@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ function emit() {
// event. If the stream is not new, emit the 'headers' event to pass
// the block of headers on.
function onSessionHeaders ( id , cat , flags , headers ) {
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
const owner = this [ kOwner ] ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
debug ( ` [ ${ sessionName ( owner [ kType ] ) } ] headers were received on ` +
` stream ${ id } : ${ cat } ` ) ;
const streams = owner [ kState ] . streams ;
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ function onSessionStreamClose(id, code) {
const stream = owner [ kState ] . streams . get ( id ) ;
if ( stream === undefined )
return ;
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
// Set the rst state for the stream
abort ( stream ) ;
const state = stream [ kState ] ;
@ -287,14 +287,16 @@ function afterFDClose(err) {
// Called when an error event needs to be triggered
function onSessionError ( error ) {
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
process . nextTick ( ( ) => this [ kOwner ] . emit ( 'error' , error ) ) ;
const owner = this [ kOwner ] ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
process . nextTick ( ( ) => owner . emit ( 'error' , error ) ) ;
// Receives a chunk of data for a given stream and forwards it on
// to the Http2Stream Duplex for processing.
function onSessionRead ( nread , buf , handle ) {
const streams = this [ kOwner ] [ kState ] . streams ;
const owner = this [ kOwner ] ;
const streams = owner [ kState ] . streams ;
const id = handle . id ;
const stream = streams . get ( id ) ;
// It should not be possible for the stream to not exist at this point.
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ function onSessionRead(nread, buf, handle) {
'Internal HTTP/2 Failure. Stream does not exist. Please ' +
'report this as a bug in Node.js' ) ;
const state = stream [ kState ] ;
_ unrefActive ( this ) ; // Reset the session timeout timer
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ; // Reset the session timeout timer
_ unrefActive ( stream ) ; // Reset the stream timeout timer
if ( nread >= 0 && ! stream . destroyed ) {
@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ function onSessionRead(nread, buf, handle) {
function onSettings ( ack ) {
const owner = this [ kOwner ] ;
debug ( ` [ ${ sessionName ( owner [ kType ] ) } ] new settings received ` ) ;
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
let event = 'remoteSettings' ;
if ( ack ) {
if ( owner [ kState ] . pendingAck > 0 )
@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ function onPriority(id, parent, weight, exclusive) {
debug ( ` [ ${ sessionName ( owner [ kType ] ) } ] priority advisement for stream ` +
` ${ id } : \n parent: ${ parent } , \n weight: ${ weight } , \n ` +
` exclusive: ${ exclusive } ` ) ;
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
const streams = owner [ kState ] . streams ;
const stream = streams . get ( id ) ;
const emitter = stream === undefined ? owner : stream ;
@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ function onFrameError(id, type, code) {
const owner = this [ kOwner ] ;
debug ( ` [ ${ sessionName ( owner [ kType ] ) } ] error sending frame type ` +
` ${ type } on stream ${ id } , code: ${ code } ` ) ;
_ unrefActive ( this ) ;
_ unrefActive ( owner ) ;
const streams = owner [ kState ] . streams ;
const stream = streams . get ( id ) ;
const emitter = stream !== undefined ? stream : owner ;
@ -975,7 +977,7 @@ class Http2Session extends EventEmitter {
state . destroying = true ;
// Unenroll the timer
this . setTimeout ( 0 ) ;
this . setTimeout ( 0 , sessionOnTimeout ) ;
// Shut down any still open streams
const streams = state . streams ;
@ -2185,7 +2187,6 @@ function socketDestroy(error) {
const type = this [ kSession ] [ kType ] ;
debug ( ` [ ${ sessionName ( type ) } ] socket destroy called ` ) ;
delete this [ kServer ] ;
this . setTimeout ( 0 ) ;
// destroy the session first so that it will stop trying to
// send data while we close the socket.
this [ kSession ] . destroy ( ) ;
@ -2247,31 +2248,6 @@ function socketOnError(error) {
this . destroy ( error ) ;
// When the socket times out on the server, attempt a graceful shutdown
// of the session.
function socketOnTimeout ( ) {
debug ( 'socket timeout' ) ;
process . nextTick ( ( ) => {
const server = this [ kServer ] ;
const session = this [ kSession ] ;
// If server or session are undefined, or session.destroyed is true
// then we're already in the process of shutting down, do nothing.
if ( server === undefined || session === undefined )
return ;
const state = session [ kState ] ;
if ( state . destroyed || state . destroying )
return ;
if ( ! server . emit ( 'timeout' , session , this ) ) {
session . shutdown (
graceful : true ,
errorCode : NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR
} ,
this . destroy . bind ( this ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Handles the on('stream') event for a session and forwards
// it on to the server object.
function sessionOnStream ( stream , headers , flags , rawHeaders ) {
@ -2289,15 +2265,34 @@ function sessionOnSocketError(error, socket) {
this [ kServer ] . emit ( 'socketError' , error , socket , this ) ;
// When the session times out on the server, attempt a graceful shutdown
function sessionOnTimeout ( ) {
debug ( 'session timeout' ) ;
process . nextTick ( ( ) => {
// if destroyed or destryoing, do nothing
if ( this [ kState ] . destroyed || this [ kState ] . destroying )
return ;
const server = this [ kServer ] ;
const socket = this [ kSocket ] ;
// If server or socket are undefined, then we're already in the process of
// shutting down, do nothing.
if ( server === undefined || socket === undefined )
return ;
if ( ! server . emit ( 'timeout' , this ) ) {
this . shutdown (
graceful : true ,
errorCode : NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR
} ,
socket . destroy . bind ( socket ) ) ;
} ) ;
function connectionListener ( socket ) {
debug ( '[server] received a connection' ) ;
const options = this [ kOptions ] || { } ;
if ( this . timeout ) {
socket . setTimeout ( this . timeout ) ;
socket . on ( 'timeout' , socketOnTimeout ) ;
if ( socket . alpnProtocol === false || socket . alpnProtocol === 'http/1.1' ) {
if ( options . allowHTTP1 === true ) {
// Fallback to HTTP/1.1
@ -2325,6 +2320,11 @@ function connectionListener(socket) {
session . on ( 'priority' , sessionOnPriority ) ;
session . on ( 'socketError' , sessionOnSocketError ) ;
if ( this . timeout ) {
session . setTimeout ( this . timeout ) ;
session . on ( 'timeout' , sessionOnTimeout ) ;
socket [ kServer ] = this ;
process . nextTick ( emit . bind ( this , 'session' , session ) ) ;