@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ emit anymore events. |
| Event | Parameters | Notes |
| +"success"+ | (depends) | |
| +"error"+ | (depends) | |
| +"cancel"+ | (depends) | |
|========================================================= |
+promise.addCallback(listener)+ :: |
@ -223,6 +224,9 @@ Adds a listener for the +"success"+ event. Returns the same promise object. |
+promise.addErrback(listener)+ :: |
Adds a listener for the +"error"+ event. Returns the same promise object. |
+promise.addCancelback(listener)+ :: |
Adds a listener for the +"cancel"+ event. Returns the same promise object. |
+promise.emitSuccess(arg1, arg2, ...)+ :: |
If you created the promise (by doing +new node.Promise()+) then call |
+emitSuccess+ to emit the +"success"+ event with the given arguments. |
@ -233,10 +237,21 @@ the moment due to a bug; use +emitSuccess+ instead.) |
+promise.emitError(arg1, arg2, ...)+ :: |
Emits the +"error"+ event. |
+promise.emitCancel(arg1, arg2, ...)+ :: |
Emits the +"cancel"+ event. You may still get a +"success"+ or +"error"+ |
callback if the promise giver does not handle the cancel event. Use |
+promise.cancel()+ to ignore any later events. |
+promise.cancel()+ :: |
Clears all +"success"+ and +"error"+ event listeners from the promise, then |
emits the +"cancel"+ event. Whether or not the promise is actually canceled |
or not depends on the promise giver. This also clears Promise.timeout() if one |
was set. |
+promise.timeout(timeout = undefined)+ :: |
If the +timeout+ parameter is provided, the promise will emit an +"error"+ |
event after the given amount of millseconds. The timeout is canceled by any |
+"success"+ or +"error"+ event being emitted by the Promise. |
+"success"+, +"error"+ or +"cancel"+ event being emitted by the Promise. |
+ |
To tell apart a timeout from a regular "error" event, use the following test: |
+ |