@ -3,47 +3,25 @@ var common = require('../common');
var assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
var spawn = require ( 'child_process' ) . spawn ;
var port = common . PORT + 1337 ;
const PORT_MIN = common . PORT + 1337 ;
const PORT_MAX = PORT_MIN + 2 ;
var args = [
'--debug=' + port ,
'--debug=' + PORT_MIN ,
common . fixturesDir + '/clustered-server/app.js'
] ;
var child = spawn ( process . execPath , args ) ;
var outputLines = [ ] ;
const child = spawn ( process . execPath , args ) ;
child . stderr . setEncoding ( 'utf8' ) ;
child . stderr . on ( 'data' , function ( data ) {
var lines = data . toString ( ) . replace ( /\r/g , '' ) . trim ( ) . split ( '\n' ) ;
var line = lines [ 0 ] ;
lines . forEach ( function ( ln ) { console . log ( '> ' + ln ) ; } ) ;
if ( line === 'all workers are running' ) {
assertOutputLines ( ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
} else {
outputLines = outputLines . concat ( lines ) ;
} ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , function onExit ( ) {
let stderr = '' ;
child . stderr . on ( 'data' , data => {
stderr += data ;
if ( child . killed !== true && stderr . includes ( 'all workers are running' ) )
child . kill ( ) ;
} ) ;
var assertOutputLines = common . mustCall ( function ( ) {
var expectedLines = [
'Debugger listening on port ' + port ,
'Debugger listening on port ' + ( port + 1 ) ,
'Debugger listening on port ' + ( port + 2 ) ,
] ;
// Do not assume any particular order of output messages,
// since workers can take different amout of time to
// start up
outputLines . sort ( ) ;
assert . equal ( outputLines . length , expectedLines . length ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < expectedLines . length ; i ++ )
assert . equal ( outputLines [ i ] , expectedLines [ i ] ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , ( ) => {
for ( let port = PORT_MIN ; port <= PORT_MAX ; port += 1 )
assert ( stderr . includes ( ` Debugger listening on port ${ port } ` ) ) ;
} ) ;