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doc: add `added:` information for fs

Reviewed-By: Robert Lindstaedt <>
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
Anna Henningsen 9 years ago
committed by Myles Borins
  1. 263


@ -95,10 +95,16 @@ Error: EISDIR, read
## Class: fs.FSWatcher
<!-- YAML
added: v0.5.8
Objects returned from `` are of this type.
### Event: 'change'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.5.8
* `event` {String} The type of fs change
* `filename` {String} The filename that changed (if relevant/available)
@ -107,35 +113,56 @@ Emitted when something changes in a watched directory or file.
See more details in [``][].
### Event: 'error'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.5.8
* `error` {Error}
Emitted when an error occurs.
### watcher.close()
<!-- YAML
added: v0.5.8
Stop watching for changes on the given `fs.FSWatcher`.
## Class: fs.ReadStream
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
`ReadStream` is a [Readable Stream][].
### Event: 'open'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
* `fd` {Number} Integer file descriptor used by the ReadStream.
Emitted when the ReadStream's file is opened.
### Event: 'close'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
Emitted when the `ReadStream`'s underlying file descriptor has been closed
using the `fs.close()` method.
### readStream.path
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
The path to the file the stream is reading from.
## Class: fs.Stats
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Objects returned from [`fs.stat()`][], [`fs.lstat()`][] and [`fs.fstat()`][] and their
synchronous counterparts are of this type.
@ -206,30 +233,48 @@ systems. Note that as of v0.12, `ctime` is not "creation time", and
on Unix systems, it never was.
## Class: fs.WriteStream
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
`WriteStream` is a [Writable Stream][].
### Event: 'open'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
* `fd` {Number} Integer file descriptor used by the WriteStream.
Emitted when the WriteStream's file is opened.
### Event: 'close'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
Emitted when the `WriteStream`'s underlying file descriptor has been closed
using the `fs.close()` method.
### writeStream.bytesWritten
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.7
The number of bytes written so far. Does not include data that is still queued
for writing.
### writeStream.path
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
The path to the file the stream is writing to.
## fs.access(path[, mode], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v1.0.0
Tests a user's permissions for the file specified by `path`. `mode` is an
optional integer that specifies the accessibility checks to be performed. The
@ -256,11 +301,17 @@ fs.access('/etc/passwd', fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK, (err) => {
## fs.accessSync(path[, mode])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.93
Synchronous version of [`fs.access()`][]. This throws if any accessibility checks
fail, and does nothing otherwise.
## fs.appendFile(file, data[, options], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.6.7
* `file` {String} filename
* `data` {String|Buffer}
@ -289,37 +340,61 @@ fs.appendFile('message.txt', 'data to append', 'utf8', callback);
## fs.appendFileSync(file, data[, options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.6.7
The synchronous version of [`fs.appendFile()`][]. Returns `undefined`.
## fs.chmod(path, mode, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.30
Asynchronous chmod(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.chmodSync(path, mode)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.6.7
Synchronous chmod(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.chown(path, uid, gid, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.97
Asynchronous chown(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.chownSync(path, uid, gid)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.97
Synchronous chown(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.close(fd, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous close(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.closeSync(fd)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous close(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.createReadStream(path[, options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Returns a new [`ReadStream`][] object. (See [Readable Stream][]).
@ -366,6 +441,9 @@ fs.createReadStream('sample.txt', {start: 90, end: 99});
If `options` is a string, then it specifies the encoding.
## fs.createWriteStream(path[, options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Returns a new [`WriteStream`][] object. (See [Writable Stream][]).
@ -393,6 +471,10 @@ Like [`ReadStream`][], if `fd` is specified, `WriteStream` will ignore the
If `options` is a string, then it specifies the encoding.
## fs.exists(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
deprecated: v1.0.0
Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [`fs.stat()`][] or [`fs.access()`][] instead.
@ -412,6 +494,10 @@ call `` directly and handle the error raised if the file is
## fs.existsSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
deprecated: v1.0.0
Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [`fs.statSync()`][] or [`fs.accessSync()`][] instead.
