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An initial implementation of the Performance Timing API for Node.js. This is the same Performance Timing API implemented by modern browsers with a number of Node.js specific properties. The User Timing mark() and measure() APIs are implemented, garbage collection timing, and node startup milestone timing. ```js const { performance } = require('perf_hooks'); performance.mark('A'); setTimeout(() => { performance.mark('B'); performance.measure('A to B', 'A', 'B'); const entry = performance.getEntriesByName('A to B', 'measure')[0]; console.log(entry.duration); }, 10000); ``` The implementation is at the native layer and makes use of uv_hrtime(). This should enable *eventual* integration with things like Tracing and Inspection. The implementation is extensible and should allow us to add new performance entry types as we go (e.g. for measuring i/o perf, etc). Documentation and a test are provided. PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14680 Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <matteo.collina@gmail.com>canary-base
21 changed files with 2381 additions and 8 deletions
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# Performance Timing API |
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The Performance Timing API provides an implementation of the |
[W3C Performance Timeline][] specification. The purpose of the API |
is to support collection of high resolution performance metrics. |
This is the same Performance API as implemented in modern Web browsers. |
```js |
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks'); |
performance.mark('A'); |
doSomeLongRunningProcess(() => { |
performance.mark('B'); |
performance.measure('A to B', 'A', 'B'); |
const measure = performance.getEntriesByName('A to B')[0]; |
console.log(measure.duration); |
// Prints the number of milliseconds between Mark 'A' and Mark 'B' |
}); |
``` |
## Class: Performance |
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The `Performance` provides access to performance metric data. A single |
instance of this class is provided via the `performance` property. |
### performance.clearFunctions([name]) |
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* `name` {string} |
If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceFunction` objects from the |
Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes entries with `name`. |
### performance.clearMarks([name]) |
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* `name` {string} |
If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceMark` objects from the |
Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes only the named mark. |
### performance.clearMeasures([name]) |
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* `name` {string} |
If `name` is not provided, removes all `PerformanceMeasure` objects from the |
Performance Timeline. If `name` is provided, removes only objects whose |
`performanceEntry.name` matches `name`. |
### performance.getEntries() |
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* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime`. |
### performance.getEntriesByName(name[, type]) |
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* `name` {string} |
* `type` {string} |
* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.name` is |
equal to `name`, and optionally, whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to |
`type`. |
### performance.getEntriesByType(type) |
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* `type` {string} |
* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of all `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` |
is equal to `type`. |
### performance.mark([name]) |
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* `name` {string} |
Creates a new `PerformanceMark` entry in the Performance Timeline. A |
`PerformanceMark` is a subclass of `PerformanceEntry` whose |
`performanceEntry.entryType` is always `'mark'`, and whose |
`performanceEntry.duration` is always `0`. Performance marks are used |
to mark specific significant moments in the Performance Timeline. |
### performance.measure(name, startMark, endMark) |
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* `name` {string} |
* `startMark` {string} |
* `endMark` {string} |
Creates a new `PerformanceMeasure` entry in the Performance Timeline. A |
`PerformanceMeasure` is a subclass of `PerformanceEntry` whose |
`performanceEntry.entryType` is always `'measure'`, and whose |
`performanceEntry.duration` measures the number of milliseconds elapsed since |
`startMark` and `endMark`. |
The `startMark` argument may identify any *existing* `PerformanceMark` in the |
the Performance Timeline, or *may* identify any of the timestamp properties |
provided by the `PerformanceNodeTiming` class. If the named `startMark` does |
not exist, then `startMark` is set to [`timeOrigin`][] by default. |
The `endMark` argument must identify any *existing* `PerformanceMark` in the |
the Performance Timeline or any of the timestamp properties provided by the |
`PerformanceNodeTiming` class. If the named `endMark` does not exist, an |
error will be thrown. |
### performance.nodeFrame |
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* {PerformanceFrame} |
An instance of the `PerformanceFrame` class that provides performance metrics |
for the event loop. |
### performance.nodeTiming |
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* {PerformanceNodeTiming} |
An instance of the `PerformanceNodeTiming` class that provides performance |
metrics for specific Node.js operational milestones. |
### performance.now() |
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* Returns: {number} |
Returns the current high resolution millisecond timestamp. |
### performance.timeOrigin |
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* {number} |
The [`timeOrigin`][] specifies the high resolution millisecond timestamp from |
which all performance metric durations are measured. |
### performance.timerify(fn) |
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* `fn` {Function} |
Wraps a function within a new function that measures the running time of the |
wrapped function. A `PerformanceObserver` must be subscribed to the `'function'` |
event type in order for the timing details to be accessed. |
```js |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
function someFunction() { |
console.log('hello world'); |
} |
const wrapped = performance.timerify(someFunction); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list) => { |
console.log(list.getEntries()[0].duration); |
obs.disconnect(); |
performance.clearFunctions(); |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: 'function' }); |
// A performance timeline entry will be created |
wrapped(); |
``` |
## Class: PerformanceEntry |
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### performanceEntry.duration |
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* {number} |
The total number of milliseconds elapsed for this entry. This value will not |
be meaningful for all Performance Entry types. |
### performanceEntry.name |
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* {string} |
The name of the performance entry. |
### performanceEntry.startTime |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp marking the starting time of the |
Performance Entry. |
### performanceEntry.entryType |
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* {string} |
