@ -18,6 +18,55 @@ p.execute("Type: connect\r\n" + |
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); |
assert.equal(1, resCount); |
// Make sure split messages go in.
var parts = []; |
parts.push('Content-Length: 336\r\n'); |
assert.equal(21, parts[0].length); |
parts.push('\r\n'); |
assert.equal(2, parts[1].length); |
var bodyLength = 0; |
parts.push('{"seq":12,"type":"event","event":"break","body":' + |
'{"invocationText":"#<a Server>'); |
assert.equal(78, parts[2].length); |
bodyLength += parts[2].length; |
parts.push('.[anonymous](req=#<an IncomingMessage>, res=#<a ServerResponse>)",' + |
'"sourceLine"'); |
assert.equal(78, parts[3].length); |
bodyLength += parts[3].length; |
parts.push(':45,"sourceColumn":4,"sourceLineText":" debugger;","script":' + |
'{"id":24,"name":"/home/ryan/projects/node/benchmark/http_simple.js",' + |
'"lineOffset":0,"columnOffset":0,"lineCount":98}}}'); |
assert.equal(180, parts[4].length); |
bodyLength += parts[4].length; |
assert.equal(336, bodyLength); |
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { |
p.execute(parts[i]); |
} |
assert.equal(2, resCount); |
// Make sure that if we get backed up, we still manage to get all the
// messages
var d = 'Content-Length: 466\r\n\r\n' + |
'{"seq":10,"type":"event","event":"afterCompile","success":true,' + |
'"body":{"script":{"handle":1,"type":"script","name":"dns.js",' + |
'"id":34,"lineOffset":0,"columnOffset":0,"lineCount":241,"sourceStart":' + |
'"(function (module, exports, require) {var dns = process.binding(\'cares\')' + |
';\\nvar ne","sourceLength":6137,"scriptType":2,"compilationType":0,' + |
'"context":{"ref":0},"text":"dns.js (lines: 241)"}},"refs":[{"handle":0' + |
',"type":"context","text":"#<a ContextMirror>"}],"running":true}' + |
'Content-Length: 119\r\n\r\n' + |
'{"seq":11,"type":"event","event":"scriptCollected","success":true,' + |
'"body":{"script":{"id":26}},"refs":[],"running":true}'; |
p.execute(d); |
assert.equal(4, resCount); |
var expectedConnections = 0; |
var tests = []; |
function addTest (cb) { |