@ -419,70 +505,115 @@ Synchronous version of [`fs.exists()`][].
Returns `true` if the file exists, `false` otherwise.
## fs.fchmod(fd, mode, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.7
Asynchronous fchmod(2). No arguments other than a possible exception
are given to the completion callback.
## fs.fchmodSync(fd, mode)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.7
Synchronous fchmod(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.fchown(fd, uid, gid, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.7
Asynchronous fchown(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.fchownSync(fd, uid, gid)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.7
Synchronous fchown(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.fdatasync(fd, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.96
Asynchronous fdatasync(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are
given to the completion callback.
## fs.fdatasyncSync(fd)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.96
Synchronous fdatasync(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.fstat(fd, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.95
Asynchronous fstat(2). The callback gets two arguments `(err, stats)` where
`stats` is a [`fs.Stats`][] object. `fstat()` is identical to [`stat()`][],
except that the file to be stat-ed is specified by the file descriptor `fd`.
## fs.fstatSync(fd)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.95
Synchronous fstat(2). Returns an instance of `fs.Stats`.
## fs.fsync(fd, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.96
Asynchronous fsync(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.fsyncSync(fd)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.96
Synchronous fsync(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.ftruncate(fd, len, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.8.6
Asynchronous ftruncate(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are
given to the completion callback.
## fs.ftruncateSync(fd, len)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.8.6
Synchronous ftruncate(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.2
Change the file timestamps of a file referenced by the supplied file
## fs.futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.2
Synchronous version of [`fs.futimes()`][]. Returns `undefined`.
## fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)
<!-- YAML
deprecated: v0.4.7
Asynchronous lchmod(2). No arguments other than a possible exception
are given to the completion callback.
@ -490,28 +621,46 @@ are given to the completion callback.
Only available on Mac OS X.
## fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)
<!-- YAML
deprecated: v0.4.7
Synchronous lchmod(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)
<!-- YAML
deprecated: v0.4.7
Asynchronous lchown(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)
<!-- YAML
deprecated: v0.4.7
Synchronous lchown(2). Returns `undefined`.
##, dstpath, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Asynchronous link(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given to
the completion callback.
## fs.linkSync(srcpath, dstpath)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Synchronous link(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.lstat(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.30
Asynchronous lstat(2). The callback gets two arguments `(err, stats)` where
`stats` is a [`fs.Stats`][] object. `lstat()` is identical to `stat()`,
@ -519,19 +668,31 @@ except that if `path` is a symbolic link, then the link itself is stat-ed,
not the file that it refers to.
## fs.lstatSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.30
Synchronous lstat(2). Returns an instance of `fs.Stats`.
## fs.mkdir(path[, mode], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.8
Asynchronous mkdir(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback. `mode` defaults to `0o777`.
## fs.mkdirSync(path[, mode])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous mkdir(2). Returns `undefined`.
##, flags[, mode], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous file open. See open(2). `flags` can be:
@ -594,11 +755,17 @@ The kernel ignores the position argument and always appends the data to
the end of the file.
## fs.openSync(path, flags[, mode])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous version of [``][]. Returns an integer representing the file
##, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Read data from the file specified by `fd`.
@ -614,17 +781,26 @@ If `position` is `null`, data will be read from the current file position.
The callback is given the three arguments, `(err, bytesRead, buffer)`.
## fs.readdir(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.8
Asynchronous readdir(3). Reads the contents of a directory.
The callback gets two arguments `(err, files)` where `files` is an array of
the names of the files in the directory excluding `'.'` and `'..'`.
## fs.readdirSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous readdir(3). Returns an array of filenames excluding `'.'` and
## fs.readFile(file[, options], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.29
* `file` {String} filename
* `options` {Object | String}
@ -653,6 +829,9 @@ fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', 'utf8', callback);
## fs.readFileSync(file[, options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.8
Synchronous version of [`fs.readFile`][]. Returns the contents of the `file`.
@ -660,15 +839,24 @@ If the `encoding` option is specified then this function returns a
string. Otherwise it returns a buffer.