The type of the performance entry. Current it may be one of: `'node'`, `'mark'`, |
`'measure'`, `'gc'`, or `'function'`. |
### performanceEntry.kind |
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* {number} |
When `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to `'gc'`, the `performance.kind` |
property identifies the type of garbage collection operation that occurred. |
The value may be one of: |
* `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJOR` |
* `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINOR` |
* `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_INCREMENTAL` |
* `perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCB` |
## Class: PerformanceNodeFrame extends PerformanceEntry |
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Provides timing details for the Node.js event loop. |
### performanceNodeFrame.frameCheck |
The high resolution timestamp when `uv_check_t` processing occurred on the |
current loop. |
### performanceNodeFrame.frameCount |
The total number of event loop iterations (iterated when `uv_idle_t` |
processing occurrs). |
### performanceNodeFrame.frameIdle |
The high resolution timestamp when `uv_idle_t` processing occurred on the |
current loop. |
### performanceNodeFrame.framesPerSecond |
The number of event loop iterations per second. |
### performanceNodeFrame.framePrepare |
The high resolution timestamp when `uv_prepare_t` processing occurred on the |
current loop. |
## Class: PerformanceNodeTiming extends PerformanceEntry |
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Provides timing details for Node.js itself. |
### performanceNodeTiming.bootstrapComplete |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js process |
completed bootstrap. |
### performanceNodeTiming.clusterSetupEnd |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which cluster processing ended. |
### performanceNodeTiming.clusterSetupStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which cluster processing started. |
### performanceNodeTiming.loopExit |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js event loop |
exited. |
### performanceNodeTiming.loopStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js event loop |
started. |
### performanceNodeTiming.moduleLoadEnd |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which main module load ended. |
### performanceNodeTiming.moduleLoadStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which main module load started. |
### performanceNodeTiming.nodeStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the Node.js process was |
initialized. |
### performanceNodeTiming.preloadModuleLoadEnd |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which preload module load ended. |
### performanceNodeTiming.preloadModuleLoadStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which preload module load started. |
### performanceNodeTiming.thirdPartyMainEnd |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which third_party_main processing |
ended. |
### performanceNodeTiming.thirdPartyMainStart |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which third_party_main processing |
started. |
### performanceNodeTiming.v8Start |
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* {number} |
The high resolution millisecond timestamp at which the V8 platform was |
initialized. |
## Class: PerformanceObserver(callback) |
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* `callback` {Function} A `PerformanceObserverCallback` callback function. |
`PerformanceObserver` objects provide notifications when new |
`PerformanceEntry` instances have been added to the Performance Timeline. |
```js |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { |
console.log(list.getEntries()); |
observer.disconnect(); |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'], buffered: true }); |
performance.mark('test'); |
``` |
Because `PerformanceObserver` instances introduce their own additional |
performance overhead, instances should not be left subscribed to notifications |
indefinitely. Users should disconnect observers as soon as they are no |
longer needed. |
### Callback: PerformanceObserverCallback(list, observer) |
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* `list` {PerformanceObserverEntryList} |
* `observer` {PerformanceObserver} |
The `PerformanceObserverCallback` is invoked when a `PerformanceObserver` is |
notified about new `PerformanceEntry` instances. The callback receives a |
`PerformanceObserverEntryList` instance and a reference to the |
`PerformanceObserver`. |
### Class: PerformanceObserverEntryList |
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The `PerformanceObserverEntryList` class is used to provide access to the |
`PerformanceEntry` instances passed to a `PerformanceObserver`. |
#### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntries() |
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* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime`. |
#### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntriesByName(name[, type]) |
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* `name` {string} |
* `type` {string} |
* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.name` is |
equal to `name`, and optionally, whose `performanceEntry.entryType` is equal to |
`type`. |
#### performanceObserverEntryList.getEntriesByType(type) |
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* `type` {string} |
* Returns: {Array} |
Returns a list of `PerformanceEntry` objects in chronological order |
with respect to `performanceEntry.startTime` whose `performanceEntry.entryType` |
is equal to `type`. |
### performanceObserver.disconnect() |
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Disconnects the `PerformanceObserver` instance from all notifications. |
### performanceObserver.observe(options) |
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* `options` {Object} |
* `entryTypes` {Array} An array of strings identifying the types of |
`PerformanceEntry` instances the observer is interested in. If not |
provided an error will be thrown. |
* `buffered` {boolean} If true, the notification callback will be |
called using `setImmediate()` and multiple `PerformanceEntry` instance |
notifications will be buffered internally. If `false`, notifications will |
be immediate and synchronous. Defaults to `false`. |
Subscribes the `PerformanceObserver` instance to notifications of new |
`PerformanceEntry` instances identified by `options.entryTypes`. |
When `options.buffered` is `false`, the `callback` will be invoked once for |
every `PerformanceEntry` instance: |
```js |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { |
// called three times synchronously. list contains one item |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'] }); |
for (let n = 0; n < 3; n++) |
performance.mark(`test${n}`); |
``` |
```js |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { |
// called once. list contains three items |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'], buffered: true }); |
for (let n = 0; n < 3; n++) |
performance.mark(`test${n}`); |
``` |
## Examples |
### Measuring the duration of async operations |
The following example uses the [Async Hooks][] and Performance APIs to measure |
the actual duration of a Timeout operation (including the amount of time it |
to execute the callback). |
```js |
'use strict'; |
const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const set = new Set(); |
