@ -1500,34 +1500,37 @@ added: v0.3.6 |
* `options` {Object} |
* `protocol` {String} Protocol to use. Defaults to `'http:'`. |
* `host` {String} A domain name or IP address of the server to issue the request to. |
Defaults to `'localhost'`. |
* `hostname` {String} Alias for `host`. To support [`url.parse()`][] `hostname` is |
preferred over `host`. |
* `family` {Number} IP address family to use when resolving `host` and `hostname`. |
Valid values are `4` or `6`. When unspecified, both IP v4 and v6 will be |
used. |
* `host` {String} A domain name or IP address of the server to issue the |
request to. Defaults to `'localhost'`. |
* `hostname` {String} Alias for `host`. To support [`url.parse()`][], |
`hostname` is preferred over `host`. |
* `family` {Number} IP address family to use when resolving `host` and |
`hostname`. Valid values are `4` or `6`. When unspecified, both IP v4 and |
v6 will be used. |
* `port` {Number} Port of remote server. Defaults to 80. |
* `localAddress` {String} Local interface to bind for network connections. |
* `socketPath` {String} Unix Domain Socket (use one of host:port or socketPath). |
* `method` {String} A string specifying the HTTP request method. Defaults to `'GET'`. |
* `path` {String} Request path. Defaults to `'/'`. Should include query string if any. |
E.G. `'/index.html?page=12'`. An exception is thrown when the request path |
contains illegal characters. Currently, only spaces are rejected but that |
may change in the future. |
* `socketPath` {String} Unix Domain Socket (use one of host:port or |
socketPath). |
* `method` {String} A string specifying the HTTP request method. Defaults to |
`'GET'`. |
* `path` {String} Request path. Defaults to `'/'`. Should include query |
string if any. E.G. `'/index.html?page=12'`. An exception is thrown when |
the request path contains illegal characters. Currently, only spaces are |
rejected but that may change in the future. |
* `headers` {Object} An object containing request headers. |
* `auth` {String} Basic authentication i.e. `'user:password'` to compute an |
Authorization header. |
* `agent` {http.Agent|Boolean} Controls [`Agent`][] behavior. When an Agent is used request will |
default to `Connection: keep-alive`. Possible values: |
* `agent` {http.Agent|Boolean} Controls [`Agent`][] behavior. When an Agent |
is used request will default to `Connection: keep-alive`. Possible values: |
* `undefined` (default): use [`http.globalAgent`][] for this host and port. |
* `Agent` object: explicitly use the passed in `Agent`. |
* `false`: opts out of connection pooling with an Agent, defaults request to |
`Connection: close`. |
* `createConnection` {Function} A function that produces a socket/stream to use for the |
request when the `agent` option is not used. This can be used to avoid |
creating a custom Agent class just to override the default `createConnection` |
function. See [`agent.createConnection()`][] for more details. |
* `createConnection` {Function} A function that produces a socket/stream to |
use for the request when the `agent` option is not used. This can be used to |
avoid creating a custom Agent class just to override the default |
`createConnection` function. See [`agent.createConnection()`][] for more |
details. |
* `timeout` {Integer}: A number specifying the socket timeout in milliseconds. |
This will set the timeout before the socket is connected. |
* `callback` {Function} |