mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
Browse Source
This tests that the hash seed used by V8 for hashing is random. PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node-private/pull/84 Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <info@bnoordhuis.nl> Reviewed-By: Michael Dawson <michael_dawson@ca.ibm.com> Reviewed-By: Fedor Indutny <fedor.indutny@gmail.com>v6.x
committed by
Myles Borins
3 changed files with 200 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ |
/* eslint-disable required-modules */ |
'use strict'; |
function min(arr) { |
let res = arr[0]; |
for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { |
const val = arr[i]; |
if (val < res) |
res = val; |
} |
return res; |
} |
function run_repeated(n, fn) { |
const res = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) res.push(fn()); |
return res; |
} |
const INT_MAX = 0x7fffffff; |
// from src/js/collection.js
// key must be a signed 32-bit number!
function ComputeIntegerHash(key/*, seed*/) { |
let hash = key; |
hash = hash ^ 0/*seed*/; |
hash = ~hash + (hash << 15); // hash = (hash << 15) - hash - 1;
hash = hash ^ (hash >>> 12); |
hash = hash + (hash << 2); |
hash = hash ^ (hash >>> 4); |
hash = (hash * 2057) | 0; // hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) + (hash << 11);
hash = hash ^ (hash >>> 16); |
return hash & 0x3fffffff; |
} |
const kNofHashBitFields = 2; |
const kHashShift = kNofHashBitFields; |
const kHashBitMask = 0xffffffff >>> kHashShift; |
const kZeroHash = 27; |
function string_to_array(str) { |
const res = new Array(str.length); |
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { |
res[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); |
} |
return res; |
} |
function gen_specialized_hasher(str) { |
const str_arr = string_to_array(str); |
return Function('seed', ` |
var running_hash = seed; |
${str_arr.map((c) => ` |
running_hash += ${c}; |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
running_hash += (running_hash << 10); |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
running_hash ^= (running_hash >>> 6); |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
running_hash += (running_hash << 3); |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
running_hash ^= (running_hash >>> 11); |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
running_hash += (running_hash << 15); |
running_hash &= 0xffffffff; |
if ((running_hash & ${kHashBitMask}) == 0) { |
return ${kZeroHash}; |
} |
return running_hash; |
} |
// adapted from HashToEntry
function hash_to_bucket(hash, numBuckets) { |
return (hash & ((numBuckets) - 1)); |
} |
function time_set_lookup(set, value) { |
const t1 = process.hrtime(); |
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { |
// annoyingly, SetHas() is JS code and therefore potentially optimizable.
// However, SetHas() looks up the table using native code, and it seems like
// that's sufficient to prevent the optimizer from doing anything?
set.has(value); |
} |
const t = process.hrtime(t1); |
const secs = t[0]; |
const nanos = t[1]; |
return secs * 1e9 + nanos; |
} |
// Set with 256 buckets; bucket 0 full, others empty
const tester_set_buckets = 256; |
const tester_set = new Set(); |
let tester_set_treshold; |
(function() { |
// fill bucket 0 and find extra numbers mapping to bucket 0 and a different
// bucket `capacity == numBuckets * 2`
let needed = Math.floor(tester_set_buckets * 1.5) + 1; |
let positive_test_value; |
let negative_test_value; |
for (let i = 0; true; i++) { |
if (i > INT_MAX) throw new Error('i too high'); |
if (hash_to_bucket(ComputeIntegerHash(i), tester_set_buckets) !== 0) { |
negative_test_value = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
for (let i = 0; needed > 0; i++) { |
if (i > INT_MAX) throw new Error('i too high'); |
if (hash_to_bucket(ComputeIntegerHash(i), tester_set_buckets) === 0) { |
needed--; |
if (needed == 0) { |
positive_test_value = i; |
} else { |
tester_set.add(i); |
} |
} |
} |
// calibrate Set access times for accessing the full bucket / an empty bucket
const pos_time = |
min(run_repeated(10000, time_set_lookup.bind(null, tester_set, |
positive_test_value))); |
const neg_time = |
min(run_repeated(10000, time_set_lookup.bind(null, tester_set, |
negative_test_value))); |
tester_set_treshold = (pos_time + neg_time) / 2; |
// console.log(`pos_time: ${pos_time}, neg_time: ${neg_time},`,
// `threshold: ${tester_set_treshold}`);
})(); |
// determine hash seed
const slow_str_gen = (function*() { |
let strgen_i = 0; |
outer: |
while (1) { |
const str = '#' + (strgen_i++); |
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { |
if (time_set_lookup(tester_set, str) < tester_set_treshold) |
continue outer; |
} |
yield str; |
} |
})(); |
const first_slow_str = slow_str_gen.next().value; |
// console.log('first slow string:', first_slow_str);
const first_slow_str_special_hasher = gen_specialized_hasher(first_slow_str); |
let seed_candidates = []; |
//var t_before_first_seed_brute = performance.now();
for (let seed_candidate = 0; seed_candidate < 0x100000000; seed_candidate++) { |
if (hash_to_bucket(first_slow_str_special_hasher(seed_candidate), |
tester_set_buckets) == 0) { |
seed_candidates.push(seed_candidate); |
} |
} |
// console.log(`got ${seed_candidates.length} candidates`);
// after ${performance.now()-t_before_first_seed_brute}
while (seed_candidates.length > 1) { |
const slow_str = slow_str_gen.next().value; |
const special_hasher = gen_specialized_hasher(slow_str); |
const new_seed_candidates = []; |
for (const seed_candidate of seed_candidates) { |
if (hash_to_bucket(special_hasher(seed_candidate), tester_set_buckets) == |
0) { |
new_seed_candidates.push(seed_candidate); |
} |
} |
seed_candidates = new_seed_candidates; |
// console.log(`reduced to ${seed_candidates.length} candidates`);
} |
if (seed_candidates.length != 1) |
throw new Error('no candidates remaining'); |
const seed = seed_candidates[0]; |
console.log(seed); |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const REPETITIONS = 2; |
const assert = require('assert'); |
const common = require('../common'); |
const cp = require('child_process'); |
const path = require('path'); |
const targetScript = path.resolve(common.fixturesDir, 'guess-hash-seed.js'); |
const seeds = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; ++i) { |
const seed = cp.spawnSync(process.execPath, [targetScript], |
{ encoding: 'utf8' }).stdout.trim(); |
seeds.push(seed); |
} |
console.log(`Seeds: ${seeds}`); |
const hasDuplicates = (new Set(seeds)).size !== seeds.length; |
assert.strictEqual(hasDuplicates, false); |
Reference in new issue