const hook = async_hooks.createHook({ |
init(id, type) { |
if (type === 'Timeout') { |
performance.mark(`Timeout-${id}-Init`); |
set.add(id); |
} |
}, |
destroy(id) { |
if (set.has(id)) { |
set.delete(id); |
performance.mark(`Timeout-${id}-Destroy`); |
performance.measure(`Timeout-${id}`, |
`Timeout-${id}-Init`, |
`Timeout-${id}-Destroy`); |
} |
} |
}); |
hook.enable(); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list, observer) => { |
console.log(list.getEntries()[0]); |
performance.clearMarks(); |
performance.clearMeasures(); |
observer.disconnect(); |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['measure'], buffered: true }); |
setTimeout(() => {}, 1000); |
``` |
### Measuring how long it takes to load dependencies |
The following example measures the duration of `require()` operations to load |
dependencies: |
<!-- eslint-disable no-global-assign --> |
```js |
'use strict'; |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const mod = require('module'); |
// Monkey patch the require function |
mod.Module.prototype.require = |
performance.timerify(mod.Module.prototype.require); |
require = performance.timerify(require); |
// Activate the observer |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((list) => { |
const entries = list.getEntries(); |
entries.forEach((entry) => { |
console.log(`require('${entry[0]}')`, entry.duration); |
}); |
obs.disconnect(); |
// Free memory |
performance.clearFunctions(); |
}); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'], buffered: true }); |
require('some-module'); |
``` |
[`timeOrigin`]: https://w3c.github.io/hr-time/#dom-performance-timeorigin |
[W3C Performance Timeline]: https://w3c.github.io/performance-timeline/ |
@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const { |
PerformanceEntry, |
mark: _mark, |
measure: _measure, |
milestones, |
observerCounts, |
setupObservers, |
timeOrigin, |
timerify, |
constants |
} = process.binding('performance'); |
const { |
} = constants; |
const L = require('internal/linkedlist'); |
const kInspect = require('internal/util').customInspectSymbol; |
const { inherits } = require('util'); |
const kCallback = Symbol('callback'); |
const kTypes = Symbol('types'); |
const kEntries = Symbol('entries'); |
const kBuffer = Symbol('buffer'); |
const kBuffering = Symbol('buffering'); |
const kQueued = Symbol('queued'); |
const kTimerified = Symbol('timerified'); |
const kInsertEntry = Symbol('insert-entry'); |
const kIndexEntry = Symbol('index-entry'); |
const kClearEntry = Symbol('clear-entry'); |
const kGetEntries = Symbol('get-entries'); |
const kIndex = Symbol('index'); |
const kMarks = Symbol('marks'); |
const observers = {}; |
const observerableTypes = [ |
'node', |
'mark', |
'measure', |
'gc', |
'function' |
]; |
let errors; |
function lazyErrors() { |
if (errors === undefined) |
errors = require('internal/errors'); |
return errors; |
} |
function now() { |
const hr = process.hrtime(); |
return hr[0] * 1000 + hr[1] / 1e6; |
} |
class PerformanceNodeTiming { |
constructor() {} |
get name() { |
return 'node'; |
} |
get entryType() { |
return 'node'; |
} |
get startTime() { |
return timeOrigin; |
} |
get duration() { |
return now() - timeOrigin; |
} |
get nodeStart() { |
} |
get v8Start() { |
} |
get environment() { |
} |
get loopStart() { |
} |
get loopExit() { |
} |
get bootstrapComplete() { |
} |
get thirdPartyMainStart() { |
} |
get thirdPartyMainEnd() { |
} |
get clusterSetupStart() { |
} |
get clusterSetupEnd() { |
} |
get moduleLoadStart() { |
} |
get moduleLoadEnd() { |
} |
get preloadModuleLoadStart() { |
} |
get preloadModuleLoadEnd() { |
} |
[kInspect]() { |
return { |
name: 'node', |
entryType: 'node', |
startTime: this.startTime, |
duration: this.duration, |
nodeStart: this.nodeStart, |
v8Start: this.v8Start, |
bootstrapComplete: this.bootstrapComplete, |
environment: this.environment, |
loopStart: this.loopStart, |
loopExit: this.loopExit, |
thirdPartyMainStart: this.thirdPartyMainStart, |
thirdPartyMainEnd: this.thirdPartyMainEnd, |
clusterSetupStart: this.clusterSetupStart, |
clusterSetupEnd: this.clusterSetupEnd, |
moduleLoadStart: this.moduleLoadStart, |
moduleLoadEnd: this.moduleLoadEnd, |
preloadModuleLoadStart: this.preloadModuleLoadStart, |
preloadModuleLoadEnd: this.preloadModuleLoadEnd |
}; |
} |
} |
// Use this instead of Extends because we want PerformanceEntry in the
// prototype chain but we do not want to use the PerformanceEntry
// constructor for this.
inherits(PerformanceNodeTiming, PerformanceEntry); |
const nodeTiming = new PerformanceNodeTiming(); |
// Maintains a list of entries as a linked list stored in insertion order.
class PerformanceObserverEntryList { |
constructor() { |
Object.defineProperty(this, kEntries, { |
writable: true, |
enumerable: false, |
value: {} |
}); |
L.init(this[kEntries]); |
} |
[kInsertEntry](entry) { |
const item = { entry }; |
L.append(this[kEntries], item); |
this[kIndexEntry](item); |
} |
[kIndexEntry](entry) { |
// Default implementation does nothing
} |
[kGetEntries](name, type) { |
const ret = []; |
const list = this[kEntries]; |
if (!L.isEmpty(list)) { |
let item = L.peek(list); |
while (item && item !== list) { |
const entry = item.entry; |
if ((name && entry.name !== name) || |
(type && entry.entryType !== type)) { |
item = item._idlePrev; |
continue; |
} |
sortedInsert(ret, entry); |
item = item._idlePrev; |
} |
} |
return ret; |
} |
// While the items are stored in insertion order, getEntries() is
// required to return items sorted by startTime.
getEntries() { |
return this[kGetEntries](); |
} |
getEntriesByType(type) { |
return this[kGetEntries](undefined, `${type}`); |
} |
getEntriesByName(name, type) { |
return this[kGetEntries](`${name}`, type !== undefined ? `${type}` : type); |
} |
} |
class PerformanceObserver { |
constructor(callback) { |
if (typeof callback !== 'function') { |
const errors = lazyErrors(); |
throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK'); |
} |
Object.defineProperties(this, { |
[kTypes]: { |
enumerable: false, |
writable: true, |
value: {} |
}, |
[kCallback]: { |
enumerable: false, |
writable: true, |
value: callback |
}, |
[kBuffer]: { |
enumerable: false, |
writable: true, |
value: new PerformanceObserverEntryList() |
}, |
[kBuffering]: { |
enumerable: false, |
writable: true, |
value: false |
}, |
[kQueued]: { |
enumerable: false, |
writable: true, |
value: false |
} |
}); |
} |
disconnect() { |
const types = this[kTypes]; |
const keys = Object.keys(types); |
for (var n = 0; n < keys.length; n++) { |
const item = types[keys[n]]; |
if (item) { |
L.remove(item); |
observerCounts[keys[n]]--; |
} |
} |
this[kTypes] = {}; |
} |
observe(options) { |
const errors = lazyErrors(); |
if (typeof options !== 'object' || options == null) { |
throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', 'options', 'Object'); |
} |
if (!Array.isArray(options.entryTypes)) { |
throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE', |
'entryTypes', options); |
} |
const entryTypes = options.entryTypes.filter(filterTypes).map(mapTypes); |
if (entryTypes.length === 0) { |
throw new errors.Error('ERR_VALID_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE'); |
} |
this.disconnect(); |
this[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; |
L.init(this[kBuffer][kEntries]); |
this[kBuffering] = Boolean(options.buffered); |
for (var n = 0; n < entryTypes.length; n++) { |
const entryType = entryTypes[n]; |
const list = getObserversList(entryType); |
