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Disable test-child-process-custom-fds.js

Ryan Dahl 14 years ago
  1. 15
  2. 0


@ -59,15 +59,19 @@ The third argument is used to specify additional options, which defaults to:
{ cwd: undefined,
env: process.env,
customFds: [-1, -1, -1],
setsid: false
`cwd` allows you to specify the working directory from which the process is spawned.
Use `env` to specify environment variables that will be visible to the new process.
With `customFds` it is possible to hook up the new process' [stdin, stdout, stderr] to
existing streams; `-1` means that a new stream should be created. `setsid`,
if set true, will cause the subprocess to be run in a new session.
There is a deprecated option called `customFds` which allows one to specify
specific file descriptors for the stdio of the child process. This API is
was not portable to all platforms and therefore removed.
With `customFds` it was possible to hook up the new process' [stdin, stdout,
stderr] to existing streams; `-1` meant that a new stream should be created.
`setsid`, if set true, will cause the subprocess to be run in a new session.
Example of running `ls -lh /usr`, capturing `stdout`, `stderr`, and the exit code:
@ -217,8 +221,7 @@ In the child the `process` object will have a `send()` method, and `process`
will emit objects each time it receives a message on its channel.
By default the spawned Node process will have the stdin, stdout, stderr
associated with the parent's. This can be overridden by using the
`customFds` option.
associated with the parent's.
These child Nodes are still whole new instances of V8. Assume at least 30ms
startup and 10mb memory for each new Node. That is, you cannot create many

test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js → test/disabled/test-child-process-custom-fds.js
