail.com> |
Paolo Fragomeni <paolo@async.ly> |
Jake Verbaten (Raynos) <raynos2@gmail.com> |
Robert Kowalski <rok@kowalski.gd> |
Schabse Laks <Dev@SLaks.net> |
Stuart Knightley <stuart@stuartk.com> |
Stuart P. Bentley <stuart@testtrack4.com> |
Vaz Allen <vaz@tryptid.com> |
elisee <elisee@sparklin.org> |
Evan You <yyx990803@gmail.com> |
Wil Moore III <wil.moore@wilmoore.com> |
Dylan Greene <dylang@gmail.com> |
zeke <zeke@sikelianos.com> |
Andrew Horton <andrew.j.horton@gmail.com> |
Denis Gladkikh <outcoldman@gmail.com> |
Daniel Santiago <daniel.santiago@highlevelwebs.com> |
Alex Kocharin <alex@kocharin.ru> |
Evan Lucas <evanlucas@me.com> |
Steve Mason <stevem@brandwatch.com> |
Quinn Slack <qslack@qslack.com> |
Sébastien Santoro <dereckson@espace-win.org> |
CamilleM <camille.moulin@alterway.fr> |
Tom Huang <hzlhu.dargon@gmail.com> |
Sergey Belov <peimei@ya.ru> |
Younghoon Park <sola92@gmail.com> |
Yazhong Liu <yorkiefixer@gmail.com> |
Mikola Lysenko <mikolalysenko@gmail.com> |
Rafael de Oleza <rafa@spotify.com> |
Yeonghoon Park <sola92@gmail.com> |
Franck Cuny <franck.cuny@gmail.com> |
Alan Shaw <alan@freestyle-developments.co.uk> |
Alex Rodionov <p0deje@gmail.com> |
Alexej Yaroshevich <alex@qfox.ru> |
Elan Shanker <elan.shanker@gmail.com> |
François Frisch <francoisfrisch@gmail.com> |
Gabriel Falkenberg <gabriel.falkenberg@gmail.com> |
Jason Diamond <jason@diamond.name> |
Jess Martin <jessmartin@gmail.com> |
Jon Spencer <jon@jonspencer.ca> |
Matt Colyer <matt@colyer.name> |
Matt McClure <matt.mcclure@mapmyfitness.com> |
Maximilian Antoni <maximilian.antoni@juliusbaer.com> |
Nicholas Kinsey <pyro@feisty.io> |
Paulo Cesar <pauloc062@gmail.com> |
Quim Calpe <quim@kalpe.com> |
Robert Gieseke <robert.gieseke@gmail.com> |
Spain Train <michael.spainhower@opower.com> |
TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> |
Thom Blake <tblake@brightroll.com> |
Trevor Burnham <tburnham@hubspot.com> |
bitspill <bitspill+github@bitspill.net> |
Neil Gentleman <ngentleman@gmail.com> |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
npm-access(1) -- Set access level on published packages |
======================================================= |
npm access public [<package>] |
npm access restricted [<package>] |
npm access add <read-only|read-write> <entity> [<package>] |
npm access rm <entity> [<package>] |
npm access ls [<package>] |
npm access edit [<package>] |
Used to set access controls on private packages. |
For all of the subcommands, `npm access` will perform actions on the packages |
in the current working directory if no package name is passed to the |
subcommand. |
* public / restricted: |
Set a package to be either publicly accessible or restricted. |
* add / rm: |
Add or remove the ability of users and teams to have read-only or read-write |
access to a package. |
* ls: |
Show all of the access privileges for a package. Will only show permissions |
for packages to which you have at least read access. |
* edit: |
Set the access privileges for a package at once using `$EDITOR`. |
`npm access` always operates directly on the current registry, configurable |
from the command line using `--registry=<registry url>`. |
Unscoped packages are *always public*. |
Scoped packages *default to restricted*, but you can either publish them as |
public using `npm publish --access=public`, or set their access as public using |
`npm access public` after the initial publish. |
You must have privileges to set the access of a package: |
* You are an owner of an unscoped or scoped package. |
* You are a member of the team that owns a scope. |
* You have been given read-write privileges for a package, either as a member |
of a team or directly as an owner. |
If your account is not paid, then attempts to publish scoped packages will fail |
with an HTTP 402 status code (logically enough), unless you use |
`--access=public`. |
* npm-publish(1) |
* npm-config(7) |
* npm-registry(7) |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
npm-dist-tag(1) -- Modify package distribution tags |
=================================================== |
npm dist-tag add <pkg>@<version> [<tag>] |
npm dist-tag rm <pkg> <tag> |
npm dist-tag ls [<pkg>] |
Add, remove, and enumerate distribution tags on a package: |
* add: |
Tags the specified version of the package with the specified tag, or the |
`--tag` config if not specified. |
* rm: |
Clear a tag that is no longer in use from the package. |
* ls: |
Show all of the dist-tags for a package, defaulting to the package in |
the curren prefix. |
A tag can be used when installing packages as a reference to a version instead |
of using a specific version number: |
npm install <name>@<tag> |
When installing dependencies, a preferred tagged version may be specified: |
npm install --tag <tag> |
This also applies to `npm dedupe`. |
Publishing a package always sets the "latest" tag to the published version. |
Tags can be used to provide an alias instead of version numbers. For |
example, `npm` currently uses the tag "next" to identify the upcoming |
version, and the tag "latest" to identify the current version. |
A project might choose to have multiple streams of development, e.g., |
"stable", "canary". |
This command used to be known as `npm tag`, which only created new tags, and so |
had a different syntax. |
Tags must share a namespace with version numbers, because they are specified in |
the same slot: `npm install <pkg>@<version>` vs `npm install <pkg>@<tag>`. |
Tags that can be interpreted as valid semver ranges will be rejected. For |
example, `v1.4` cannot be used as a tag, because it is interpreted by semver as |
`>=1.4.0 <1.5.0`. See <https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/6082>. |
The simplest way to avoid semver problems with tags is to use tags that do not |
begin with a number or the letter `v`. |
* npm-tag(1) |
* npm-publish(1) |
* npm-install(1) |
* npm-dedupe(1) |
* npm-registry(7) |
* npm-config(1) |
* npm-config(7) |
* npm-tag(3) |
* npmrc(5) |
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