const item = { obs: this }; |
this[kTypes][entryType] = item; |
L.append(list, item); |
observerCounts[entryType]++; |
} |
} |
} |
class Performance extends PerformanceObserverEntryList { |
constructor() { |
super(); |
this[kIndex] = { |
[kMarks]: new Set() |
}; |
this[kInsertEntry](nodeTiming); |
} |
[kIndexEntry](item) { |
const index = this[kIndex]; |
const type = item.entry.entryType; |
let items = index[type]; |
if (!items) { |
items = index[type] = {}; |
L.init(items); |
} |
const entry = item.entry; |
L.append(items, { entry, item }); |
} |
[kClearEntry](type, name) { |
const index = this[kIndex]; |
const items = index[type]; |
if (!items) return; |
let item = L.peek(items); |
while (item && item !== items) { |
const entry = item.entry; |
const next = item._idlePrev; |
if (name !== undefined) { |
if (entry.name === `${name}`) { |
L.remove(item); // remove from the index
L.remove(item.item); // remove from the master
} |
} else { |
L.remove(item); // remove from the index
L.remove(item.item); // remove from the master
} |
item = next; |
} |
} |
get nodeTiming() { |
return nodeTiming; |
} |
get timeOrigin() { |
return timeOrigin; |
} |
now() { |
return now(); |
} |
mark(name) { |
name = `${name}`; |
_mark(name); |
this[kIndex][kMarks].add(name); |
} |
measure(name, startMark, endMark) { |
name = `${name}`; |
endMark = `${endMark}`; |
startMark = startMark !== undefined ? `${startMark}` : ''; |
const marks = this[kIndex][kMarks]; |
if (!marks.has(endMark) && !(endMark in nodeTiming)) { |
const errors = lazyErrors(); |
throw new errors.Error('ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK', endMark); |
} |
_measure(name, startMark, endMark); |
} |
clearMarks(name) { |
name = name !== undefined ? `${name}` : name; |
this[kClearEntry]('mark', name); |
if (name !== undefined) |
this[kIndex][kMarks].delete(name); |
else |
this[kIndex][kMarks].clear(); |
} |
clearMeasures(name) { |
this[kClearEntry]('measure', name); |
} |
clearGC() { |
this[kClearEntry]('gc'); |
} |
clearFunctions(name) { |
this[kClearEntry]('function', name); |
} |
timerify(fn) { |
if (typeof fn !== 'function') { |
const errors = lazyErrors(); |
throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', 'fn', 'Function'); |
} |
if (fn[kTimerified]) |
return fn[kTimerified]; |
const ret = timerify(fn, fn.length); |
Object.defineProperty(fn, kTimerified, { |
enumerable: false, |
configurable: true, |
writable: false, |
value: ret |
}); |
Object.defineProperties(ret, { |
[kTimerified]: { |
enumerable: false, |
configurable: true, |
writable: false, |
value: ret |
}, |
name: { |
enumerable: false, |
configurable: true, |
writable: false, |
value: `timerified ${fn.name}` |
} |
}); |
return ret; |
} |
[kInspect]() { |
return { |
timeOrigin, |
nodeTiming |
}; |
} |
} |
const performance = new Performance(); |
function getObserversList(type) { |
let list = observers[type]; |
if (list === undefined) { |
list = observers[type] = {}; |
L.init(list); |
} |
return list; |
} |
function doNotify() { |
this[kQueued] = false; |
this[kCallback](this[kBuffer], this); |
this[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; |
L.init(this[kBuffer][kEntries]); |
} |
// Set up the callback used to receive PerformanceObserver notifications
function observersCallback(entry) { |
const type = mapTypes(entry.entryType); |
performance[kInsertEntry](entry); |
const list = getObserversList(type); |
let current = L.peek(list); |
while (current && current.obs) { |
const observer = current.obs; |
// First, add the item to the observers buffer
const buffer = observer[kBuffer]; |
buffer[kInsertEntry](entry); |
// Second, check to see if we're buffering
if (observer[kBuffering]) { |
// If we are, schedule a setImmediate call if one hasn't already
if (!observer[kQueued]) { |
observer[kQueued] = true; |
// Use setImmediate instead of nextTick to give more time
// for multiple entries to collect.
setImmediate(doNotify.bind(observer)); |
} |
} else { |
// If not buffering, notify immediately
doNotify.call(observer); |
} |
current = current._idlePrev; |
} |
} |
setupObservers(observersCallback); |
function filterTypes(i) { |
return observerableTypes.indexOf(`${i}`) >= 0; |
} |
function mapTypes(i) { |
switch (i) { |
} |
} |
// The specification requires that PerformanceEntry instances are sorted
// according to startTime. Unfortunately, they are not necessarily created
// in that same order, and can be reported to the JS layer in any order,
// which means we need to keep the list sorted as we insert.
function getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime) { |
let start = 0; |
let end = list.length; |
while (start < end) { |
const pivot = (end + start) >>> 1; |
if (list[pivot].startTime === entryStartTime) |
return pivot; |
if (list[pivot].startTime < entryStartTime) |
start = pivot + 1; |
else |
end = pivot; |
} |
return start; |
} |
function sortedInsert(list, entry) { |
const entryStartTime = entry.startTime; |
if (list.length === 0 || |
(list[list.length - 1].startTime < entryStartTime)) { |
list.push(entry); |
return; |
} |
if (list[0] && (list[0].startTime > entryStartTime)) { |
list.unshift(entry); |
return; |
} |
const location = getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime); |
list.splice(location, 0, entry); |
} |
module.exports = { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
}; |
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'constants', { |
configurable: false, |
enumerable: true, |
value: constants |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ |
#include "node.h" |
#include "v8.h" |
#include "env.h" |
#include "env-inl.h" |
#include "node_perf.h" |
#include "uv.h" |
#include <vector> |
namespace node { |
namespace performance { |
using v8::Array; |
using v8::ArrayBuffer; |
using v8::Context; |
using v8::Function; |
using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo; |
using v8::FunctionTemplate; |
using v8::HandleScope; |
using v8::Integer; |
using v8::Isolate; |
using v8::Local; |
using v8::Name; |
using v8::Object; |
using v8::ObjectTemplate; |
using v8::PropertyCallbackInfo; |
using v8::String; |
using v8::Value; |
const uint64_t timeOrigin = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
uint64_t performance_node_start; |
uint64_t performance_v8_start; |
uint64_t performance_last_gc_start_mark_ = 0; |
v8::GCType performance_last_gc_type_ = v8::GCType::kGCTypeAll; |
void PerformanceEntry::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate(); |
Utf8Value name(isolate, args[0]); |
Utf8Value type(isolate, args[1]); |
uint64_t now = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
new PerformanceEntry(env, args.This(), *name, *type, now, now); |
} |
void PerformanceEntry::NotifyObservers(Environment* env, |
PerformanceEntry* entry) { |
uint32_t* observers = env->performance_state()->observers; |
PerformanceEntryType type = ToPerformanceEntryTypeEnum(entry->type().c_str()); |
if (observers == nullptr || |
!observers[type]) { |
return; |
} |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate(); |
Local<Value> argv = entry->object(); |
env->performance_entry_callback()->Call(context, |
v8::Undefined(isolate), |
1, &argv); |
} |
void Mark(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate(); |
Utf8Value name(isolate, args[0]); |
uint64_t now = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
auto marks = env->performance_marks(); |
(*marks)[*name] = now; |
// TODO(jasnell): Once Tracing API is fully implemented, this should
// record a trace event also.
