@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ set download_arg=
set release_urls_arg =
set release_urls_arg =
set build_release =
set build_release =
set configure_flags =
set configure_flags =
set build_addons =
: next-arg
: next-arg
if " %1 " == " " goto args-done
if " %1 " == " " goto args-done
@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " noetw " set noetw = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " noetw " set noetw = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " noperfctr " set noperfctr = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " noperfctr " set noperfctr = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " licensertf " set licensertf = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " licensertf " set licensertf = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test " set test_args = %test_args% sequential parallel message -J& set jslint = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test " set test_args = %test_args% addons sequential parallel message -J& set jslint = 1& set build_addons = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-ci " set test_args = %test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap message sequential parallel& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-ci " set test_args = %test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap addons message sequential parallel& set build_addons = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-addons " set test_args = %test_args% addons& set build_addons = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-simple " set test_args = %test_args% sequential parallel -J& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-simple " set test_args = %test_args% sequential parallel -J& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-message " set test_args = %test_args% message& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-message " set test_args = %test_args% message& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-gc " set test_args = %test_args% gc& set buildnodeweak = 1& goto arg-ok
if /i " %1 " == " test-gc " set test_args = %test_args% gc& set buildnodeweak = 1& goto arg-ok
@ -89,6 +91,9 @@ if defined build_release (
set i18n_arg = small-icu
set i18n_arg = small-icu
: : assign path to node_exe
set " node_exe= %config% \node.exe "
if " %config% " == " Debug " set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --debug
if " %config% " == " Debug " set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --debug
if defined nosnapshot set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --without-snapshot
if defined nosnapshot set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --without-snapshot
if defined noetw set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --without-etw& set noetw_msi_arg = /p:NoETW=1
if defined noetw set configure_flags = %configure_flags% --without-etw& set noetw_msi_arg = /p:NoETW=1
@ -237,15 +242,36 @@ ssh -F %SSHCONFIG% %STAGINGSERVER% "touch nodejs/%DISTTYPEDIR%/v%FULLVERSION%/no
: build-node-weak
: build-node-weak
@ rem Build node-weak if required
@ rem Build node-weak if required
if " %buildnodeweak% " == " " goto run-test s
if " %buildnodeweak% " == " " goto build-addon s
" %config% \node " deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild --directory=" %~dp0 test\gc\node_modules\weak " --nodedir=" %~dp0 . "
" %config% \node " deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild --directory=" %~dp0 test\gc\node_modules\weak " --nodedir=" %~dp0 . "
if errorlevel 1 goto build-node-weak-failed
if errorlevel 1 goto build-node-weak-failed
goto run-test s
goto build-addon s
: build-node-weak-failed
: build-node-weak-failed
echo Failed to build node-weak.
echo Failed to build node-weak.
goto exit
goto exit
: build-addons
if not defined build_addons goto run-tests
if not exist " %node_exe% " (
echo Failed to find node.exe
goto run-tests
echo Building add-ons
: : clear
for /d %% F in ( test\addons\??_*) do (
rd /s /q %% F
: : generate
" %node_exe% " tools\doc\addon-verify.js
: : building addons
for /d %% F in ( test\addons\*) do (
" %node_exe% " deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild ^
--directory=" %% F " ^
--nodedir=" %cd% "
goto run-tests
: run-tests
: run-tests
if " %test_args% " == " " goto jslint
if " %test_args% " == " " goto jslint
if " %config% " == " Debug " set test_args = --mode=debug %test_args%
if " %config% " == " Debug " set test_args = --mode=debug %test_args%