@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ assert.strictEqual(path.posix.basename('foo'), 'foo');
// POSIX filenames may include control characters
// c.f. http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html
const controlCharFilename = 'Icon' + String . fromCharCode ( 13 ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . posix . basename ( '/a/b/' + controlCharFilename ) ,
const controlCharFilename = ` Icon ${ String . fromCharCode ( 13 ) } ` ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . posix . basename ( ` /a/b/ ${ controlCharFilename } ` ) ,
controlCharFilename ) ;
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ assert.strictEqual(path.win32.dirname('foo'), '.');
[ 'file//' , '' ] ,
[ 'file./' , '.' ] ,
[ 'file.//' , '.' ] ,
] . forEach ( function ( test ) {
[ path . posix . extname , path . win32 . extname ] . forEach ( function ( extname ) {
] . forEach ( ( test ) => {
[ path . posix . extname , path . win32 . extname ] . forEach ( ( extname ) => {
let input = test [ 0 ] ;
let os ;
if ( extname === path . win32 . extname ) {
@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ const joinTests = [
[ [ path . posix . join , path . win32 . join ] ,
// arguments result
[ [ [ '.' , 'x/b' , '..' , '/b/c.js' ] , 'x/b/c.js' ] ,
[ [ ] , '.' ] ,
[ [ '/.' , 'x/b' , '..' , '/b/c.js' ] , '/x/b/c.js' ] ,
[ [ '/foo' , '../../../bar' ] , '/bar' ] ,
[ [ 'foo' , '../../../bar' ] , '../../bar' ] ,
@ -312,11 +313,11 @@ joinTests.push([
] ) ;
joinTests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
joinTests . forEach ( ( test ) => {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( test [ 0 ] ) )
test [ 0 ] = [ test [ 0 ] ] ;
test [ 0 ] . forEach ( function ( join ) {
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( function ( test ) {
test [ 0 ] . forEach ( ( join ) => {
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( ( test ) => {
const actual = join . apply ( null , test [ 0 ] ) ;
const expected = test [ 1 ] ;
// For non-Windows specific tests with the Windows join(), we need to try
@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ joinTests.forEach(function(test) {
'\n expect=' + JSON . stringify ( expected ) +
'\n actual=' + JSON . stringify ( actual ) ;
if ( actual !== expected && actualAlt !== expected )
failures . push ( '\n' + message ) ;
failures . push ( ` \n ${ message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -346,15 +347,15 @@ assert.strictEqual(failures.length, 0, failures.join(''));
const typeErrorTests = [ true , false , 7 , null , { } , undefined , [ ] , NaN ] ;
function fail ( fn ) {
const args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
const args = Array . from ( arguments ) . slice ( 1 ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
fn . apply ( null , args ) ;
} , TypeError ) ;
typeErrorTests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
[ path . posix , path . win32 ] . forEach ( function ( namespace ) {
typeErrorTests . forEach ( ( test ) => {
[ path . posix , path . win32 ] . forEach ( ( namespace ) => {
fail ( namespace . join , test ) ;
fail ( namespace . resolve , test ) ;
fail ( namespace . normalize , test ) ;
@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ assert.strictEqual(path.posix.normalize('///..//./foo/.//bar'), '/foo/bar');
// path.resolve tests
const resolveTests = [
[ path . win32 . resolve ,
// arguments result
// arguments result
[ [ [ 'c:/blah\\blah' , 'd:/games' , 'c:../a' ] , 'c:\\blah\\a' ] ,
[ [ 'c:/ignore' , 'd:\\a/b\\c/d' , '\\e.exe' ] , 'd:\\e.exe' ] ,
[ [ 'c:/ignore' , 'c:/some/file' ] , 'c:\\some\\file' ] ,
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ const resolveTests = [
] ,
[ path . posix . resolve ,
// arguments result
// arguments result
[ [ [ '/var/lib' , '../' , 'file/' ] , '/var/file' ] ,
[ [ '/var/lib' , '/../' , 'file/' ] , '/file' ] ,
[ [ 'a/b/c/' , '../../..' ] , process . cwd ( ) ] ,
@ -425,9 +426,9 @@ const resolveTests = [
] ;
resolveTests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
resolveTests . forEach ( ( test ) => {
const resolve = test [ 0 ] ;
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( function ( test ) {
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( ( test ) => {
const actual = resolve . apply ( null , test [ 0 ] ) ;
let actualAlt ;
const os = resolve === path . win32 . resolve ? 'win32' : 'posix' ;
@ -516,7 +517,7 @@ const relativeTests = [
] ,
[ path . posix . relative ,
// arguments result
// arguments result
[ [ '/var/lib' , '/var' , '..' ] ,
[ '/var/lib' , '/bin' , '../../bin' ] ,
[ '/var/lib' , '/var/lib' , '' ] ,
@ -532,9 +533,9 @@ const relativeTests = [
] ;
relativeTests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
relativeTests . forEach ( ( test ) => {
const relative = test [ 0 ] ;
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( function ( test ) {
test [ 1 ] . forEach ( ( test ) => {
const actual = relative ( test [ 0 ] , test [ 1 ] ) ;
const expected = test [ 2 ] ;
const os = relative === path . win32 . relative ? 'win32' : 'posix' ;
@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ relativeTests.forEach(function(test) {
'\n expect=' + JSON . stringify ( expected ) +
'\n actual=' + JSON . stringify ( actual ) ;
if ( actual !== expected )
failures . push ( '\n' + message ) ;
failures . push ( ` \n ${ message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( failures . length , 0 , failures . join ( '' ) ) ;
@ -577,14 +578,14 @@ if (common.isWindows) {
// These tests cause resolve() to insert the cwd, so we cannot test them from
// non-Windows platforms (easily)
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( 'foo\\bar' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
'\\\\?\\' + process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + '\\foo\\bar' ) ;
` \\ \\ ? \\ ${ process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) } \\ foo \\ bar ` ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( 'foo/bar' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
'\\\\?\\' + process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + '\\foo\\bar' ) ;
` \\ \\ ? \\ ${ process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) } \\ foo \\ bar ` ) ;
const currentDeviceLetter = path . parse ( process . cwd ( ) ) . root . substring ( 0 , 2 ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( currentDeviceLetter ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
'\\\\?\\' + process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
` \\ \\ ? \\ ${ process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( 'C' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
'\\\\?\\' + process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + '\\c' ) ;
` \\ \\ ? \\ ${ process . cwd ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) } \\ c ` ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( 'C:\\foo' ) , '\\\\?\\C:\\foo' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( path . win32 . _ makeLong ( 'C:/foo' ) , '\\\\?\\C:\\foo' ) ;