Local<Function> fn = env->performance_entry_template(); |
Local<Object> obj = fn->NewInstance(context).ToLocalChecked(); |
new PerformanceEntry(env, obj, *name, "mark", now, now); |
args.GetReturnValue().Set(obj); |
} |
inline uint64_t GetPerformanceMark(Environment* env, std::string name) { |
auto marks = env->performance_marks(); |
auto res = marks->find(name); |
return res != marks->end() ? res->second : 0; |
} |
void Measure(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate(); |
Utf8Value name(isolate, args[0]); |
Utf8Value startMark(isolate, args[1]); |
Utf8Value endMark(isolate, args[2]); |
double* milestones = env->performance_state()->milestones; |
uint64_t startTimestamp = timeOrigin; |
uint64_t start = GetPerformanceMark(env, *startMark); |
if (start != 0) { |
startTimestamp = start; |
} else { |
PerformanceMilestone milestone = ToPerformanceMilestoneEnum(*startMark); |
startTimestamp = milestones[milestone]; |
} |
uint64_t endTimestamp = GetPerformanceMark(env, *endMark); |
if (endTimestamp == 0) { |
PerformanceMilestone milestone = ToPerformanceMilestoneEnum(*endMark); |
endTimestamp = milestones[milestone]; |
} |
if (endTimestamp < startTimestamp) |
endTimestamp = startTimestamp; |
// TODO(jasnell): Once Tracing API is fully implemented, this should
// record a trace event also.
Local<Function> fn = env->performance_entry_template(); |
Local<Object> obj = fn->NewInstance(context).ToLocalChecked(); |
new PerformanceEntry(env, obj, *name, "measure", |
startTimestamp, endTimestamp); |
args.GetReturnValue().Set(obj); |
} |
void GetPerformanceEntryName(const Local<String> prop, |
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) { |
Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate(); |
PerformanceEntry* entry; |
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&entry, info.Holder()); |
info.GetReturnValue().Set( |
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, entry->name().c_str(), String::kNormalString)); |
} |
void GetPerformanceEntryType(const Local<String> prop, |
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) { |
Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate(); |
PerformanceEntry* entry; |
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&entry, info.Holder()); |
info.GetReturnValue().Set( |
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, entry->type().c_str(), String::kNormalString)); |
} |
void GetPerformanceEntryStartTime(const Local<String> prop, |
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) { |
PerformanceEntry* entry; |
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&entry, info.Holder()); |
info.GetReturnValue().Set(entry->startTime()); |
} |
void GetPerformanceEntryDuration(const Local<String> prop, |
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info) { |
PerformanceEntry* entry; |
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&entry, info.Holder()); |
info.GetReturnValue().Set(entry->duration()); |
} |
void MarkMilestone(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
double* milestones = env->performance_state()->milestones; |
PerformanceMilestone milestone = |
static_cast<PerformanceMilestone>( |
args[0]->Int32Value(context).ToChecked()); |
milestones[milestone] = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
} |
} |
void SetupPerformanceObservers(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
CHECK(args[0]->IsFunction()); |
env->set_performance_entry_callback(args[0].As<Function>()); |
} |
inline void PerformanceGCCallback(uv_async_t* handle) { |
PerformanceEntry::Data* data = |
static_cast<PerformanceEntry::Data*>(handle->data); |
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent(); |
HandleScope scope(isolate); |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
Local<Function> fn; |
Local<Object> obj; |
PerformanceGCKind kind = static_cast<PerformanceGCKind>(data->data()); |
uint32_t* observers = env->performance_state()->observers; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
fn = env->performance_entry_template(); |
obj = fn->NewInstance(context).ToLocalChecked(); |
obj->Set(context, |
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "kind"), |
Integer::New(isolate, kind)).FromJust(); |
new PerformanceEntry(env, obj, data); |
cleanup: |
delete data; |
auto closeCB = [](uv_handle_t* handle) { delete handle; }; |
uv_close(reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(handle), closeCB); |
} |
inline void MarkGarbageCollectionStart(Isolate* isolate, |
v8::GCType type, |
v8::GCCallbackFlags flags) { |
performance_last_gc_start_mark_ = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
performance_last_gc_type_ = type; |
} |
inline void MarkGarbageCollectionEnd(Isolate* isolate, |
v8::GCType type, |
v8::GCCallbackFlags flags) { |
uv_async_t *async = new uv_async_t; |
async->data = |
new PerformanceEntry::Data("gc", "gc", |
performance_last_gc_start_mark_, |
uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), async, PerformanceGCCallback); |
uv_async_send(async); |
} |
inline void SetupGarbageCollectionTracking(Isolate* isolate) { |
isolate->AddGCPrologueCallback(MarkGarbageCollectionStart); |
isolate->AddGCPrologueCallback(MarkGarbageCollectionEnd); |
} |
inline Local<Value> GetName(Local<Function> fn) { |
Local<Value> val = fn->GetDebugName(); |
if (val.IsEmpty() || val->IsUndefined()) { |
Local<Value> boundFunction = fn->GetBoundFunction(); |
if (!boundFunction.IsEmpty() && !boundFunction->IsUndefined()) { |
val = GetName(boundFunction.As<Function>()); |
} |
} |
return val; |
} |
void TimerFunctionCall(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate(); |
HandleScope scope(isolate); |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
