@ -1,55 +1,59 @@
'use strict' ;
const common = require ( '../common' ) ;
// Test a directly created TLS socket supports no options, and empty options.
const assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
const join = require ( 'path' ) . join ;
const {
connect , keys , tls
} = require ( join ( common . fixturesDir , 'tls-connect' ) ) ;
if ( ! common . hasCrypto ) {
common . skip ( 'missing crypto' ) ;
return ;
const tls = require ( 'tls' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
const sent = 'hello world' ;
const serverOptions = {
isServer : true ,
key : fs . readFileSync ( common . fixturesDir + '/keys/agent1-key.pem' ) ,
cert : fs . readFileSync ( common . fixturesDir + '/keys/agent1-cert.pem' )
} ;
function testSocketOptions ( socket , socketOptions ) {
let received = '' ;
const server = tls . createServer ( serverOptions , function ( s ) {
s . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) {
received += chunk ;
test ( undefined , ( err ) => {
assert . strictEqual ( err . message , 'unable to verify the first certificate' ) ;
} ) ;
s . on ( 'end' , function ( ) {
server . close ( ) ;
s . destroy ( ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( received , sent ) ;
setImmediate ( runTests ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . listen ( 0 , function ( ) {
const c = new tls . TLSSocket ( socket , socketOptions ) ;
c . connect ( this . address ( ) . port , function ( ) {
c . end ( sent ) ;
} ) ;
test ( { } , ( err ) => {
assert . strictEqual ( err . message , 'unable to verify the first certificate' ) ;
} ) ;
const testArgs = [
[ ] ,
[ undefined , { } ]
] ;
test ( { secureContext : tls . createSecureContext ( { ca : keys . agent1 . ca } ) } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
} ) ;
let n = 0 ;
function runTests ( ) {
if ( n ++ < testArgs . length ) {
testSocketOptions . apply ( null , testArgs [ n ] ) ;
function test ( client , callback ) {
callback = common . mustCall ( callback ) ;
connect ( {
server : {
key : keys . agent1 . key ,
cert : keys . agent1 . cert ,
} ,
} , function ( err , pair , cleanup ) {
assert . strictEqual ( err . message , 'unable to verify the first certificate' ) ;
let recv = '' ;
pair . server . server . once ( 'secureConnection' , common . mustCall ( ( conn ) => {
conn . on ( 'data' , ( data ) => recv += data ) ;
conn . on ( 'end' , common . mustCall ( ( ) => {
// Server sees nothing wrong with connection, even though the client's
// authentication of the server cert failed.
assert . strictEqual ( recv , 'hello' ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
// Client doesn't support the 'secureConnect' event, and doesn't error if
// authentication failed. Caller must explicitly check for failure.
( new tls . TLSSocket ( null , client ) ) . connect ( pair . server . server . address ( ) . port )
. on ( 'connect' , common . mustCall ( function ( ) {
this . end ( 'hello' ) ;
} ) )
. on ( 'secure' , common . mustCall ( function ( ) {
callback ( this . ssl . verifyError ( ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
runTests ( ) ;