@ -213,9 +213,31 @@ dist: doc $(TARBALL) $(PKG) |
PKGDIR=out/dist-osx |
release-only: |
@if [ "$(shell git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\? ')" = "" ]; then \
exit 0 ; \
else \
echo "" >&2 ; \
echo "The git repository is not clean." >&2 ; \
echo "Please commit changes before building release tarball." >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\?' >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
exit 1 ; \
fi |
@if [ $(shell ./node --version) = "$(VERSION)" ]; then \
exit 0; \
else \
echo "" >&2 ; \
echo "$(shell ./node --version) doesn't match $(VERSION)." >&2 ; \
echo "Did you remember to update src/node_version.cc?" >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
exit 1 ; \
fi |
pkg: $(PKG) |
$(PKG): |
$(PKG): release-only |
rm -rf $(PKGDIR) |
rm -rf out/deps out/Release |
./configure --prefix=$(PKGDIR)/32/usr/local --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=ia32 |
@ -236,27 +258,7 @@ $(PKG): |
--out $(PKG) |
SIGN="$(SIGN)" PKG="$(PKG)" bash tools/osx-productsign.sh |
$(TARBALL): node doc |
@if [ "$(shell git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\? ')" = "" ]; then \
exit 0 ; \
else \
echo "" >&2 ; \
echo "The git repository is not clean." >&2 ; \
echo "Please commit changes before building release tarball." >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\?' >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
exit 1 ; \
fi |
@if [ $(shell ./node --version) = "$(VERSION)" ]; then \
exit 0; \
else \
echo "" >&2 ; \
echo "$(shell ./node --version) doesn't match $(VERSION)." >&2 ; \
echo "Did you remember to update src/node_version.cc?" >&2 ; \
echo "" >&2 ; \
exit 1 ; \
fi |
$(TARBALL): release-only node doc |
git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(TARNAME)/ HEAD | tar xf - |
mkdir -p $(TARNAME)/doc/api |
cp doc/node.1 $(TARNAME)/doc/node.1 |
@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ $(TARBALL): node doc |
tar: $(TARBALL) |
$(BINARYTAR): release-only |
rm -rf $(BINARYNAME) |
rm -rf out/deps out/Release |
./configure --prefix=/ --without-snapshot --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) |
@ -308,4 +310,4 @@ cpplint: |
lint: jslint cpplint |
.PHONY: lint cpplint jslint bench clean docopen docclean doc dist distclean check uninstall install install-includes install-bin all staticlib dynamiclib test test-all website-upload pkg blog blogclean tar binary |
.PHONY: lint cpplint jslint bench clean docopen docclean doc dist distclean check uninstall install install-includes install-bin all staticlib dynamiclib test test-all website-upload pkg blog blogclean tar binary release-only |