Local<Function> fn = args.Data().As<Function>(); |
size_t count = args.Length(); |
size_t idx; |
std::vector<Local<Value>> call_args; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
call_args.push_back(args[i]); |
} |
Utf8Value name(isolate, GetName(fn)); |
uint64_t start; |
uint64_t end; |
v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate); |
if (args.IsConstructCall()) { |
start = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
v8::MaybeLocal<Object> ret = fn->NewInstance(context, |
call_args.size(), |
call_args.data()); |
if (ret.IsEmpty()) { |
try_catch.ReThrow(); |
return; |
} |
args.GetReturnValue().Set(ret.ToLocalChecked()); |
} else { |
start = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
v8::MaybeLocal<Value> ret = fn->Call(context, |
args.This(), |
call_args.size(), |
call_args.data()); |
if (ret.IsEmpty()) { |
try_catch.ReThrow(); |
return; |
} |
args.GetReturnValue().Set(ret.ToLocalChecked()); |
} |
uint32_t* observers = env->performance_state()->observers; |
return; |
Local<Function> ctor = env->performance_entry_template(); |
v8::MaybeLocal<Object> instance = ctor->NewInstance(context); |
Local<Object> obj = instance.ToLocalChecked(); |
for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { |
obj->Set(context, idx, args[idx]); |
} |
new PerformanceEntry(env, obj, *name, "function", start, end); |
} |
void Timerify(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); |
Local<Context> context = env->context(); |
CHECK(args[0]->IsFunction()); |
CHECK(args[1]->IsNumber()); |
Local<Function> fn = args[0].As<Function>(); |
int length = args[1]->IntegerValue(context).ToChecked(); |
Local<Function> wrap = |
Function::New(context, TimerFunctionCall, fn, length).ToLocalChecked(); |
args.GetReturnValue().Set(wrap); |
} |
void Init(Local<Object> target, |
Local<Value> unused, |
Local<Context> context) { |
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(context); |
Isolate* isolate = env->isolate(); |
performance_state* state = env->performance_state(); |
auto state_ab = ArrayBuffer::New(isolate, state, sizeof(*state)); |
#define SET_STATE_TYPEDARRAY(name, type, field) \ |
target->Set(context, \ |
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, (name)), \ |
type::New(state_ab, \ |
offsetof(performance_state, field), \ |
arraysize(state->field))) \ |
.FromJust() |
SET_STATE_TYPEDARRAY("observerCounts", v8::Uint32Array, observers); |
SET_STATE_TYPEDARRAY("milestones", v8::Float64Array, milestones); |
Local<String> performanceEntryString = |
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "PerformanceEntry"); |
Local<FunctionTemplate> pe = env->NewFunctionTemplate(PerformanceEntry::New); |
pe->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); |
pe->SetClassName(performanceEntryString); |
Local<ObjectTemplate> ot = pe->InstanceTemplate(); |
ot->SetAccessor(env->name_string(), GetPerformanceEntryName); |
ot->SetAccessor(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "entryType"), |
GetPerformanceEntryType); |
ot->SetAccessor(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "startTime"), |
GetPerformanceEntryStartTime); |
ot->SetAccessor(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "duration"), |
GetPerformanceEntryDuration); |
Local<Function> fn = pe->GetFunction(); |
target->Set(performanceEntryString, fn); |
env->set_performance_entry_template(fn); |
env->SetMethod(target, "mark", Mark); |
env->SetMethod(target, "measure", Measure); |
env->SetMethod(target, "markMilestone", MarkMilestone); |
env->SetMethod(target, "setupObservers", SetupPerformanceObservers); |
env->SetMethod(target, "timerify", Timerify); |
Local<Object> constants = Object::New(isolate); |
#define V(name, _) \ |
#undef V |
#define V(name, _) \ |
#undef V |
v8::PropertyAttribute attr = |
static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::ReadOnly | v8::DontDelete); |
target->DefineOwnProperty(context, |
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, "timeOrigin"), |
v8::Number::New(isolate, timeOrigin / 1e6), |
attr); |
target->DefineOwnProperty(context, |
env->constants_string(), |
constants, |
attr); |
SetupGarbageCollectionTracking(isolate); |
} |
} // namespace performance
} // namespace node
NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE_BUILTIN(performance, node::performance::Init) |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
#ifndef SRC_NODE_PERF_H_ |
#define SRC_NODE_PERF_H_ |
#include "node.h" |
#include "node_perf_common.h" |
#include "env.h" |
#include "base-object.h" |
#include "base-object-inl.h" |
#include "v8.h" |
#include "uv.h" |
#include <limits> |
#include <string> |
namespace node { |
namespace performance { |
using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo; |
using v8::GCType; |
using v8::Local; |
using v8::Object; |
using v8::Value; |
static inline PerformanceMilestone ToPerformanceMilestoneEnum(const char* str) { |
#define V(name, label) \ |
if (strcmp(str, label) == 0) return NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_##name; |
#undef V |
} |
static inline PerformanceEntryType ToPerformanceEntryTypeEnum( |
const char* type) { |
#define V(name, label) \ |
if (strcmp(type, label) == 0) return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_##name; |
#undef V |
} |
const double MAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
NODE_EXTERN inline void MarkPerformanceMilestone( |
Environment* env, |
PerformanceMilestone milestone) { |
env->performance_state()->milestones[milestone] = PERFORMANCE_NOW(); |
} |
class PerformanceEntry : public BaseObject { |
public: |
// Used for temporary storage of performance entry details when the
// object cannot be created immediately.
