@ -110,32 +110,32 @@ module.exports = exports = {
// Note: Please try to keep these in alphabetical order
E ( 'ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE' , '%s must be iterable' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_ASSERTION' , ( msg ) => msg ) ;
E ( 'ERR_ASSERTION' , '%s' ) ;
( name ) => ` Console expects a writable stream instance for ${ name } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_CPU_USAGE' , ( errMsg ) => ` Unable to obtain cpu usage ${ errMsg } ` ) ;
'Console expects a writable stream instance for %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_CPU_USAGE' , 'Unable to obtain cpu usage %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION' , 'Promise was rejected with falsy value' ) ;
'Cannot render headers after they are sent to the client' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_HTTP_INVALID_CHAR' , 'Invalid character in statusMessage. ' ) ;
( originalStatusCode ) => ` Invalid status code: ${ originalStatusCode } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE' , 'Invalid status code: %s ' ) ;
'Trailers are invalid with this transfer encoding' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE' , 'Index out of range' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' , invalidArgType ) ;
( name , length , actual ) => {
let msg = ` The " ${ name } " array must have a length of ${ length } ` ;
if ( arguments . length > 2 ) {
const len = Array . isArray ( actual ) ? actual . length : actual ;
msg += ` . Received length ${ len } ` ;
return msg ;
const assert = lazyAssert ( ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( typeof actual , 'number' ) ;
return ` The " ${ name } " array must have a length of ${
length } . Received length $ { actual } ` ;
} ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' , invalidArgType ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK' , 'callback must be a function' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_FD' , ( fd ) => ` "fd" must be a positive integer: ${ fd } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK' , 'Callback must be a function' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_CHAR' , 'Invalid character in %s' ) ;
'Cannot set cursor row without setting its column' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST' , 'File URL host %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_FD' , '"fd" must be a positive integer: %s' ) ;
'File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH' , 'File URL path %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE' , 'This handle type cannot be sent' ) ;
@ -144,47 +144,42 @@ E('ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE',
} ) ;
'Cannot specify both "breakEvalOnSigint" and "eval" for REPL' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_REPL_HISTORY' , 'Expected array, got %s' ) ;
( value ) => {
return 'Asynchronous forks do not support Buffer, Uint8Array or string' +
` input: ${ value } ` ;
} ) ;
'Asynchronous forks do not support Buffer, Uint8Array or string input: %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_THIS' , 'Value of "this" must be of type %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_TUPLE' , '%s must be an iterable %s tuple' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_INVALID_URL' , 'Invalid URL: %s' ) ;
( expected ) => ` The URL must be ${ oneOf ( expected , 'scheme' ) } ` ) ;
( repl_history ) => ` Expected array, got ${ repl_history } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED' , 'channel closed' ) ;
( expected ) => {
lazyAssert ( ) ;
return ` The URL must be ${ oneOf ( expected , 'scheme' ) } ` ;
} ) ;
E ( 'ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED' , 'Channel closed' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED' , 'IPC channel is already disconnected' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE' , 'Child process can have only one IPC pipe' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK' , 'IPC cannot be used with synchronous forks' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_MISSING_ARGS' , missingArgs ) ;
( oldHistoryPath ) => ` Could not parse history data in ${ oldHistoryPath } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK' , 'Callback called multiple times' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_NO_CRYPTO' , 'Node.js is not compiled with OpenSSL crypto support' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_PARSE_HISTORY_DATA' , 'Could not parse history data in %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND' , 'Socket is already bound' ) ;
'Bad socket type specified. Valid types are: udp4, udp6' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND' , 'Unable to send data' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT' , 'Port should be > 0 and < 65536' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING' , 'Not running' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_STDERR_CLOSE' , 'process.stderr cannot be closed' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_STDOUT_CLOSE' , 'process.stdout cannot be closed' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_STREAM_HAS_STRINGDECODER' , 'Stream has StringDecoder' ) ;
'Calling transform done when still transforming' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_TRANSFORM_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK' , 'Callback called multiple times' ) ;
'Calling transform done when ws.length != 0' ) ;
'Trailers are invalid with this transfer encoding' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE' , ( id ) => ` No such built-in module: ${ id } ` ) ;
E ( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL' , ( signal ) => ` Unknown signal: ${ signal } ` ) ;
'Calling transform done when writableState.length != 0' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL' , 'Unknown signal: %s' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE' , 'Unknown stdin file type' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE' , 'Unknown stream file type' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND' , 'Socket is already bound' ) ;
'Bad socket type specified. Valid types are: udp4, udp6' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND' , 'Unable to send data' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT' , 'Port should be > 0 and < 65536' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING' , 'Not running' ) ;
E ( 'ERR_V8BREAKITERATOR' , 'full ICU data not installed. ' +
E ( 'ERR_V8BREAKITERATOR' , 'Full ICU data not installed. ' +
'See https://github.com/nodejs/node/wiki/Intl' ) ;
// Add new errors from here...
@ -200,6 +195,7 @@ function invalidArgType(name, expected, actual) {
function missingArgs ( ... args ) {
const assert = lazyAssert ( ) ;
assert ( args . length > 0 , 'At least one arg needs to be specified' ) ;
let msg = 'The ' ;
const len = args . length ;