@ -80,3 +80,27 @@ var Readable = require('stream').Readable; |
console.log('ok 2'); |
}); |
})(); |
(function third() { |
// Third test, not reading when the stream has not passed
// the highWaterMark but *has* reached EOF.
var r = new Readable({ |
highWaterMark: 30 |
}); |
// This triggers a 'readable' event, which is lost.
r.push(new Buffer('blerg')); |
r.push(null); |
var caughtReadable = false; |
setTimeout(function() { |
r.on('readable', function() { |
caughtReadable = true; |
}); |
}); |
process.on('exit', function() { |
assert(caughtReadable); |
console.log('ok 3'); |
}); |
})(); |