@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ All of the examples in the documentation can be run similarly. |
Pure Javascript is Unicode friendly but not nice to pure binary data. When |
dealing with TCP streams or the file system, it's necessary to handle octet |
streams. Node has several stratagies for manipulating, creating, and |
streams. Node has several strategies for manipulating, creating, and |
consuming octet streams. |
Raw data is stored in instaces of the `Buffer` class. A `Buffer` is similar |
Raw data is stored in instances of the `Buffer` class. A `Buffer` is similar |
to an array of integers but correspond to a raw memory allocation outside |
the V8 heap. A `Buffer` cannot be resized. |
Access the class at `require('buffer').Buffer`. |
@ -59,29 +59,14 @@ Binary (`"binary"`). `"ascii"` and `"binary"` only look at the first 8 bits |
of the 16bit JavaScript string characters. The following `Buffer` methods |
allow decoding and encoding of strings: |
- **`buffer.utf8Write(string, offset)`**: Writes `string` to the buffer at |
`offset` using UTF-8 encoding. Returns the number of octets written. If |
- **`buffer.write(string, encoding, offset)`**: Writes `string` to the buffer at |
`offset` using the given encoding. Returns number of octets written. If |
`buffer` did not contain enough space to fit the entire string it will write |
a partial amount of the string. However, this method will not write partial |
characters. |
a partial amount of the string. In the case of `encoding=='utf8'`, the |
method will not write partial characters. |
- **`buffer.binaryWrite(string, offset)`**: Writes `string` to the buffer at |
`offset` using binary encoding - that is it will only use the first 8 bits |
of each character. Write a partial string if not enough space remains. |
Returns number of octets written. |
- **`buffer.asciiWrite(string, offset)`**: Writes `string` to the buffer at |
`offset` using ASCII encoding. Faster than `utf8Write()`. Write a partial |
string if not enough space remains. Returns number of octets written. |
- **`buffer.utf8Slice(start, end)`**: Decodes and returns a string assuming |
UTF-8 encoding beginning at `start` and ending at `end`. |
- **`buffer.binarySlice(start, end)`**: Decodes and returns a string assuming |
binary encoding beginning at `start` and ending at `end`. |
- **`buffer.asciiSlice(start, end)`**: Decodes and returns a string assuming |
ASCII encoding beginning at `start` and ending at `end`. |
- **`buffer.toString(encoding, start, end)`**: Decodes and returns a string assuming |
in the given encoding beginning at `start` and ending at `end`. |