## fs.readlink(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Asynchronous readlink(2). The callback gets two arguments `(err,
## fs.readlinkSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Synchronous readlink(2). Returns the symbolic link's string value.
## fs.realpath(path[, cache], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Asynchronous realpath(2). The `callback` gets two arguments `(err,
resolvedPath)`. May use `process.cwd` to resolve relative paths. `cache` is an
@ -686,44 +874,71 @@ fs.realpath('/etc/passwd', cache, (err, resolvedPath) => {
## fs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous version of [``][]. Returns the number of `bytesRead`.
## fs.realpathSync(path[, cache])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Synchronous realpath(2). Returns the resolved path. `cache` is an
object literal of mapped paths that can be used to force a specific path
resolution or avoid additional `fs.stat` calls for known real paths.
## fs.rename(oldPath, newPath, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous rename(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous rename(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.rmdir(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous rmdir(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.rmdirSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous rmdir(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.stat(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous stat(2). The callback gets two arguments `(err, stats)` where
`stats` is a [`fs.Stats`][] object. See the [`fs.Stats`][] section for more
## fs.statSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous stat(2). Returns an instance of [`fs.Stats`][].
## fs.symlink(target, path[, type], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Asynchronous symlink(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
@ -741,29 +956,47 @@ fs.symlink('./foo', './new-port');
It creates a symbolic link named "new-port" that points to "foo".
## fs.symlinkSync(target, path[, type])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Synchronous symlink(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.truncate(path, len, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.8.6
Asynchronous truncate(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are
given to the completion callback. A file descriptor can also be passed as the
first argument. In this case, `fs.ftruncate()` is called.
## fs.truncateSync(path, len)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.8.6
Synchronous truncate(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.unlink(path, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Asynchronous unlink(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given
to the completion callback.
## fs.unlinkSync(path)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
Synchronous unlink(2). Returns `undefined`.
## fs.unwatchFile(filename[, listener])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Stop watching for changes on `filename`. If `listener` is specified, only that
particular listener is removed. Otherwise, *all* listeners are removed and you
@ -777,6 +1010,9 @@ _Note: [``][] is more efficient than `fs.watchFile()` and `fs.unwatchF
when possible._
## fs.utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.2
Change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied path.
@ -789,10 +1025,16 @@ follow the below rules:
## fs.utimesSync(path, atime, mtime)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.4.2
Synchronous version of [`fs.utimes()`][]. Returns `undefined`.
##[, options][, listener])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.5.10
Watch for changes on `filename`, where `filename` is either a file or a
directory. The returned object is a [`fs.FSWatcher`][].
@ -873,6 +1115,9 @@'somedir', (event, filename) => {
## fs.watchFile(filename[, options], listener)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.31
Watch for changes on `filename`. The callback `listener` will be called each
time the file is accessed.
@ -910,6 +1155,9 @@ _Note: [``][] is more efficient than `fs.watchFile` and `fs.unwatchFil
when possible._
## fs.write(fd, buffer, offset, length[, position], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.0.2
Write `buffer` to the file specified by `fd`.
@ -931,6 +1179,9 @@ The kernel ignores the position argument and always appends the data to
the end of the file.
## fs.write(fd, data[, position[, encoding]], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.11.5
Write `data` to the file specified by `fd`. If `data` is not a Buffer instance
then the value will be coerced to a string.
@ -958,6 +1209,9 @@ The kernel ignores the position argument and always appends the data to
the end of the file.
## fs.writeFile(file, data[, options], callback)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.29
* `file` {String} filename
* `data` {String | Buffer}
@ -993,12 +1247,21 @@ without waiting for the callback. For this scenario,
`fs.createWriteStream` is strongly recommended.
## fs.writeFileSync(file, data[, options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.29
The synchronous version of [`fs.writeFile()`][]. Returns `undefined`.
## fs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length[, position])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.21
## fs.writeSync(fd, data[, position[, encoding]])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.11.5
Synchronous versions of [`fs.write()`][]. Returns the number of bytes written.