class Data { |
public: |
Data( |
const char* name, |
const char* type, |
uint64_t startTime, |
uint64_t endTime, |
int data = 0) : |
name_(name), |
type_(type), |
startTime_(startTime), |
endTime_(endTime), |
data_(data) {} |
std::string name() const { |
return name_; |
} |
std::string type() const { |
return type_; |
} |
uint64_t startTime() const { |
return startTime_; |
} |
uint64_t endTime() const { |
return endTime_; |
} |
int data() const { |
return data_; |
} |
private: |
std::string name_; |
std::string type_; |
uint64_t startTime_; |
uint64_t endTime_; |
int data_; |
}; |
static void NotifyObservers(Environment* env, PerformanceEntry* entry); |
static void New(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args); |
PerformanceEntry(Environment* env, |
Local<Object> wrap, |
const char* name, |
const char* type, |
uint64_t startTime, |
uint64_t endTime) : |
BaseObject(env, wrap), |
name_(name), |
type_(type), |
startTime_(startTime), |
endTime_(endTime) { |
MakeWeak<PerformanceEntry>(this); |
NotifyObservers(env, this); |
} |
PerformanceEntry(Environment* env, |
Local<Object> wrap, |
Data* data) : |
BaseObject(env, wrap), |
name_(data->name()), |
type_(data->type()), |
startTime_(data->startTime()), |
endTime_(data->endTime()) { |
MakeWeak<PerformanceEntry>(this); |
NotifyObservers(env, this); |
} |
~PerformanceEntry() {} |
std::string name() const { |
return name_; |
} |
std::string type() const { |
return type_; |
} |
double startTime() const { |
return startTime_ / 1e6; |
} |
double duration() const { |
return durationNano() / 1e6; |
} |
uint64_t startTimeNano() const { |
return startTime_; |
} |
uint64_t durationNano() const { |
return endTime_ - startTime_; |
} |
private: |
std::string name_; |
std::string type_; |
uint64_t startTime_; |
uint64_t endTime_; |
}; |
enum PerformanceGCKind { |
NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJOR = GCType::kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact, |
NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCB = GCType::kGCTypeProcessWeakCallbacks |
}; |
} // namespace performance
} // namespace node
#endif // SRC_NODE_PERF_H_
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
#include "node.h" |
#include "v8.h" |
#include <map> |
#include <string> |
namespace node { |
namespace performance { |
#define PERFORMANCE_NOW() uv_hrtime() |
// These occur before the environment is created. Cache them
// here and add them to the milestones when the env is init'd.
extern uint64_t performance_node_start; |
extern uint64_t performance_v8_start; |
V(ENVIRONMENT, "environment") \ |
V(NODE_START, "nodeStart") \ |
V(V8_START, "v8Start") \ |
V(LOOP_START, "loopStart") \ |
V(LOOP_EXIT, "loopExit") \ |
V(BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE, "bootstrapComplete") \ |
V(THIRD_PARTY_MAIN_START, "thirdPartyMainStart") \ |
V(THIRD_PARTY_MAIN_END, "thirdPartyMainEnd") \ |
V(CLUSTER_SETUP_START, "clusterSetupStart") \ |
V(CLUSTER_SETUP_END, "clusterSetupEnd") \ |
V(MODULE_LOAD_START, "moduleLoadStart") \ |
V(MODULE_LOAD_END, "moduleLoadEnd") \ |
V(PRELOAD_MODULE_LOAD_START, "preloadModulesLoadStart") \ |
V(PRELOAD_MODULE_LOAD_END, "preloadModulesLoadEnd") |
V(NODE, "node") \ |
V(MARK, "mark") \ |
V(MEASURE, "measure") \ |
V(GC, "gc") \ |
V(FUNCTION, "function") |
enum PerformanceMilestone { |
#define V(name, _) NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_##name, |
#undef V |
}; |
enum PerformanceEntryType { |
#define V(name, _) NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_##name, |
#undef V |
}; |
#define PERFORMANCE_MARK(env, n) \ |
do { \ |
node::performance::MarkPerformanceMilestone(env, \ |
node::performance::NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_##n); \ |
} while (0); |
struct performance_state { |
}; |
} // namespace performance
} // namespace node
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const common = require('../common'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
{ |
// Intentional non-op. Do not wrap in common.mustCall();
const n = performance.timerify(() => {}); |
n(); |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('function'); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 0); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver(common.mustCall((list) => { |
const entries = list.getEntries(); |
const entry = entries[0]; |
assert(entry); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.name, 'performance.timerify'); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.entryType, 'function'); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.duration, 'number'); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.startTime, 'number'); |
obs.disconnect(); |
performance.clearFunctions(); |
})); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'] }); |
n(); |
} |
{ |
// If the error throws, the error should just be bubbled up and the
// performance timeline entry will not be reported.
const obs = new PerformanceObserver(common.mustNotCall()); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'] }); |
const n = performance.timerify(() => { |
throw new Error('test'); |
}); |
assert.throws(() => n(), /^Error: test$/); |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('function'); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 0); |
obs.disconnect(); |
} |
{ |
class N {} |
const n = performance.timerify(N); |
new n(); |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('function'); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 0); |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver(common.mustCall((list) => { |
const entries = list.getEntries(); |
const entry = entries[0]; |
assert.strictEqual(entry[0], 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entry[1], 'abc'); |
assert(entry); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.name, 'N'); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.entryType, 'function'); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.duration, 'number'); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.startTime, 'number'); |
obs.disconnect(); |
performance.clearFunctions(); |
})); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['function'] }); |
new n(1, 'abc'); |
} |
{ |
[1, {}, [], null, undefined, Infinity].forEach((i) => { |
assert.throws(() => performance.timerify(i), |
common.expectsError({ |
type: TypeError, |
message: 'The "fn" argument must be of type Function' |
})); |
}); |
} |
// Function can only be wrapped once, also check length and name
{ |
const m = (a, b = 1) => {}; |
const n = performance.timerify(m); |
const o = performance.timerify(m); |
const p = performance.timerify(n); |
assert.strictEqual(n, o); |
assert.strictEqual(n, p); |
assert.strictEqual(n.length, m.length); |
assert.strictEqual(n.name, 'timerified m'); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
// Flags: --expose-gc
'use strict'; |
const common = require('../common'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const { |
} = process.binding('performance').constants; |
const kinds = [ |
]; |
// No observers for GC events, no entries should appear
{ |
global.gc(); |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('gc'); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 0); |
} |
// Adding an observer should force at least one gc to appear
{ |
const obs = new PerformanceObserver(common.mustCallAtLeast((list) => { |
const entry = list.getEntries()[0]; |
assert(entry); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.name, 'gc'); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.entryType, 'gc'); |
assert(kinds.includes(entry.kind)); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.startTime, 'number'); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof entry.duration, 'number'); |
performance.clearGC(); |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('gc'); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 0); |
