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build: change nosign flag to sign and flips logic

Makes the default build on Windows not try to sign the node.exe
binary after a build. Instead the 'sign' flag now indicates that the
binary should be signed. The 'nosign' flag is left as a noop.

Reviewed-By: Nikolai Vavilov <>
Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
Reviewed-By: Bartosz Sosnowski <>
Reviewed-By: Michael Dawson <>
Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
Reviewed-By: João Reis <>
Joe Doyle 8 years ago
committed by João Reis
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 17


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Contributors guide:
##### Checklist
<!-- Remove items that do not apply. For completed items, change [ ] to [x]. -->
- [ ] `make -j4 test` (UNIX), or `vcbuild test nosign` (Windows) passes
- [ ] `make -j4 test` (UNIX), or `vcbuild test` (Windows) passes
- [ ] tests and/or benchmarks are included
- [ ] documentation is changed or added
- [ ] commit message follows commit guidelines


@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Prerequisites:
and tools which can be included in the global `PATH`.
> .\vcbuild nosign
> .\vcbuild
To run the tests:


@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ set target_arch=x86
set target_env=
set noprojgen=
set nobuild=
set nosign=
set sign=
set nosnapshot=
set cctest_args=
set test_args=
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ if /i "%1"=="x64" set target_arch=x64&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="vc2015" set target_env=vc2015&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noprojgen" set noprojgen=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nobuild" set nobuild=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosign" set nosign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosign" set "sign="&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="sign" set sign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noetw" set noetw=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noperfctr" set noperfctr=1&goto arg-ok
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ if /i "%1"=="jslint" set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint-ci" set jslint_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="package" set package=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="msi" set msi=1&set licensertf=1&set download_arg="--download=all"&set i18n_arg=small-icu&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&set sign=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="upload" set upload=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="small-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="full-icu" set i18n_arg=%1&goto arg-ok
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ call :getnodeversion || exit /b 1
if "%target%"=="Clean" rmdir /Q /S "%~dp0%config%\node-v%FULLVERSION%-win-%target_arch%" > nul 2> nul
if defined noprojgen if defined nobuild if defined nosign if not defined msi goto licensertf
if defined noprojgen if defined nobuild if not defined sign if not defined msi goto licensertf
@rem Set environment for msbuild
@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if "%target%" == "Clean" goto exit
@rem Skip signing if the `nosign` option was specified.
if defined nosign goto licensertf
@rem Skip signing unless the `sign` option was specified.
if not defined sign goto licensertf
call tools\sign.bat Release\node.exe
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign exe&goto exit
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ echo Building node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
msbuild "%~dp0tools\msvs\msi\nodemsi.sln" /m /t:Clean,Build /p:PlatformToolset=%PLATFORM_TOOLSET% /p:GypMsvsVersion=%GYP_MSVS_VERSION% /p:Configuration=%config% /p:Platform=%target_arch% /p:NodeVersion=%NODE_VERSION% /p:FullVersion=%FULLVERSION% /p:DistTypeDir=%DISTTYPEDIR% %noetw_msi_arg% %noperfctr_msi_arg% /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal /nologo
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if defined nosign goto upload
if not defined sign goto upload
call tools\sign.bat node-v%FULLVERSION%-%target_arch%.msi
if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign msi&goto exit
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ echo Failed to create vc project files.
goto exit
echo vcbuild.bat [debug/release] [msi] [test-all/test-uv/test-inspector/test-internet/test-pummel/test-simple/test-message] [clean] [noprojgen] [small-icu/full-icu/without-intl] [nobuild] [nosign] [x86/x64] [vc2015] [download-all] [enable-vtune]
echo vcbuild.bat [debug/release] [msi] [test-all/test-uv/test-inspector/test-internet/test-pummel/test-simple/test-message] [clean] [noprojgen] [small-icu/full-icu/without-intl] [nobuild] [sign] [x86/x64] [vc2015] [download-all] [enable-vtune]
echo Examples:
echo vcbuild.bat : builds release build
echo vcbuild.bat debug : builds debug build