obs.disconnect(); |
})); |
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['gc'] }); |
global.gc(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const common = require('../common'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks'); |
assert(performance); |
assert(performance.nodeTiming); |
assert.strictEqual(typeof performance.timeOrigin, 'number'); |
{ |
const entries = performance.getEntries(); |
assert(Array.isArray(entries)); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entries[0], performance.nodeTiming); |
} |
{ |
const entries = performance.getEntriesByName('node'); |
assert(Array.isArray(entries)); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entries[0], performance.nodeTiming); |
} |
{ |
let n; |
let entries = performance.getEntries(); |
for (n = 0; n < entries.length; n++) { |
const entry = entries[n]; |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.name, 'A'); |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.entryType, 'mark'); |
} |
performance.mark('A'); |
entries = performance.getEntries(); |
const markA = entries[1]; |
assert.strictEqual(markA.name, 'A'); |
assert.strictEqual(markA.entryType, 'mark'); |
performance.clearMarks('A'); |
entries = performance.getEntries(); |
for (n = 0; n < entries.length; n++) { |
const entry = entries[n]; |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.name, 'A'); |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.entryType, 'mark'); |
} |
} |
{ |
let entries = performance.getEntries(); |
for (let n = 0; n < entries.length; n++) { |
const entry = entries[n]; |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.name, 'B'); |
assert.notStrictEqual(entry.entryType, 'mark'); |
} |
performance.mark('B'); |
entries = performance.getEntries(); |
const markB = entries[1]; |
assert.strictEqual(markB.name, 'B'); |
assert.strictEqual(markB.entryType, 'mark'); |
performance.clearMarks(); |
entries = performance.getEntries(); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); |
} |
{ |
performance.mark('A'); |
[undefined, null, 'foo', 'initialize', 1].forEach((i) => { |
assert.doesNotThrow(() => performance.measure('test', i, 'A')); |
}); |
[undefined, null, 'foo', 1].forEach((i) => { |
assert.throws(() => performance.measure('test', 'A', i), |
common.expectsError({ |
type: Error, |
message: `The "${i}" performance mark has not been set` |
})); |
}); |
performance.clearMeasures(); |
performance.clearMarks(); |
const entries = performance.getEntries(); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); |
} |
{ |
performance.mark('A'); |
setImmediate(() => { |
performance.mark('B'); |
performance.measure('foo', 'A', 'B'); |
const entry = performance.getEntriesByName('foo')[0]; |
const markA = performance.getEntriesByName('A', 'mark')[0]; |
const markB = performance.getEntriesByName('B', 'mark')[0]; |
assert.strictEqual(entry.name, 'foo'); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.entryType, 'measure'); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.startTime, markA.startTime); |
assert.strictEqual(entry.duration.toPrecision(3), |
(markB.startTime - markA.startTime).toPrecision(3)); |
}); |
} |
assert.strictEqual(performance.nodeTiming.name, 'node'); |
assert.strictEqual(performance.nodeTiming.entryType, 'node'); |
[ |
'startTime', |
'duration', |
'nodeStart', |
'v8Start', |
'bootstrapComplete', |
'environment', |
'loopStart', |
'loopExit', |
'thirdPartyMainStart', |
'thirdPartyMainEnd', |
'clusterSetupStart', |
'clusterSetupEnd', |
'moduleLoadStart', |
'moduleLoadEnd', |
'preloadModuleLoadStart', |
'preloadModuleLoadEnd' |
].forEach((i) => { |
assert.strictEqual(typeof performance.nodeTiming[i], 'number'); |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const common = require('../common'); |
const Countdown = require('../common/countdown'); |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const { |
observerCounts: counts |
} = process.binding('performance'); |
const { |
performance, |
PerformanceObserver, |
constants |
} = require('perf_hooks'); |
const { |
} = constants; |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODE], 0); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 1); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURE], 1); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC], 0); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION], 0); |
{ |
[1, null, undefined, {}, [], Infinity].forEach((i) => { |
assert.throws(() => new PerformanceObserver(i), |
common.expectsError({ |
type: TypeError, |
message: 'Callback must be a function' |
})); |
}); |
const observer = new PerformanceObserver(common.mustNotCall()); |
[1, null, undefined].forEach((i) => { |
assert.throws(() => observer.observe(i), |
common.expectsError({ |
type: TypeError, |
message: 'The "options" argument must be of type Object' |
})); |
}); |
[1, undefined, null, {}, Infinity].forEach((i) => { |
assert.throws(() => observer.observe({ entryTypes: i }), |
common.expectsError({ |
type: TypeError, |
message: 'The value "[object Object]" is invalid for ' + |
'option "entryTypes"' |
})); |
}); |
} |
// Test Non-Buffered
{ |
const observer = |
new PerformanceObserver(common.mustCall(callback, 3)); |
const countdown = |
new Countdown(3, common.mustCall(() => { |
observer.disconnect(); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 1); |
})); |
function callback(list, obs) { |
assert.strictEqual(obs, observer); |
const entries = list.getEntries(); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 1); |
countdown.dec(); |
} |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 1); |
assert.doesNotThrow(() => observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark'] })); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 2); |
performance.mark('test1'); |
performance.mark('test2'); |
performance.mark('test3'); |
} |
// Test Buffered
{ |
const observer = |
new PerformanceObserver(common.mustCall(callback, 1)); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 1); |
function callback(list, obs) { |
assert.strictEqual(obs, observer); |
const entries = list.getEntries(); |
assert.strictEqual(entries.length, 3); |
observer.disconnect(); |
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 1); |
{ |
const entriesByName = list.getEntriesByName('test1'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName.length, 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName[0].name, 'test1'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName[0].entryType, 'mark'); |
} |
{ |
const entriesByName = list.getEntriesByName('test1', 'mark'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName.length, 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName[0].name, 'test1'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName[0].entryType, 'mark'); |
} |
{ |
const entriesByName = list.getEntriesByName('test1', 'measure'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByName.length, 0); |
} |
{ |
const entriesByType = list.getEntriesByType('measure'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByType.length, 1); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByType[0].name, 'test3'); |
assert.strictEqual(entriesByType[0].entryType, 'measure'); |
} |
} |
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { |
observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark', 'measure'], buffered: true }); |
}); |
// Do this twice to make sure it doesn't throw
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { |
observer.observe({ entryTypes: ['mark', 'measure'], buffered: true }); |
}); |
// Even tho we called twice, count should be 1
assert.strictEqual(counts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK], 2); |
performance.mark('test1'); |
performance.mark('test2'); |
performance.measure('test3', 'test1', 'test2'); |
} |
Reference in new issue